• Published 26th Mar 2024
  • 376 Views, 12 Comments

The Markless Wonderer: Origin - OllerusTheFailure

The tale of a usual colt with an exceptional thought. One that doesn't belong in the mind of a young pony. But that's the dilemma. He's a pony of Equestria.

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Chapter Four: Another Dull Day Begins ⛅

After enduring comedic abuse from my parents, instant relief washed over me after taking my hooves outside. A gentle chill wrapped around me as I ventured into the morning air. Thank you, Celestia and Luna, for protecting me from Mom and Dad. Though next time, could it hurt less?

Those thoughts cleared out upon realizing an imminent confrontation with my best friend, Ice Whistle. That family breakfast situation had distracted me from my troubles. Is appreciation called for? Should I just be honest with him? Truthfully, I had little to say. Perhaps I’m avoiding the central topic or being indirect, beating around the bush (not a tree/shrub-related joke).

That’s it, then. No more running. Whatever Whis asks me, he’ll only receive honesty in return.

Bring it on. Come at me with all your questions, Ice Whistle.

You know what? Reciting that left a sense of satisfaction. More confidence. Thinking about it now, I’m looking forward to it. Did my mindset regarding this improve? Possibly tired of holding these feelings back? This experience was kept to myself for a long time, but I found somepony who wouldn’t judge me if I shared it with them. Yes, Ice Whistle was always there, that’s true, but I wasn’t ready before. My fear and bitterness blinded me from seeing him as that pony. And in the absence of carefulness, what kind of pony would be left? Something I didn’t mean could have been said—something that could have hurt others.

The typical procedure was adhered to as trots took place on the cleared dirt trail, leaving minimal hoofprints. As my destination closened, my classmates waited outside the school entrance. Miss Scarlet Petals being late is not a rare occurrence. It was something we knew her for. The question was, how did she do it this time? Did her dog cause her to be late? Directing too much attention on her appearance? Or is that attention being diverted to the handsome stallion she has a secret crush on? Whatever it may be, I hope it doesn’t take too long. It was awkward just standing here and doing nothing.

I glimpsed a pony wearing a black and grey-striped scarf and beanie. Silky white mane, a horn, icy blue fur, magenta irises – it all checked out. Target located, I strode past everypony and stood next to him, falling cold specks of snow kissing my coat. “Mornin’ Whis.”

“There he is, my old pal Thorn.” It’s early to say, but everything seems to be normal. However, that could be all in my head. Ice Whistle, in his usual thoughtful manner, will keep quiet about this in front of everypony. “Did you have an average and uneventful morning, as usual?”

The air was as frigidly humid as always, and our breath turned into puffs of mist with every exhale. “Average? Yeah, but with slight variations.”

Ice Whistle furrowed his brow. “How so?”

Having to recall the reason, a grumpy expression resembling one of our middle-aged neighbors, Brisk Prize, broke out. “My parents acting like themselves is nothing new, but the awful jokes this morning were beyond traumatizing.”

In the distance, my eyes followed a small flock of white geese honking as they gracefully flew toward the nearest body of water, Luna Bay. “I guess you wouldn’t believe it if I said it, but your parents are quite enthralling.”

An ice-cold tear brimmed up. “Please don’t say that word…”

“...?” Ice Whistle tilted his head. A snowflake landed right in his ear canal, causing it to twitch.

My perspective of ‘wouldn’t’ has changed. Hopefully, not for long. If ponies found my parents interesting, understanding why is easy. Around them, it’s like living with a circus of clowns. But I must admit, their ability to make dull days more bearable is something to be grateful for.

Soon after, a classmate of ours whispered to somepony. “U-um, Ice Whistle…” The timid voice belonged to a turquoise-coated filly named Starry Vision. A pony I had seen often but never conversed with. It was unclear to me what she wished to discuss with Ice Whistle. Plus, it’s hard to tell if she’s looking at Ice Whistle when her teal-colored mane always covers one of her eyes.

Ice Whistle greeted her with a friendly and apologetic tone. “Hey, Starry Vision, sorry about yesterday. I planned to talk to you about that sometime today or tomorrow.”

Her front legs fidgeted, her eyes locked on the ground, and her voice tinged with uncertainty. “That’s okay… I’d rather talk about it when no other pony is around. Is that fine with you?”

“Of course, if you insist, I’ll gladly oblige.”

“Thanks…” Now, she started scratching away at the dirt surface.

Since it was none of my business, I didn’t care. Sort of. I figured it was a unicorn-related question because they were both unicorns. Then, without warning, a dog's barking invaded my ears. “Woof!”

Right on cue, that had to be Miss Scarlet Petals and her pet committing another crime—an inside joke our class made. One of our classmates – Splotch Wing – painted our teacher and her dog on a white canvas, wearing black ski masks and sweaters, breaking and entering a house, and ransacking the place clean. ‘The Scarlet Hazelnut Burglars.’ It still made me chuckle looking at it—we each have a copy.

