• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,089 Views, 104 Comments

Journey of Saiyans (Raze Version) - Roarin Thunder

Raze returns in a crossover with Saiyans of Equestria. This is after Raze's Journey Chapter 12

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A Moment to Move; Chaos Unbound!

~Journey of Saiyans Chapter 12~

Raze turned over on his little makeshift bed as he felt a small breeze blowing in from the window. He shivered and snuggled further into the blankets.

Discord watched them while they slept. ‘This is pretty… weird. I wonder when they’ll be getting up.”

On the top bunk of a twin bunk bed, a certain eight year girl promptly awakened, sitting up as she rubbed her eyes due to drowsiness. Kira yawned, before pushing the sheets off of her and climbing down slowly via the ladder.

‘Ah! There we go! Now to watch and wait… And Action!’ Discord smirked as he watched her finally touch the floor.

Kira stretched, before her Ki senses went off a bit and she hastily turned around to see who was there. Only to see a still sleeping Raze, she tilted her head in confusion before her body reminded her of nature’s call.

She rushed to the bathroom soon after.

The loud stamping of her feet woke Raze from his slumber and his eyes parted slightly only to see Discord watching him. ‘Why don’t you ever sleep?’

‘Why do you sleep at all?’ Discord retorted.

‘Touche…’ Raze trailed off while turning over and pushing himself up.

He looked at his hands and realized he was still a kid. ‘I thought it might wear off over night or something...’

‘Nope, you’re still smaller than ever! But that’s okay!’ Discord said quickly as Raze frowned.

‘Whatever.’ With that, he looked over to see that Ken was still asleep.

“Guess that doesn’t change either!” Raze said while walking toward the door.

He picked up his boots and walked into the main hallway shutting the door behind him. He put them on and proceeded to float downstairs so as to not wake the one mare pony patrol that snored loudly from an open door in the main hall on the second floor.

Raze landed with a light tap on the floor and made his way to the kitchen. ‘Okay, something to eat really fast so I can get outta here for the day!’

He looked around the kitchen and quickly found the bread box. He found the butter and the toaster which he used to make his food quickly. Of course, he left a mess of bread crumbs on the counter and didn’t remember to clean them up as he ate the toast as fast as he could.

Discord floated down through the top of the kitchen ceiling. ‘What’s on the plate today, Raze?”

Raze had already finished the toast and looked up with a small smile. “I don’t know what to do today! All I know is, we’re not going to school again!”

Raze heard footsteps coming down the stairs and then smiled, “Speaking of school, wonder what Ken and Kira have planned for that?”

Discord silently agreed with a small nod.

Said two twins were stepping down the stairs with their Gi’s on, not their school clothes. They both entered the kitchen area to find Raze, and both looked at him curiously.

“Morning Raze-sensei, what you doing so early up?” Kira questioned, her tail wagging behind her.

“I’m going to find something to do! Anything will do, I just need to not go to school. And what are you two doing today?” He asked them back.

Kira commented, “I think mom only wanted you to see what our school was like… “

But Ken answered him, “Me and Kira usually wake up early to train, that way we don’t get weaker over time. Though we do tend to sleep in during weekends.”

“Train?! Let’s go get my ship and I could take it with me somewhere a little farther away from the one mare Pony Patrol!” Raze said to them both.

“Pony Patrol? There’s a Pony Patrol?” Ken questioned, looking to his sister.

“I don’t know, I never seen one.” Kira replied to him.

“It’s your mom! Now let’s go before she wakes up!” Raze said as he got off his chair moved toward the back hallway of the first floor of the quaint home.

Kira climbed up the counter, opened a cabinet, and yanked out a box of dry cereal. Then jumped down and both her and Ken followed Raze to the backyard door. Opening the box and letting her twin have some handfuls as they both ate.

Raze opened the door and allowed the Twins to pass by as he shut it and flew off toward his gravity chamber. He clicked a button on the outside causing a loud boom to go off and for smoke to puff outward.

The smoke cleared and revealed a small capsule in it’s wake. “Alright, let’s go!” He exclaimed while picking up the small device.

He blasted into the sky quickly followed by Ken and Kira. “Hey, do you two know any area around Ponyville that we could use as a an area to set this thing down?”

“Whitetail woods?” Kira was the first to respond.

