• Published 4th May 2024
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Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 31: Love Curse

Vekar was in his room, stomping all over the place. Well, more like walking. Still, he wanted to end those heroes. His head is empty with plans, like someone used a vacuum cleaner to clean out all of his 'smart' ideas. No wait, all of his ideas are great, it's just because the Rangers and their friends will ruin them.

He went up to the picture frame. A picture frame with an actual picture on his nightstand. It wasn't the one he threw off the wall when he and his generals first arrived at this colorful world. It was a photo of him and his brother.

Seeing the picture of Vrak made this prince mad. He bet if his younger brother was here, somewhere in this cute land, he would have better ideas than him.

Another reason why his dad prefers his little brother than his eldest son.

Lifting a hoof up, he sent the picture flying. It landed on the floor, the frame splitting in half, the glass shattering into pieces. "I swear, those heroes need to be done for." He went up to the broken picture, breaking it some more. "Vrak always had better ideas than I have. I blame him for being my father's favorite. I can never understand why his plans work where mine doesn't. Unless his plans did end up failing like mine. Half of my brain wants to find him, except the other half doesn't!" He plopped his back on the mattress.

Laying in his bed, he moved his arms off his face, placing them at either side of him. "I want to do something to those heroes," he wished when he heard someone come in. "Ugh!" he exclaimed in pure frustration. "Who dares come into-"

"Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!" Cozy Glow declared happily, handing him a card. "Here you go, pal, your first Hearts and Hooves Day gift. I made each card for you and our friends."

The card reminded of the colors of two of the Rangers - red and pink. He tossed it onto the floor, letting it float there.

The child picked it back up. "You don't like it...?" she frowned, somewhat upset.

"I hate it!" he brutally stated in all harsh honesty. "Give me a lovey-dovey card again, I'll have one my armies get rid of you," he threatened with a harsh glare, removing himself off the bed.

He went into the Command Room. "Guys we need to-" He stopped, halting in mid-step. First, he looked around, then let out a scream. "My Command Room!" By his reaction, he doesn't like what he's seeing. "Get those red and pink hearts away from here!" He ripped down one paper heart off the walls. "Who's idea was it? To decorate my Command Room."

"It wasn't us, sire." Argus had on a hat with hearts on it.

"Then who's was it?" he demanded, taking the hat off his bodyguard's head. "Never mind. Forget what I ask. We need to come up with an idea."

"On how we get rid of the Rangers and their friends?" Damaras said.

"No, an idea on how to make this pony world a better place." He frowned at Vekar's sarcasm. "Yes, it's an idea to get rid of those pesky pony heroes," the prince continued, going up to the orb.

It was on as always, right on Ponyville. There, he saw decorations of hearts, seeing ponies of all kinds. He saw them giving each other cards. Saw stallions giving mares flowers and boxes of chocolates.

At first, he wondered why this day is called Hearts and Hooves Day. When watching this, he received his answer.

Seeing most of these ponies being this way to one another made him want to gag. He isn't big on romance. He'd always preferred to be single.

He was focused on the orb when someone spoke. "I have a plan." This caused the prince to yelp out in surprise. "My bad." It was Grogar, with a book in his hoof. Chrysalis was by his side. "I'm terribly sorry," he apologized dearly.

"No need to apologize." His body relaxing, he took the book from the ram. "What the heck is this...? Wait, this book tells about how Hearts and Hooves Day started. But a book is a lame idea on how to get rid of the heroes."

Chrysalis used her magic to flip over to a page. "The idea is this." Pointing with a ragged hoof, she directed the prince's eyes to a recipe of something.

"A love potion?"

"A love poison," she corrected much to the pony's dismay for he hated being corrected. "It won't get rid of the heroes, but if we give this drink to two ponies - a mare and a stallion - it'll distract their friends for they won't know how to break the love curse." A sinister grin formed on her black lips. "Also, since it's Hearts and Hooves Day, my new horde of changelings and I can feed off the ponies' love."

