• Published 26th Mar 2024
  • 376 Views, 12 Comments

The Markless Wonderer: Origin - OllerusTheFailure

The tale of a usual colt with an exceptional thought. One that doesn't belong in the mind of a young pony. But that's the dilemma. He's a pony of Equestria.

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Chapter Six: Cry of a Pegasi

Several more classes were held after Spike, that changeling, and Chieftain Page Martinet left the school premises. Until then, today passed as an unremarkable day. Though if I said that, I’d be lying to myself. This day was noteworthy, at least compared to our typical uneventful days. Why that is is simple. Ice Whistle seemed more than ready to talk about my revelation of Luna Bay—my truth. Today would be the day of our discussion, and to make matters more interesting, we had surprise visitors.

Anticipation began to build.

Nevertheless, lunchtime had offered us a short mental hiatus. Because of its small size, the school did not have a lunchroom, so students formed a circle with their desks and dined in the classroom. All the students could huddle together and converse with each other if they wished. Or they could continue their own private conversations. In the end, it made for a fun time—the lone period during school when the students are isolated.

Unlike everypony here who brought their own lunch, Miss Scarlet Petals always went out to eat. On the off chance our village leader returned, Miss Scarlet Petals had taken the dog cage and the prisoner it held within home. As cute as dogs could be, I found that as a win because Hazel’s intense puppy eyeing while I ate did not sit well with me. And during some of our earlier classes, she had already been doing that, begging to be set free.

In our uniformed circle, everypony in class started unpacking their lunch boxes, bags, ziplock bags, silicone bags, etc. Naturally, the aromas of our food intermixed, engulfing the room with a tantalizing smell, except for the hint of that one student who always ate some ghastly blend.

As is customary during lunch, my desk was situated beside Ice Whistle. I turned my head to the right and asked him the most cliche question for this instance. “What will you be eating today?”

“A sandwich comprising slices of tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, cucumbers, and my special twist, avocado. For the drink, plain o’ water. Nothing special.”

It really is a plain-jane sandwich. It’s not my style, but it’s a safe choice. Now, it was my turn. “My choice for lunch today is overnight apple and cinnamon oatmeal. I wish it could be hot, but there’s no microwave available here. Water… Oh, and an apple tart for a snack,” I said, taking the plastic container out and opening it with a popping sound.

Ice Whistle lifted his sandwich with telekinesis and examined it, pondering where to take the first bite. “If Royal Advisor Spike was here, you could’ve asked him to heat it.”

“Guess so, but his flame breath control might not be that great, right?” I asked, then dug my muzzle into the oatmeal, consuming it all in a few sloshy chomps.

After a meticulous pulling away of the crust, Ice Whistle indulged in his first bite, exposing the sandwich’s colorful, slim cross-section. “He’s had years to train and improve his control. I’m sure he’s a professional by now.”

“Like you and your whistling?” I specified, glugging down a refreshing amount of water.

“That’s a low blow, Thorn.”

Despite Spike having years of more experience compared to me and Ice Whistle, I seized the opportunity for the burn.

Just as we ate, a fleeting shadow shot across the room, causing us to pause. That can only mean one thing: somepony was throwing food. The culprit was the only pegasus in our class roster, Splotch Wing. The colt’s white coat was as pure as snow, while his frizzy grey mane had a subtle bluish hue. “Food fight!”

Fwoo! Splat!

“Splotch Wing! Why would we have a food fight?!” Mint Spring argued. Pale yellow hair adorned her head, a filly with a mint green coat. She had no horn and no wings. Among the class characters, she’s somewhat more mature. Typically, you would see her talking with Starry Vision. They were a close pairing, like me and Ice Whistle. Best friends.

Splotch Wing spread his tiny white wings and flew up from his desk, his forelegs confidently resting on his hips and his chest puffed out in a boastful manner. “Because, Mint Spring, somepony stole one of my drawings. If I don’t get it back, I’ll start a food fight to get the entire class in trouble.”

Mint Spring furrowed her brow and scoffed. “That plan is irrational. Now that we’re all aware, how do you suppose it’ll work now?”

“Er… well, I’m not actually trying to get everypony here in trouble Mint Spring! I’m using a false show of confidence to reveal the culprit.”

“Even if that’s true, I’d like to believe the culprit isn’t stupid enough to fall for that. You know, since nopony in class would accompany that plan.”

That said, Splotch Wing slowly descended into his assigned seat. “Oh… because nopony wants to get into trouble in the first place. So, getting you all to start a food fight isn’t much of a threat… The idea falls flat on its face.”

