• Published 4th May 2024
  • 194 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 30: Rangers Wrap Up Winter

Fluttershy awoke from her slumber, sitting up in her bed with excitement. She got out of bed, went to her mirror, running a brush through her pink locks. She put the brush down, running out of the room.

Heading to the guest room, she got on the mattress. "Noah, wake up, wake up, wake up!" she happily exclaimed, rubbing her face against his. "Wake up; it's Winter Wrap Up Day!" She stopped, getting off the bed. Seeing him not getting out of bed, she bit down on the sleeve of his shirt. "Winter Wrap Up Day." She tugged on it. "We need to get going, everypony will be there."

Finally, he woke up, rubbing his eyes. He glanced out the window. "Fluttershy...?" he yawned, covering his mouth. "It's like..." His eyes caught the clock. "...four in the morning..." He wasn't a morning guy.

"I know." The covers got yanked off of him. "We have to get up early for Winter Wrap Up to bring back spring." His shoes were tossed to him. "My favorite time of year. I'm gonna see the animals again." He was given his glasses for he put them on. "Let's go. I'll go wake up Hazel, make breakfast, and we'll be on our way."

Blinking his eyes after she left the room, he couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. He slipped on his sneakers. He got out of bed. He looked out the window again.

It was dark. No sun out. He yawned a second time, hoping he'll be awake enough for this thing. Walking out of the room, he headed to the kitchen to see someone in action.

Fluttershy was by the stove. From the looks of it, it looks like she was making blueberry-apple mcmuffins with grass strips.

Hazel was at the table, her eyes closed. She doesn't look like a morning girl.

Noah saw that not only that Fluttershy was making breakfast, but his nose caught the smell of coffee.

He never knew ponies drink coffee.

After the food was done, it was served. "Eat up," Fluttershy gleamed, handing mugs of coffee - apple flavor coffee - to both the Ranger and the Power Pony. "We got a long day." She sat down at the table.

"You look like you're in a good mood," Noah commented, picking up his mug.

Swallowing her bite of food, her face flushed. "I am." She ate more of her grass strips. Whenever she gets a friendly saying from him, out of nowhere, she'll get all pink in the face. She started to like this guy more and more as the days went by.

They ate their breakfast. Noah couldn't believe it was Winter Wrap Up Day. He had read about it in the History Of Equestria on the pony traditions page. He wondered how his friends would feel about this.

Once they finished eating, they went out the door to meet up with the others.

Arriving at the center of Ponyville, Noah saw all the ponies wearing vests - green, tan, and blue. He saw that the blue ones have a badge of a sun, a bunny for the tan vests, as well as a leaf for the green vests.

Second of all, his eyes caught three ponies - three mares - wearing vests and a band around on their left arms. Instead of a leaf, a bunny, or a sun, the badges have a star on them, leaving him to wonder on why they don't have the other symbols the other citizens have on their vests.

Plus, from being in Ponyville long enough, he kind of know these ponies, who are known to be Octavia, an earth pony, Amethyst Star, a unicorn, and Sassaflash, who is a pegasus.

The sun had reached its mark, though he was still tired. He hoped helping cleaning up this snow will help him wake up more. The apple coffee hadn't helped much.

Searching for his friends, he spotted them at a table. They were wearing vests like everybody else. Emma and Troy had on tan vests, Orion and Jake had on blue vests, while Gia had on a green vest.

It wasn't just the Rangers wearing them, the Power Ponies have them on, too. Lacy Lasso and Sugar in the green ones, Lightning Twister in the blue, Mythic Diamond and Ice Crystal in the tan ones.

Starlight had on a vest which is blue one. Rainbow and Pinkie have on blue ones on, too, Rarity had on a tan one, with Applejack in green

Alas, Twilight's vest got him the most. It had tan strips, while the green color is underneath the blue color.

Upon reaching the table, Emma smiled. "Sup, you three." She seemed enthusiastic at this time of day.

"Sup," Noah returned, watching Hazel and Fluttershy choosing a vest. They slipped them on - tan for Fluttershy, of course, while the Power Pony put on a blue one. Okay. He'd thought she'd go with tan. Oh, well.

By the way, he saw that none of the children are wearing vests. He guessed this job is for adults. Even Cobalt isn't wearing a vest.