The prince wasn't sure about this plan. Normally he wants the good people who help others be gone. Thinking about it more, he guessed it'll work. After all, the Rangers would be too busy trying to figure out how to break the curse for whoever takes this poison.

Calling for Levira, he wanted her to make the drink.

Thankfully, the queen had gotten the ingredients, and Levira began making the poison.

"First, we need a pitcher of water..." The unicorn scientist filled up a pitcher of fresh water. "...a tuft of cloud..." Grogar handed her a tuft of cloud. She put it in the water. "...a bright rainbow's glow..." A jar of rainbow was given to her, and she poured it into the pitcher, adding it in the water. The next ingredient came in the room for she came up to the table. "Stir with a pegasus feather..."

"Hey!" the pegasus filly protested, feeling one of her feathers plink off one of her wings.

"...fast, not slow."

The drink went from a rainbow to a nice pink.

"To give these two ponies who aren't in the know," the changeling leader finished, while pouring the drinks into two separate cups. A snicker came from her, her body burst into flames, disguising herself as a unicorn.

"This better work." Vekar was in disbelief it'll work, except it has to. It won't destroy anyone, but it'll sure be a good distraction. "I'll send my army once you poison the two ponies. No Ranger or anyone will stop us this time to take over this pony world." He steered his eyes to the right. "...though it'll be better to do it on earth," he mumbled in disdain. "Levira, are you-"

"No," she cut him off. "I'm getting close, though."

"I'm getting close, though," he mocked, imitating her voice, receiving an annoyed frown from her. "Hmph," he grumped, gazing at the orb, seeing one of the Rangers - the blue one - stepping into a flower shop.

"I'll be going now."

In a flash, the leader of the changelings headed to Ponyville, ready to put this love poison to the test.

Noah looked around the flower shop, examining all the flowers from reds to purples. He wasn't sure what kind of flowers Fluttershy prefers. He was thinking of daisies. Maybe roses? Boy, this Ranger may not know anything about love, but he does know when he'll like a girl.

He'd never asked what kind of flowers his crush likes. Daisies are great for her. She's yellow even though the petals are white. He shook his head, going to a next batch of flowers. They were lilies. Pink lilies. They matched perfectly with his dream girl's hair for how perfect it was.

He should get the lilies. They cost twelve bits. Not too cheap, not too expensive. He got the bouquet of flowers he wanted, paying for them.

The next place he went to was the candy shop. The smell of sweets hit his nose like a jet. He spotted a counter displaying different types of chocolates.

"Hello there. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day," the shop pony greeted with a genuine smile. "Are you here to get chocolates for your special somepony?"

"You can say that..." the Ranger blushed. "I'm hoping maybe this time I can confess my true feelings to her."

"Aww, how sweet. Well, we got lots to choose from. Name the chocolates you need and I'll put them in a nice heart shaped box," she happily obliged, bringing out a box literally shaped like a heart.

Noah told her what chocolates to put in the box from normal chocolates to chocolate truffles to caramel chocolates to chocolates with mint fillings; all kinds of chocolates he had her put in the box.

When the box had the sweets he needed, he paid for them. The shopkeeper put the box in a nice bag, handing it to him. "Have a lovely day!" she beamed radiantly with closed eyes.

"You too," he responded, walking out the door to get to Fluttershy's cottage.

When he arrived, he entered inside, pretending to act casual. He searched for the mare, locating her in the kitchen where she had a basket on a table, putting food in there.

Walking up to her, he held up the gifts. "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!" he declared.

Surprised at the gifts, she took them off his hooves. "Thank you, Noah." She embraced him with a hug. "These are lovely." She smelled the flowers. "Lilies are my favorite flowers." This made the Ranger more happy to hear her say that. "These chocolates would be a great dessert for our picnic."

Placing the box in the basket, she finished up by placing a checkered blanket to go over top of the food.

She was about to place the basket on her back when Noah put it on his own back instead.

"I got it," he told her. "Where are we gonna have our picnic?" he then asked, the two of them walking out of the home.

"At the park," she answered.

