• Published 25th Dec 2023
  • 205 Views, 6 Comments

Cozy's Hearthswarming Flurry - SteelTheWarrior

A slightly epic story in which Flurry Heart is determined to make sure that the pony that's least likely to get one, gets a gift this year, as "Everypony deserves a gift for Hearthswarming!" Boy, is it a learning process!

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Day 1

Day 1:

In class during the bright and sunshining morning of the next day, Flurry Heart's mind couldn't be farther away than the homework she was assigned over the Winter holidays. Blankly staring at her book, she simply couldn't focus on learning the history of Saddle Arabia as her mind continually drifted over towards precisely what she was going to do when she entered Cozy's dreams. What would she see there?

What would she try to "bring" into the dream? A giant, decorated tree? No! It should be undecorated, so they can decorate it together! And gifts! Every tree needs some gifts! Her mind raced with ideas and inspiration! After all, this was the first time she'd be planning a Hearthswarming party herself! She'd need to make it perfect to make Cozy as happy a possible!

"Oooh! Dinner! A biiiiig, big table full of dinner and desserts! Oohoohooohooh! And a few books of my faaaavorite Hearthswarming bedtime stories!" she accidently exclaimed aloud in her excitement, earning her a few looks of confusion and dismay from her fellow classmates. Realizing what had just happened, she sheepishly excused herself and blushed a crimson hue whilst trying to shrink back into her desk in embarrassment. After a quick, stern look and a clearing of his throat, the teacher continued on with the lesson.

The entirety of the school day played out similarly, with Flurry Heart getting caught daydreaming, time and time again, doodling dinner table setups on her notes and even catching a few buckball shots to the side of the head in her distracted imaginings! Much to her parents' surprise, Flurry was all too eager to finish her chores and hastily hop into bed, leaving Shining Armor with a bit of a shrug and a warm smile as he closed the door to her bedroom, muttering to himself about, "Ahhh, to be her age and so excited about Hearthswarming again...."

Night 1:

It was difficult for Flurry Heart to drift off to sleep, as her heart pounded and her mind raced with excitement to learn what sort of Hearthswarming dreaming she was about to step into. How wonderful it's going to be, to mix her favorite Hearthswarming activities with those of Cozy Glow! This truly is going to be a night to remember!

As her eyes eventually fluttered closed and the outer world around her drifted away, she found herself floating amongst the stars. Gently soaring through the night sky, she couldn't help but giggle and swim a bit, slowly guiding herself in the direction of a recognizable cluster of stars. Upon arrival, the stars moved and spoke as a constellation in the shape of Luna's face nodding towards a particularly sparkly star beside her, "Here is it, little Flurry Heart. This is Cozy Glow's dream. You may now travel to this star each night, until Hearthswarming Day. I give you my final warning that you should tread carefully, as it will likely not be nearly as easy as you hope! Are you ready, little one?"

"Yes! I can't WAIT to share my favorite stories with her! Let's gooooooooooo!", she giggled in joy one more time before swimming through space towards the light of the star until it engulfed her.

She was not prepared for what she saw next.

As the world rematerialized around her like vision being restored from blurry to focused, she saw the lovely town of Ponyville that she recognized... And yet everything was wrong! There was no hustle and bustle, no ponies going about their daily, cheery lives, nor smiles or cheer to be found anywhere. Even the very colors of the entire town themselves seemed dreary and depressed! Instead, all she saw was misery, toil and despair. Nopony was happy, and they all moved with weary limbs and tired eyes. Dozens were working away at chiseling out a gigantic stone statue that was slowly becoming the likeness of Cozy Glow herself. Other forms of art, however lacking in inspiration, were also painted, sewn and shaped all in Cozy Glow's very image, with her decorated with majestic regalia: Crown, staff and cloaks lavishly overflowing with impossibly large jewels.

Overwhelmed by the sorrow and fatigue these ponyfolk suffered, she didn't even hear a stallion demanding that she move aside until moments later, he bodily shoved her out of his way. Losing her balance and getting bowled over by the indifferent manner in which the strong stallion shoved her aside, she gave a surprised yelp and landed into a nearby pile of snow. Clambering back up and out and shaking herself free of the snow that clung to her pelt, she was about to yell at the large, orange-coated stallion but was instead surprised yet again, seeing that pony and 3 others of equal strength and stature carrying the gaudiest palanquin she could imagine!

From inside, Cozy Glow's head popped out with a scowl and looked down at the awestruck pony beneath her, "That's right! Stay outta my way, peon! Don't make me use the staff again!"

Finally seeing Cozy Glow's face, she was suddenly reminded of why she was here in the first place, and disregarding what the sour pony said, Flurry Heart jumped up and smiled, "Happy Hearthswarming, Cozy Glow!" She concentrated and focused with all of her mental might, and with the power of lucid dreaming, she began to manifest all she planned to bring into Cozy's life. A table full of a piping hot dinner feast, with scents swirling about in the night air marking the presence of delicious dishes galore! A well-decorated tree with gifts stacked below, as well as a thick tome of stories that popped into existence and landed right into her hooves! "Look! I came to share Hearthswarming with you! Now you don't have to be alone!"

Reaching back into the cabin of the wheel-free chariot that carried her, Cozy Glow glowered down at the insolent pony that dared not bow before her, "Alone?! Do I LOOK alone, you petulant pony? I am surrounded by a world of ponies that obey my every command, thanks to this!" and she brandishes a staff made of twisted, black branches wrapped amongst themselves, coming to a tip at the base and a trident at the other. She pointed the trident at little Flurry Heart, causing the innocent one to flinch and retreat a step away. "Clearly, you need a reminder of what the Staff of Submission can do, so you can fall back in line!"

A radiant yellow bolt of energy lept from the tri-tipped staff and struck poor Flurry Heart, giving her a mighty jolt and leaving the patch of grass she stood upon now free of snow. Confused, little Flurry Heart looked back up to her, "Hey! That hurt! That's not in the spirit of Hearthswarming! Why don't you put that thing away, and instead I can read you some of my favorite Hearthswarming stories? That'd be SO much more fun!"

Giving a growl of frustration, Cozy leapt out of her vehicle and shot several more bursts of energy at the insolent pony before her. Seeing it didn't have the sought effect, she chucked the staff away over her shoulder, "Stupid stick!" Instead, she kicked over the table full of fyne foods and desserts alike, many of the upturned contents flew over and also knocked over the shimmering, decorated tree. "I am in charge, here! You will obey me! Now, kneel before me, peasant!"

With tears welling up in her eyes, Flurry pouted, "Y-you don't want to enjoy Hearthswarming time with friends...? I just want to be your friend, Cozy Glow! Let me j-"

"No! That's what ruined my life!" Cozy Glow cut her off and lashed out as a new wave of anger welled up inside of her at the mention of that despicable word. She became so enraged that she clenched her teeth and struck out at the poor little one in desperate attempts to prevent her from saying it again, "I don't NEED that! Not yours, not theirs, not anyone's!"

Giving a yelp of surprise as Flurry Heart was struck against the cheek by the pony that seethed before her, she immediately broke down into tears. Unable to keep control of the swirl of emotions that welled up inside of her, she suddenly snapped back awake, back home. Although she was relieved at first, for returning home, safe and sound, she soon continued her weeping. She had failed, and Cozy Glow had a heart darker and more full of pain and hatred than she could even have imagined! Her naivete stung almost as bad as the feeling of that hoofslap against her cheek.

She reached up and gently rubbed her cheek where she was struck... Then fatigue overtook her, and she slept a dreamless sleep for the rest of the night.