• Published 7th Jan 2024
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Gathering The Names Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Discord and Dr.Amazement(A human version of Trixie) are a quest to gather the heroes that Saved Blitz and Braver, to help save the multiverse once more

  • ...

Chapter Green(2): Supermare aka Flare

In Equestria and the many versions of it across the multiverse, there's always heroes and villains. Just like Twilight and her friends, they're heroes and villains in the multiverse. But in a few, they're just more than normal heroes; they're super heroes. Yes, super heroes—the very same ones that you see in comics and movies. But not just being the Power Ponies; they're versions of famous and very well-known super heroes, like in this universe...

Long ago, on a doom planet, a young baby was placed inside a rocket ship and escaped from her doom home world, all thanks to her loving parents. Now, you might be wondering, this awfully sounds like 'his' story, and you are correct, but in this universe, it's Flare's origin story. As the little rainbow-haired baby rocket ship landed in the middle of a field, the young baby was found by an older anthro mare and colt who were walking by and saw the rocket ship land. They saw the small child and instantly fell in love with her, taking her home.

The child grew up, learning about her powers and not being from this world. Her parents raised her to be a kind and caring soul, a young girl who won't even hurt a fly. But a huge turning point in her life came when her father died of a heart attack, and with all the powers she had, she couldn't do anything to save him. That day, she saw that life, no matter who it was, was worth saving. She knew she needed to use her powers to help others, even if it meant she was risking her life in the process. She soon became a superhero, wearing a special suit and wearing the blanket that she found with, donning her family crest

which will be seen as a symbol to the people of this planet.

She became one of the greatest superheroes in the world, and her superhero name is...

"Flare!" shouted Berry as she pressed her face against the glass door of the phonebooth, making Discord remove his headset and close the script book, sighing very loudly.

They just arrived in Flare's universe and were floating above a city, seeing a rainbow streak flying by and fighting against a giant robot. Discord lowered the booth to a nearby roof of a building, opening the door as it hovered above it.

"Alright, everyone out!"

Berry flew out first, while Grape followed her close behind. Next jumping out were Amazement, Flash, Eirika with Twila holding on to her, Nova, and Lil Star. As Star hovered out of the booth, the door suddenly closed behind her, and the group on the roof could hear a loud engine noise coming from the booth. Soon enough, smoke appeared from it.

"H-Hey!? What's going on!?" shouted Amazement, rushing through the girls and to the edge of the roof railing, watching the booth weirdly floating around.

Discord pushed everyone as he opened the floor hatch, which released tons of smoke. "Well, this is quite the problem," he stated, coughing a bit and waving the smoke away from his face.

"What's wrong with it?" asked Wanda, joining him and fixing her glasses, scanning the weird engine.

Discord pulled Aaira to them and snapped the tool set into existence. Aaira took the tool belt and turned to them. "It's overheating; it's trying to reboot itself and start the cooling system, but it's stuck. If we don't-"

"If we don't shut it off, it will do a forced reboot. Sending us to another universe!" finished Wanda, as she knew what Aaira was getting at.

Discord could see that everyone was freaking out, and he wasn't sure how to calm them down. He turned to the group that was on the roof, and the only thing he could do was wave goodbye as the phonebooth jumped away, leaving the group behind.

"NOOOO!" cried Berry as she and Flash tried to reach for them but couldn't in time.

Amazement dropped to her knees, coming to the realization that they were now trapped in this universe.

"Oh no," whimpered Grape, looking at everyone who looked back at her.

"...what are we going to do now?" asked Flash, looking at the others, not sure what they were going to do but took noticed of something in the distance.

Berry landed next to Grape, waiting for her to come up with something, as she could see her thinking something as she flew back and forth. Eirika turned to Twila, who tugged her arm, asking what happened.

"Our ride just... bounced."

Twila let go of her arm and started to join Grape in the back and forth movement, trying to think up a solution.
Eirika groaned, not believing this happened, but quickly noticed something was off with the group. She looked and double-looked around them.

"Where are Flash and Star?"

The other girls took notice and looked around, realizing the two were gone.

"Wait, where are they!?" shouted Grape, freaking out a bit and looking around.

Twila stopped thinking. "Did they run off somewhere?"

Suddenly, there was a loud smashing sound, and the girls turned their heads towards the source, finding that the giant robot was sent flying over them and other buildings until it landed inside the shore and sank into the ocean. The group was dumbfounded but then saw Flash landing and standing next to the railing, facing the group and dusting her hands.

"Well, that solves that problem."

The group were confused and turned their attention to Star, who quickly followed behind and bobbing up and down in the air in anger.

"What's going on here!?" demanded Nova, crossing her arms and giving the two a cold glare.

Flash smiled, pointing to the ocean, where the giant robot was still sinking. "Flare was losing and was smacked away from the city by that robot beam attack, so I stepped in and beat that tin can with a bit of help from Star." but she was quickly smacked in the head by Star herself, who had steam blasting out of her moon surface body.

"IDIOT!" she screamed. "I was trying to stop you! You were putting innocent lives in danger with your reckless fight with the robot! Least Flare was fighting; she was keeping them safe as she fought....I think?" She smacked Flash on the head once more but stopped as Amazement got between the two.

"What about Flare?"

Flash closed her eyes, used her power to sense magical power energy, and then opened her eyes, looking above them. "Oh, she's fine. She was sent flying away and is now heading back."

As she said that, they could see the streak of rainbow color flying back towards the city, but it stopped mid-air and looked around before heading towards them and stopping in front of them.

"So, this is Flare?" asked Amazement, looking at the superhero, but she turned to Flash, Berry, Star, and Eirika, seeing their confused looks. "...what's wrong?"

All four look at each other and back at the floating child that was in front of them.

"That's not Flare, but..." said Eirika, scratching her head.

Berry floated towards the child and flew around her, checking her out.

"But she does look like Flare, but just as a kid!" Berry stopped and shouted over to Grape. "Oh my god, did we travel back in time!? When Flare was younger!"

The young looking Flare gritted her teeth and opened her mouth, sucking in air.
"NO, I AM NOT SUPERMARE!!!" shouted the young Flare, releasing a loud and powerful sonic boom yell, making everyone cover their ears.

Flash covered her ears, the first time she showed any pain to everyone here. "AH! IT'S NOT JUST HER LOOKS, BUT HER VOICE TOO!"

The young-looking Flare started to get more mad, moving her arms around like a child having a tantrum. "I AM NOT SUPERMARE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! I'M WAY COOLER THAN THAT STUPID OLD MARE!!!"

"Who's Supermare?" asked Amazement, leaning in and whispering to Eirika, who was still covering her ears and shaking her head, telling her that's Flare's superhero name. Amazement looks back at the child. "So, if you are not Supermare, that means you are not Flare, the person we have been here to get. So, who are you?"

The child landed, crossing her arms and giving off a smug look. "My name is Superfilly! The most awesome and cool superhero in the world!" she waved her hand in front of her face. "Way better than that old lame superhero, Supermare. She's old news!"

Amazement look over to the group, who didn't seem too happy to hear this child saying such things. "Okay, one, that's rude. Two, what are you? A pretender? Because I saw your type in my universe with other superheroes who had to deal with pretenders who wanted to take their names and claim their fame. But they all learned a lesson and learned that fame is not the reason to become a hero." but she could see Superfilly looking bored and not really listening. She groans, not really wanting to waste time with this kid. "Look, I'm not dealing with you. So, move along; we're busy saving the multiverse and all that. We need to find the real Flare!" She waved the child away, but Superfilly wasn't happy and started to get mad.

"Multiverse? Saving it?" She flew up to Amazement's face, giving her a cocky smile. "HA! Then you came to the right place! I'm the better pick for saving the multiverse than that old fart."

Amazement glared at her and was about to talk down to her, but Berry flew between them, facing the young child.
"I'm sorry, but we're here for the real Supermare, Flare. You are just a child, sorry. Now, if you excuse us," She was about to leave, but was stopped as the young girl grabbed her by her tail and slamming her down on the pavement, cracking it.

"Berry!" shouted Grape, seeing what just happened to her friend, making her fly towards in great speed but being blasted away as Nova rush past her, both swords in hand, and slashed the child with her swords, but the young girl dodged the attacks with ease.

Nova growled and slashed at her once more, but she easily blocked it with her glove-covered hands. Nova couldn't believe it; she was giving it her all, but this child was easily blocking her attacks and showed no signs of struggle in doing so. But Nova kept attacking, hoping to hit her, but was smacked away by a strong kick. Nova flew back and was caught by Twila magic, who quickly put her down, and Eirika rushed past them with her rainbow sword drawn.

"You hurt my friends! Flare won't do that! You going to pay, you faker!" she stated, giving a cold stare.

"And you think that's going to scare me?" Superfilly taunted her, laughing weirdly, which caught Twila's attention.

Eirika gave her a smile before charging in and swinging her blade, only for the child to dodge it, making her miss and leaving herself wide open.

"Gotcha." She quickly turned around, kicking Eirika across her face and knocking her away, her sword flying off and landing near Grape.

Grape looked at the blade and quickly picked it up with her magic, looking up to see Eirika being picked up by Flash and Amazement. Grape then turned over to a motionless Berry, who was being watched over by Star, and she started to remember what happened to Berry when she returned home. She changed after seeing death, and now Grape is experiencing it. Seeing her friend just lying there, motionless, She felt rage growing inside of her and gripped the Rainbow sword handle harder with her magical aura and turned to Superfilly.


