• Published 12th Feb 2024
  • 273 Views, 10 Comments

The Shadow Veil - Scorch215

Twilight Sparkle is a mercenary framed for a crime she didn't commit and must stay ahead of her former client by relying on rival mercenaries to clear her name as two nations prepare for war.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Investigation

The scene at Blackhoof Manor was one of controlled chaos as Keepers of Law had cordoned off the area around the manor and detailed the guests as well as the manor guards much to the displeasure of many of the very important guests, many trying to threaten the Keepers with their status.

It was this quiet chaos that Chief Inquisitor Gold Shield walked into as he stepped past the keepers keeping the gathered crowd away, followed closely by a griffin wearing the same armor and badge as Gold Shield, though the griffin’s badge indicated they were a Senior Inquisitor.

The unicorn stallion walked to the main gate of the Manor where a First Watcher was speaking to two other Keepers who quickly moved off to carry out orders given by the First. Upon seeing Gold Shield the First snapped to a clean salute. “Chief Inquisitor, we didn't expect to see someone of your rank out in the field.” The First said. “Had I known I’d have had someone escort you.”

“At ease.” Gold said. “Normally I wouldn't be out here either but given the…..nature of this scene Lawmaster Cuff thought someone of higher rank should oversee things.” Gold said, while he didn't need to explain things he felt doing so helped move things along since it prevented people from talking. “Who’s in charge here?”

“That would be Lieutenant Raven sir, she’s inside trying to…..calm the guests.” The First said, sounding nervous. “Many of them are high ranking members of the government including several MPs and foreign dignitaries.” He warned.

Gold nodded understanding the First’s concern as any one of the guests could destroy a career if given enough reason too, well the career of a low ranking Keeper such as The First. Gold was seeing why the Lawmaster wanted him down here.

“Don’t worry First, just keep the civilians back and everything will be fine.” He said as he walked past The First towards the Manor door.

The First licked his lips and saluted one more before going off to give orders.

“My, it seems we get to rub shoulders with the power players.” The griffin beside Gold said with a chuckle before snapping his beak.

“Behave yourself Gryphus, remember we need these people to talk to us, not bury us in bureaucracy.” Gold warned.

“Oh, don't worry, I'll be on my best behavior, The Protectors Honor.” Gryphus said, raising a talon.

“Best behavior for a griffin or a pony?”

“Oh, you always ruin my fun. Fine pony.” The Griffin hugged.

Gold nodded and smirked, having headed off any possible problems from the griffin, though there was always going to be some effects with having a predator among prey playing off ancient instincts.

The two Inquisitors entered through the doors and found that an incident was already taking place based on the yelling coming from the ballroom.


Gold sighed and picked up the pace entering the ballroom to find a black furred earth pony mare with a pegasus stallion dressed in some very fine clothes pinned to the wall, a fore leg behind him.

“Go ahead and try, and my report will reflect how you attempted to flee an active crime scene before you were questioned in clear violation of Article 12, section 3, paragraph 3 of Republic laws regarding the handling of crime scenes, and i am sure a MP doesn't think the law doesn't apply to him.” She said,

“Are you threatening me, Keeper?” The MP said with controlled anger.

“No, just reminding you of the laws of the nation you help govern.” The Mare said, sounding as if she was speaking to a child.

Gold approached and cleared his throat. “Lieutenant if you would be so kind as to let the good Member of Parliament go please?” He said in a calm tone.

The mare looked back and blew a dark gray strand of mane from her face and frowned upon seeing his badge. “Very well Chief Inquisitor.” She said and released the pegasus stepping back as the stallion adjusted his clothes and glared at her.

“See that this mare is properly disciplined.” He spat.

“Forgive me MP but exactly what would I be disciplining her for? Surely not for enforcing the law she swore to uphold? Is there some other event I didn't witness?”

The MP sputtered, turning his glare to Gold who maintained his calm demeanor. “What did you say? Do you have any idea who I am?” The stallion demanded.