"Will our friends be there? For the picnic, I mean."

Her face turned pink. "...this is more of a...private picnic."

Private picnic. Seems good enough. Maybe this time he can tell his true feelings to her with no interruptions. This time without getting all sweaty and high tech nervous. Unless, he hoped he wouldn't chicken out like last time.

They reached the park, placing the basket down on the ground, fresh with spring grass. Noah helped Fluttershy set up the picnic, placing the sandwiches, apples from Sweet Apple Acres, and of course, the box of chocolates for dessert.

It was then they saw a unicorn approach them. She was a navy blue with a neon green mane; a cutie mark of a star with a white streak behind it. "Hello, my name is Wishing Star," she introduced.

"Hi, I'm Fluttershy," the Element of Kindness gratefully returned. "This here is Noah." The other pony waved in hello, unaware who this pony really is.

"I'm thinking about selling my new drink." Using her magic, she levitated two cups. Clear cups with pink liquid inside of them. "I was hoping you'll-"

"Hey, guys."

Wishing Star was interrupted by two other ponies, seemingly annoyed.

"Hi Emma, hey Troy," Noah said, taking the drink. "These are two of our friends - Emma and Troy. We have other friends, too."

"How nice." She gave the other cup to Fluttershy. "I'm having these two try out my new drink before I sell it." There was a quick of green in her eyes, too quick for the ponies to even notice. "I don't have anymore, I'm afraid," she apologized.

"That's okay," Emma answered.

Troy, however, was suspicious of this pony. Like, he doesn't seem to trust her the way she's acting. "Um...maybe you shouldn't drink this..." He was about to take the cups away from them.

"Troy - what's your problem, man?" His teammate didn't like what his leader was doing, bringing the cup back to him. "Wishing Star wants Fluttershy and I to try it. Besides, this does look good."

"I have to agree." Picking up the cup, Fluttershy sniffed it. "It smells wonderful. What kind of drink is it?"

"A special drink that will cause you to have a trance." The way Wishing Star mentioned the word 'special' set the Red Ranger on edge.

"Um, doesn't necessarily answer the question..." Shrugging her wings, she brushed it off. "Meh doesn't matter anyway."

"You two should taste it together," the pony who gave them the drinks suggested. "I want to see the results from the both of you."

Again, the leader of the Rangers doesn't like where this was going. He was about to say something else when Noah and Fluttershy took the suggestion.

"No- Wait-"

It was too late, the two ponies took a big taste of the special drink. They hiccupped, two halves of a heart forming together. All of a sudden, both Noah and Fluttershy stared into each other's eyes as they were projecting two shades of pink in the shape of circles of their white sockets, behind their irises, then went away.

Emma and Troy backed away, seemingly confused.

"Noah..." Fluttershy breathed.

"Yeah?" Noah, too, also breathed.

"Will you be my special somepony?"


"You're going to be my shmoopy-doopy sweetie-weetie pony pie," she cooed out of nowhere, causing a sudden surprise from the Pink and Red Ranger.

"No, you're going to be my shmoopy-doopy sweetie-weetie pony pie." Noah hopped up and down.

Emma looked at Troy. "Did they say-" She couldn't finish what she wanted to ask, only they were hit by a bright green flame.

It came from Wishing Star. "Hello, dears. In case you didn't know, I'm Queen Chrysalis," she stated, fluttering in the air. "It's nice to see a couple of heroes," she rasped evilly, snickering. "Even though only two drank the love poison."

"Love poison!?" Emma has no idea what a love poison is, but Troy knows what it is.

"Yes," she proclaimed. "You and your pathetic friends will never figure out how to break their trance. No one would. And since it's Hearts and Hooves Day, my horde of changelings and I will feed off the ponies' love to gain lots of power."


"Hahaha!" Laughing at their protest, the queen dodged away from the sudden shots from the Blasters they whipped out. "The poison won't destroy them, though it'll be a big distraction for you guys while us bad guys take over Equestria. This time destroying you Rangers and your allies."

