• Published 7th Jan 2024
  • 270 Views, 4 Comments

Gathering The Names Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Discord and Dr.Amazement(A human version of Trixie) are a quest to gather the heroes that Saved Blitz and Braver, to help save the multiverse once more

  • ...

Chapter Indigo: Bolt The Pegasus and Heat The Alicorn

In a beautiful Italian city, ponies and other creatures walk among the old streets. They are all different. Some are ponies, some are zebras, some are donkeys, and there are even camels and dragons. A bell could be heard as they walked, the sun high in the sky, the birds chirping. No clouds in the blue sky, no worries in the city. The city's name is Elena, a city that was a melting pot of all different kinds of equines. The name comes from a princess that lived there a long time ago, but underneath the peaceful exterior, there were two ponies racing in the underground sewers; one was called

"Bolt the Pegasus," this universe Rainbow Dash, and wearing a light blue jacket.

A rainbow streak flew across the sewer, and she dodged death traps like giant floor saws, spikes, and traps as she kept flying through the tunnel.

"Come on, what's wrong, Heat?!" Bolt laughed, looking back.

The second pony that had a blazing trail of fire was called

"Heat the Alicorn." She's not from this universe but from another. She's that universe Twilight Sparkle, who wears a light purple jacket.

Heat dodged a giant floor saw, a spike trap, and a bunch of spears; she then caught up to Bolt. "I'll be honest, Bolt. This was not what I envisioned when you said we'd take the "scenic route." Heat said she was not upset but also not happy.

Bolt slides as she dodges a swinging pendulum with spikes on the blade. "HA! We've seen so many tranquil landscapes." She returned to flying and turned back to see Heat jumping over the large blade with ease. "I figured you'd like to spice it up a bit!" she giggled.

Heat smirked as she heard that and jumped over a spike trap as it burst through the floor. "You're not wrong." She landed and was now next to Bolt. "However, I'd heard that Elena was an especially beautiful city." She looked ahead. "We should really have seen it."

Bolt sighed and gave her feather wing up. "Oh, you're right. Ready to switch it up then?"

Heat closed her eyes and nodded. "Please do." She opens them and faces her. "I'll follow your lead."

"Awesome!" Bolt smiled. "See you up there, Heat!" Bolt and Heat jumped off a platform and flew against the wall of an up-right tunnel, heading towards a grill manhole cover. They blasted out, landed back on the streets, and took off, leaving a blast of wind behind.

As they raced through the streets, a few ponies were spook as the two raced by, and a few creatures got their hats and stuff blown off them as the two zoomed by. The two passed a few shops and a market place. The stallions and mares were selling all sorts of things and talking to one another.

Soon, the two jump on the rooftops and race across the endless rooftops, laughing and enjoying the rush of speed.
The two jump over a gap between two buildings, and Heat quickly casts a spell to stop a large wooden crate from falling under a few fillies and dragons children's, which she knocks over by mistake. The two kept going, passing and jumping over and under the wooden and metal structures, making it look easy.

The two returned to the streets and started to walk, enjoying the window shopping now.
Heat had a smile on her face and looked around. She was taking it all in and seeing all the ponies and creatures walk by, doing their thing. It was nice and calm, no danger at all. She loved it, but she stopped as she went to a store selling cute summer dresses. She took notice of a white sundress with a white hat.

Bolt noticed and smiled, knowing exactly what she wanted.
"What to check this store out? You like dresses, right?" Bolt asks, smiling.

Heat blinks with a blush and looks to her and shrugs, "Uh, a little."

"Awesome!" Bolt cheered, "Let's go!"

The two entered the store, and Bolt waited as Heat tried on the white sundress and hat. It wasn't long before she came, making Bolt whistle and clap.

"You look amazing," Bolt said.

Heat was blushing and smiling. "Thank you, Bolt," she says, noticing the price. "I can't afford it."

Bolt laugh "Wow, that's a first! A princess can't afford a sundress from another universe!" She joked and took her ring bag out of her jacket. "I'll buy it. I know your rings in your universe has no value here."

"Wait, are you sure?" Heat asked.

"Sure, I am." Bolt nodded. "We'll call it a gift. Plus, you're on vacation, visiting my universe. So you'll have something to remember me by when you go home."

