• Published 12th Feb 2024
  • 272 Views, 10 Comments

The Shadow Veil - Scorch215

Twilight Sparkle is a mercenary framed for a crime she didn't commit and must stay ahead of her former client by relying on rival mercenaries to clear her name as two nations prepare for war.

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Chapter 1: The Job

Twilight rolled her shoulders as she dropped her pack on the table of the Dancing Flames inn in the capital city of The Silverspire Republic, Prismara City, supposedly named after the Republic’s Founder’s late wife though Twilight had not delved that far into it as she was just here due to a job that was now done.

She had a decent amount from escorting a merchant caravan and much to her enjoyment no one had attacked it. Either no threats were on the road or they didn't want to chance fighting the group of guards around the merchants, either way worked for her.

Twilight secured the gold coins in a metal box that was one of the main reasons the pack was so heavy but it prevented thieves as not only did it lock but it also had an enchantment on it that alerted her if anyone else besides her touched it.

With the gold she was paid safely secured and tucked back in her pack she made her way down to the main room of the Inn finding most of the other mercs from the job having found their way here already spending their gold on drink.

Twilight raised her hood making sure it covered her head before making her way to one of the few empty tables. Unlike the other mercs who wore armor and visible weapons all Twilight wore was a simple cloak and traveling clothes, looking at her one could be forgiven for thinking her a traveling scholar or scribe rather then a soldier of fortune though if one paid close attention to her cloak they would realize it was enchanted to provide protection acting as her armor while still allowing her to move easily.

She raised a hoof to signal a barmaid that she'd like to order and within moments one came over with a smile on her face. “What can I get you darlin’?” She asked in a rural accent that reminded Twilight of someone she knew, an annoying someone.

“Water and whatever meal is available.” Twilight said, setting some silver on the tabletop.

“Water? Huh…..surprising, coming right up.” The mare said before scooping up the silver in her own magic and left as Twilight sat back and watched the room as the other mercs were half way through their first rounds and already getting loud.

After a few minutes a plate of food and glass of water was placed before her by the barmaid. “Thank you.” Twilight said and tossed a couple silver to her as a tip.

The barmaid smiled. “You're welcome darlin’” She said before moving off towards another table signaling for her.

With the barmaid gone Twilight began to eat her meal in the noise filled room. Her ear swiveled as she heard somewhat unsteady hooves approach her.

“Hey there love, whatcha doing eating all by yourself?” An Earth Pony stallion slurred at her. “Why don’t you celebrate a job done well with the rest of us?” She said and Twilight felt a hoof on her flank.

She reacted almost without thought as her horn glowed and seized the errant hoof, twisting it off her flank and sending it straight into the stallion’s own face.

He yelped as his hoof connected and he stumbled back and he started cursing as he got his hooves under him rising to his full height. “Oi, what was that for bitch!” She said reaching for a sword on his side only to find it being drawn before he got to it wrapped in a faint purple glow as the blade pressed to his neck, twilight having paused in ehr eating now watching him out of the corner of her eye looking calm as could be.

He put his hooves up. “Alright alright…easy…no need to get up in arms….:He said in the now quiet room as everyone watched the scene. Twilight held the blade there for a few seconds before flinging it into the far corner of the room with precision so it didn't hit anyone but did slide under a booth.

The stallion scrambled after it muttering under his breath as twilight picked up her plate of food and water and walked towards the stairs, tossing a gold piece to the barmaid as she walked by as an apology for causing a scene and she was soon in her room closing the door.

The lock clicked and Twilight let out a breath she had been holding as she set the plate of food on her bed. “Ohmygoshohmygosh!” she said as she paced rapidly in the small room trying to get her breathing under control. “Gah stupid Twilight, all you had to do is say you weren't interested! Why did you escalate it! If he had escalated it then that would have been fine to do that but nooooooo you had to be the one to escalate, stupid mare!” she said as she paced trying to burn off the adrenaline running through her veins. Despite the time she had been on the road taking jobs she had perfected her “hardened merc” façade based off books she had read but it was just that, a façade, She was only out here because her family needed the money when she'd rather be back home curled up with a good book reading about adventures not living them!