Grape sped towards the child and swung the sword at her. Superfilly gave a weird, smug smile and just stood there, like she wasn't sure what to do next.

Grape swung her blade down, but the blade stopped in mid-air, inches from the young girl's head.

"W-Wha?" said Grape, feeling that something was holding the sword back, and she could see two fingers from a glove covered hand over the tip of the blade from behind her.

"That's enough."

Grape looked back, seeing an cyan anthro mare

wearing a suit that matched the color scheme of younger Flare's and had a long puffy rainbow mane. She could tell this mare was the real Flare and was the one who stopped her attack. She even looked just like...


Flare watched as Grape let go of the sword and rushed towards her friend, begging her to get up, but poor Berry was still motionless. She then turned to Superfilly and could see her trying not to act all worried and guilty.

"Why? Why did you attack them? What were you thinking?"

Superfilly crossed her arms and stuck her nose up, looking away.

"They called me a pretender and said that I was not the hero they were looking for." She started to look sad without Flare or the others noticing. "So I showed that small version of us a lesson in not messing with me."

Flare shook her head. "Maybe Berry is right, Glare?" she could see. Superfilly, known as Glare, turned to her, looking somewhat hurt. "I know you are still learning to be a superhero like me, but you need to know what that symbol on your chest means. That means you can't go around hurting innocent people, including my friends. That's not what a hero should do."

Glare didn't say anything and just stared at the symbol on her chest and then the one on Flare's own chest, which was a yellow and red S.

Flare turned to the group, hovering over them, leaving Glare alone as she touched her chest. "I'm so sorry about what Glare has done to you girls! How is Berry?" she asked, seeing Grape crying over their friend, but thankfully, Berry opened her eyes and rubbed her chest.

"Feels like I was hit by a train, huh?" Berry was hugged by Grape, who was saying she was sorry and saying other things that she didn't understand. But she finally took notice of Flare, who kneeled down and smiled at her with so much hope.

"Hey, glad to see you're awake. Long time no see, Berry."

"FLARE!" cried Berry, seeing her old friend and pushing Grape off and jumping on her chest. "I miss you! HOW YOU BEEN!"
Grape looked a little sad, but also happy for her friend and the reunion she had with her another universe self. Still, that didn't mean it didn't hurt to watch and feel jealous. She saw that Flare was patting Berry's head.

"We have a lot to talk about, right?" She then turned her attention to the group, which walked over. She handed back the rainbow sword to Eirika, who took it but also hugged her.

"Good to see you, Flare."

Flare patted Eirika's back, smiling as they let go.

"Eirika, look at you!" She then turned to Flash, who gave her a big, stupid grin. "Same with you, Flash. You two have grown so much! How long has it been in your universe? It's only been three years since saving the twins and the multiverse. I'm guessing it's been much longer in yours."

"Yeah, time moves faster or slower in other universes," answered Star, who floated around Flare. "But we're not here to just see you again."

Flare's happy smile became a very worried one. "What's going on, Star?"

"It's the twins," simply answered Amazement.

"The twins?" replied Flare, becoming so serious in her tone that Glare took notice of it, as she had never seen her like this before and listened to the conversation.

"...I see. Blitz and Braver are in danger from this mad woman who wants to restart the multiverse by eating them." Flare placed her hands on her hips, giving off an aura of hope. "I won't let that happen! I'm in!"

Everyone was happy that Flare wanted to help, but Glare looked on in anger, angry that the group didn't pick her.

"Why would they pick her over me? I'm the better hero here!" asked Glare to herself, pouting and turning away.

Flare clapped her hands and looked around, wondering where the booth was at, that Amazement explained in how they jump across the multiverse.

"Where is it?"

Amazement sighed, then explained what happened, making Flare chuckle a bit.

"I see then. That is a problem...hmmm..." she started to think, and a lightbulb appeared over her head. "I think I know how to get the phonebooth back into this universe, or at least call out to it. I just need to visit a friend!" She turned to Glare, who was just sitting on the floor, tapping her fingers in annoyance. "Hey, Glare."

Glare groaned and slowly turned to Flare.


Flare gave her a smile, hoping that she would accept it.

"I'm going to leave you in charge of the city while I'm gone." She thought that Glare would be happy about it, but she seemed annoyed and turned away.

"Fine, whatever."

Flare frowned, knowing this wasn't the way she usually was. But she could tell something was wrong with her, but there was no time as she turned to the others. "I need to head back to my job real quick. I only came out here after my super-hearing picked up Berry's name being called out. I'm sure my boss is wondering where I went." She started to float up into the air, but Berry stopped her, asking her if they could follow her, as they wanted to see her universe and where she worked at. "Sure, here." She wrote down a street address and handed it to her. "Ask for Flare at the first desk! Just don't use my superhero name, okay? No one knows I'm Supermare. See you soon!" and with that, she took off into the air, heading back where she came from.

"We should go and catch up to her," said Eirika, turning to the group.

Flash nodded and looked over Berry's shoulder, reading the card that Flare gave them. She read it out loud to everyone.
"Daily Equestria? Sounds pretty lame for...what did Flare do again? I forget."

"She works at a news network as a reporter," answered Star, getting a shock look from Flash.

"Oh, I thought she was some kind of newspaper reporter. That makes more sense that she reports news about nets."

Nova and Amazement just rolled their eyes, not understanding why Flash is such an idiot.

"Anyway, let's go!" said Eirika, who started to walk off with Berry, Flash, and Amazement, but Twila tugged her arm, making her look back at her. "Twila, what's wrong?"

Twila slowly turned to Glare, who was still here, as she just sat by herself.

"Something's wrong with her, and I think I know why. I want to talk to her an-" she couldn't finish as Eirika patted her head, making her blush a bit.

"That's okay; I trust your judgment, but I need you to be careful. We've seen what she can do. Okay?"

Twila nodded, and Eirika let her go, watching her step back and noticing Nova and Star joining her.

"I take it you girls are joining Twila." asked Eirika, looking a bit worried but not wanting to show it.

Star nodded. "Yeah, we just want to talk to her. We might know what's up with her as well."

Eirika turned once more towards Glare, thinking she might know why the girls wanted to stay and befriend Glare. She could also see Grape staying behind as well, but she could tell it was for a different reason than the others.

"Okay, just be careful. We'll meet up with Flare and come right back; see you guys soon." She walked off with the others, leaving the girls behind.

Nova crossed her arms, watching Eirika and the others head down the fire escape of the apartment they were on, then walking off the streets, blending in with the crowd.

"What's your plan, Twila?" asked Nova, seeing her looking over to Glare, who didn't take notice of them yet. "Like, I already know why we're going to talk to her because she's having problems and all that, but what's the plan? Like, you must have one."

Twila slowly nodded. "I do, but we can't rush this. She's clearly upset and angry. So, I want to start by talking to her first. Maybe see if she wants to talk to us, but if she doesn't..."

Star and Nova nodded.

"Then we can try again," replied Star, floating towards the young child, leaving the other three behind.

As Star floated away, Nova and Twila looked over to Grape, who was sitting on the floor and looking depressed. They walked over to her and kneeled down, trying to cheer her up.

"Hey, Grape," said Twila, trying her best to cheer her up.

"I thought Berry died..." sobbed Grape, rubbing her tears away, feeling very hurt.

Twila frowned, looking down.

"Grape..., Eirika explained to me that in your world, death isn't really a thing, correct? I'm not sure if I'm using the word right."

Grape nodded, sniffing her nose. "Y-Yeah. I've never seen anyone die or even be killed; it just didn't happen. We get knocked out, but never..." Flashes of seeing Berry motionless on the floor made her feel sick, which Nova could tell and rub her back, trying to calm her.

"Just breathe; that's what Layla always told me when I had...mini attacks." She could hear Grape following her orders, taking a deep breath. "There, now I know this is...culture shock, right, Twila?"

Twila nodded and patted Grape's tiny leg, which calming her down.

"You can say that. Look, Grape." She could sense her looking at her now. "Berry is okay. She's with Eirika and the others, safe and sound. She didn't die, okay? There's nothing to worry about, so don't worry. Just take deep breaths and breathe like Nova said."

Grape slowly nodded and did what she told her, breathing deeply and slowly, starting to feel better.

"Thank you... I was so scared, but you two made me feel better." She gave them a smile, but that quickly faded as Nova gave her a cold stare. "S-something wrong, Nova?"

Nova did a big huff from her dragon nose and stood up, crossing her arms. "You don't need to pretend that you are already okay. Let it out; show how you feel right now. No shame in that."

Twila and Grape looked at each other, a little worried, but Grape knew what Nova meant.

"It's true; I'm not okay, and I don't think I will be okay until I see Berry." She started to cry again. "I want to be like her! She brushes it off like nothing happened, that she almost got killed. She's already strong when I met her, but she became even stronger after returning home. I thought she changed for the worst, but she's still the Berry I remember—just much much stronger. I want to be strong like her!"

Twila and Nova didn't say anything, but they understood her feelings. They both wanted to be like the people they look up to and have been inspired by, even if the person has flaws.

"We understand," simply replied Twila, who held her hands, making her look at her. "But the best way is not to change who you are or become like Berry. Just be the person you are and become strong that way. Don't worry, we'll help you."