In a quick move, she flew away. The two Rangers couldn't believe it. Well, Troy isn't surprised at the very least after being told what the poison can do.

"You're my cutie-patootie lovie-dovie honey-bunny." They moved their attention back at their friends when the yellow pony became more 'deep in love'.

"You're my heartie-smartie smoochie-woochie baby-waby." The nerd traced a heart in the air.

"Noah!" The second pegasus got in front of him. "Hey! Hello!" She waved hoof in front of him. "Snap out of it!"


"Fluttershy." The Pink Ranger waved a hoof at her. "Are you okay?"

"I have a special somepony..." she swooned, then scrunched up her nose. "A kissy-wissy snuggle-wuggy sugar bear."

"Will you two quit it! Troy, what do we do?"

"Calm down, Em. Starlight Glimmer said there's a cure. But we may need a little help."

"You're my cuddly-wuddly boopsie-woopsie pumpkin pie."

"Eugh!" the two gagged after hearing Noah's mushy words.

"Want to go to Sugarcube Corner, heartie-berry lovie-kins?"

"Sure thing, snuggie huggie bear."

Again, the two Rangers gagged, following the two poisoned ponies, with Troy calling his friends to meet them at Sugarcube Corner.

Seeing the two ponies being all mushy made the prince wanna throw up, hearing the two getting all sappy. He couldn't believe the drink worked. He had to admit, he thought it'll never work, yet after seeing these two acting strangely around, he was glad it did work.

Of course, hearing the Ranger and the yellow pony talking to each other like that made him cringe in disgust. At least no one else will figure out how to break the curse, he thought on the bright side.

The other two seemed to be following them somewhere. One of them tried her best to get her friends to come out of it to no avail.

"You wanna have an ice-cream float with me, honey-bunny," he heard the Blue Ranger cooed.

"Of course, I'll have one with you, sweetie-tweetie sugar bunny."

"Ew!" Vekar reared his head back, scrunching his eyes shut, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. "I'm going to be hearing them talk like this for who knows how long." He glanced at Chrysalis and Grogar. "Great job." Normally, he doesn't do any praising, but seeing this made him feel good inside. "Let's send my army down there. I believe they'll destroy the Rangers and their friends. Well, more like causing destruction in Ponyville. You get my point."

"Since those two are in this love curse, it'll be easier to destroy all the heroes," the ram stated, receiving nods from everyone else.

"Yes, yes, now send my army down there!" he demanded impatiently. "Send the queen and her army for them to feed off their... I cannot believe you changelings can eat up ponies' love. Oh, whatever, go over there."

"Boss..." Damaras didn't want to interrupt.

"With the Blue Ranger being this way, I'm sure Argus will beat him."


"What!?" Vekar sharply turned his head. "Do you want to be down there?"

"I would, but I need you to look at this." He gave the book to him, only for the sire to shove it away. "Boss, you need to-"

"Get the book thingy out of my face!"

"You need to-"

"Send them down there," the prince ordered, referring to his and the queen's army. "Argus, you go, too. Same with you Chrysalis."

Argus bowed before walking out the door, with the tall changeling right behind him.

"Sire, I suggest you read-" the warrior tried again.

"I said, get the book away from me!" Grabbing the book, he threw it across the room. Cozy let out a scream, ducking her head in time. The book crashed the window, breaking it. "I don't need to read anything else in that book!"

The earth pony opened his mouth. He yielded back, shaking his head, knowing his leader won't listen to him. It was like when he suggested the prince to stay on the Armada Ship back when they were in space, over the earth.

The results had not gone well when the Blue Ranger injured him, giving him a papercut, getting the prince all dramatic about it.

The mini ships left towards the Ponyville Village, with the prince in his seat, watching the ponies on the orb.

He saw the Pink Ranger placing her hooves on the Blue Ranger's chest, like she was trying to hold him back. It seemed like she wasn't strong enough to where her back hooves were making a deep line in the dirt.

She yelped, falling down. The Ranger stepped over her, like he doesn't notice her there, his eyes fixated on the yellow coated, pink haired girl.