She stopped and sat on her haunches placing a hoof to her chest she took a deep breath and moved her hoof away as she breathed out imagining she was pushing all the anxiety and fear away from her in a breathing technique she had read about once in a book about the Crystal Goddess.

After doing it a couple of times twilight felt calmer, still antsy but she wasn't panicking which was the point.

With that freak-out handled she sat on her bed and began to eat the rest of her meal in the quiet of her room with only some of the sound from downstairs coming through the door showing things had returned to normal downstairs.

As she finished her meal a knock came to her door and she frozen mind racing with thoughts that the stallion had come up here to confront her, or maybe his buddies, or what if it was the innkeeper throwing her out for the scene? Or what if the Keepers of Law were there to arrest her for breaking some law in that scene? Was she about to spend her days in a dungeon? Or hard labor? Or hard labor in a dungeon?!

Twilight closed her eyes, took a deep breath and when she opened them the Merc façade was back in place as she walked to the door and opened it a crack just so she could peek out.

What stood outside wasn't the Keepers of Law but a dark blue stallion in a fine cloak and finer clothes under it with a slicked back black mane. “Forgive the intrusion Mrs. I know you are trying to enjoy your meal after that unpleasantness with the brutish stallion but I was wondering if I might discuss a job offer with you?” He asked in an accent that hinted at education but not too much, it was the typo of accents twilight had heard from those who worked closely with the upper class.

She weighed things in her head, on one hand she just got off a job, on the other those in the upper class paid well for her type of services.

She opened the door and gave a small smirk. “Please come in.” She said, stepping to the side. “Forgive the mess, I wasn't expecting visitors.” She said as the stallion entered, not even looking around.

“It is quite alright, I know this was an unexpected visit.” The stallion said, bowing his head. “I am Astral Spark and I work for MP Amber Hardhoof.”

Twilight bowed in return though hers was more awkward due to now being used to it. “Twilight Sparkle. Mercenary.” She said as she returned to standing up.

“Yes I am aware, and a far better class compared to the brutes downstairs.” He said. “My employer has a job that could use someone of your skills,” he said.

“What's the job?”

“Providing extra security at an event she will be hosting tomorrow night, while the Keepers and ehr own guards will be there there have been a few threats against some of the guests and my Employer would feel at ease with a little extra security.” He said.

Twilight thought about it for a moment before nodding her head. “I can do that, for the right price.”

“2000 gold at the end of the night,” Astral said.

Twilight facade barely stayed intact at the mention of that amount, she knew from books that the upper class paid well but she hadn't realized they paid that well.

“Very well i’ll take the job.” She said, “Just tell me where and when.”

“At Blackhoof Manor on the edge of town, the party starts at 7pm and the only request is that you try to blend in as the party will be hosting everyone who's anyone in the city and MP Amber doesn't want her guests to feel uncomfortable.” Astral said seriously.

Twilight nodded. “That’s fine, I don't have much with me.” She said making a note to have her clothes cleaned and cloak.

“Very well, enter through the rear gate, the guard there will be informed to expect you.” Astral said and bowed. “If there is nothing else?”

“No, I have what I need, I will arrive on time tomorrow.” She said,

With that Astral nodded and left.

Twilight relocked the door and then when she was sure no one was outside the room she gave a squeeze and pranced in place. “Yes Yes Yes yes!” she said, starting to bounce around the room, that was the most gold she had ever been offered and if she does her job well maybe a little extra as well as her name being out there with the upper class of this nation meaning other high paying jobs will come her way!

It had been 3 years since she left home and finally things were looking up as she was going to make a name for herself.

To celebrate she hopped into bed and pulled out a book starting to read.

Twilight walked the streets as the sun was going down, she had spend the day cleaning her robes and clothes as well as making sure her coat was washed well and mane having spent some of the last jobs money on slightly expenses soaps and shampoos just to make sure she looked presentable, she now smelled of lavender and her coat was so soft.

She had her merc façade up as she walked the path she was told to get to Blackhoof Manor and soon saw the large manor and took a side street to get behind it spotting the small gate with the lone guard standing there looking bored.