Grape wiped her tears away and nodded, hugging the two faces, surprising them, but they hugged her back. But that hug ended as Star flew by them, hitting the doorway of the roof exit. She was fine, as she told them so. She then tried to get out of the dent in the door. They quickly looked to Glare, who was smiling with smugness, but there was something else there.
Twila stood up, faced her, and simply said,.

"You are afraid, aren't you? You can't really connect with others because of your powers, and you think no one wants to be around you because of it. Even if it was an accident, like what happened to Berry, That's why you act this way—to push people away before they can be hurt."

For the first time ever, they could see Glare's face becoming filled with pure sadness.

"Is it really that obvious?"

Nova stood up and faced her.

"Not at all. I'm pretty bad when it comes to reading the atmosphere and understanding what people are thinking." She walked over to her and used her tail to wipe away a single tear from Glare eye. "But I understand when someone is suffering because of the power they were given. Like myself and Layla, we're the same. When I was younger and the disease started to form my powers, I destroyed my whole neighborhood block, killing some. Because of that, I didn't want to hurt Layla and ran away."

She could see Nova trying to be strong, just like she did a few moments ago, which made her feel better.

Twila joined Nova side, placing her hand on her own heart. "Speaking of not reading the atmosphere and understanding what people are thinking, Eirika was like that, and I thought she was weird when we first met," she said, seeing Glare chuckling. "But then I got to know her and realized she's not weird. She's just very...somewhat dumb." She chuckled herself, making Glare smile a bit more. "Even so, she befriended me and never once cared about the curse marks that were once on my body. She showed me that my dark magic, which was part of the curse markings, could help people. She's still showing me that even after the curse is gone, every day. So, what I'm trying to say is that you're not alone."

She could see Glare's eyes widen, shocked to hear someone telling her that.

"You're not alone in feeling like this. Thinking that the only way to protect others from yourself is to push them away. To keep yourself away from hurting anyone else, even if they can't really be harmed. It's okay to feel this way and to be sad."

Grape joined in, by slowly flying towards Glare with a sad but yet happy smile.

"You remind me of Berry, which helps that you look just like her!" She giggled a bit before touching Glare's hands. "She first became a magical girl when she accidentally hit a group of ponies with her magic during a fight. Thankfully, no pony was harmed. But when she did it, she felt scared and thought that her power was too dangerous. But after talking to us, her friends, we told her that accidents happen, and that doesn't mean you should fear your powers." Grape could see Glare closing her eyes, like she was trying to hide her emotions. "As long as you use your powers for good, you can't hurt others. You might make mistakes, and that's okay. The important part is that you learn from them."

Glare opened her eyes, which were filled with tears. She looked over to Star, who was finally getting herself out of the dent of the door, looking like she was embarrassed and mad at herself.

"Sorry, I spooked you as I bumped your shoulder. Like I understand, you don't see a floating talking moon every day." she could hear Glare laughing a bit. "I get the feeling you hurt others by mistake, right? I can see it on your face."

Glare looked down, ashamed of herself.

"Yeah, I have, more times than I can count. I always feel like this, scared that I might kill someone or hurt them beyond repair." She looked up at the sky, seeing an airplane passing by within the blue sky. "I was created...to replace Flare." She could hear the group asking what she meant by that. "Flare...died. She died a few months ago when she fought Calamity Day, a monster from space, and defeated it, but in doing so, she died in the process. The world lost a great hero, and a few others tried to take up her mantle, but they weren't her. Then... I was created."

She could see the group looking confused.

"What do you mean, Glare? Flare is alive, right? Were you just created or..." asked Grape, trying to understand.

"Flare never really died; just her body slowed her heart down to a near stop. She was alive, just somewhat in a coma as her body was healing itself. But the world didn't know that, and Nex, her archenemy, had DNA of her and created me." Glare could see the group starting to understand. "Skipping the boring stuff, I realized that Nex was a bad person, and I joined the others that tried to take up Flare Mantle, stopping Nex and the revived Calamity Day. Even Flare returned and helped us to stop them." She looked away from the group and towards the city. "Nex told me I'm a god, the most powerful being on this planet. I could crush anything and anyone in the palm of my hands. At first, I didn't believe her, but when I took up the Superfilly name and tried to help others by stopping the bad guys, I got people hurt. I felt my power and what my full potential is. It scared me." She closed her eyes, remembering the event. "I can truly crush anyone here to dust. It's terrifying."

The group could understand where Glare was coming from and felt bad for her. Star floated to her and bopped her chest, making her touch it.

"It's been eating you away, right? The fear of hurting others and not living up to Flare created a hole in your heart, am I correct?" asked Star, who could feel Glare nodding. "I've been there and am still there. I love Aaira; she's the one who trusted me and saw the good within me. I wasn't like my brother and sisters, a killer evil moon that uses dead bodies to create nightmares." She could see Glare was a little scared and worried. "Anyway, she saw that I wasn't like that, but a part of me feels like she's wrong. I... hurt her before she knew me... I'm scared that I can't ever be what she sees in me and that I'm going to end up killing her someday."

Twila rubbed Star's back surface, calming her down.

"Thanks, but Glare is feeling like that, that her power will only destroy rather than protect. She's going to end up becoming what Nex was trying to create. Right?"

Glare slowly nodded, agreeing.

"Yeah, I feel that every day."

"Then you and Star need to remember one thing," replied Nova, putting her arms around them. "You can live up to your potential with the people you look up to, no matter what! Sure, you have the power to do it, but it's your choice whether or not you want to become that person. To follow your own path and your own story. It's up to you and no one else!"

She could see Glare thinking about it, looking down.

"I don't know... Can I? Flare clearly sees that I can't... I still don't understand what she means by this symbol on my chest. Her symbol that she wears so proudly that I still don't understand what it represents"

"What do you think it means?" asked Twila, looking curious.

Glare touched it, gripped it hard, and answered.

"I don't know... I just don't know."

The group could tell this was going to be a lot harder than they thought.

Meanwhile, Eirika and the others were walking within the crowed streets, amazed that no one wasn't giving them looks. Well, just Eirika was feeling this, since she was the odd one out for not looking like a human pony.

"Maybe there are people who look weird in this universe then?" she thought to herself.

The group finally reached the street address and found themselves looking at a tall building with a planet on top of it. They entered it and walked up to the first desk, where a blonde, green-skinned mare sat. She was reading a magazine and not looking too interested in her job.

"Excuse me, we're looking for Flare." asked Eirika, who caught her attention, and she dropped her magazine. Eirika could tell she was looking at her and Amazement all weird. "Is something wrong?"

The mare looked her over once more and smirked. "I didn't know the medieval fair was back in season."

Eirika gave her a weird look, not knowing what she was talking about. Not realizing she's talking about her armor that she's wearing.

"Uh, we're here because Flare told us to meet her here, miss," answered Amazement, pushing Eirika to the side. "We're here-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. She called me earlier and told me that rookie superheroes were coming for an interview or something. Here." She opened a cabinet from under the desk and handed them passes to enter the building. "Go through those doors and take an elevator to the 40th floor. Flare will be there. I think she's on the air right now."

Amazement grabbed the passes and gave them to the girls. "Thank you, miss."

The group walked away and headed towards the metal double door. They entered the building hallway, walking by many ponies and other creatures; some looked busy while others just loitered around. Eirika saw this and was very concerned.

"What's wrong, Eirika?" asked Berry, who noticed her worried expression.

"It's just that..." she looked over to a stallion and mare, who were holding onto their coffee cups, not paying attention to anything around them as they talked to each other. "This seems so...rude, like no one cares about their job as they just hang around, doing mostly nothing."

Amazement chuckled at this comment, which made Eirika feel a little upset.

"This is a normal thing here, Eirika. Everyone is just taking it easy, because this area is basically the break area for the staff. When we reach the floor that Flare is on, you'll see people working and doing their jobs.' explained Amazement as they reached the elevator and entered it.

It wasn't long before they finally reached the floor that Flare was on and exited the elevator to see people working on computers. They kept walking down the hall and saw the door with "ON AIR" and seats near it.

"Guessing she's on air right now, we better take a seat." said Amazement, leading the girls over to the seats and sitting down.

"So, how is this going to go, Amazement?" asked Berry as they heard the interviewer talking to a guest.

Amazement shrugged her shoulders.

"No clue. She said she knows someone who can help with connecting with Discord. Let's hope they can truly help, or we might have to wait for Discord to return, which can take weeks or months." The girls could see her slightly freaking out. "Or maybe years. Remember, in every universe, time runs differently than our own, which means, "

"Calm down, Amazement. We have a chance, right?" replied Berry, trying to calm her down. "If Flare says they can help, then they can help. Besides, Discord said he has someone helping him with the whole time problem, remember? If he didn't, we won't make it back in time to help the twins."

Amazement said nothing, only sighing loudly and placing her head in her hands. This made the others feel a little bad and a little unsure about it. They just have to hope that whoever Flare has in mind can help them in any way they can.

A hour later, the sign turned off, and a ton of staff came walking out, some looking at them with interest, mostly Eirika.

"Guessing the show is done?" said Amazement, watching the staff walk off.

As the last staff member left the area, a lone woman, wearing black glasses,

stopped in front of them, holding a microphone in her hand. She smiled.

"Sorry about keeping you waiting, girls. I had an interview with the city mayor today on the news."

Amazement knew right away this was Flare alter ego. She was going to say something to her, but the rest of the girls stood up and all asked Flare the same question.

"Hello, do you know where Flare is?"

Amazement and Flare had the same confused look on their faces when they heard that.