“Hazel!” Scarlet Petals yelled. The dog stopped at the school door and sat, dropping a pair of brown slippers on the porch. With tired breaths, Miss Scarlet Petals made her way over. Her pursuit must have lasted a while. “Hazel… Bad dog… Bad… You’re so evil, Hazel.”

It didn’t look like Hazel cared, though. She lay there, scratching her ear with one of her hind paws.

Cute, but we know your true nature, demon.

Miss Scarlet Petals walked up to Hazel and collapsed onto the side of the porch. The owner and pet were now lying together. Hazel went to lick the scarlet mare’s face, possibly savoring her sweat and tears. It would make for an adorable picture she could laugh at later. Although sweet to those unaware of the context, that picture is just another reminder of Scarlet Petals’ stressful life for us students.

Oh well. Click!

Somepony from our class snapped a picture. That shot had to be golden. I would have to ask for a copy.

Afterward, an older earth pony approached. He looked older than my parents, but not elderly either. His coat was white like snow, and his mane and mustache were the exact opposite, black like coal. It was one of our many neighbors, Brisk Prize. He also wore a grey fedora, and his white fur was stained with light brown splotch marks. What’s the story there?

Brisk Prize walked up to our instructor and picked up the slobbery pair of brown slippers beside Hazel with his mouth. “Keep that overgrown rat on a leash. I refuse to tolerate the thievery and filthy mouth of that creature on my belongings, Scarlet Petals,” he mumbled.

“Won’t happen… again, Brisk Prize,” Miss Scarlet Petals nervously smiled, her breaths labored and uneven.

“Hmph.” Did he not realize he was using his mouth to pick up those very slippers? Nopony had the gall to tell him.

Brisk Prize left the school grounds with sass and returned home. I wondered if he would like the art and the picture we had of our teacher, curious about how many bits he’d be willing to spit up. Ocular Vignette, the colt who took the photo, prepare yourself. Establishing a business is our next move.

Unfortunately, the class was now in session. The time for fun is over. Earlier, our teacher was on the doorstep praying for water, and as soon as we got inside, she dashed straight to the built-in water fountain near the back of the classroom and devoured it. “Water! Sweet, holy water!”

Everypony was in their assigned seats. From my point of view, a dog cage held a prisoner captive to the left of the teacher's desk. The path of crime has consequences, and that’s the price you pay, demon king. My respect for Hazel knows no bounds. Maybe she was just trying to keep things interesting for Miss Scarlet Petals. After that, Ice Whistle posed a question, seeking my opinion while Hazel whined against the bars of her cell. “What’s your opinion about Hazel’s behavior?”

Contemplating it, I crossed my hooves and peered up at the ceiling. Earlier, I didn’t mean the idea that came to mind seriously. I couldn’t develop anything else, so I hastened my first thoughts. “It’s possible she’s trying to bring some excitement to this monotonous town for Miss Scarlet Petals. Or for herself.”

Nature Thorn, will you ever relinquish these notions? Can you ever?

Time had frozen.

His response was so profound that it left me with no other viewpoint. “Interesting answer,” I responded and continued. “As for what I believe—”

“She might be searching for something… specific.”

“What can Hazel be searching for in house slippers?”

Ice Whistle fixed his gaze on the blank chalkboard. “Not everything is how it seems… on the surface.”


Splotch Wing, another student in our class, broke his pencil in half.

“Another one, Splotch Wing?” Ocular Vignette, a colt who often teased Splotch Wing, asked, astounded by the repeated mistake.

“Off my wings, Ocular Vignette!”

Until our teacher finished guzzling water and returned to her desk to start class, I remained silent. “Thanks for giving me time to recollect myself, students. Today has been tiresome, but hey, tomorrow is Saturday, so the weekend is almost here!” Miss Scarlet Petals fiercely glared at Hazel, then continued. “Which means a time of relaxation. Right, Hazel? There will be drastic measures if you ruin this much-needed weekend for me.”

“Arf?” Hazel whimpered.

“Anyway, let’s begin the day by exercising our minds. Who’s ready for some math problems? Should we begin with our favorite, the Pythagorean theorem?”

In other words, torture. Sigh... It’s too early for math. To prove it, most of the class groaned at our teacher’s declaration. But that’s school for you, isn’t it? The smell of chalk and the sight of the dusty chalkboard were all too familiar.

Such a life of familiarity...is irksome.

And so, another dull day of education began.

At the same time Nature Thorn was attending school, Forest Seed was sitting on the living room couch, and I, cleaning dishes, relished our time at home. “I wish this town had more local activities… We should plan a family vacation. What do you think, Forest Seed dear?”