“Bingo. Now you’re picking up what I’m putting down.”

Splotch Wing crossed his forelegs. “Darn…!”

As noisy slurps lessened from a straw, Mint Spring soon finished her juice box. “No worries though, I believe that ‘stolen paper’ fell off your desk and got misplaced.”

“For real?!” Splotch Wing shot back up, thrilled.

“For real. I noticed a paper slipping out of your desk and landing on the floor near the door as we moved our tables earlier,” Mint Spring said, pointing her hoof toward the entrance door.

“Oh.” Splotch Wing’s cheeks flamed up in embarrassment. Everypony looked at the floor near the door and saw a sheet of paper lying on the ground. Mint Spring told the truth. Splotch Wing flapped his wings, carrying him over to the sheet of paper he tried to start a food fight over.

At first, the words ‘food fight’ were words I had no appetite for hearing. What else is needed to fill up the rest of today? Telling Ice Whistle about my secret, special visitors, and now a food fight? Today turned out to be less mundane than I expected. Though if we had a food fight, I’d totally join in.

Arriving from his brief flight, as if in slow motion, Splotch Wing tried retrieving his desired item with his mouth. Then, the door abruptly flung open.

Bad news for you, my one and only pegasus friend, but class is back in session.

“I have re-entered the realm of education! I’m not generally with you munchkins for lunch, but I couldn’t resist trying the carrot dogs from the stand nearby.”

Splotch Wing resembled a frightened puppy trapped by a Timberwolf. His tail was tucked between his back legs while his white ears were laid back. Miss Scarlet Petals appeared like a dark entity with gleaming red eyes towering over our classmate. As Splotch Wing reached for the paper, he noticed the piercing gaze of the creature’s red eyes glaring at it.

“What’s this, Splotch Wing?”

“N-n-nothing… Just my homework from the other day, hehe.” Splotch Wing struggled to smirk.

“I didn’t assign any homework yesterday.”

O_O “Y-y-you… sure?”

“You didn’t, Miss Scarlet Petaaals,” Mint Spring shouted.

“Poor Splotch Wing…” Starry Vision muttered.

Splotch Wing produced an audible swallow and fled. He made his way to a rear corner of the classroom. He should have dashed outside if he had planned to do that. Now, he was a trapped and helpless colt. Nopony was going to come to the rescue. Only a bystander—Mint Spring with a bowl of popcorn.

Miss Scarlet Petals flipped the paper over and saw familiar artistry. Something she has been longing to find since our first year here. “Ah, so you were the pony that painted that horrid piece of art. You know, the one depicting me and Hazel as a band of thieves. ‘The Scarlet Hazelnut Burglars’. Honestly, shame on me; I should have known. Isn’t that right, Splotchu Winguh?

“W-wait! Can we negotiate and settle on a deal, teach?”

“Ohh, no-no-no-no-no. You should’ve known about the deal a real long time ago.”

Splotch Wing gulped again. He knew exactly what was coming. We all did. A statement our teacher often made.

“No… Not again!” Splotch Wing cried but to no avail.

“That tum is mine.”

I offered my prayers and continued eating my apple tart, conversing with Ice Whistle. For the next half hour, uncontrollable laughter from Splotch Wing filled the background.


And another memorable, golden photo. You beautiful photographer, you.

My name is Splotch Wing. Today, it was revealed to my teacher that I was the pony that made a painting of her and her dog in bandit attire. I was also caught throwing food. Soon after, I received my punishment. Thirty minutes of being tickled. I learned my lesson, and I won’t do it again.

“Miss Scarlet Petals, how many more times do I have to write this on the chalkboard?” The taste of the chalk in my mouth was punishment enough.

The teacher bit into a coleslaw, crunched potato chip-covered carrot dog. “Hmm... I’ll cut you some slack, write it five—”

“Six!” Mint Spring added, obnoxiously insisting on an increase like the evil witch she was.

“Six more times,” Miss Scarlet Petals concurred while winking at Mint Spring, “Then erase it all.”

O_o “Erase it?! Can’t we leave it up there for at least a day?!”

Come on, you two can’t be


Evil Witches.

“...I didn’t tell you to write that.”


“Stop that.”

I can’t!

“Splotch Wing!”


“Corner, again!”

Author's Note:

Not only did Page Martinet join the cast, but we also got to see more characters previously mentioned or briefly shown in earlier chapters. The last chapter was a bit more on the informative/progression side, so to contrast it, I thought it'd be time for another SOL chapter like 'Their Perspectives.' I seem to follow a pattern here. Except, there's a two-part chapter next. I hope to see you there.

Things will get quite interesting...