Flare smiled a bit. "What? It's me, Flare."

Flash leaned in and looked at her with her eyes, trying to see if it was true.

"No way; the Flare we know looks nothing like you. Plus, she doesn't wear glasses."

Flare had the most dumbfounded look on her face, which the others didn't notice.

"Girls, this is the flare we are looking for," replied Amazement, catching the girls attention. "Her alter ego is a news reporter. This is her, Flare."

The girls return looking at Flare, who did a tiny wave back at them, but the others all agree that this wasn't Flare.

Eirika placed her arms behind her head. "Nah, this isn't Flare."

"I have to agree with the others. This isn't Flare. We should search for her," said Flash, looking around now.

Berry bowed at her. "Sorry, but we need to find Flare. Maybe you saw her?"

Amazement eye twitch when she saw the girls acting like this. She wondered if they were truly stupid or were pulling her leg.

"Guys, this is Flare."

They all looked back at her, not believing her.

"How can this be Flare?" asked Flash, which made Flare look around, making sure the close was clear.

Flare removed her glasses. "See? It's me! Sorry, but you girls have to keep this a secret."

All the girls gasped, seeing the real Flare in their eyes. They all asked her where she came from, not realizing that this was the same person, all at once. Amazement sighed loudly, wondering how she could deal with the group for much longer.

Flare shook her head and placed her glasses back on.
"Okay, let's go."

The girls were blinking, and Berry asked her a question.

"Sorry, have we met?"

"What are you talking about?" asked Flare, removing her glasses.

Flash gasps loudly. "Whoa! Flare, how did you do that!?"

"Do what?"

"Umm, you just disappeared, and this random lady appeared in front of us."

Flare scratched her head, trying to understand this whole event. "What? I just put these normal glasses on, see?" She put them on again.

Eirika grabbed the hilt of her sword. "How is she doing that!? How are they switching places!? Magic!?"

Berry flew around Flare, wondering where this woman came from, while Amazement sat back down in the chair, shaking her head in utter disbelief.

"Girls, this is Flare, both of them, remember? She's a reporter. Please, Lord, give me strength." Amazement mumbled to herself, still not believing how stupid they were being.

Flare couldn't help but laugh about this. She lowered her head and slowly took off her glasses. As she did that, Amazement swore she heard a heroic medley playing in the background. Flare slowly rose her head, once again revealing she's Flare, aka Supermare.

"HOLY COW! IT'S FLARE!" shouted the girls in unison.

Flare couldn't stop laughing, as she could hear Amazement's face hitting her palm again, but much, much harder now.

After getting to the roof of the Daily Equestria, changing into her Supermare outfit, and explaining who Glare was, Amazement was starting to see how Flare was having a hard time dealing with her younger clone. She told them about how she had been trying to explain what the symbol on their chest meant, but Glare still didn't understand it.

"It's kind of like teaching a baby to talk. She knows it but can't figure out the words." Flare was saying as they looked over the city, as the sun was setting. "But unlike a baby, she has the mind of a young adult. She's not dumb; she's just lost."

Flash nodded. "I understand that feeling. I have a hard time figuring out what Midnight is saying to me when she tells me things about the history of martial arts."

Flare smiled; part of it was because Flash understood her problem, but also because it was good to be able to be around her old friends again.

"Well, hopefully she'll understand soon. Now, let's get the others and head to a few states over. I'm sure my 'gloomy' friend is starting her rounds soon."

Flare took off, flying where the rest of the girls were, while the others followed by flying by her side. Amazement held Eirika, used a flying spell, and followed them.

Hours later, Glare floated alone above the city, watching it come to life as its lights turned on as night finally came. She had her mind on what the girls told her after they left with Flare, hoping it was true. She knew that she was more than just her power and that she could control it. Not hurting others anymore and letting them in. She touched her chest, feeling the 'S' symbol on her suit.

"This 'S' on my chest..." she thought to herself, gripping it softly. "What does it mean? What does it really mean?"

Suddenly, a green beam hit her from behind, making her crash into the street below. Creating a giant dust cloud and knocking cars and creatures back. She slowly rose up, shaking her head and coughing a little.

"Geez, who the hay fired that shot?" she thought, dusting herself off but suddenly feeling super weak, making her fall to her knees. Her vision started to become blurry, but she could see someone flying towards her and landing. They were wearing a green power armor suit and a 'N' symbol on the suit's chest. "...damn, you!" whispered Glare before passing out as a female voice could be heard laughing evilly.

"You are my property; never forget that, little one. My...creation."

In a dark alleyway, two mask robbers with stolen money from a convenience store ran as fast as they could. They knew the police were probably chasing them. One of the robbers stopped, leaning against a wall and breathing hard. The other one stopped too and looked around the corner, seeing no one. They thought they were in the clear.

"Okay, let's get the fuck outta here, man!" whispered the first robber, grabbing the money from the other guy and shoving it in his pocket. "Now that we have this, let's-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as a black shadow grabbed him and took him into the shadows of the alleyway. His screams of horror echoed as he vanished. His partner realized what just happened and held his gun tight as he looked around him. He felt his body shivering in fear; his breathing was short and quick. He tried to calm himself down.

"Come on out, you fucking bitch!" He heard a noise from behind him and quickly turned to see a trash can falling over because of a rat. "Damn it, where are you? Damn Bat!"

"Over here."

He turned around, and a fist punched him in the face, making him crash to the ground. He rubbed his face and looked up to see a tall figure wearing a black and dark purple suit. The figure opened its arms, holding its cape, which made it look like bat wings.

"Fuck!" screamed the robber, pulling his gun out and shooting the figure, but a rainbow blur appeared and took the hits for it. The robber knew who it was and slowly set the gun on the ground and put their hands up. "Dealing with bats is one thing, but dealing with Supermare? No, thank you."

Supermare dusted her chest and watched as the dark figure walked past her and punched the robber in the face, knocking him out. The figure turned and looked at her, its white eyes narrowing.

"I had him, Supermare," said the figure, grunting as they tied the robber up with steel wire.

"You're welcome," replied Supermare, crossing her arms.

"I don't need your help. I had everything under control."

Supermare rolled her eyes, not believing a word the figure said. She knew her friend very well; she wouldn't ever admit it, never saying 'thank you' for helping her.

"Whatever, Nightmare, I need your help."

As Supermare said, the alleyway lights flicker on, revealing this universe: Twilight, known as Brice Sparkle, is a rich playgirl by day and a crime fighter at night known as


Nightmare didn't look at her but did ask her a question.
"Does it have to do with that weird energy signal I picked up hours ago? It's gone now...well, not all of it."

Flare closed her eyes and smirked. She wasn't surprised that Nightmare knew about her multiverse friends appearing in their universe. She was always one step ahead.

"Yeah, it's about that, and I think you know why, like I even have to ask."

Nightmare got up, looking at the knocked-out robber.

"I had a hunch it was them again. Not the same energy signals from last time, but somewhat close enough to those readings I picked up. But the fact that you are still here tells me something is up. And if you're not in another universe, then...there's a big reason you are here, and it's a bad one."

Flare couldn't help but sigh. Even though she didn't want to admit it, she was happy to see Nightmare being always right, despite the fact her friend wasn't smiling and had a very serious expression, like always.

"Yup, it's a big one."

Nightmare dialed a number on her wristband and finally turned to her friend.

"Another multiverse crisis, I take it? If so, let's head back to the batcave," she said as her batmobile drove down the alley and stopped between them. "The cops will pick these two up soon. Let's get moving." She jumped in, and the car rocketed off, leaving Supermare floating in the air.

She shook her head. "Always a serious person," she said. She looked up and could see the other robber hanging from a fire escape railing. She could hear the cops coming this way thanks to her super-sonic hearing and flew off.

As Flare was flying above the batmobile, she could hear Nightmare talking to her.

"I know you can hear me. If you are going to bring guests to my batcave, you should have asked first. Cindy Nickle is finally taking a long-needed break. I don't need her coming back home and seeing the place as a mess."

Flare was going to dive down and be next to the car, but she heard her friend telling her not to bother.

"We're almost there, and if you're wondering how I knew you went to the cave first, the alarm in the cave was triggered. It was only for a few seconds, but I have the security cameras record it, so don't lie to me."

Flare couldn't help but smile. Nightmare was truly smart and a bit of a worrywart. But she didn't care. She was happy that she could be with her friend again, even if she had to put up with her sometimes.

A few minutes later, they were inside a tunnel after entering a cave outside of the city. Nightmare told her that they would arrive soon and that they would talk in the cave. Flare had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, knowing Nightmare was mad and wasn't going to be happy. She hopes that Flash and the others won't break anything.

They finally exited out of the tunnel and into the batcave. The car came to a stop, and the roof opened up, allowing Nightmare to jump out of it and land with her cape covering her whole body. She slowly looked up and looked around, becoming slightly mad. Flare landed next to her and could tell she was upset and should be, as they could see the scene in front of them.

"FLASH! PUT THAT DOWN!" screamed Amazement as she and the others were watching Flash flip a giant penny into the air, like you would flip a normal-sized coin.

She had a bored expression, watching the large penny flip in the air and back into her hand, tossing it again with a flick of her thumb without any signs of struggle.

"But I'm bored! Come on, this is cool and fun! Never seen a penny this big before!"

Flare could hear Nightmare grunting in annoyance as she walked over to them, demanding she set the penny down.