"Aww, thank you." Heat smiled and hugged her. "That's so sweet of you."

"It's no big deal, Heat." blushed Bolt, returning the hug.

Bolt paid for the dress and left the store.

"Thank you again, Bolt." Heat said as they walked the streets again, putting the dress in the saddle bag.

"No problem, Heat."

They kept walking, but Bolt noticed an ice cream shop.

"Wanna get some ice cream?" Bolt asked, pointing to the shop.

"I would love some." Heat replied, and the two entered the shop and looked at the menu.

"How about we get two ice creams in large cups? It's on me." Bolt said.

Heat looks at the price and turns to Bolt with a worried look. "You sure? I feel bad if you keep buying me stuff."

Bolt laughed "Oh, relax, Heat. You'll be paying me back by enjoying yourself and having fun. That's all I care about." she winked.

"Oh..." Heat giggled with a small blush and said, "Okay."

Bolt orders two large cups of ice cream, and the two sit outside and enjoy the cold treat. Heat ordered a normal chocolate and vanilla, but she looked over at Bolt ice cream and looked worried as it was a spicy hot pepper and ghost pepper-covered ice cream.

"What the hay is that?" Heat asked, not sure if she should be impressed or grossed out.

"A hot pepper and ghost pepper ice cream. Want to try it?" Bolt offered her the cup.

"No, I'm fine."

Bolt chuckle "It's okay; I get it. You can't handle the heat, even though you are a fire user. You can't handle it."

"Ha ha." Heat said sarcastically "Let me try some!"

Bolt smirked and gave her a spoon of the ice cream. She watched her reaction.

Heat ate the ice cream and felt the cool, cold, chocolate, vanilla, hot pepper, and ghost pepper; her eyes widen and her mouth water.

"Are you okay?" Bolt asked.

Heat swallowed and looked to her, "This is so good!"

"Really?" Bolt said, shocked.

"Yes!" Heat nodded but started to turn red and sweating. "Want to try mine?"


The two exchanged their ice cream, and Heat ate the spicy ice cream, and her eyes widen as the heat hits her. She took out her water bottle and chugged it down when Bolt wasn't looking.

Bolt tastes the vanilla and chocolate and smiles. "I like it. Not too sweet or bitter, just right."

"Yeah, I agree with your ice cream." Heat smiled and said, "It's pretty good."

Bolt smiled and looked at her, leaning closer. Heat blushed and did the same. Heat closed her eyes and puckered her lips. Bolt got closer and whispered into her ear, "I saw you drink that water bottle. Too hot for you? Knew it."

"What?!" Heat yelled, and her face was now on fire, and steam was coming out of her mouth and nose.

Bolt laughed and ate her ice cream as she ran from Heat, as she was blazing mad that Bolt acted like she wanted a kiss.
Heat took a deep breath, blew out a fireball, and gave chase, "Come here!"

They returned running and jumped back on the rooftops and flew across it, but Bolt noticed the large clocktower and turned to Heat. "Are you good to go up there? The view is worth it! I promise!"

Heat looked up and became a bit scared, as she wasn't good with heights...even if she could fly, that didn't mean she wasn't scared of high places "All right. If you say so."

"Don't worry, I'm here with you." Bolt smile.

Heat smiled back, and the two made it to the clock tower. Bolt helped her climb the tower as they flew around it at top speed, landing on the hands of the clock. Bolt landed on the small hand as it was at three o'clock, but Heat landed on top of the hour hand as it almost hit noon. She got her balance and was amazed by the view.

"Bolt, it's gorgeous!" Heat smiled, looking down at the city. "The architecture reminds me of home!"

Bolt leaned on the hour hand and remembered her adventure in Heat's world when the Element Emeralds led her and Scoots to a storm, which teleported them to her world, and having to recover the Jewel Scepter of Harmony from their Discords or how she was sent to Heat's universe after her last adventure in her own world and having amnesia. Heat had to make her remember who she was and get back home. She also remembers Heat telling her that when she had amnesia, she wanted to be called "Firefly" rather than Bolt.

"I didn't get to see too much of it; I'd love to go back and see more!" Heat nodded but was not really listening, which Bolt took notice of. "...yo, Heat?"

Heat snapped out of her thoughts and looked back at Bolt. She blushed and smiled nervously.