“We haven’t had a vacation since Nature Thorn was born. I’d say when he’s older. We can participate in grown-up activities together, and it’ll make for a nice birthday gift when he becomes a grown stallion.”

“Wonderful idea… If only it weren’t a few years down the road,” I said, then continued under my breath. “We’re not counting Vanhoover as a vacation.”

“The longer you resist, the slower and more enjoyable the journey will become.”

“I hate waiting, you know this. Remember when you arrived late to one of our first dates?”


“Forest Seed!”


A loud thumping on the door resounded through the room. Was it my Whittle Brimble, taken ill during class and forced to leave early? Or was it an unexpected visitor? We couldn’t afford to linger and wait, for it would be impolite. With a mix of curiosity and caution, we walked over, and Forest Seed cautiously peeked through the peephole.

“Heya Mr. Thorn and Mrs. Fleurs! I have additional breakfast provisions from earlier. I assumed that you both might be keen on tasting it. How’s about it?” No questions needed. It was one of our neighbors. The elder brother of a student that goes to the same school as Nature Thorn—Stargazer. His curly mane possessed the same shade of teal as his younger relative, while his fur boasted a dark powdery blue.

“Come on, Forest Seed, answer him,” I said, encouraging him with a gentle nudge to his rear end.

“Err, we had quite the fulfilling breakfast,” Forest Seed mumbled through the door.

“That’s unfortunate. I’m sure I overheard you favored recipes from the Sugarcube Corner recipe book. Well, I’ll be on my way then. Have a merry day, you two!” I could hear Stargazer’s steps as he clopped away from our porch.


“Wait! You said you made something from the Sugarcube Corner recipe book?” Forest Seed exclaimed. If Stargazer had heard a muffled voice before, he could hear it clearly now.

Stargazer, sensing Forest Seed’s curiosity, turned back to face us. “Indeed, I did! I tried my hoof at some jalapeno red velvet omelet cupcakes,” he announced with a grin.

Forest Seed extended his cheek muscles to their limits and surveyed me for reassurance. I shook my head. He frowned at first, but then he cracked the door open. I hastened my head shake, and Forest Seed answered by quickening the door’s opening. In response, I continued emulating his behavior with my head shaking. The process continued until the door was open, baring all ponies on both sides.

“Please come on in Stargazer,” Forest Seed said.

“Don’t mind if I do.”

Are you kidding me right now? “Excuse me, Stargazer, but did you say jalapeno red velvet omelet cupcakes?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Tears verged. There was no way out of this situation. Our act of welcoming a guest with food left us with no alternative but to indulge. Unless… “Fun fact: I’m allergic to eggs.”

“Honey bug, you made us scrambled eggs earlier and ate them.”

My dunce of a husband thwarted my escape plan. I shot him a withering glare but had to stow it away because Stargazer was on the verge of making eye contact as we entered the kitchen. “Thus, you can sample some! Your husband’s memory served us well, didn’t it?”

I scowled. “Yup… very well.”

“You reap what you sow, honey bug.”

Upon that remark, my right hind leg kicked Forest Seed’s left hind leg. “You’re right, dear.”

“Mr. Thorn, Mrs. Fleurs, I must say, your kitchen looks fantastic!”

“Thanks, it’s the same kitchen as every other here at Luna Bay…” I couldn’t help but let a hint of sarcasm slip out of my mouth.

“That’s true, but I can feel your love for each other here.”

“Heh, you can say that again,” Forest Seed muttered.

Whap! I hit the back of Forest Seed’s head.

“Your son, Nature Thorn, too.”

“Don’t make it weird, Stargazer.” Whap! “Ow…”

Stargazer must have thought he picked up on thumping, but we stood there with awkward smiles when he looked at us. “I’m going to put these on your family table, then we can sit and eat.”

Forest Seed cheered on. “Yes! No need to wait any further. Let’s just chow down.”

The visiting pony placed the horrid batch of omelet cupcakes onto the table, grabbed some plates from our kitchen cabinets, and put the Sugarcube Corner delicacies on them. After placing the desserts on the plates, Stargazer pushed the plates, causing them to slide to the other side of the family table—one for Forest Seed and one for me. Forest Seed relished the treat, savoring each bite with a lip-licking gesture. Pressured into doing this, I took a bite and chewed at a snail’s pace. Richness, fluffiness, and a crun—


As soon as my brain registered what my mouth crunched on: a juicy pepper mixing with the fluffiness of the red velvet cake, I stopped chewing and kept my mouth open, eyes in disarray. The tangy juices of the pepper dripped down my lips and onto the plank floor. At this moment, I could only muster three specific words. “…What the fu—”

Chill winds swept through, causing a particular purple scaly nose to sniffle. “What motivated you to venture all the way out here?” A question posed while we approached an outlying village. The colony was ornamented with a delicate layer of snow that covered the roofs of all its timber buildings. It was silent, except for the gentle crunch of snow.