“Member of Parliament Greywing, representative of the Galinao Region.” Gold said simply.

“And you don’t think she should be disciplined for manhandling me the way she did?!” He spat, the rage clearly building.

“That depends, were you trying to leave an active crime scene before I could question you?”

“I am a member of parliament and I have other obligations besides answering your questions!” Greywing nearly yelled.

It was here that Gold shield felt a presence behind him and knew Gryphus had walked up behind him standing at his full height, Gold knew this because much of the air left Greywing's sails though he did keep from taking a step back as most would do ke kept flicking his eyes between Gold and the griffin standing behind him.

He regained his composure and snorted before turning. “I will be speaking to the Lawmaster after this.” he said as he walked back towards the crowd of other parliament members.

“That is your right.” Gold said before turning to the Lieutenant and gesturing for her to follow as he walked back towards the door to the entry area.

Once outside he looked at her, opening his mouth to speak.

“I won't be apologizing.” She said first and firmly.

“Report, Lieutenant.” he said what he was going to say, more firmly than he was planning to before.

She had the decency to put her ears slightly back at the unsaid scolding for interrupting him before he spoke. “Approximately half an hour ago a group of what we believe to be mercenaries broken into the manor through the back gate with a mission to assassinate Ambassador Lunaire, Ambassador for Solemn Soluna Realm, he unfortunately didn't survive the attack, we found a manor guard by the name of Steady in the bushes near the forced open rear gate apparently having been surprised while guarding the rear gate as he never even drew his weapon.”

Gold frowned as he listened to the report of what the first responding Keepers had found. “Show me the rear gate.”

Raven nodded, turning to head for the backdoor and the rear courtyard where there were more Keepers keeping watch and Gold noted some of the grass was scorched. “What happened there?”

“Hm?” Raved looked in the direction he was.

“Apparently one of the mercs had a familiar she called, a small dragon based on eye witnesses and it burned the ring into the grass so she and one other could escape.” Raven reported.

“Two of them escaped?” Gold asked and his frown deepened when Raven nodded.

“A cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and a lavender unicorn in a cloak. According to the primary witness, they were the two who carried out the attack, the others apparently meant to cover their escape.”

Gold snorted. “Not surprised that ilk would abandon their own to save their hides.” He said practically spitting at the end, he didnt of course as he was at a crime scene. He moved to the year gate and inspected it seeing what Raven had meant as the lock had clearly been forced open from the outside and his eyes followed the blood trail to some bushes beside the gate where a body lay under a white sheet.

“Show me the suspects' bodies.” He ordered and Raven nodded heading for the back door once more as Glyphus went towards the burned ring.

Inside they turned down the hall where it was a scene of carnage as there was blood across the floor and walls from the battle with more bodies under sheets. Raven weaving between the blood till she reached 4 sheets that were separate from the rest pulling back the sheets to show 3 earth ponies and a unicorn in random assortments of armor.

Gold frowned at the bodies, they were clearly mercs and based on how well dressed they were of a higher quality then the standard of their kind so someone wanted quality for this hit though the fact they didn't make it out suggested poor planning on their part….which didn't match the quality of their gear.

“One guard did survive the initial battle in the manor and we got some info out of him.” Raven said and Gold looked at her.

“Show me.” He ordered as she nodded and led him to a side room where a manor guard had his front legs bandaged waiting for a healer and clearly in pain as Gold walked up to him.

“How did you survive the initial attack?” He asked.

“I…I’m not sure…..i blocked the halls to the back door and the pegasus mare confronted me, i missed my strike and….she cut my legs and flung my sword away from me before jumping over me along with that mare in the clock as they headed for the back door.” The guard said.

Gold tilted his head. “Raven, how many guards were killed outside?”

“Um ... .none that we saw, besides the gate guard, all the deaths were in the hallway.” Ravens aid.

“I see…..Can you show me to the primary witness?” He asked, thinking.