"You alright?"

"I'm sorry. I can't help but be distracted." Heat said.

Bolt looked out to the city and smiled. "Yeah, the view is great." The hour hand moved, causing Bolt to almost fall, but she heard a cute noise from Heat and remembered how she hates heights. "Or do you mean you don't like heights?"

"Oh, it's not the height that's bothering me. Not entirely." Heat answered.

Bolt chuckled. "Well, what is it then?"

"It's just that..." Heat began to look down, and she quickly shut her eyes. "You have shown me so many wondrous sights. I've come to love your world as much as my own." She looked up at the clear skies. "So, shouldn't I show it as much dedication? Should I not also strive to protect it? I am the imperial princess of the Harmony Empire. One could say I am a representative of my world—my reality. I should be doing more and-"

"Tsk, tsk," replied Bolt, making Heat look down at her in confusion. "You've saved your world and all that jazz, Heat. You're here for a well-earned vacation! And don't give me the whole "working vacations." shtick. You should really take a break."

Heat looked at her and blushed. "Oh, uh, you're right." She sighed. "AJ said something similar."

Bolt laughed when she heard her, "If it's obvious to that knucklehead, then it has to be easy to understand."

Heat looked down and smirked with her arms on her waist. "Be nice!"

"You're right! She can't hear me. I'll save it for later."

Heat shook her head and sighed.

"Besides, you've done more than enough. Let's just enjoy our day and not worry about anything."

"Oh, I couldn't agree more!" Heat smiled, happy that her friend understood her, but... "Bolt?"

"Hmm?" Bolt asked.

Heat looks back at the blue skies. "I was being serious about doing more for not only my universe but also yours. I keep fearing something big, like what happened a year ago, will happen again. Where all the multiverse is in danger. What would you do if the situation were dire and the same?"

Bolt sighs and looks up to the sky, remembering that adventure from a year ago, teaming up with other versions of themselves and saving the twins from their awful fate of dying as a monster. She looked back at Heat and smiled. "I would do whatever it takes to keep the world and my friends safe. If it was the same event, saving a pair of sisters again, then yeah. I'll do it all over again, no questions asked. They were worth it."

Heat smiled and nodded. "Same, no matter what, no questions asked. That's good; we're the same."

"You bet!"

They look at the view, watching birds fly by, ponies and creatures walking in the streets, and the wind blowing their manes. They were just enjoying each other's company.

"I wonder how Blitz and her sister, Breaker, are doing." asked Heat, as she couldn't stop thinking about the twins.

Bolt looked at her, hearing the sadness in her voice. She could see it in her eyes—a small tear.
"Hey." Bolt said softly.

Heat looked down and saw her look worried for her. "It's okay, Bolt," she smile but had sadness in it.

Bolt shook her head and looked up at her. "I can tell you're still upset. It's okay to miss them, even though it's been a year since you've seen them. It's okay; you can talk to me."

"..." Heat took a deep breath and looked at her, with tears in her eyes. "I was so happy we saved them, and I hope our lessons taught them well. I just want to see them again and see how they are. To see how much they've grown, how much they've learned, and..." she couldn't say it and looked down.

"You really miss them?"


Bolt smiled and looked back out. "Well, who knows? Maybe we'll see them again."

Heat giggled and shook her head. "Bolt, that's not how this works."

"Well, if you think about it, Heat, We did save their lives and the multiverse; the least we can do is visit them, right? Plus, their parents are versions of us, remember? Blitz is living with Dashie and Twilah, while Breaker is living with Dash and Twilight. They're in good hooves, trust me."


"Hey, don't think about them right now. Let's not focus on the sad stuff; let's think about the fun."

Heat looked at her and smiled. "You're right, thank you." She smirked, "I envy your skill to balance your seriousness and lightheartedness. I wish I could do that; you are better than me."

Bolt chuckled, "Oh, stop. We're not so different and have our strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure you're great in your own way. Besides, there's not much to learn. What you see is what you get. I'm just a pegasus who loves-"
Bolt was cut off as the hour hand hit noon, causing the bell inside to ring. She was caught off guard, which caused her to lose her balance a bit, while Heat almost flew off and grabbed the hour hand like a cat.