My close friend, Spike, sneezed and responded to my prior question. “Achoo! You’re asking me this now after we’ve finally arrived?”

“The idea’s been at the back of my mind, but I must admit, the journey’s been distracting.”

“In that case, I’ll answer your question, Thorax.” We passed the sign that read ‘Welcome to the town by Luna Bay.’ The wooden sign seemed to have aged because it appeared worn out but stood firm, like hardened changeling slime. “To that end, you can think of it as a brief vacation. My life has been rather disordered since taking up the position of Royal Advisor. Don’t misunderstand. I’m always happy to be by Twilight’s side and help, but sometimes it can become…overwhelming. I’d like to take this opportunity to lighten the load.”

“I can understand where you’re coming from. I thought the same way, now, and before we met.” We trekked forward, leaving prints along the lightly snow-covered dirt path, conversing with one another as we passed a resident’s cottage. “And the other end?”

The winter sun flickered. Spike was blinded for a moment, struggling to adjust his eyesight. He blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision. “What?”

“You said ‘to that end.’ So, what about the other side?”

Moving along, an upcoming pine tree stood tall, its branches and thin needle leaves tipped with heavy frost, creating a barrier that prevented the winter sun from penetrating through completely, awarding Spike with the proper amount of time he needed to restore his sight. “Oh, yeah. To that end, Twilight aimed to ensure that the School of Friendship is accessible to the entirety of Equestria. To every pony and creature across the land. It’s always been, of course, but the more remote territories of Equestria might not have gotten the message. Or bothered to answer it.”

We strolled past an outdoor lamppost. I noticed a familiar sound and the familiar sun-shaped symbol of the flickering lamppost head as it buzzed on and off. Fly-ders swarmed around it, which may have prompted some thoughts about my place of birth. There was no point in having it on during the daytime. It was clearly malfunctioning. “What makes you think that?”

“Starlight documented the hometowns of the students attending the school and realized there weren’t any students from this area,” Spike emphasized by pointing a claw down on his palm.

“Not acknowledging this town must have made them feel bad...”

“For sure. But it’s not their fault, though. The name of the town isn’t even shown on any map. Luna Bay is the only name displayed over here. What’s the deal with that?” Spike pondered, scratching his head.

We attracted curious looks from some townsfolk. A white stallion was bitterly reading a newspaper outside on a beach chair, wearing a grey fedora. “What are ya lookin’ at?” Although he was reading the newspaper, he gave off an unwelcoming vibe.

“Nothing! Heh… yeesh, tough crowd,” Spike mumbled.

“I’m sure we just caught him on a bad day.” I waved to the bitter pegasus just to earn another resentful stare.

The frigid temperature caused Spike to shudder, and a pallor washed over his face. “Okay, I’ve been doing my best to neglect this, but the cold makes me very uncomfortable. Mind if we ask somepony if we can come inside for a bit?”

I took on a proud voice since Spike depended on me for help. “Whatever aids my cherished buddy.”

By chance, a powdery blue pony with curly teal hair was heading in our direction, humming a jubilant tune. “Hm hm hm hm hmmm, hm hm hm hm hmmm…”

Recognizing Spike's need, I wasted no time in seizing the first chance that came our way. “I apologize for interrupting your lovely tune, but my friend is struggling with the cold. Do you know of any place where we can warm ourselves up?”

The pony stopped and stared at us like the unusual-looking visitors we were and whistled. “How about that? Our little town is getting visitors? Welcome, welcome! My name is Stargazer, and to answer your question, I know of the perfect abode that will warm the both of you right up.”

“Really?! That should be perfect then!” I exclaimed. That was easier than expected.

“Oh… so… cold…” Spike appeared paler and paler by the minute.

“I’ve never seen a dragon before, but this is no time to be amazed! Let’s get you that warmth you need!”

“Just hang on, Spike, I’ll carry you there.” I shifted into a creature capable of turning this nameless town upside down, determined to provide the warmth Spike needed. As leader of the changelings, and like any other changeling, I’m grateful for my ability to change into any creature I desire. This transformation into a centaur was necessary now that Spike had grown, so I hauled him while trailing behind Stargazer.

“I just have to say, that is rrradical!” Stargazer exclaimed merrily, his voice filled with genuine excitement, and trotted toward our next stop.

With every step, I couldn’t help but worry about the potential disturbance my stomping might cause. I had to be careful for the sake of the town and our mission.

It was like any other day. Settled outside with my newspaper, having been subjected to the howls of that enormous rodent engaging in some form of misdemeanor while its owner gave chase. Then, two unwelcome visitors rudely gawked at me. Soon after that, one of them turned into a darn centaur.

No. Not dealing with whatever that is. I packed my things and headed inside. “That’s enough ‘outside’ for today.”

I may need to consider moving.

