• Published 25th Dec 2023
  • 206 Views, 6 Comments

Cozy's Hearthswarming Flurry - SteelTheWarrior

A slightly epic story in which Flurry Heart is determined to make sure that the pony that's least likely to get one, gets a gift this year, as "Everypony deserves a gift for Hearthswarming!" Boy, is it a learning process!

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Day 4

Day 4:

Jolting upwards in her bed, Flurry's heart raced as she was inundated by.... Nothing! As her eyes fearfully darted about, her vision came into focus and she was back in her room, once again. She looked to her favorite plush beside her and immediately yanked it into the tightest hug she could with a squee of excitement! She had finally done it! She got through to Cozy Glow! Maybe, just maybe, tonight they will finally be able to become friends!

"Awwww, it's so nice to see you in better spirits, my little champ!" her father poked his head in with a smile, "It sounded like you were having the most EPIC dream of all time!"

Flurry sheepishly squeezed her Ponypal plush and nodded before leaning against her snow-white father's pelt, "Yes Daddy! I kinda did, I guess! It was really scary, though!"

Shining Armor reached a hoof up to rough up her mane a bit with a playful noogie, "And I'll bet my little champion overcame it despite all odds, right...?"

Flurry nodnodded and smiled as she shook her head in attempts to wiggle out of the noogie from her father, "Ack! Yeah! I did! And tonight's dream is going to be even better!"

"Oh yeah? I'll bet! Let's hope you get the resolution you were fighting for in your dream, cupcake!"

"Yes, Daddy! I think I really helped! Even the ponies with the darkest hearts can have a happy ending!" she beamed up to her father whilst gently touching her cheek. Pondering just how much trouble she'd be in if he knew what she was speaking of was more than "Just a dream", she decided she'd spill the beans once everything was all over, and she had a heroic finish to her story she could tell Mom and Dad.

"That's right, my little savior! Just like Luna! She sure has returned to being a wonderful pony, hasn't she? Though, enough about this... Howsabout we go get some breakfast? Your mother's got some of her wonderful waffles on the way."

Breakfast was SO good today! Somehow, even though Cadence made her usual pre-Hearthswarming Eve waffle breakfast for the family, they had never tasted as good as they did this morning! After coming to the conclusion that victory made breakfast taste even sweeter, Flurry spent the day brushing up on her favorite Hearthswarming stories, as well as coloring up slightly less ostentatious settings for them to enjoy so as to not overwhelm her new friend.

"Redemption arc, here we come!", she almost sang out to herself in her room as she danced about and played with her favorite Hearthswarming decorations, figurines and even tried her hoof at wrapping up the gifts she made all by herself for her parents last week at school.

After spending an embarrassingly long time wrapping and re-wrapping their gifts, she eventually had to call in for reinforcements! After getting help from Dad for Mom's gift, and getting help from Mom for Dad's, things were ready to go, and neatly tucked away under the Hearthswarming tree with the utmost of care!

Night 4:

Visiting with Luna inside of the dreamrealm was something Flurry Heart had quickly grown to cherish. Happily exchanging pleasantries, she stalled swimming over into the star that was Cozy's dreams. She regaled Luna with all of the plans she had come up with, such as ideas to slowly introduce things to Cozy in order to not overwhelm her, along with other ideas and contingencies she had come up with, "just in case"! She even requested that Luna use her magic to help her deliver Cozy Glow's physical gift! A bit hesitant, at first, Luna eventually agreed, after hearing Flurry's very carefully thought-out and heartfelt plan.

"You've done so much growing, and in such a small amount of time, little Flurry Heart! I can see that you've learned so much, not just about friendship, but also about Cozy Glow, and even yourself! I'm very proud of you, little one! I can tell you've spent a lot of time with your Auntie Twilight this year, what with all of this planning and organizing you've done!", the midnight mare smiled wide, a glint of pride glimmered in her eyes.

Bidding their farewells, Flurry Heart gleefully swam towards the star of Cozy's dreams. Her heart aflutter with excitement for a night of joy and friendship, she practiced various swimming strokes along the way, just to add more fun into the mix. Upon entering the event horizon and appearing in the other world, Flurry was met with a grey, sullen Cozy Glow, just slumped over, staring at an immense pile of broken glass shards. Flurry gave Cozy some time to see if she would snap out of it on her own, but eventually waved a hoof in front of her eyes, "Uhhm, Cozy Glow? Are you in there...?"

Slowly, the other filly lifted her head, almost as if in a depressed trance, and looked to Flurry, "Oh... Hello again.... Flutterparts...", so drearily did she speak, Flurry pouted as her mind raced. How could she fix this?

"The name's Flurry Heart! I'm here to give you a little Hearthswarming cheer tonight, if you'd like the company of a friend! We can have treats, play in the snow, or even read stories to eachother!"

After taking some time to process what was offered, Cozy eventually spoke up, her thoughts were torn between the broken memory shards surrounding them, and the potential for something other than the past continuing to haunt her, "Th-that sounds... Nice, actually. Anything... To block out all of the sadness..." and she gestured at the looming piles of shards around them with an exasperated hoof.

"Ooh! I can do that! I've got just the thing!" and with a little concentration and the power of lucid dreaming, she willed a pile of boxes into existence, "Here! Let's spruce this place up with some decorations! There are a lot here, so I'll need a helping hoof!"

Although the going was slow, at first, the glum pony eventually warmed up to the hearty cheer that Flurry shared so enthusiastically, with a modicum of restraint to not overwhelm her new friend. Between setting up and decorating a majestic tree, hanging sparkling snowflake lights, setting a dinner table full of delicious food pulled from a bottomless picnic basket, it was beginning to not only look like Hearthswarming time, but it began to feel as such, as well! For the first time in who knows how long, Cozy Glow smiled as they shared a delicious dinner, and Flurry Heart read aloud some of her favorite, heartwarming stories from her gaudily-decorated book labelled, "Heartwarming Hearthswarming Tales"

With all of the wonderful decorations put up, the girls nibbled on cookies and candy canes and the entire area was filled with a rather cozy glow! The looming piles of shattered memory shards were all but completely blocked from view as the tree, piles of gifts and series of decorations all made this strange dreamspace feel like a quaint little home for the holidays. Flurry pulled out a camera and quickly snapped a selfie with her newfound friend. The picture was, indeed, adorable! Two buds curled up under a fluffy comforter, with a fun book to read and plenty of smiles and snacks between the both of them! Flurry pulled out a picture frame from the box of decorations and stuck the printed-out picture into it and tucked it into the boughs of the tree!

"Perfect!", giggled little Flurry Heart as Cozy just stared at it for a few moments with a warm smile, before reaching out to adjust it, so it was even with the other decorations.

"Yeah... It sure is, isn't it?"

Eventually, the wonderful world around them began to fade away, as it was nigh time to wake. Flurry reached out and gave Cozy one final hug before looking up to her smiling face and said, "Tomorrow, I'll be coming to visit you so I can give you my real gift! I’ll be coming from really far away, so please try to stay awake for me!"

Cozy's eyes widened as even she was beginning to fade within her own dream, "Wait... Wha-REALLY?!" and with that, their world melted away...