"BOLT!!" Heat screamed, "I did not require a reminder of how high we are!"

Bolt did a worried laugh as she looked up. "Well, it looks like it's time to go anyway."

Heat slowly looked down at Bolt, her eyes narrowing when she heard that awful pun, "Really?"

Bolt laughed and shrugged. "Okay, I'm sorry. I just wanted to cheer you up."

Heat sighed and smiled a bit, but she noticed her hoof was slipping a bit.


She fell and closed her eyes, but she felt someone catching her.

"Thanks Bolt."

"...that wasn't me, Heat."


"Open your eyes, Heat!"

Heat opened her eyes and saw Discord, smiling at her all evilly, as he's the bad guy in her and in this universe.
"D-Discord?!" Heat yell.

"That's the name!" Discord said, showing her his ID from his wallet.

"HEAT!!" Bolt scream.

Heat looked down and saw Bolt, getting ready to spin jump on the draconequus. She turned back and saw Discord, smiling.
"You're going to be late for your date with her." Discord said, and he snapped his fingers.

"Wait, what?! Da-"

Bolt gasped as she saw Heat teleport away. She glared at Discord and started to spin and jump in the air, getting ready to attack the draconequus.

"You bastard!!"

Discord dodged the attack and laughed, looking at the angry pegasus. "Oh, relax, she'll be back!"

"Where did you send her?! Bring her back!! NOW!" Bolt demanded.

"Oh, I'll do you one better! I'll send you to her!" Discord said, snapping his fingers.

Bolt was engulfed in a yellow light and found herself on the Ark space station. She was sitting at a fancy table, and across from her was Heat, wearing her white sundress and hat. Soon, Discord came out, playing a small piano and singing a little song, as he was the waiter.

"Two 'friends' are on a date."

"This isn't a date, you jerk!" Bolt yell.

Discord chuckle "Sure it is, dear."

Heat was blushing and trying not to think about the date as she looked around the station, hearing stories about this space station where Bolt fought Shadow Dust and teaming up with her to save the world as they teleported the falling station back into orbit.

"Why are we here?" Heat ask.

"Oh, don't worry, my dear. Everything is alright. I'm just trying to set the mood before you two get mad or upset. So relax and enjoy yourselves; the meal is on the house." Discord replied as he snapped his lion paw and two small houses fell on their plates, which had chili dogs on them. "Bolt favorites!"

"Uh..." Heat was a bit worried and scared. She turned to Discord and said, "Good try! I know you put poison in these! We're not stupid, right?...Bolt..." She could see Bolt eating the chili dogs and loving it.

"Mmmm! Discord, these are great!" Bolt smiled and ate her food.

"Oh, I know." Discord smirked, making Heat gasp in horror at Bolt.

"What?! They're good?" Bolt reply and noticed Heat looking shocked and worried.

"Don't you see? It's a trap! He probably poisoned the food, and it'll make you sick or kill you!"

Bolt was confused and turned to Discord, who had a smile on his face.

"You don't trust me?" Discord asks, making a hurt face.

Heat slammed the table and pointed at him. "No, I don't. You're a bad guy, remember?"

"Bad guys can change, you know." Discord said.

Bolt nodded. "He's got a point."

Heat was in disbelief, but she noticed Discord pulling up a seat and looking very serious. Even Bolts took notice and stopped eating, somewhat.

"Heat, Bolt. I'm not this universe Discord. I'm from Twilight and Dash universes. I'm here because the twins are in great danger, and they need your help. Please, help them."

"What?" Heat asks, not believing this.

"Twins? Wait, do you mean the-" Bolt began but was cut off as Discord snapped his fingers, showing an image of Rainbow Sun Dawn, a evil version of Luster Dawn.

"Who's that human with pony ears...and why is there a hole in her chest and leaking rainbows?"

"She's the one, who's after the twins. She's going to eat them and restart the multiverse, but with them existing in every universe. That can't happen if she does."

"All current life gets erased, killing trillions and destroying the multiverse." Heat finish.

"Exactly." Discord nodded and looked at the two.

"How or where do we find her, so we can kick her butt?" Bolt asked.

Discord took a chili dog and bit it, making the hot dog cry out like a real dog and running away. "She's in the 'Wall of Between' realm right now. Recovering after another Dawn beat her ass." Discord looked out of the glass window and in space, could see a white hair anthro mare, wearing white jacket and white clothes.