Once again, there was a knock at the door. Who could that be this time? Was Stargazer, my eccentric neighbor, coming back? I can’t handle eating another one of those abominations he made for breakfast. It might have scarred me for life. I could not look at the Sugarcube Corner recipe book the same. I might have to set the thing on fire when my partner, Forest Seed, isn't around. If it is Stargazer, I’ll inform him we’re preoccupied and to return later. If Forest Seed replies, he will allow entry. I refuse to let that happen.

Forest Seed was hitting the television to get it to work. Perfect. “If it’s Stargazer, let him in. I want to discuss arrangements for him to cook more recipes from that book.”

“Okay, dear,” I responded, but couldn’t help but wonder, ‘What’s the reason for Stargazer’s return?’ Although I was curious, I ignored his calls, my mind buzzing with questions.

“Yoo-hoo! Mr. Thorn and Mrs. Fleurs, I have some visitors here for you!”

Plural? Visitors? As in, more than just you? Were it solely him, I would have urged him to leave. However, given that he arrived with company, I felt a knot of apprehension in my stomach. How can I muster the nerve to ask that they all go? That’s an easy one, I couldn’t.

Click! Errrr….

Stargazer’s visit was merely a distraction from the hefty dragon behind him. The dragon was wrapping its appendage around what I presume to be a reformed changeling. Why would such an odd pairing be together all the way out here? The only solution is to discover for yourself. “Please, enter.”

Boy, Thorn, I wonder how your day is going because your father’s just got a little weird.

Odd figures occupied our living room, which contained a couch, a bean bag chair, a television, and a staircase leading to the second floor. Behind the sofa, the kitchen served as our background. I, Stargazer, Misty Fleurs, a light mulberry purple-scaled dragon, and a lime green reformed changeling. At a place called ‘Ponyville,’ this was supposedly the norm, but this place was not Ponyville. Right beside Luna Bay settled our unnamed town. This is that place—a village mainly composed of earth ponies and unicorns. There were a few pegasi here, so you best believe seeing a dragon and a changeling is a sight that sparks curiosity and wonder.

The couch fits three figures—Misty Fleurs and me, who sat on the right side, and Stargazer to the left of us. Beside the sofa was the dragon, lying in the noisy bean bag chair by the electronic heater. On the other side of that heater was the changeling, standing proud with a relaxed expression.

“Sweet relief, this heater is greaaaat… I might have to take it with me,” the dragon expressed, his relief palpable and his face regaining its color. His dramatic reaction to the heater’s warmth brought a smile to our faces, lightening the mood in the room.

“You know, I just realized something. Why didn’t you just breathe fire to heat yourself earlier, Spike?”

“Dang it, Thorax! I wish you had asked me that earlier. You’re on a roll with these late questions.” Spike sighed and crossed his scaly arms, sagging deeper into the bean bag chair. “Ugh… How could I forget something like that?”

“Heh… well, just don’t do it here with all this wood…” I chuckled and suggested. That surely would not be in our favor. And did they refer to each other as Spike and Thorax? There’s a prime chance that these visitors are Spike, the Royal Advisor for Princess Twilight, and Thorax, the king of changelings.

“Yeah, this entire town’s agriculture seems to depend on it,” Spike mentioned.

“You bet. Wood is a versatile material suitable for both cold and warm seasons. It’s a superb building material,” I replied, sticking my chest out pridefully.

“I’ve noticed that! I’m glad it isn’t my imagination,” Thorax commented.

Hearing that, Spike jolted as if a distant memory had resurfaced. He turned his head toward Thorax and asked for confirmation. “Oh yeah, you mentioned once that you and the other changelings came from a tree, right?”

“That’s right. And if it wasn’t strange enough, we’re born ‘evil...’ My birth occurred a little later through an egg hatching, though.”

Spike’s face turned to one of disgust. His eyebrows stiffened, and his arms crossed. “I’m confident that the dastardly queen you followed is accountable for that. Not the rest of the changelings. Just being born, maybe you all adjusted to her passion because you were unaware of how to do things differently?”

Thorax brought a foreleg closer to his face to examine the odd green. “I’m not wholly certain, Spike. The recollections from that time are… hazy.”

“Maybe because I’m right? You’re not evil like her, Thorax.”

“Ohhh, you mean that detestable black-hearted Queen Chrysalis, am I right?” Stargazer interrupted.

“Yeah… her.” Thorax emphasized his last word with disdain.

“Whatever, she’s had her chance, and she’s no longer a concern, as that abomination will be petrified for eternity,” Spike asserted, wiping the serious expression off his face.

“Pardon me, but may I ask what the two of you creatures are doing out here?” Misty Fleurs inquired, her voice laced with a hint of curiosity.

With remarkable speed, Thorax reacted. “Apologies, Mr. and Mrs.?”