Flash looked at her and smiled as she set the penny down back where she got it from and cracked her knuckles. Nightmare narrowed her eyes at her, knowing she wanted a fight.

"I fought powerful beings like yourself, so I suggest that you back down."

Flash appeared behind her and was going to punch her, but Nightmare rolled away and tossed a mini bat shape grenade into Flash's face, creating a bright flash. Flash grunted as she was somewhat blinded, her ears ringing. This gave Nightmare time to pull out a pair of metal futuristic gloves and put them on, charging at Flash and hitting her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her, and crashing into the giant penny, flipping it on its back, and cracking the ground a little. Flash quickly recovered and could see Nightmare smirking as she ordered the batcomputer to shut the lights out.

Flash knew this would aid Nightmare, but it was too late; the batcave lights went out, leaving them in pitch darkness. Flash couldn't see anything—only the sounds of her friends calling her an idiot and the sounds of the cave itself. She closed her eyes and tried to sense her magical aura, but she couldn't sense her at all.

"What? She doesn't have any magical energy!?"

A pair of white eyes were behind her, and Nightmare was slowly walking behind her.

"You're right. I have no magical energy or superpowers. I use tech, not magic. You have no chance of defeating me."

Flash quickly turned around and hit nothing but air, opening her eyes and seeing nothing but darkness. For some reason, she felt something, like it was...

"Fear," simply said Nightmare, being behind Flash once more. "I'm a bat of nightmares, after all. I feed off fear. It's what makes me stronger. I was hoping for a better challenge ever since Flare told me about your battle with each other, three years ago. You're not even putting up a great fight."

Flash quickly turned around and swung her fist, but once again, Nightmare wasn't there. She started to sweat as her eyes moved around the cave, trying to locate her.

"You're fast and strong like Supermare, but I can tell you're very stupid." Nightmare punched her in the back and leapt away. "And go into battle without thinking. That is why I beat you so easily."

Flash grunted, closing her eyes and trying to focus. She knew Nightmare was messing with her, making her lose her focus.

"Come on, think. Think, Flash! Use that big head of yours!"

Flash eyes snapped open as Nightmare appeared in front of her, ready to deliver the finishing blow with a device in her hand.

"Too late, I win."

Suddenly, Nightmare felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned around and saw Flare smiling at her.

"Okay, I think Flash gets it. Enough, and let's talk, shall we?"

Nightmare lowered her fist, and the lights turned on. Flare was surprised and a little upset, but the battle came to an end. She was going to protest this, but she suddenly felt her ear being pulled by Amazement, who was yelling at her for being stupid. As she kept listening, Flash could only see someone in Amazement Place, someone she and Midnight knew. Someone they loved like their own child...

Flash closed her eyes and simply said sorry to Amazement, making her let go of her ear. Flash then bowed to Nightmare. Asking for forgiveness and vowing to clean up the mess she created. Nightmare said nothing and finally removed her mask, revealing her face to them. Flash was the only one shocked to see that Nightmare was her universe Midnight, while the others who looked like Nightmare walked towards her.

Grape smiled and flowed around her. "So, you are a version of me in this universe? I like the outfit! Are you a magical girl too?"

Nightmare said nothing but noticed Twila and her bandana around her eyes.

"Are you blind?"

Twila nodded. "Yes, but I can still see the world through the mana of this world and others." She reached out and touched the white bat symbol on Nightmare's chest, feeling the material. "A bat, huh? A warrior uses darkness to her advantage and strikes from the shadows, correct? When you were fighting, I can tell you were trained in the way of the ninja."

"That's right. I was trained by a ninja, who is a master assassin and a martial arts champion, when I was younger. He taught me everything—all of the world's fighting techniques. So yes, I'm a ninja. I can use anything and make it into a weapon if I want to. I'm also a genius. The world's smartest woman." She watched as Twila removed her hand, but she grabbed it, spooking her and seeing Eirika holding the hilt of her sword. "I gotta ask you something. You said you could see me? How, I have no magical energy within me."

Twila understood the question and softly held her hand. "You are correct; you have no mana to speak of, but you do have something." She placed her other hand back on Nightmare's chest. "You have a bright and strong caring soul; there is no darkness that can ever cover it."

Nightmare's eyes widened and she was going to say something, but she just removed her hand and looked at her friend. She had so many questions she wanted to ask her.

"So, what's going on?"

Soon, Nightmare was filled in and went over to the computer, where she started to type and talk to them.

"I see, if you want a way to connect that..." she coughed a bit. "...phonebooth, then we need to head to Starlight Labs and use...huh?" She suddenly saw something in the corner of the screen; it was a warning screen. She pressed it and spoke to Flare. "Flare, its Glare, and her life signs are in the red zone. She is barely alive!"

Everyone was shocked to hear this. They asked how she knew this, but Flare sighed and looked pretty mad.

"You chipped her? It's not surprising coming from a paranoid control freak. And if I remember, you also chipped me and others back then."

Nightmare said nothing. Flare rolled her eyes. She was going to say something else, but Amazement cut her off, saying there was no use talking about it. Flare agreed and asked her friend if she knew where she was.

"According to this, her location is...here!"

The batcomputer pulled up a building with a 'N' symbol at the very top of it. Her and Flare knew who that building belonged to. Nightmare typed in some more and told them Glare was on the 99th floor. Flare was going to head out, but Nightmare stopped her, asking her not to leave the batcave, saying something was off.

"Why not!? She's in trouble! I need to save her!"

"And Nex wants you to do that. Nex would have found that tracking chip on Glare; she's not that stupid to leave it in her like that. She wants us to come. It's a trap."

"Even more reason to go and save her. You know Nex will kill her, if it means controlling her. Glare might be my clone, but she's a living being; I will not let her die."

Nightmare narrowed her eyes. She could see her friend wasn't going to listen to her.
"I don't care; we need a plan."

"Then let's think of one!" shouted Amazement, making the two heroes look at her and the rest of the group. "This Nex person might be expecting you two and maybe other heroes from this universe, but she won't be expecting other universe heroes like myself and the others here."

Nightmare thought about it and realized that Amazement was right. Nex would be expecting her and Flare, but not them. She got up and looked at her and her group.

"Alright, I have a plan."

Far in the distance from the cave, a waterfall slowly started to glow as a white light appeared behind it, until a bat-shaped jet flew out from it, and following it were Flare, Flash, and the others with their magic. In the cockpit, Nightmare is flying the jet, while Amazement is in the back seat, somewhat happy that she's flying inside a fighter jet.

"So, you have a sidekick?" asked Amazement, knowing this second seat must be for the Nightmare sidekick.

"Her name is Raven, and she's on a school trip right now." She answered and said nothing else, making Amazement not sure what else to do as she tapped her knees, wondering how not to keep the silence between them.

"You lost someone, haven't you?" simply said Nightmare, making Amazement do a double take and not sure if she should say anything. "I can tell by your eyes. So much pain and anger."

Amazement looked away and hoped she wouldn't say anything else. She didn't want to deal with another person telling her to give Rainbow Dawn a chance, not after that monster killed Dr. Wonder.

"My parents were killed by a robber."

Amazement looked back at her, who kept talking.

"It was my fault; if I hadn't asked them to watch that movie, they would be alive today. Every day, I have to live with that guilt. It's why I became Nightmare—to strike fear into criminals and stop the crime in my city and others. I didn't want others to suffer like me."

Amazement clutched her pants. "I don't want your sympathy; I already know you are thinking of telling me to give Rainbow Dawn a chance." She saw Nightmare sightly looking back at her, knowing she was correct.

"Giving chances to murders is foolish, and it won't bring them back. All you can do is avenge the one you lost by bringing that monster down."

Amazement smiled. She was glad that she and Nightmare were on the same page.

"That is correct. I will not forgive her for what she did. That is why I won't die until she pays for her crimes." She softly let go of her pants and smiled at her. "So, did you kill the person who killed your parents?"


Amazement was taken aback by the answer, not after Nightmare just said about taking down the murder of your loved ones. She asked her why not.

"If I kill him, then I'll be no better than him. If you want revenge, then you have to stop the person without killing them. Make them pay for their actions by bringing them to justice. That is the path I walked. I won't fall down that dark road." She slightly turned toward her once more. "Someone once told me that all it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. I don't know about you, but I will not fall down the path of no return."

Amazement was shocked by Nightmare words.

"When I found the man who killed my parents, he was dying from cancer and wanted to meet me in the prison that he was in, wanting to say sorry and looking for forgiveness. He knew what he did was wrong, and that was enough for me. It might not sound like much to you, but that is how I live my life. How I keep moving forward." her head returned forward. "Sometimes, even murders can be forgiven. All they need is someone who will reach out their hand to them and give them a chance. To listen to them."

Amazement had no words as the plane started to slow down.

"We're here. Remember the plan."

The cockpit opened up, and Nightmare jumped out and landed on the roof of the building, watching her jet fly away. Soon, Flare joined her and nodded.

"She should be a few floors down from here. We better hurry...hmmm?" She stopped and noticed the section of the roof they were on started to lower itself.

"She's not wasting time, it seems," replied Flare, crossing her arms and waiting along with Nightmare as the platform continued down and the roof above them closed.

"Just be ready for anything, Supermare. I have a bad feeling about this."

Flare gave her a big stupid grin. The room they were in was pitch black, but the lights turned on, revealing that they were in a big office room with no one around. The only thing inside was a rich office desk, and the chair behind it swung around, revealing this universe: Lightning Dust, wearing a suit and completely bald.