"Noah?" Rarity's voice got his attention. "Please choose a task." She presented the vests that are on the table.

Looking at the vests, he thought hard about a task that will best suit him. Green? He'll have to be very strong since he saw green plows with shovels on the front end, a middle part where a pony can be in it while pushing the snow. They also have a roof and wheels. There was another type of plow, the ones that are silver with a harness. The ropes are attached to the harnesses to the silver plows. From the shape of it, he guessed it's to dig a tread in the dirt once the snow is gone.

Noah may be strong in his brain, having him think that being on the green team won't be good for him, for he knows he'll struggle with either pulling or pushing any of those contraptions. He can plant the seeds, except it was still a big, fat no.

For blue, he wasn't a pegasus, yet not all the blue team ponies are pegasi. He decided not to be in the blue team.

Settling on the color tan, he decided it was the best thing for him. That and Fluttershy is on the tan team.

Jake looked at all the ponies, then glanced at his vest he chose. "I don't understand," he finally spoke. "Back home, the snow melts when spring is arriving. We never had to clean it up. Like, can't the unicorns use their magic to get rid of the snow?"

"They can't," Noah answered, slipping on his chosen vest. "From what I read, earth ponies are the first founders of Ponyville. When winter is coming to an end, they clean it up. Pegasi also came, then the unicorns. Of course the tradition is still the same."

He huffed. "I can take your word for it. But why the vests?"

"It's for the tasks we'll be doing." His friend examined his vest. "I remember reading a part about this event. The green vests are the plant team, which are the earth ponies. The green team will have some unicorns and pegasi as well. The blue team is the weather team, mostly composed of pegasi. They clear the sky and bring back the birds. Earth ponies who aren't on the plant team, will be on the weather team, being the lake scorers. Same goes for the unicorns who are on the weather team. They cut up the ice when they skate on it, to make it easier to break and to melt when the sun comes out. For the tan vests, that'll be the animal team. The animal team will have earth ponies, unicorns, along with the pegasi, just like the last two teams I mentioned. The animal team wakes up the animals from the deep slumber, cleaning their dens..."

"Hold it, hold it." Raising his hoof, Orion stopped him. "The animal team cleans out the critters' dens?" he questioned, unable to believe what was coming out the geek's mouth. "Their dens are made of dirt; no way those homes can be cleaned."

"Believe it or not, man, they get cleaned. They even bring food for them and make nests for the birds." The Blue Ranger adjusted the vest. "I'm glad I chose the animal team. It was the best option for me."

The Green Ranger leaned his head towards Gia. "Another reason why he chose the tan team is because his crush is on it." Gia elbowed him away. "It's true," he practically proclaimed. She can only roll her eyes, smirking.

Twilight held a clipboard in front of her, a quill behind her ear. She took the quill off her ear, tapping it on the clipboard, going up to the plant team, instructing those who are on it on what they should do.

Seeing her in the multi-color vest, the Blue Ranger wondered what team she was on. It isn't possible to be on all three of them, right? Sure, she wouldn't be in all three of them.

He went up to Fluttershy, who was smiling at the sights of the dens. He stood next to her when the princess came up to them. "What's your task, Twi?" He learned that the princess sometimes goes by her nickname - Twi. "All three of them?"

The alicorn shook her head. "I'm an all-team organizer. My job is to make sure to get these ponies organized on their tasks. When I did my first Winter Wrap Up, I wasn't sure which task I should do. I was a simple unicorn back then. Then ponies would argue a lot like the clouds not being cleared out, things like that."

The stallion raised his brow a little, recalling what Fluttershy told him at the animal sanctuary. "I was informed by her-" He gestured at the pegasus "-that spring ended up being late."

"Mhm. With me here, it's a lot easier. In Canterlot, they use magic. Here we can't use it. Well, you and Troy are new at being unicorns and I did say I'll teach you boys some spells. Along with teaching Mythic and her leader more spells then the ones they know."

"And two of us will like to learn about them someday," he smiled, pushing up his glasses. "Anyway, since Fluttershy and I are on the animal team, we should wake them up."

"I believe you should," she agreed with a nod. "There's bells over there." Over to where the nest making materials are at is a box of bells. "Take one and go to the dens. Emma will be there, too, for I'm having Troy be one of the nest makers."