“Oh, I’m Misty Fleurs.”

“And I’m Forest Seed.”

“Allow me to introduce myself as Thorax, the leader of the changeling hive. My friend here will explain. His reason, genuine.”

On the noisy bean bag chair, he fixed his posture. “My name is Spike—”

“The Brave and Glorious.”

Spike continued his explanation after shooting Thorax a quick glare. “As the Royal Advisor for Princess Twilight and on behalf of her and Headmare Starlight Glimmer, I would like to offer the ponies in this town the opportunity to attend the School of Friendship.”

“Ta-daaa!” Thorax cheered.

In a breathtaking moment, Stargazer, Misty Fleurs, and I were left speechless. Suddenly, there was a sharp popping sound—Stargazer had fired a petite confetti blaster, marking the astonishing declaration with a burst of color and joy.

“A confetti blaster? That sure brings back memories.”

“We’re being noticed by a princess?” I asked.

The Princess Twilight Sparkle?! I never imagined I’d be near anything associated with her… With royalty,” Misty Fleurs beamed. As regular townsfolk who can be found anywhere, we can now say we encountered the Royal Advisor for the ruler of Equestria. Considering nothing extraordinary happened here, this moment will be ingrained in the town’s history.

“Anyway, where exactly is the school in this town?” Spike asked.

Keen on the idea, I answered. “Just head west of here, and you can’t miss it. It’s the only painted building over there.”

“I’d like to thank you all, Stargazer, for bringing us here and both of you for providing me with warmth and directions. Thorax and I will take our leave to notify the school of the good news.”

“No need to be modest. We’re just happy to help,” Misty Fleurs clarified.

“Indeed, and besides, our son attends that school. This is a great opportunity. With his potential, he’ll become a remarkable stallion and hence would be an excellent addition to your school.”

“Such confidence,” Thorax commented, admiring me as a father.

“Can’t wait to meet him, now, if you’ll excuse us.” Getting up from his noisy bean bag chair, Spike turned off the heater, and Thorax joined him. The door creaked as they pushed it open and stepped into the winter air. The two creatures were on a quest, and they would see it through.

Upon departure, Thorax left his sentiments. “It’s been a pleasure to have met every one of you!” Then the door closed.

“Wish I could see his reaction,” Misty Fleurs said.

A light bulb lit up above my head. “Let’s go around the side and peek through the schoolhouse window.”

“My love for you grows in times like these, Forest Seed.”

Can’t forget Stargazer. He was on board with the plan primarily because it aligned with his routine. Sometimes, he talks about how he watches his sister attend class through the school building window. “You can count me in!”

And so, the three of us like-minded miscreants set off on our daring, improper mission.

At my desk in class, my head rested on my brownish-orange right hoof, utterly bored—a sense of numbness in the brain. Though not overly complicated, specific math problems necessitated unique problem-solving methods that made the problem-solving process seem even more time-consuming and wasteful. But what can you do?

In any case, everypony in class was delighted to hear that we would be moving on to the next subject. I was content since we were informed that history would be the upcoming topic. Equestria’s history is pretty interesting, I suppose. I can go on a tangent about geography, but the suffocating bubble we create for ourselves irks me. Imagine if Equestria was in a jar, and that’s it. What about the outside? This should go without saying. No matter how large, a jar cannot hold even a fraction of the world’s magnitude.

“It’s time to get started without further ado,” Miss Scarlet Petals began and resumed. “And should I come across the little turd who took that photo earlier, your ass will be mine.” My ears picked up on the culprit’s fear as he gulped. You reap what you sow, Ocular Vignette. If you ask me, Miss Scarlet Petals is one of the most indifferent ponies in Luna Bay. “Now, let’s discuss a pony from the days of yore… The illustrious Star Swirl the Bearded! I’m sure you all at least heard the name before.”

With a raised hoof, Starry Vision posed a question. “Is it true he passed away a few years ago?”

“A body was never found to confirm. However, after Princess Twilight brought him back into the Equestria of today, it would only make sense that he would continue to age normally. He was already old then, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s deceased now. Some of the other pillars passed away as well. Regardless, he continued exploring Equestria and learning its hidden mysteries. And more about friendship. Who knows, maybe he’s still living, but in secret.”

“No way! There’d be no reason to live in secret! Especially when he’s so ancient!” Splotch Wing commented while covertly drawing on a sheet of paper with a wing.

“No reason? While it may not appear clear to us, it is probable that somepony as wise as Star Swirl would have impeccable reasoning,” Miss Scarlet Petals replied.

Although implausible, Star Swirl came across as a pony I would be interested in meeting. We could have discussed if I had been born earlier.