"Welcome Supermare and Nightmare, the world's finest heroes. How may I help you?"

Flare eyes light up bright red, thanks to her laser vision. She is pissed off.

"Where is she!? Where is Glare, Nex!?"

Nex raised an eyebrow and said nothing. She simply pressed a button under her desk, making the wall on their left open up, revealing Glare being tied up to a machine and tubes connected to her, draining her blood at a slow pace. Flare quickly turned back to Nex, even more filled with rage. Nex laughed, got up from her chair, and walked to the large and wide window in front of her.

"Now now, Supermare. Don't get too angry. I need you to listen."

"Why? What did you do to her!?"

Nex said nothing and looked out the window, watching the city below. She had a bored expression on her face.

"I'm dying," she simply told them, making Flare shock, but Nightmare's cold expression didn't change.

Nightmare turned to Glare and back to Nex, realizing what's going on.
"Kryptonite, isn't it? It gave you cancer, and the only way to save yourself is with her blood somehow?" She narrowed her eyes at her. "How is Glare Blood going to save you?"

Nex smiled and said nothing. She pressed a button, and Glare started screaming in pain, making Flare run to her. She was about to rip the tube, but she felt someone grabbing her cape. She turned around, and her eyes went wide.

"Supermare!" shouted Nightmare as she tossed out her batarangs, and they hit the monster that grabbed her friend, creating a small explosion. It was Calamity Day, but it had robotic parts. She could only watch as her batarangs did nothing to the monster body, tossing Flare across the room and hitting the wall. "You revived that monster!? WHY!?"

"Because it will the world. Once I'm cured, I can make an army of those things and rule the world."

Nightmare leapt away from an incoming punch from the beast and tossed another batarang at it. "What are you talking about!? This will destroy everything! You can't be this stupid, Nex!"

Nex eyes narrow. "Stupid!? Why you...!"

Supermare blasted from the wall and punched the monster in the face, sending it flying out of the room and into the hallway. "You heard her; this isn't like you!"

Nex smirked and fixed her tie. "You are right, but I'm on my wits' end. I want to do something, leave something behind if I don't get cured soon. I will do anything for that to happen, even if I have to destroy the world to do it. I will become a god! I'll be better than you!"

Supermare and Nightmare watched as Nex took out a green rock, which filled the whole room with green light. This made Supermare weak and fall to the ground. Nightmare got her grapple gun out, ready to fire and get the rock, but she felt her cape being pulled and tossed into the hallway, thanks to robotic Calamity Day. Soon, the hole in the wall slammed shut with a force field, stopping her from helping Supermare.

"Damn it!" she yelled as she pounded the force field, dodging as Calamity Day tried to crush her with its fist.

Nex walked over to Supermare and kicked her over, making her lay on her back. She then sat on top of her and started to unbutton her jacket, tossing it away. Then she rolled up her sleeves and held Supermare's chin.

"You could of had everything! You are a god, living among mortals. You could rule the world and be worshiped. Yet you throw it all away for these lowly beings! I don't get it; why!? WHY!?"

Flare gave her a smirk. "I'm no god; I'm just like anyone else. I have my flaws and fears. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses."

"BULLSHIT! You have everything, and I have nothing! Why do you have to be born with such power and not me!?" She raised her hand and smacked the rock across Supermare's face, making her bleed. "I CAN CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER IF I HAD YOUR POWERS! You don't deserve it!"

Supermare looked back at her. Giving her a stupid grin.

With another smack across Supermare's face, Nex stopped and laughed like a mad man, but stopped as she heard Glare begging her to stop. She got off and walked over to the tied-up hero and held her head up.

"Don't worry, I won't forget about you. You are special."

She leaned down and looked at the S' on Glare's chest.

"But not that special. You don't deserve this! You can never be her, you know that, right? You are just a failed clone that thought she could be free from my leash." She tore through the symbol, leaving a slash mark on it, making Glare cry.
"You can't ever be her. You'll always be a slave. My slave!"

Flare watched this and tried to get up but couldn't. Nex heard this and returned her attention back to her.

"How rude of me; let's continue where we left off, shall we?"

She returned to Supermare, kicked her over once more, and started to pound the rock into Supermare's face, making it covered in blood. Glare couldn't watch this anymore and looked away, trying to think of what she could do.

Nex continues her assault and laughs at Supermare.
"Haha! See how powerless you are!? You are pathetic! You don't deserve such power!"

"Stop it, please," whispered Glare, hearing the beating that was going on.

"It's going to be okay," whispered a voice.

Glare opened her eyes and could see Berry and Grape using their magic to remove the tubes from her body and then the restraints on her limbs.

"You two!? How!?"

Berry covered her mouth and told her to be quiet while Grape answered her question.
"Twila is using her magic to cloak us from eyes view right now. We're here to save you, while the others are dealing with that creep." She undid the last restraint and held her close to Berry. "Are you alright?"

Glare held them back and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you."

"Come on, we better get out of here," said Berry, helping to move Glare to the exit, but Glare stopped them, begging them to help Flare.

Grape and Berry smiled and called out to Flare.

"Flash! We got her! You can stop acting now!" said both magical girls in unison, confusing Nex and Glare.

Flare eyes shot open, and Nex could see Supermare body changing. She quickly got off and could see another-looking Supermare looking at her but cracking her knuckles as she got up.

"Another clone!? How!? Who made you!?"

Flash-scratch her chin. "Clone? I'm no clone, but I am another version of Supermare from another universe!" answered Flash as she started to walk towards Nex, who raised the rock to her.

"That's enough of you. You're going to tell me everything."

Flash smirked and stopped walking.


She disappeared, leaving behind a rainbow flash, and reappeared in front of her, kicking the rock out of her hands and grabbing her by the throat. The rock landed on the ground, and a blade smashed it into pieces, making the room filled with green light. Nex could see another version of her archenemy but wearing knight armor, a floating purple moon, and some woman with a blindfold over her eyes, as they appeared out of nowhere.

"Supermare! It's gone! You can enter now!" shouted Eirika above her, and soon, the ceiling came crashing down as Supermare came bursting in, looking at Glare and flying towards her and hugging her, happy she was alright.

Nex started yelling and demanding what was going on. Flare turned to her and explained everything.

"Nightmare figured you had kryptonite. So, she asked Twila here to use her magic to make Flash here, me, and pretend to be weak to the kryptonite, while Twila hid the others with a spell." She then turned to Nightmare, who was joined by Nova and Amazement in taking down half-robotic Calamity Day for good.

Nex's eyes widen as she hears this. She couldn't believe she didn't realize it, and now she is finished—or was she?

Everyone turned to Nex, who was laughing like crazy. She finally stopped and became calm.
"You really think I didn't have a plan in case this happened!?" She pressed a button on her watch, and an alarm started to go off.

Soon, the room started to fill with smoke, blinding everyone. Once it cleared, everyone looked at what was in the middle of the room, as another Calamity Day was in a green water-filled tube, but its chest had burn markings on it; it was the Supermare S symbol. Nightmare quickly realized what this was and shouted for everyone to get out.


Everyone quickly returned their eyes back to the tube, and the monster inside opened its eyes

and roared with great anger as the tube started to break and explode.

"Everyone, get ready!" ordered Eirika, holding her sword and shield at the ready while protecting Twila, who sensed the dark aura of the monster.

Flash quickly tossed Nex to the ground, flew towards the monster, and punched it, but her punch hardly did anything. Her attack just made the monster roar at her, grabbing her face and slamming her into the floor, sending her to the next floor of the building.

Nova roared at the monster and dashed towards it with her twin magical blades in hand, slashing its chest and jumping away, avoiding an incoming fist from the monster.

Nightmare got her batarangs ready and tossing them at the monster, making it roar, and started to smash everything in sight.

Berry and Grape blasted the beast with their magical wands, trying to get its attention off everyone and everthing else.

"I'm so done with this!" shouted Flare as her eyes lit up and she fired a red beam at the monster, burning the monster's skin, only for it to heal super quick. Everyone was caught off guard by that.

"HAHAHA! YOU CAN'T STOP IT! IT'S A UNKILLABLE BEAST!" shouted Nex, who was laughing her ass off, as she ran towards the window and hoveing there, is a high-tech-looking helicopter waiting for her.

Nova, Flare, and Nightmare tried their best to stop the monster, trying to avoid getting hit.

"Damn it, we can't get near it!" yelled Nova as she and Flare jumped away from a fist slam.

Flare blasted the monster with her heat vision once more. "We can't let it escape from this room! We can't let it go out into the city!" She stopped her attack, quickly flew towards it, used both her hands together, and pounded Calamity across the face, making it step back in pain. ":NOT AGAIN! NO MORE DEATHS!" Her eyes lit up with rage and she pounded Calamity once more before getting grabbed and being slammed into the hole that Flash went through and landed on her, only for them to be ground pounded by the monster and crash through each floor until they landed on the ground level.

Flare tried to get up, and she felt herself being lifted up and tossed against a wall. She slowly opened her eyes and could see Calamity Day staring down at her, preparing for a final blow with its spiked knuckles, but Flash stopped it and tossed the monster away. Both watched as the monster got up and its eyes started to glow, just like Flare's.

Flare quickly realized what was going to happen and fired off her heat vision, which collided with Calamity's own heat vision. Both tried their best to push the other back, until both beams just exploded, blasting them back.