"Got it." The two of them went to get each of themselves a bell. Noah got one, as well as Fluttershy.

Following her, Noah was taken to one of the dens. It was covered up in snow. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to dig it up. He looked around, and was relieved to see the others on the animal team pulling the snow back from the animals' homes.

Ting a-ling, ting a-ling. The sound was nice to hear. The sound of the ponies waking them up sounds nice, too.

Fluttershy trotted over to the first burrow. Removing the snow, she lowered her head, the bell between her teeth. She shook the bell. She placed it on the ground. "Wake up, my little friends," she gently coaxed. "I know it has been a long sleep, but it's time to get up. Spring is arriving."

Backing away from the small home, she watched as three hedgehogs emerged from the hole.

Joining her, Noah couldn't help but to smile at the sight of them. It was then he heard someone. "Aww, how cute." It was the Pink Ranger who expressed the words. "Hey, Noah," she greeted, watching the prickly animals go by.

"Hi. Enjoying your task?"

"Uh huh." In her hoof is a bell, just like all the other ones that the animal team has got. "I had woken up the raccoons, squirrels, and chipmunks," she gleamed in delight. "I'd never had to wake up wildlife back on earth; they normally get up on their own." She flapped her wings, looking around, until she spotted a den, flying over there.

Her friends joined her, wanting to know what cute critters will be in this one. Would it be badgers? Weasels? Porcupines? They had to wait and see.

It was then Troy and Twilight came. Noah had to laugh because his friend has bits of ribbon and straw in his hair. "Nest making didn't go well for you, Troy?" he chuckled, controlling his laughter.

Smirking, the other unicorn removed a red ribbon off his hair. "It went well. Rarity showed me how to do it. I don't know how pieces of ribbons and straw got in my hair."

"Somepony must've lost some nesting material while it got put on one of the trees that got cleared by the pegasi," Twilight said, removing the stuff off the Red Ranger. "When the pegasi clear the sky, they also shake the snow off the trees and shovel the snow off the roofs of the houses," she explained, putting the straw and ribbon away. "Sassaflash had sent Lightning Twister, Hazel, Dash, and Orion to retrieve the birds that went south."

"Orion went south? Neat," Noah beamed, wondering how the Silver Ranger feels about going over there.

Troy joined Emma at the den she's still at. "Is it okay for me to wake up the next critter?" He held out a hoof, and he was given the bell. "Thanks."

"Be sure to wake them up gently," she instructed him.

"I will." Carefully, he rang the bell. "Time to get up," he spoke nicely. "Spring is coming."

They all waited as he gave the animal room to get out of its home. It was dark in the den, so they don't know what it could be.


"Yaaaaahhhhhh!" Snakes slithered out of their home, scaring Twilight Sparkle, who let out a scream. "Snakes! Snakes! Snakes!" she freaked out, scuttling backwards, unaware that she's heading in a large burrow, going in it when she cried out again when bats launched out of there, having her run out - and run into a tree with a bees nest hanging on one of the branches. It dropped on her head from the impact. She screamed, this time flying, trying to get the nest off of her, while at the same time, getting painfully stung by bees. Without the use of sight, she ran into a larger den - and she got sprayed by skunks.

Moaning, she walked out of there, the scent overpowering like it was nothing. Troy and the others can literally see a green mist on her, invading off her lavender fur. The bees' nest had fallen off of her, her face in red bumps to where she got stung.

Spike came, and he was smacked in the face by the sour odor. He realized the smell was coming from Twilight. "Boy, Twilight, you stink," he announced.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Thanks, I didn't know that," she replied sarcastically. She sighed. "This is the second time where I got freaked out by snakes, got chased by bats, got stung by bees, and to top off the cake, I got sprayed by a few skunks."

"You're afraid of snakes?" Troy had to hold his nose, his voice sounding nasal.

"Yep," she shortly answered. "I have no idea why, though."

They were silent for a moment. "You should take a bath to get the smell off of you - with tomato juice," Emma advised, covering her nose.

"Actually," Noah spoke up, blocking the foul smell out of his nostrils, "tomato juice doesn't get rid of the smell. It'll just cover it."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that Twilight will end up smelling like tomato juice," he answered Emma's question. "You should use hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and liquid soap," he told Twilight. "Never douse yourself in tomato juice."