Then, in the middle of our history lesson, something unusual happened. Our door was being knocked on. Only two scenarios popped into my head. Scenario one, the parents of somepony, were rewarding us with a visit for whatever reason. In scenario two, our village leader graces us with another unexpected check-in to ensure Miss Scarlet Petals fulfills her educational duties. Entertainment-wise, my hope was for the latter. Our village leader is a stickler for following the law to the letter—a veritable enforcer of rules. Her name is Page Martinet. Coincidence? I think not.

My encounters with her were few, but she was an aged mare whose grey and white mane was styled in a bun. Her bangs were on the brink of covering her eyes, almost hiding behind the stereotypical librarian glasses, and her fur was as pale as beach sand.

The silence in the room was only interrupted by the clock's ticking as everypony fixed their gaze on the door with curiosity. “Our class seems to have a visitor. Please act appropriately while I answer the door...” Then she glared back at us. “And after.”


“Criminy.” It seems she had forgotten about the prisoner held captive in class. If Page Martinet is the one at the door, simply put, our teacher is royally screwed. If it was not the village leader… I would still be more surprised by the fact that Hazel had not already gotten her owner kicked out of town.

Then, with bated breath from herself and the students, Miss Scarlet Petals approached the door. “I’ll be right there!” Despite arriving there, she looked at the door with a nauseous expression, like she was about to throw up. She rested an ear on the brown exterior. “Page Martinet, is that you… bestie?”

The response came curtly and slightly muffled. “No.”

“Yeah, he’s mine!”

Bad news: it was not Page Martinet. Fans of ‘The Life of Scarlet Petals’ were left to anticipate a new episode at another date. Judging by the deep tone of the suppressed voice behind the door, it seemed like it was scenario one.

Except it was neither.

Miss Scarlet Petals released a breath of relief and opened the door. The world slowed down. We saw not ponies but something we’d never seen with our natural eyes. Other creatures. It was a light mulberry purple dragon and a light lime green reformed changeling with orange antlers, leaving me dumbfounded. My interest sparked, wanting to know more. I don't doubt that they had a reason, an explanation, for being here. I decided waiting and letting things play out was the best course of action.

All the ponies in the room voiced their surprise, including our teacher. “W-w-what brings you here? I wasn’t informed of any special visitors.”

The dragon scratched the back of his neck nervously. “My bad, I should’ve put in a word.”

“You mean you didn’t notify them ahead of time, Spike?”

“Heheh… Whoops.”

“Also, did we need to go through the trouble of taking a train and walking all the way here when we could’ve asked Discord to teleport us?”

Spike pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ugh, that’s the third one, Thorax! No, you know what? I’m not counting that last one. Don’t forget, this was mostly an excuse to sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey.”

“Hehe… Whoops. Apologies, Spike.”

Miss Scarlet Petals interrupted the odd duo. “Wait, d-did you just say D-D-Discord? As in the Lord of Chaos, Discord?”

“Yeah, he’s our pal, but everypony and creature knows he’s a good guy now,” Spike responded casually, trying to brush aside any worries.

“I’ve heard…” Miss Scarlet Petals said, slowly backpedaling to the prison cell, holding Hazel by her desk. With a commanding tone, she opened the dog cage and shouted an order. “Get ‘em, Hazel!”

“RooRooRoo!” Hazel leaped toward the most prominent figure around—the purple dragon.

I didn’t believe Hazel could do much, but to my astonishment, the Royal Advisor turned tail and fled. “Whoaaa!”

“Heel! Heel!” Thorax yelled as he tried to calm the dog down, chasing it from behind.

“Gooood girl! Good girl!” Crazed scientist Scarlet Petals cheered on her creation with delirious energy. The only observation to be made is that this scene was nonsensical. The winter sun beamed down on the Royal Advisor and the changeling darting and hollering around the dreary fences of the snow-covered front yard. Was the changeling unaware it could frighten Hazel away by taking on a much larger form? An ursa should do it. Then again, that could prove useless if Hazel was as fearless as she was diabolical. In that case, we might have to call the royal guard. Hazel might belong in Tartarus.

“RooRoo!” With the background being some of our homes in the residential district, the snowy expanse was filled with the echoes of Hazel’s barks and the frightened screams of her prey.

“Thorax, what are we doing?! We’ve dealt with the likes of Opal and Angel before. This dog should be nothing!”

“Other than Chrysalis, Opal is the only creature I fear turning into… You’re right, Spike, let’s end this tomfoolery!”

As much as I wanted to see that, it never came to pass because a particular mare showed up during the silly commotion. “What in Equestria is happening here?!”

The fan-favorite character of our favorite show appeared. Seems we might have a new episode of ‘The Life of Scarlet Petals’ airing after all. To whom do we owe the pleasure, Chieftain Page Martinet?

Spike, Thorax, Hazel, and Miss Scarlet Petals all froze in place. A distinct chill always lingered whenever Page Martinet was present as if she were a walking blizzard. “Scarlet Petals, attennntion!” Just as she proclaimed, the pony in question teleported right in front of her instantly. No magic involved. They’re both earth ponies.