Nova and the others watched from above while Nightmare rushed towards Nex, who jumped into the helicopter and escaped before she could grab her. She slammed her fists on the ground, angry at herself for not catching her in time.

"I'll get her!" shouted Glare, flying past Nightmare and giving chase.

Nightmare narrowed her eyes and turned to Amazement.

"Go after them! Here!" She pressed a device on her belt, and her jet flew by and hovered at the window. "We'll help Supermare with the monster; you need to stop Glare from doing something she will regret!"

Amazement nodded and quickly entered the jet, with Star joining her. They took off after them. Nightmare turned around and saw Berry and Grape flying down the hole. She and others joined in and followed.

Flare flew and crashed into the wall, while Flash was holding her own against Calamity as they kept punching each other in the face.

"HA! This reminds me of fighting you, Supermare!" joked Flash, remembering how they met. "This monster isn't as strong as you!"

Flare rubbed her head and stood up.

"Thanks for the compliment, but we have to put an end to this."

Before Flash could say anything, she was punched in the gut, and Calamity grabbed her and power-bombed her into the ground.

"Crap!" yelled Flare as she fired a heat vision at Calamity, only for it to be swat away, and it dashed towards her, grabbing her and slamming her into the ground, creating a large crater.

Berry and Grape enter the destroyed ground floor, using their magic to get the trapped people out of the wreckage and rubble. Berry could see Flare getting tossed like a rag doll and flew over to help, but was grabbed by the monster fist and tossed aside. Grape helped Berry back up, and they both started blasting Calamity Day, but its armor-like skin protected it.

Soon, the others landed and acted quickly. Eirika dashed towards it, slashing Calamity back, making it roar in pain. It tried to smash her, but a magical force field protected her, thanks to Twila. Calamity noticed this and swatted Eirika away and charged towards Twila, who fired off magical element spells like water, but nothing was stopping it.

"I got you!" shouted Nova, jumping over Twila and stabbing her swords into the ground, releasing a powerful wave of fire and ice towards the monster. The flames and ice burned the monster skin but didn't stop it as well. Nova roared at it, charging forward and unleashing her meltdown aura, making everything around her melt from the heat. She swung her twin swords, but the monster caught her attacks, lifted her up, and tossed her into the ground.

"Nova!" yelled Nightmare, dashing towards the monster and tossing her batarangs at it, which made no difference. She quickly took out a high-tech-looking gun and used her grapple hook to swing above the monster, landing on its back. The gun released a glue-like substance that covered the monster's back. Nightmare made a bat symbol and jumped away and pressed a switch on the gun, making the glue explode and making the monster roar.

Nova saw her chance and stood back up and stabbed the monster in the chest. Both stared at each other down and roared into each other's faces.

Nightmare landed and could see a rainbow blur passing her, who was Flare and slammed into Calamity. She tackled it across the lobby and into another room. She dragged it across the floor and started to beat its face in.

"NOT! AGAIN! I WON'T LET YOU KILL ANYONE HERE!" She screamed and pounded Calamity one last time, creating a big dent in its face.

Everyone watched this and knew that it was almost over. Flare stood back up, away from the body, and could see the monster doing the same as it too stood back up. Calamity-dented face healed, and it now stared at Flare and chuckled at her, like it was mocking her. Flare gritted her teeth and dashed towards it, only to be punched in the face and slammed into the ground with a spike knuckle in her shoulder.

Everyone was in shock and could hear laughter from the monster, and then...

"KILL! KILL SUPERMARE!" shouted Calamity, pushing its spiky knuckles deeper into Flare's shoulder, making her bleed, but she didn't yell or do anything.

Flare smirk. "You couldn't the first time, buddy! Why do you think you'll be able to do it this time?!" She taunted the monster.

"FLASH! GET HER OUT OF THERE!" shouted Eirika as she rushed towards the monster and slashed her sword at it, making it step back, removing its spiked knuckles from Flare's shoulder, and sweeping its arms at the knight, who blocked it with her rainbow shield.

Flash quickly flew in and helped Flare up, while the others joined them.

"It keeps healing itself, and it's stronger than before," said Nova, cracking her neck. She could see Calamity Day trying to approach them while Eirika was trying to keep it at bay.

Twila started to think of something. "If it keeps healing itself, then we need to overburden its healing abilities!"

Grape joined in. "Yes, if we burn out its healing abilities, then we can put an end to this. Great idea, Twila! I was thinking the same thing!"

Nightmare quickly understood what they were talking about. "Same here...hmmm, you two are me, aren't you?" She gave them a smile and then turned to everyone. "You heard them; you need to give everything you have! We must put an end to this monster, here and now."

"Yeah! It ends here and now." agreed Flare, her eyes glowing much brighter now.

Nova body started to go into meltdown mode, but she soon took that burning energy into her swords. She held them at the ready.

Eirika flew back and landed on her side as Calamity smacked her away like a bug. She got up, placed her shield on her back, held her blade hilt to her face, and started chanting a prayer, which summoned the spirit dragon of Helios, who stood behind her.

Flash combined her hands together and started to say her attack name. "RAINNNNNN!" Soon, rainbow energy started to gather in her palms.

Berry and Grape touched their magical wands together, and two bright stars appeared above them.

Calamity charged at the group, not caring what they were doing, just wanting to kill them.

As calamity was almost upon them, they released their attacks. Nova unleashed her overwhelming heat blast, Flare unleashed a powerful heat ray from her eyes, Flash unleashed her Rainboom beam attack, Helios combined with the rainbow sword, making Eirika shouting Rainbow Aether, blasting out a huge rainbow energy wave, and finally, Grape and Berry fired off two large magical stars. Their attack clashes with Calamity, overwhelming its healing factor. To the point, its body started to crumble apart as they blasted through the wall and the building itself. They finally stopped and could see their attack finish the monster.

"WE...WE DID IT!" shouted Berry and Grape, hugging each other and cheering.

Eirika, Nova, and Flash drop to the ground, tired but cheering along with the other girls. Nightmare was the only one not cheering, as she kept staring at the pile of dust where Calamity Day once was.

"Is it over?" asked a voice from behind her, seeing Twila worried.

"Yes, it's over."

They stood and watched as the dust blew away into the night.

During the fight with Calamity, Glare and the others were given chase at Nex as they raced across the city. Glare tanked missiles that Nex fired at her and was close to getting the chopper, but it did a sharp turn. Amazement and Star watched as Glare almost crashed into the building and continued the chase. The batjet was in autopilot, which was following the helicopter, as the two girls were watching the whole thing.

"Should we be doing something?" asked Star.

"I'm not touching anything here! I have no idea what these buttons do, and I don't want to blow us or something up by mistake." replied Amazement.

Star could understand her fear as she watched the chase in front of them.

"Foolish girl, do you really think you can be like her!? Ha! There's only one Superma-ugh!" Nex clutched her chest in great pain, letting go of the steering wheel, making the helicopter nose dive to the street below, with people running in fear.

Glare noticed something was wrong and sped up, quickly reaching out, grabbed the tail end of the helicopter, lifted it up, and safely placed it back down.

Nex gritted her teeth, as the pain was starting to get worse. She couldn't move at all, as her body started to twitch and

"AHHH!" screamed Nex.

Glare could hear the scream and quickly flew to the cockpit, torn off the cockpit glass, and looked at her 'creator', who was in great pain. As she looked on, the batjet landed behind her, and the first one out was Star and then Amazement. They hurried over and listened as Glare spoke to Nex.

"Do you know what speed you were going?"

Nex just wheezed at her, making Glare smirk, and asked another question.

"License and registration, please."

Nex wheezed once more.

"You good?" asked Glare, tearing the seatbelt off of Nex's chest.

Nex looked at her with great anger. "I'm dying, you foolish girl!"

Glare's face became worried and shocked. "Oh no! Nex Luthor is dying!" but she burst out laughing and helped her out of the cockpit, tossing her on the ground. "Is what I would say if you weren't a massive piece of shit."

People started to gather around and watch as Nex was having problems breathing. Glare slowly hovered towards her, listening to her as she was speaking.

"Do it; kill me! I know you want too!"

"Kill you?" said Glare, thinking about it but hearing Star yelling at her not to do it, but she was pushed away as Amazement ran up and shouted at her.

"Do it! End this monster's life! What good did she ever do!? She's a villain, right?" She then turned to the gathering crowd asking them if she was right, which many said she was. "She has killed people but gotten away with it, right?" Many in the crowd agreed and told stories of how she killed some of their friends or family members with her taking over the world shit. Amazement was smiling as she heard what the people were saying. "See? Kill her and be done with it!"

Soon the large crowds were shouting at Glare to do it, as they were telling her what kind of villain Nex is and has been.
Glare's eyes lit up, and she could hear their voices echoing in her head, saying the same thing over and over.


Everyone watched as Star came floating down and stood along with Amazement, speaking to Glare.

"Don't do it! Don't be like her; you are better than that! If you do kill her, then it's going to eat away at you and your soul!"
She was going to speak some more, but Amazement created a soundproof barrier around her, stopping her from talking.

Amazement could see the pain and suffering that the crowed has gone through, thanks to Nex. "Look at them; they're in pain because of her!" She gestured to the crowd and continued. "You want to be like Supermare, right? Then be a hero and end this monster's life! There's never second chances, and I bet she already was given a lot!"

Nex gritted her teeth as Glare's eyes became brighter and she stood over her, as the crowd was shouting even louder for her to do it.