Raven nodded and headed for the door taking him to a well decorated room where a unicorn stallion stood besides an earth pony Member of Parliament, Amber Hardhoof if Gold was correct.

“I am Chief Inquisitor Gold Shield. Which one of you witnessed the assassination?”

“That would be me.” The stallion said, stepping forward. “Astral Spark is my name, MP Ambers Chief of Staff and I didn't witness the attack, I arrived after it but I think I saw enough.” He said.

“Can you walk me through it? Leave no details out no matter how small you think it is.” Gold said, taking out a notebook from his saddle bag.

“Well Ambassador Lunaire had said he needed somewhere to rest a bit. I assumed it was due to his age and so I showed him to one of the sitting rooms. I came back a bit later to check on him when I saw that dreadful mare standing over him, that blood covered dagger in her magic….I don’t think she expected anyone to come by as I had enough time to slam the door and run raising the alarm.” he said taking out a handkerchief and shakingly wiping his brow.

After raising the alarm I found Mrs. Amber and got her to a safe area in case they came after her too but our guards were able to deal with them.” he said.

Gold nodded. “Well almost, two of them escaped so it was good you got her to safety.” Gold said.

Astral’s eyes went wide as did Ambers who hoof went to her mouth. “You mean two of those terrible ponies escaped justice?” MP Amber asked and the look of shock plastered on her face.

“No, two escaped the manner, but they will be tracked down and brought to justice as Justice always will be served.” He said reassuringly.

Amber nodded. “I trust you Chief Inquisitor, these terrible ponies must be brought to the hangman's gallows.” She said, “Whatever you need you’ll have.”

“Thank you MP but The Keepers can handle this if Astral remembered enough about what he saw to give a description?”

“Oh uh…yes ... .one was a unicorn, I think purple…the other was a blue pegasus with a wild colored mane.” Astral said, further dabbing his forehead.

Gold wrote that down. “Thank you, I may be in touch later if any follow up questions come up, will you be in town?”

“Yes, I am in the city for the week though I may stay longer if this assassination causes any problems.” Amber said.

Gold nodded once more. “Then by your leave.” he said bowing before he turned to head for the door.

Raven followed behind him and once outside. “Take me to the crime scene.”

Dutifully Raven did so, it wasn't far and easily found as it had two Keepers outside and near where the carnage in the hall began.

Entering there was another body under a sheet, a single wing peeking out from under it and Gold walked over lifting it to get a look at the body.

It was a clean strike, no hesitation and clearly by a skilled attacker as it hit square in the old stallion heart leaving little chance of survival if any though the odd thing was the bloody dagger laying beside the body.

“Odd…”Gold said.

“What is?” Raven asked, stepping up beside him. “Never known mercs to abandon their weapons.”

“Maybe the alarm being raised surprised them and they dropped it in the ensuing fight? The guards did enter the room to also see the two mares standing over the body.” Raven said.

“You mean after the alarm was raised the two stayed here?” Gold asked, looking at her.

“Well, not entirely, the guard responded quickly as the party wasn't very far so they didn't have much time to react.” Raven said.

Gold frowned before heading for the door and back out to the hall where he looked where the blood shed began, it started around another door that was open. Gold went to the door and looked in to see another sitting room just like the one the attack took place in.

“Hmm…..what is it?” Raven asked.

“Hmm…may be nothing, what do you make of the blood shed from the group of mercs starting here?”

“Hm? Well clearly it was where the mercs got confronted by the guards as they tried to make their escape.” The Lieutenant said.

“And the open door?”

“Tried to escape through it or perhaps reach the party to take a hostage.”

“Perhaps……Perhaps….”Gold said looking at the blood soaked hall before him. “Perhaps….”

Far outside of the city high in the sky Twilight was nearly strangling Dash as she clung to her eyes squeezed shut as she felt the wind rushing past her, squeezing tighter as she felt the angle shift and her stomach rising into her throat.

“Ack! HEY! Watch it, it's hard enough to fly with you clinging to me, I don’t need you to try and strangle me too as we land.” Dash said with annoyance.