“Long time no see… bestie!” Miss Scarlet Petals said with a nervous smile.

“Not your bestie,” Page Martinet responded bluntly.

Sweat dripped down her scarlet muzzle. “Right… So, what are you doing here, if I may ask?”

“There have been rumors about peculiar visitors strolling around the town, causing a minor disturbance. Know anything about that, Scarlet Petals?” Page Martinet asked, glancing at the unusual creatures.

“To be frank, no… but it must be the dragon and changeling over there, correct?”

Page Martinet slowly rolled her eyes back onto Miss Scarlet Petals. “Hmph. Precisely.”

Seated in the farthest row from the door, I could still observe the lively commotion and feel the crisp, wintry breeze that sneaked in from the entrance. Several ponies in the classroom stood together, shoulder to shoulder, peering out from the frost-kissed window. I wasn’t kidding when I said this was our favorite show.

“I have an additional question for you,” Page Martinet said, pushing her librarian glasses back up.

Our teacher bowed with her response. “Of course, Miss Page Martinet.”

“You can drop the miss… And why is there a dog here?”

Something glistened off Miss Scarlet Petal’s head, and it was not snow. “U-uh… well you see…”

“Sorry to interrupt,” Spike started out and continued. “I should have figured this place had a pony in charge and sought them out, but it slipped my mind.”

“Slipped your mind… Is that indeed the case? Mr. Dragon, might I ask what status you prefer me to use?” Page Martinet asked, scanning Spike head-to-toe.

“You can just call me by my name, Spike, and my changeling friend there is Thorax.”

Thorax waved. “Hiya, I’m that friend.”

“There’s a dragon named Spike in an influential position from Canterlot. If I am not mistaken, you’re the Royal Advisor for Princess Twilight, correct?”


The room fell into a stunned silence, everypony gasping in disbelief. The information we had just received was beyond anything we could have imagined, sparking a flurry of gossip and whispered conversations.

The Royal Advisor of Princess Twilight Sparkle—The Princess of Friendship. She had humble beginnings in Canterlot and, most significantly, in Ponyville. There wasn’t a pony in Equestria that did not know of Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Flurry Heart, and Twilight. While it was presumably not uncommon to find her in Canterlot and Ponyville, having somepony remotely resembling her was an exceptional occurrence for us. Even when the bay next to us bears the name of Princess Luna, the reason why remains elusive. It’s not like she had ever visited.

Apparently, Celestia and Luna retired to a place called Silver Shoals. I'm unsure where that is, but it sounds like a peaceful place. Wouldn’t mind seeing it one day.

“Although I empathize with your situation, it does not justify you engaging in this reckless behavior and acting as you please. I kindly request that you accompany me to complete the essential paperwork and continue discussing your purpose of visit, sojourns.”

“Oh, come on, you old coot!” two distant male voices said in unison.

“Quiet, you two!” a removed female voice replied.

Faint talking drifted from an unknown origin. The exact spot remained a mystery, yet Page Martinet’s head turned instinctively, her eyes scanning for the source. “Did you catch that?” she asked.

Spike shrugged his shoulders. “Eh, probably just the wildlife or cracking snow.”

“Very well… Now, allow me to escort you to my office.” Snow scrunched beneath, and she started walking Northeast.

“Give me your worst. No paperwork is too difficult for this dragon. Let’s go, Thorax.”

“We’ll see about that,” Page Martinet commented.

“Do I have to fill out paperwork too?” Thorax asked.

Page Martinet, Spike, and Thorax strode Northeast into the town, unintentionally saving Miss Scarlet Petals’ life.

“Do I?” Thorax insisted further.

After that outside exchange, we continued class as usual. Before it did, Miss Scarlet Petals took a breather to recollect her thoughts. Some ponies kept to themselves, and others continued gossiping or had a normal conversation.

“The Royal Advisor for Princess Twilight. Isn’t that neat,” Ice Whistle said.

“The most intriguing thing to happen in this town.” I returned to my routine headrest position.

“It’s among the top contenders, no doubt about it. But whether it merits being titled ‘the most intriguing’ is debatable.”

In the broad history of Equestria and Luna Bay, perhaps you, Nature Thorn, are the most interesting.

Author's Note:

My lengthiest chapter yet... It was exhausting. I cannot imagine how someone can write a 60k-word chapter! At most, I'd go for 15-30k. Maybe I'll go for it one day, just not anytime soon. 

I don't have much to say about this chapter. Personally, this might be my least favorite. It was mostly for build-up and will probably be the roughest chapter of my career. Then again, maybe that was my goal. Just maybe... I put myself under suggestion with the title.

Whatever. Onto the next part, 'Luna Bay'!

I think Forest Seed and Misty Fleurs are an entertaining couple.