"Okay, I will," she said, somewhat skeptical of his advice. She turned around, passing ponies by who caught the smell, having them stop to what they were doing. Ignoring the stares, she managed to reach the castle. Spike went with her in case she needed help.

Noah released his nose, taking in the sweet smell rather than the skunk one. Troy, Emma, and Fluttershy, also managed to breathe.

Seeing the others back to work, they did just that, waking up the animals.

Animal waking did very well, for all of them are awake. Noah cleaned out their dens with a feather duster, while Fluttershy gave them veggies. Ponies are doing the same thing. Giving the animals food and cleaning out their homes.

Noah looked up at the sky, wondering when Orion will come back with the birds, as well as the other pegasi. He did get informed by Fluttershy on the first day in Ponyville that ponies will work on cleaning up the snow from day one to day two, so wherever the Silver Ranger is at, he bet he'll be back the next day.

He checked to see if any of the others needed any help. They kindly declined, saying that they got everything under control.

Afterwards, he went to one of the ponds. He saw the ponies skating around, creating lines on the ice. Jake was one of them, skating fairly well. The more lines these ice scorers make, the better the ice will break and melt.

Skidding to a stop, Jake saw Noah, then skated over to him. "Noah, dude, how was the animal waking? Or did you give Fluttershy those goo-goo eyes?"

"Haha," Noah responded with a sarcastic, but friendly, tone. "No, I did not give her goo-goo eyes. Yes, animal waking did very well. When the pegasi gets rid of all of the clouds, the animals won't have to worry about drowning in the melted snow. I know for a fact that Emma would be saddened by that." He looked up at the sky, watching one pegasus at a time, getting rid of one cloud each. "Fluttershy told me that it took ponies all day and night, and the next day to get spring here on time."

His friend's eyes widened, looking shocked. "We're going to work on this until the next day!?" Ponies on the ice stopped what they're doing. "Aww." Groaning, he fell forward, landing on the snow. "It'll be better if magic was allowed for this." He laid his face on the ground. "I've been skating on this pond with the others for five hours; my legs are getting tired."

"But...you're an athlete."

"Athletes get tired, too, man." Behind him, the ponies resumed skating around. "I would rather plow the snow or wake up animals or make nests." He got up. "I wonder if I can do a different task," he thought out loud.

"I don't know, Jake." Noah looked reluctant at his pondering. "It's best to stick to the task," he pointed at the ice skating ponies. "Besides," he put in. "I don't think ponies are allowed to change tasks."

His friend went to say something when they were interrupted. "Of course, he can change his task," Twilight said. "There's no rule where you can't. Rarity always has extra vests."

Noah sniffed. "You smell great."

"I wouldn't have gotten rid of the skunk smell if it weren't for your advice," she thanked him with appreciation. "At first I thought it wouldn't work," she acknowledged. "I was always told to use tomato juice to get rid of the smell. Good thing I used the stuff that you told me to use."

"That's good," he improved. "I see that the bee stings are gone."

"I found a spell on getting rid of bee stings." She then shuddered. "Those snakes really gave me a fright."

"You're afraid of snakes?" Jake asked.


"Well, my first Ranger helmet has a snake on it..."

"No, no, you're fine. I'm talking about real life snakes," she assured him. "Anyways, you may choose a different task."

"Thanks, Twilight," he appreciated, taking off his skates - all four of them - before slipping his sneakers on his back hooves. He wasn't wearing any gloves. He walked away, going back to the table to choose a different task.

Fluttershy joined back with Noah. "Wanna make birds nest with me? I never made any before and I would like for you to make some with me." She averted her gaze, her cheeks blooming like lilies. "Unless you want to..."

Of course, Noah couldn't say no. Smiling, he said he'll be delightful to make some birds nest with her, leaving her to clap with joy.

"Yay!" she expressed adorably, and took him to where the ponies make the birds nests.

There, at a table, are bird nesting materials - twigs, straw of different shades, and different colored ribbons. Rarity smiled as she finished her bird nest - about the twentieth one, and a lot of others are making nests, too, stacking up like they were blocks.

Mythic added the finishing touches. She made a nice bow from a purple ribbon, then placed the finished nest into her collection like everyone else.