“The park?” Ken responded next, then paused a bit, “One of the cut-off tops of the semi-destroyed mountains?” Ken seemed to copy.

“That sounds like a place that they wouldn’t look for! Okay, that first mountain on the left!” Raze turned toward that direction and flew through several clouds catching moisture on his gi.

Ken and Kira followed, but they started to fall behind, Ken exclaimed over the wind blowing in his face.

“Raze, slow down! You’re going to fast!” He shouted.

Raze realized it quickly and slowed down a bit. “Sorry bout that!”

Approaching the surprisingly flat surface of a destroyed mountaintop, the trio of saiyans landed gracefully on top of the rock. Looking around, there was nothing but chunks of boulders, debris, and pebbles within a quite a few meter radius. Also known as, perfect training place!

“So, would you like to warm up, or just go straight into the gravity chamber?” He asked the Twins.

Discord teleported in just behind him while being completely invisible to the Twins. “You know, it’s rude to leave me behind like that. Not everyone is a Super Saiyan you know.”

‘But nobody was a super saiyan and I figured you were just being silent.’ Raze finished the thought realizing that Kira was trying to say something to him.

“Raze-sensei, hello! Are you even listening!?” Kira exclaimed, a pout on her little face.

“Ummm! Disco-! I mean, yeah! What were you saying, Kira?!” Raze asked her.

Kira stomped her food in agitation, “Ugh! You weren’t listening at all!”

Ken scratched the back of his head, “What Kira said was the start in gravity chamber cause… School… “ Ken said, “But I say we take our time!” He exclaimed.

“Okay! Sure!” Raze clicked the top of the capsule and threw into the middle of the clearing.

~One loud boom and large cloud of smoke later~

“And there we are!” Raze concluded while walking up to the chamber’s front door itself.

Ken walked up as well, following Raze into the gravity chapter, Kira coming soon after as she finished the remaining cereal within the box she was carrying. Kira ran up to Raze and asked a simple question.

“Is there a trash can in here?” She questioned, holding up the empty box.

“Think there is, but just blast it instead. Much easier.” Ken suggested.

“Well, that’s not how your suppose to get rid of it.” Kira replied.

Raze smiled, “Can I blast it?!”

Kira threw it at Ken, who caught it. “Fine, I don’t care anymore.” Kira answered him.

Ken chuckled, and threw it into the air, and blasted it into dust particles with a simple Ki technique. “There, problem solved!” Ken stated.

‘I could have made it into candy or something...’ Discord sighed dejectedly.

‘Box candy doesn’t sound good at all, besides you’re going to be watching us train for once!’ Raze exclaimed to him.

Raze needed to pay more attention to the two twins, because being part human gives you utmost curiosity, and sometimes, impatience. Ken was both, as he had walked dangerously close to the gravity controls and was inspecting the buttons. Kira behind him with a worried, yet curious expression on her face.

“Don’t think you should press that.” Kira said.

“Raze pressed it last time, so it does the same thing right?” Ken said.

Discord smiled, ‘I suppose that’s one incentive to be here. Though I wonder how well off you’ll be since you’re technically the same age as them.’

“Just because I turned back into a kid doesn’t mean my power was reduced or anything. That would really be stupid if somebody thought that turning back into a kid means you lost your abilities.” Raze turned to an invisible screen looking at whatever invisible people may be staring back.

Discord coughed awkwardly to get the point across, ‘Yeah, that would be dumb.’

Discord quickly used magic to hide his thoughts from Raze, ‘Note to self: Cancel Dragon Ball; God Tier my horrible fanfic.’


The voice of the computer came through, “Now activating five hundred times normal gravity.”

A great deal of pressure came down abruptly upon Raze’s smaller body. Raze felt it all at once as his legs buckled and he hit the floor.

Ken and Kira didn’t fair much better, both of them lying on the floor as they struggled to get up. They both raised their Ki’s to their highest levels, but it still wasn’t enough.

Raze felt around while raising his power. He found purchase finally as he gripped the floor and began to try pushing himself up. His power raised until his he finally decided to just go super saiyan.

“HAAAAA!” A loud yell was heard as Raze transformed and finally was able to stand up on his own.