She took a deep breath and then approached. “Twilight sparkle, i was told to enter through this gate.” She said.

The guard jumped a bit when she spoke having been lost in his own mind it seemed so hadn't noticed her. “Uh….right right, Twilight I was told to let you through….so….uh….go through…” He said, stepping to the side to let her pass.

“Thank you.” she said she walked through the unlocked gate, her eye catching the lock appeared to be slightly damaged and she paused. “Are you aware the lock on the gate is damaged?” She looked back.

“Hm? Yeah I reported it to Astral and he said it will be fixed and to just make sure I stand guard.” The guard said. “Everything’s okay, Steady is on duty.” He said smiling clearly indicating his name was Steady.

She nodded and turned to head for the back door of the manor where she was met by Astral. He smiled at her. “A good Twilight you made it, just in time.” He said

She only nodded her head.

He didn't seem offended by her lack of answer. “Just as soon as the other extra security arrives we can get to work…”He said as Twilight ear swiveled as she heard talking behind her and looking back she saw a group of 5 other ponies through her eyes locked on a familiar prismatic mane and she frowned as she knew it all to well.

“Well well if it isn't the egghead.” The cyan mare said with that cocky smirk.

“What are you doing here Dash?” Twilight said annoyed.

“I got a job, what are you doing here?” Dash asked, while her light armor was polished her mane and tail was its usual unkempt mess.

“Ah you two know each other, excellent.” Astral said, seeming to miss the tension between the two mares.

“You could say that.” Twilight said glaring at the pegasus.

“Well anyways come with me I need to brief you on things.” He said turning to head for the back door.

Twilight took her eyes off Dash to follow him already having to formulate a plan around the pegasus’ hotheadedness, if not for her speed Twilight could have easily handled her the times they have been on opposite sides of a job but her speed made it had for Twilight to handle her though she has won a few times.

For now much to her annoyance they were on the same side though maybe her brashness will get her tossed out of the party and when Twilight makes a great impression she won't ever need to see the cyan mare again as there was no way she’d ever reach that level.

Twilight and Dash as well as the other random mercs followed Astral, Twilight had already looked them over and noted their weapons and how they carried themselves and it was clear Dash was the best out of all of them, something she’d never tell the mare.

They entered a room where a mare in a nice dress sat talking to an old pegasus stallion in robes. “I must say this is a wonderful party Mrs. Amber, quite a showing of the Silverspire Republics best.” The stallion said, sipping wine from a goblet.

“Yes I am pleased you are enjoying yourself Ambassador.” The tan earth pony mare with a dark brown mane said smiling at him. “Now I think it's time to return to the party. If you will follow Astral.” She waved a hoof towards the stallion in question.

“Ah yes suppose you are right, i will see you later to continue our discussion MP Amber.” The Ambassador said turning to walk past the group of mercs though he did pause and bow to them. “Greetings, I am Lunaire, Ambassador for Solemn Soluna Realm. Pleased to meet you.” he said before leaving.

The Twilight turned to the mare still in the room who was smiling at them. “So you must be the extra security Astral tracked down for me, it is good to meet you all, I am Parliament Member Amber Hardhoof, representative of the northern Mountain regions of our fair Republic here.” She said, “Please tell me your names.” She said,

One by one the group introduced themselves. Twilight stood in a preferential manner she learned from her years as a clerk and Dash stood at full attention twilight noted hinting at some sort of military background if she hazard a guess, the others tried to look formal but they were well out of their depth.

“Ah yes wonderful, i need to go speak to my guard captain to confirm where he wants you and then we can discuss where you all will be for tonight.” She said before heading to a side door and leaving.

Twilight relaxed some and looked around the room noting the decoration had a distinct theme related to stone as well as searching her memory on the Northern Mountain Region as she had studied the palace before taking the guard job as she liked knowing where she was going, according to that research the Northern Mountain Region was one of the poorer regions in the Republic do to the nature of mining though they were important for the raw materials that came from that region there wasn't anything else there due to the rough terrain.

“Anything seem off about that mare to you?” Dash’s raspy voice said in her ear making twilight jump and frown at her.