Jake was there, too, checking out the vests. He had removed the blue one, and now is replacing it with a green one. Knowing where to go, he did just that, waving at Noah as he passed by him.

Noah had a hunch that his friend chose green because his crush is on the plant team. He watched him talk to Octavia on which plow he should use since there are only a few green snow plows and silver plows ready to be used.

Still watching his friend, he was led to a green one. Jake got inside of it, and began pushing it, letting the shovel part push the snow away. A pony was behind him with a silver plow, the harness hitched onto her, making deep lines in the dirt, while another pony had a small basket of seeds, giving it a good shake, letting them drop in the crevasses.

He spotted Gia, who doesn't seem to have any trouble pulling a silver plow hitched onto her, about a few yards from Jake.

"Noah?" He turned to Fluttershy who called out to him. "Here are your materials and Rarity is going to show us how to make nests for the birds." She gave him a good amount of twigs, straw, and ribbons. She got her own, smiling. "Ready, Rare."

"Alright, darlings, here's how to make a nest." Rarity began showing them how it's done, giving them directions on how to do it. She stopped every now and then to see if they needed any help. They seemed to do very well, she saw. "...And last but not least, weave pieces of ribbon in and out of your makeshift nest." With no magic, she weaved one ribbon at a time, ending it by tying the pink one into a bow. "Let me see how yours went."

Noah and Fluttershy showed her their nest. "I think mine needs to be worked on." Noah's nest was a little on the crooked side.

"I believe so, too." Taking his finished product, Rarity studied it. "Ah, I see what I need to do here." She adjusted some of the hay, tweaked a couple of twigs, and fixed up the ribbon. "There you go, all fixed. You two are more than welcome to place your nests on my pile." The two did just that, placing their first hoof made nests on her pile. "Good, now let's make more."

Fluttershy and Noah gathered more nesting stuff, making more nests for the birds. "Are the birds gonna be here the next day? I'm just wondering," the Blue Ranger said.

"I'm not sure, dear." Even though her focus is on her next nest she's making, Rarity answered his question. "I bet the birds will be here tomorrow since it happened last time when Twilight fixed up our mess we were in. If not, they'll be here today. We just have to wait and see. But since we got organized, I do believe the birds will be here today. If not, than that's okay. The south is pretty far from here."

"Maybe." Looking at the sky, Noah saw the pegasi working hard on getting rid of the clouds, kicking them away like they were nothing. He then continued on the nest crafting.

Spring cleaning was just as predicted. It took a day until day two. The plant team plowed away the snow and planted the seeds, all the birds nests are finished, now on the clear branches, and of course, all the animals are awake.

The pegasi cleared all the clouds away, and the sun was set, and they kept working until the next day. Noah was happy because he and his friends weren't tired.

Birds came. Orion was in front of the flock, along with a Hazel, Lightning Twister, and Rainbow Dash, with him. He landed on the ground. The others landed with him, each giving each other hoof bumps at a job well done.

New flowers bloomed, bees, butterflies, all kinds of insects going up to them, including ladybugs, much to the princess's dismay. She jumped in fright, holding onto a branch, shaking.

"You're afraid of ladybugs?" Emma couldn't believe it.

"Uh huh." Twilight went back on the ground once they flew away. "It may sound silly, but I'm truly afraid of ladybugs."

The Rangers looked at one another, then simply shrugged it off. It may sound weird for someone to be afraid of cute red beetles with black spots on them, but that's just her. They wondered what else she could be afraid of.

It was then Pinkie Pie got between Troy and Emma. "You Winter Wrap Up newbies did an excellent job. You should be proud of yourselves."

Noah grinned from ear to ear. "It's such a wonderful for thing to experience."

"And spring is the season for Hearts and Hooves Day," Fluttershy said blushing at him.

Jake quirked an eyebrow. "Hearts and Hooves Day?"

"It's a holiday that's similar to Valentine's Day," Troy told him. "I can't wait for it."

"Heh." The Green Ranger had to chuckle. "Back home, it's winter where we're from for Valentine's Day. Here, you ponies call it Hearts and Hooves Day."

The rest of his friends nod their heads. After a few more conversations about Hearts and Hooves Day, they went on their merry ways.

Noah couldn't help but to be excited for it to come as he followed Fluttershy back to the cottage.

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