It made this evil doer want to laugh. He did. It was more of a snicker. No way their friends will break the spell. Simply no way.

Emma got up with the help of Troy, the two continuing their trotting, doing it in sync. The two kept following Noah and Fluttershy, finally reaching Sugarcube Corner.

The others were there. Though, they aren't sure why they have to meet here at the sweet shop rather than at the Command Center.

The two ponies hadn't seemed to notice the others there, more like ignoring them. Noah held the door open. "After you, sugar-wugar."

This stunned everyone. "Did he just call her-" Lacy couldn't finish her sentence.

"Thank you, smoochie-patootie honey bee," Fluttershy appreciated, walking past him.

Everyone watched Noah go in after she went into the shop, the door closing behind him. They all had jaws dropped open - to the ground, their eyes bugging out of their heads. They couldn't shake off what they witnessed.

Peeking into the window, they saw them order an ice-cream float. Mr. Cake looked at them awkwardly. He took their order, having them sit at a table.

They chose a table, sitting across from each other, talking all cooey to one another.

When their float came, the rest of the Rangers, the Elements of Harmony, the Power Ponies, Spike, and Starlight, entered the building. The float their friends have is a vanilla kind. It has two straws, one on each side. A cherry was on top of the whip cream.

"You take the first sip, snuggle wuggles," Fluttershy offered, pushing the float over to Noah.

"No, you take it, schnoodle-dumplin," he suggested, pushing the dessert back.

"No, you, shnooky-lumps," she objected, repeating the same action.

The two of them had their back legs on the seats, their elbows on the table, supporting their chins as they resumed their gazing, their eyes locked onto each other's. Everyone watched the love-fest their friends are bringing up. Mr. Cake came up to them. "I sometimes call my wife sweetie sometimes. I would never call her things they're saying. I'm all for romance, but this is uncomfortable." Everyone agreed with him on that. "What's happened to those two?"

Noah and Fluttershy both have the same cherry in each of their mouths, playing with it.

The others can only shift uncomfortably as the baker stared at the two ponies. Unlike Troy and Emma, the rest of their friends knew something was up. Mr. Cake broke the awkward silence. "Seeing this, I bet they'll be planning a wedding someday. My wife and I do need a catering business." He walked back to the kitchen.

"Dude, why are they..." Jake gestured over at the occupied table, seeing them licking the float in a dream like state. He shuddered. "I know my best friend likes her, except I'd never seen him this deep in love..."

"It was Chrysalis," Troy told him.

"What?" his friends questioned in unison, but their conversation was interrupted by the shy pony.

"No, you, biscuit-wiscuit bear!" she exclaimed, again giving him the float.

"No, you, snuggy-wuggy bunny!" He pressed his hoof forward, actually causing the treat to be knocked off the table. The contents spilled all over the floor.

"Chrysalis gave those two a love poison," Emma explained, making it clear for them to understand. "First she disguised herself as a unicorn, to fool them into tasting her 'special' drink."

"And I tried to stop them," the leader of the Rangers added. "Thankfully, Starlight explained about an antidote."

Lightning Twister waved a hoof. "An antidote? Easy, smeasy. We need to make one."

"No, Lightning Twister. We have to keep them from looking into each other's eyes."

"How are we going to do that?" Rarity could only flinch at the sight her eyes are seeing.

Twilight pondered about this. She thought hard, thinking. A lightbulb went on when she got an idea. "A wedding! They should get married."

Her plan got a lot of looks from one another. They couldn't believe what she had stated. Was she serious? Noah? Fluttershy? Married? A wedding? They're used to Pinkie being nuts, saying random things out of nowhere. Not from a smart alicorn.

All she could do was grin at her idea. The others kept on their strange looks for her. The quietness faded away when the cowgirl questioned her friend. "How them gettin' hitched going to keep them from looking into each other's eyes?"

"They're not really going to get married. They're going to get ready to get married, Applejack."

Hearing this made total sense. "I get it." Applejack nodded her head. "I believe we all got it." This received agreeable nods.