Glare raised her fists and was ready to smash Nex, but Nex spoke in a mocking tone.

"Ha, you'll never be like her. You are completely different than she is, so do it, little girl. Be a god and crush me in the palms of your hands."

Glare looked down at her and then up at the crowd, who was chanting 'do it'.

Amazement was smiling and then heard Star faintly screaming and begging her to stop, which was annoying her. "Shut up already! We'll finally rid this world of a horrible, evil villain! We're the heroes!" she shouted.

The crowd was getting louder and louder, making Glare's eyes lit up and about to do it, but she stopped. Instead, she closed her eyes and opened them, and the glow of her heat vision was gone. She slowly picked Nex up, making everyone and even Nex herself, confused.

Amazement recovered from the shock and screamed at her. "What are you doing!? Are you really going to let her live after what she did to others!? To you!?"

"I'm not Supermare, and I never will be. Killing her will solve so many problems, but I think I finally understand what this symbol on my chest means." She looked at the large crowd and could see a few faces giving her a happy smile. "As I looked around the crowd, hearing their voices, I saw a few who looked at me with worry and fear. That's when it hit me: this S gives people hope—hope that everything will be okay, there no lives lost. If I kill her, then I'm not helping anyone. This is not a world of vengeance, but one of hope. I won't tarnish that hope!" she said proudly, looking at the S symbol on her chest. She then flew off to the nearest hospital, leaving behind Amazement, who clutched her fist in rage.

"Given second chances, she will regret her decision!"

Hours later, everyone was back in the batcave and ready to head off to Starlight Labs, but suddenly, the phonebooth slowly reappeared. The doors opened, and everyone fell out of it. Discord walked out and looked up at another phonebooth, but it was blue and looked very different. It's doors open, and a man wearing a blue suit waves at him.

"Glad to help with that engine problem! I really wish I could help you with your current issue, but I have my own problems. You know, timey wimey stuff and all that," said the man.

Discord gave him a confused look, and the man just chuckled and waved goodbye, and the blue phonebooth slowly disappeared and was gone.

Discord turned to the group, who were talking to the other group, and then a few hugged Flare, happy to see her again.

"I don't want to be party poor, but we're on a mission here," said Discord, getting their attention.

They all agreed and quickly reentered the phone booth, leaving only Flare, Nightmare, Glare, and Amazement as the last ones. Flare turned to Nightmare, who had her mask off.

"I'm off then! I don't know when I'll be back." She reached out her hand to her. "Tell the league what I'm doing; I bet Lasso Mare is going to miss me," she joked.

Nightmare looked at the hand and just put her mask back on and walked past her, telling her she's joining her.
"This is another crisis, and you're going to need all the help you need. I'm coming with you. Besides, I don't trust these people with that task."

Flare smiled as she watched her friend enter the booth and try to find a good spot to sit in. "That's a negative way of seeing things."

"I'm not a positive person," smirked Nightmare, finally finding a spot next to Midnight, who gave her a cold stare, but Nightmare returned that stare. It was a few seconds, but Midnight smiled.

"I like you."

Flare couldn't help but laugh, but she heard Glare coughing, wanting her attention. "Are you going to be fine on your own? I could stay an-"

"No, go save the multiverse. I can handle myself, and there are others who can help me if I need them. I shouldn't be afraid to be around them. Go, and I'll deal with things here." She started to fly away but was quickly caught by Flare from behind, who gave her the happiest hugs and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm proud of you!" She finally let her go and pointed to the S on the tattered red cape. "I knew you'd understand what that meant!" Glare turned to her, holding her hands on her chest, feeling happy. "It's why I gave you my old cape, the one that Calamity tore from my suit and hanged from a steel beam that night. I wanted to show that no matter what, hope is always there."

"But why give it to me? I wasn't really a hero back then...even now."

Flare smiled and hugged her again. "You are and always will be! You saved her life; that's enough to prove that you are a hero."

Glare couldn't help but feel warm inside and was going to ask her a question, but she felt Flare letting go and heading towards the booth with Amazement.

"You know, she's going to regret not killing Nex. Giving killers and monsters second chances is the most stupid thing ever."
Flare eyed her as they got closer to the booth.

"Every life is worth living, no matter what, no matter what you think or feel. Every life is worth saving. We're all flawed, and sometimes we make the worst choices ever. But the fact that they made those choices means that they're still alive and can learn from their mistakes. Even Nex can change, and I believe that, always."

"Even if those mistakes cause the deaths of others?"

"Even then. Everyone has the freedom and right to write whatever story they want. I may not like the ending or the story, but it's not mine. So I have no right to write or take their pen. If I did, then that makes me just as bad as them." They entered the booth together. "If we take their opportunity and chance away, then they'll never change or grow. They'll always be that same person, not willing to change. That's just sad. It's why there's always..." She looked at her and smiled. "Hope. I saw it firsthand."

Glare stood there, watching the booth close, and disappeared into thin air, leaving her all alone in the batcave. She flew out of the cave and towards the night sky, exiting the planet's atmosphere. She floated in space and closed her eyes. She started to hear echos from Nex's voice.

"Never be like her!"

"Foolish girl."

"A failure."

"Nothing but a mistake."

She gritted her teeth, clenched her fist, and wanted to scream, but she soon heard Flare's caring voice as it echoed in her mind.

"You will travel far, Glare. You will make my strength your own."

"You will see my life through your eyes, as I do yours."

"In spite of your past and how you were born, I know you're a good mare. And all good mares deserve a second chance. You might make a few mistakes. But everyone deserves a second chance."

Glare slowly opened her eyes, seeing the sun shinning behind the planet as she heard her own voice now.

"This is not a world of vengeance but one of hope. I won't tarnish that hope!"

Her own words kept repeating over and over in her head, pushing away the echoing Nex voice and calming herself.

"Good luck...mother. I know you can save the multiverse."

She shut her eyes, and the empty void of space slowly started to be filled with sounds from the planet, from a car honking to a child laughing, birds singing, and people talking. Soon, she heard crying, explosions, gunfire, and finally, someone calling out for Supermare. She opened her eyes and flew back to the planet, off to save the day.

In another universe, the final battle against the Changelings and the Grey was reaching its climax.

The remining human race gathered both alien races inside of a large steel alien device, and they were now retreating as the sphere started to close, but one badly damaged battle cruiser, with "Loyalty" on it,

flew towards the approaching aliens, who were trying to escape as well.

On the empty battle damage deck of the ship, out of her damaged black power armor suit, sat Brigitte, this universe Rainbow Dash.

Her back had a burned cut mark, and from the bit of blood on the floor, she dragged herself to the wall of the bridge and rested her back on it.

Her left eye was shut tight, thanks to the blood leaking down her face. She was breathing hard, and her body was shaking. She was losing blood fast.

"Well, I guess all I have left is to see this through. The Changelings and Greys have taken everything from me. My home, my friends, and my family. I know that nothing I can do can bring those things back, but I'll be damned if I just sit on my hands and watch." She then coughed up blood, wiped her mouth, and started to talk once more. "I'll be damned if I let them get away and do this to another galaxy like our own." She tried to stand, but she couldn't feel her legs at all, almost like she was paralyzed. "No matter what happens, no matter how bad the pain is, I'm not going to stop. I will see this through to the end. No one, nothing will stand in my way." She bop the wall next to her, and a hidden hatch fell off. She dug inside and pulled out a can of beer. "Scotty Boldgers Ol' Number 8, the last beer made before the Changelings came. Let's hope it tastes as good as it's made out to be."

She took the cap off and chugged the beer, loving the taste. She kept chugging until her head was all the way back, with her neck showing.

She stopped, slowly brought the can down, and stared at the label.

"Damn, I was hoping for a good buzz."

Suddenly, the can started to float and was crushed flat. She became shocked and looked up to see a figure. The figure was wearing a futuristic sneaking suit as her cloaking device made her unvisible, revealing herself.

"Terra? Damn it, why are you here? You should had left with everyone else!"

Terra, this universe Twilight, slapped Brigitte and shouted at her.

"I've seen a lot of good lives wasted. Good lives are thrown away for pointless reasons! I can't, and I won't stand by and watch you do the fucking same!" She was about to pick her up, but Brigitte slapped her hand away.

"Darling, my death won't be pointless. My death will save trillions of lives—lives that can see the new dawn and rebuild this world. If you think you can stop me, then go ahead and try!"

"Fine," said Terra, pulling her ear and then picking her up. She was being smug about it and even had a small smirk on her face. "I thought you'd put up a fight."

Brigitte chuckled and softly punched her in the face.

"This isn't where your story ends, Brigitte. You deserve to live a peaceful life," she kissed on the lips and leaned back, smiling. "With me. Seeing the good you did for everyone! Don't be a martyr and come back with me!"

Brigitte looked at her and smiled.

"Your right, this isn't where I belong. I don't have a place here anymore."

Terra took a better hold of her and held her close. Her horn was glowing.

Outside, the loyalty flashed with a blinding light, blowing up and leaving behind a small supernova-like explosion.
Everyone stood there in their ships and watched in the distance as the sphere almost closed. They looked at the fading explosion, which was turning into a rainbow, stopping the escaping aliens.

The sphere finally closed, imprisoning both alien races and forever trapping them inside. Never to spread its pointless war to other galaxies, forever trapped with each other. In an endless cycle of war of their own making.

End of Chapter Green 2