She gave him a thumbs up "When she fully recovers and eats another universe 'Dawn', she's going to be unstoppable. That's why we need you and the others."

"Others?" said both mares.

"Yes, the ones you team up with to save the twins."

Bolt and Heat smiled and got out of their chairs.

"Getting the band back together? All yeah! I'm in!" Bolt cheered.

"Me too." Heat smiled, ready to help.

"Good, now we're just waiting on someone else from this universe." Discord smiled and looked out the window, seeing the mare nodding and disappearing into glitching prism effects.

"Who?" Bolt asked, starting to guess who might join them, "Scoots? Her smarts can help! Or is it Shadow Dust? Knucklehead AJ?"

Discord shook his head at the guesses, and soon, a door appeared, knocking with great fury and a female voice screaming to open the door.

"There she is!" Discord stood up and opened the door, and a shit ton of lasers were being blasted out of the door, as it was coming from egg looking robots, and Dr. Amazement, a human version of Trixie as a magical mage/super hero from another universe, came running out with a device in her hands and slammed the door, breathing hard. "See? Easy to get her and no way hard or dangerous."

"Shut up!" Dr. Amazement yelled.

"Woah, what's with her?" Bolt asked, confused.

Dr. Amazement turned to Bolt and Heat and smiled a bit. As she was panting, "Sorry, name is the great and powerful Dr. Amazement!" she shouted and cast spell as a neon sign appear behind her that had her name, but it quickly became Discord's face.

"Nice entrance; now let's go." he said, becoming a arrow pointing to a blue phonebooth to their right.

Dr. Amazement sighed and followed Discord to the blue phonebooth, but Bolt and Heat stopped them, asking who they got.

"Oh yes, this universe Discord. He wanted to help after what was happening, but hearing we only needed his daughter, he refused and attacked me. She wanted to join and downloaded herself onto this device. I was running for my life as he was jamming my magic." answered Amazement, showing them the device and all of them watching it turn on.

"Wait, you don't mean..." whispered Bolt, and she could only smile and wave. "Long time no see, how you been, Enmity?"

A AI of a white pegasus with pink mane, wearing a white dress, as her body that turned red and back to white appeared; it was this universe Fluttershy.

"Bolt? Father won't be happy that I'm teaming up with you."

"Eh, you'll be fine. Daddy Discord needs to let his daughter enjoy life and make her own decisions." Bolt winked and looked at Heat. "What about you, Heat? Ready to see some more universes?"

Heat blushed and smiled, "Oh, um, yes."

"Good, now let's get a move on." Bolt was about to fly off, but Discord snapped his fingers and spit a ton of emeralds and other gems or items landed on her.

"Pick whatever deus ex machina powers up and let's go. You'll need it."

Heat look at all the emeralds, a sword, and seeing giant colorful rings and even the wisps were floating around them. Bolt got out of the pile and simply took the Element Emeralds and the Master Element Emerald.

"Oh boy, knucklehead AJ is going to be mad. I wish I could see her face!"

Heat shook her head, but she saw Amazement looking at her and asking if she wasn't going to take a magical item like her friend. "No, I carry Harmony Diamonds on me at all times. I am their guardian after all."

Discord snapped his fingers, and Heat was back in her normal outfit, and she and the others were pushed into the blue phone booth and shut the door.

"...little cramp in here...okay, who has any change? We might be stuck in here a while." Discord ask.

"What makes you say that?" asks Dr. Amazement.

"I forgot to make change before we left."

"You idiot!!"

After digging through their pockets and finding coins, the blue box disappeared, heading off to the next universe, leaving the station with the chili dog sniffing around. Back on Gala Island, AJ returned from her rounds and walked past the shrine of the Master Element Emerald, but quickly ran back as she saw an "IOU" card with a Discord face on it.

"DISCORD!" screamed AJ as the island fell to the ocean below...

end of Chapter Indigo

Author's Note:

first chapter done!
man, If I had a nickel for every time I ship a purple and blue characters together, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Right?

yes, this universe is based off Sonic universe but with mlpfim characters(which was explained in the first fic by prime discord)

ps: all art is AI done