Twilight forced herself to loosen her grip though she kept her eyes closed, any thought of putting up her façade was far from her mind, drowned out by the fear and confusion about what was going on.

All at once the wind stopped. “Hey….you can let go….we are on the ground.” Dash said in her ear.

Twilight cracked an eye and saw the ground right below her and her legs became jelly causing her to fall on her back with an oof and puff of dust causing Dash to laugh as she stepped back.

“Look at that, the big bad egghead is afraid of heights.” She said, smirking.

Twilight sat up and frowned, part of her façade back in place though not completely. “I would say it's pretty normal for non-flying ponies to be afraid of their hooves being off the ground.” She said and snorted….causing dust to be sucked into her nose resulting in a sneezing fit.

This only produced further laughter from Dash who had to sit on her haunches to hold her sides as she laughed so hard.

Once under control Twilight got to her hooves and glared at her. “How can you be laughing at a time like this? That ambassador was killed, most likely by Astral and everyone clearly thinks we did it, meaning they are going to come after us to send us to the gallows!” Twilight scolded.

That got Dash to stop who frowned at her. “You don’t think I know that!” Dash said standing up and flaring her wings, the blades on them caching the moonlight. “I might not be an egghead like you but I know how to read a citation, trained for it even and if you had some real experience rather than books and the few jobs you've had you'd realize it was clear we've been framed by our client.” She shot back taking a step towards Twilight who stepped back

“What? Why would MP Amber frame us?”

“Isn't it obvious? We are expendable assets, and we’ve been expended.” Dash said, folding her wings. “We are mercs, our loyalty is to the highest bidder with no care for who that is.”

“What, I care who I work for!” Twilight said defensively.

“Yeah? Do you think anyone knows that? Did you seriously not know the reputation mercs have?” Dash said. “I am very selective about what jobs I take and people still treat me like I'd slit their throats for the right price.”

Twilight frowned as her ears went back a bit, her books hadn't mentioned that aspect.

“Face it, we are the perfect people to frame because everyone will assume we would do it and that's what is being counted on.” Dash said with a snort before walking towards some trees.

Twilight got to her hooves and scrambled after her. “Where are you going?”

“Getting out of this clearing, while I out flew those Keepers that doesn't mean they aren't still trying to follow and it's easy to spot someone in a clearing then it is trees.”

Twilight blinked as that was a good point and she followed till her head shot up as an alarm went off in her head.

“What is it?” Dash asked looking back.

“Someone just broke into my strong box….i left it back at the inn with an enchantment to alert me if someone else opens it ... .Someone broke into my room….”

“Probably cleaning up traces of us, nothing in the room means it was a temp stop and we didn't plan to come back……” Dash said before she resumed walking.

Twilight moved to follow. “So….what do we do?” Twilight asked, her façade only party hiding the note of fear in her voice.

“For now, we find somewhere to sleep, take turns keeping watch, no fire tonight as it can be spotted, then tomorrow we figure out what to do as I image by now our wanted posters are being printed dup and come morning will be all over the city and on there way to every other town and city as taking out an ambassador is no small crime, they will be coming for us with all they got.”

“How do you know?” Twilight asked.

“Because it's how we did it in the Border Patrol in The Alliance.”

“You were in the Border Patrol of the Alliance?”

“Yeah…It’s where I learned how to fight.”

“Why did you leave?” She asked still following.

“Because I wanted to, that's why.” She said firmly and Twilight recoiled a bit at the force behind it clearly having hit a nerve.

With that she didn't ask any other questions and they lapsed into silence as they walked through the dark forest.

Author's Note:

The game is ahoof!

Will Chief Inquisitor Gold Shield and his band of Inquisitors succeed in hunting down the dastardly Assassins and bring them to justice?

Stay Tuned to Find out!

1st Watcher: Sergeant of the Patrolling Keepers
Chief Inquisitor: Law Enforcment Commander
Senior Inquisitor: Captain
Lawmaster: Police Chief