“What?” Twilight asked. As Dash was looking around the room as well, standing more relaxed.

She looked back at Twilight. “I’m asking you, if anything seemed off about Amber, don’t know why but i got a weird vibe from her.”

Twilight frowned. “That's our client.” She said firmly though…now that dash mentioned it something had seemed off about that smile, it didn't feel like a genuine smile or the sort of smile she saw merchants use, it was…..the smile like a wolf looking at sheep.

There was a crash in the room next door and Twilight and Dash both went on alert, Dash flexing her wings, the light catching her wingblades. Twilight watched the wall frowning.

“Should we check that out?” Dash asked.

“We were hired for security…might be an intruder…”Twilight said as the two mares headed for the door as the rest of the group stayed put though they clearly were ready for trouble now as well.

Twilight and Dash made their way to the room next door and opened a crack to see a well lit room and slowly opened the door more to see Ambassador Lunaire lying on the ground in a growing pull of blood beside a smashed end table clutching at his chest and gasping for air as blood ran down his robes.

Twilight and Dash entered, twilight running towards the dying Ambassador searching her mind for relevant medical information and as she got to him she caught a flash of light from the corner of her eye and her magic barley caught a bloody dagger that had been thrown at her.

She looked back the way it had come and saw Astral standing in an open door smirking before he took a deep breath. “GUARDS! GUARDS ASSASSIN HAVE KILLED THE AMBASSADOR!” He yelled taking off out the door before Twilight mind could keep up,, in seconds bells began to sound as the alarm went up.

Moments later manor guards burst in and Twilight barley got her shield spell up to block the two crossbow bolts fired at her as she dropped the bloody dagger.

“Hey stop, we didn't do this!” Dash said and barely dodged a third crossbow bolt fired at her and growled. “Will you listen to us?!” She yelled as the door behind them burst open with more guards and she yelped as Twilight yanked her out of the way of a sword swing.

She fired a spell at the guards in front of her knocking them back as she turned and fired the same spell at the guard behind them and ran for the door.

Outside was the sound of fighting as she saw the other mercs were engaged with the manor guards and saw Keepers in the mix, several guards and at least one merc were dead as it was clear they all were labeled assassins and the guards were trying to kill them.

This wasn't good as they had to get out of here.

She snapped a shield up just untie to avoid a sword to the neck and bucked into the guard behind her sending him squealing.

“We have to get out of here.” Twilight yelled over the sound of fighting as more guards were showing up and another merc went down quickly followed by the other.

“Alright, stay right on my tail!” Dash said and charged at speed towards some newly arrived guards and slammed into them at speed sending all of them sprawling as twilight galloped after her firing a sleep spell behind her.

She turned a corner to see Dash fighting a guard her wing blade lashed out and cut the earth ponies legs and he cried out as he collapsed, he’d live but he was out of the fight as twilight leapt over him following the rainbow contrail as it burst out the back door.

Twilight burst out to see Keepers entering through the open back gate as more manor guards closing in on either side of them. Twilight snapped a shield around them both blocking crossbow bolts but it wouldn't last much longer with the assault.

And it popped with some magic feed back and they were closing in. “SPIKE!” Twilight yelped and there was a green flash beside her.

“You call woah!” A younger voice said before the sound of a deep breath being taken and then the backyard was lit by green fire as the small dragon let forth a jet of flame as she turned around them setting fire to the grass and causing the guards and keeper to dive for cover to avoid the fire.

“Hold one.” Dash said, grabbing twilight around the barrel.

“huh what arEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” Twilight screamed as Dash shot straight up carrying Twilight who screamed and flailed her legs as the mare took off dodging pegasus crossbows taking off away from the manor as there a flash of Light as her familiar Spike vanished back where he came and the two mare took off out of the city into the wilderness leaving the pursuing pegasus behind as alarms were going off through the city.

Author's Note:

Hello my dear Reader, i hope the first chapter of the first book in The Chronicles of the Fractured Era was as enjoyable for you all as it was for me to write.

I am looking forward to delving further into this new world i have crafted and i hope you enjoy exploring it along with me.

Anyways, not much to say here since things just started off but i hope it started off with a good bang.