It was then a scream was heard from outside. Noah and Fluttershy don't seem to notice, for everyone else looked out the door.

Outside, they saw x-borgs and bruisers, going after the ponies. They shot out blasts, the shots hitting the ground. X-borgs raised their clubs at the ponies, wanting to hit them with their weapons.

Ponies scrambled all over the place, frightened. The henchponies went on a rampage. The changelings went after the scared civilians.

The alicorn's student gasped when she saw the changeling queen going up to a couple. She extended her mouth open. Pink wisps came from the mare and stallion. Coming from their chests where their hearts are at.

They collapsed on the floor, like they passed out.

The queen laughed at her success, licking her fork tongue in satisfaction. She stalked over to another pair of ponies.

The Rangers saw Argus threatening a few children. A few adult ponies shielded them, wanting to defend them.

"We need to get rid of them!" Hazel declared.

"I cannot believe it! Chrysalis is here!" Starlight began to look pale. "Is she here to get revenge on me?"

"Girls, calm down." Twilight teleported away from the door. "I know what we should do."

"What about them?" Mythic Diamond moved her head to the side, like she was reminding her about the awkward situation they're in.

For the second time, a lightbulb went on. "I have a plan. Ice Crystal, Hazel, Mythic, Dash, A.J., Gia, Rarity, you can help Fluttershy pick out her dress. Spike, Cobalt, Jake, Emma, Pinkie, Sugar Cupcake, Starlight, you can help Noah get a nice diamond ring for his 'bride to be'," the princess instructed. "Troy, Lightning Twister, Orion, Lacy Lasso, you're with me." She raced out the door. The two Power Ponies and Rangers went with her, transforming into their Ranger and Power Pony outfits.

"Looks like we need to get started," Jake said. "How long do we need to keep Noah and Fluttershy apart?"

"An hour. A full hour," Starlight replied.

"Pfft. An hour isn't bad. We can pull this off easily," Rainbow brushed off with ease.

Jake went up to Noah in a friendly confrontation. "Hi, buddy, how are you doing?"

"Hi, Jake, I have a special somepony," he presented happily.

"I have a special somepony, too," Fluttershy repeated with the same feeling.

"We can see that. Boy, you two are soo deep in love," Gia smiled, placing her hooves on the love possessed ponies' chests, separating them apart, the two trying reach back to each other, "that you two want to get married." She released them.

The impact got them to bump each other's foreheads. "Married!?"

"That's right," Rarity empathized. "Maariiied."

"Yep," Jake nodded, pushing the chair that the brainy Ranger is on. "Spike, Cobalt, Emma, Pinkie, Starlight, Sugar, and I bet you wanna get a nice diamond ring for your - ugh! - schmoopy-doopy pookie-pie."

"Diamond ring!" Excitedly, the unicorn jumped in the air, zooming out the door. The ones who are helping him pick one out went after him.

"Schmoopy!" Fluttershy was going to fly after him when Rainbow bit down on her tail, with Ice using her magic to keep her wings planted at each side of her body. Applejack and Gia used all their might to keep this pegasus from going to the jewelry shop.

"Don't you think you should start looking for a nice wedding dress?" Hazel Blossom said.

"Why, you do want to look your best for your... honey-bunny snuggle-baby," Mythic strained with an awkward smile.

"Oh! A dress!"

Quickly, the hold was released from her. Rarity got out of the way in time to see her friend dashing out the door. "My, my, my, this plan better work," she hoped. The apple farm pony nodded in agreement.

"By the time we finish up this mess, the rest of us can help wipe out the army. Including defeating Chrysalis and Argus."

"Argus isn't an easy guy to beat," Gia stated. "We've seen Noah dueling with Argus before. He's too hard to defeat."

"Okay, enough chit-chat. Let's get to Rarity's Boutique to help Flutters pick out a wedding dress," Dash proclaimed.

Everyone raced out the door, heading to the dress shop, in all hopes they can keep their shy friend away from the Blue Ranger for a whole hour.

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