He took heavy steps over to the middle of the room began to turn down the gravity to a much more manageable level of five. The pressure alleviated from the area and Raze could safely let go of his transformation.

“You know, you two should be more careful. I hope that you don’t have any broken bones from this.” Raze said to them both with a disappointed frown on his face.

“I hurt everywhere.” Kira stated simply and to the point. “I think all my muscles are torn…”

Ken fared better. “Dad says I tore a lot of my muscles too… He’s healing them though…” He trailed off, struggling to sit up at least.

Raze let go of his frown and turned the chamber down to normal gravity, “Let me get a senzu bean.”

“A what? A bean?” Kira questioned.

“I don’t know… I think dad mentioned something about it…” Ken answered.

Raze threw down the capsule for the fridge and went inside it immediately. “Ah! Here we go!” Raze took out the small bag and then got a small bean out.

He tossed it to Kira, “Here you go and Ken you’ll be fine if we wait a few minutes.”

Kira placed the bean in her mouth, chewed and swallowed. Suddenly, her Ki spiked to a higher limit than before, though not by much, and her muscles rejuvenated themselves within seconds.

She was shocked, “I, wha, how? It’s like super magic!” The little girl exclaimed as the reason for how it could heal her that fast.

“Well, it might be magic. All I know is that we get a supply of these form a little known seller on Earth. My Dad knows him well or something. Says the company's namesake was “Bean Daddy”.” Raze finished while scratching his head.

Discord chuckled lightly, ‘Now that is funny!’

Ken’s facial expression shifted a bit as the Z-fighter within him began laughing like no tomorrow. He stood up, his muscles still sore, but healing nicely.”So, what we going to train today?”

Kira corrected him, “You mean, what are we going to learn today?”

“What sis said.” Ken replied, pointing at his twin.

“I’m just hoping you’ll get a bit stronger from this exercise. Unless you wanna learn something from me. Just ask.” Raze said to them both.

“Exercise?” The twins said in confusion.

“What kind of exercise? You mean the same one with the gravity stuff?” Ken questioned.

“Yeah, something like that!” Raze said while turning up the gravity, but not activating the new weight.

Ken groaned a bit in pain, his muscles still aching a little. “So what is it, Raze-sensei?”

“Just get ready, it’ll be like normal training, but with added help.” Raze said while typing some new commands in. “And that should be it.”

Several holes opened at the top of the chamber and drones began to fly out of the top. Floating around the three children were about ten of them. They focused in on their targets and gained knowledge based on the power they could sense.

“These are your new partners besides me. Now you have more to worry about! Trust me on that.” Raze finished with a smile.

Kira looked to Raze, “Raze-sensei, you trapped these poor creatures in your ship all the time?!” she yelled in concern, pointing at the drones.

“What are they?” Ken questioned.

“They’re not creatures of any sort, they’re training assistants. They use your own energy against you, so you won’t just be worrying about me. You’ll have to keep moving whether you want to or not.” Raze said to them with a smirk.

Ken knew that smirk, “Uh oh.”

Kira tilted her head, “You kinda look like Ken when’s he’s about to attack really fast, and really hard.”

Raze nodded as the drones moved into position and Raze put his finger over the button that would activate the gravity, “Get ready!” He clicked it down and the air became heavier.

Raze fired a weakened blast at one of the drones and it began to pass the ball around to the other drones. The blast went past Ken who barely stepped to the side to avoid it. Then it came back around making Kira avoid it. Both of the Twins were now separated as the blast moved in and out around them.

Ken retaliated, firing his own Ki blast right at the other one. But a drone appeared between the two, and redirected both of the Ki attacks.

“Yikes!” Ken shouted as he fell to the floor on his arms, the Ki blast passing overhead. Ken backflipped himself up to standing position only to bend backward to avoid the redirected Ki attack of Raze’s.

Kira rolled to the side, and then leapt back. She then cartwheeled forward, before her face at a image of realization. After avoiding being blasted on both her face and rump, she leapt up toward one of the drones to deliver a kick to its weird eyeball thing.

It flew back to avoid her attack as another ki blast was thrown into the mix by Raze and caught by the same drone. It flew directly at Kira and made a mini explosion as she was blown backward to the floor.

“Expect the unexpected!” Raze yelled to her.

Kira looked to Raze, and surprisingly just launched a Ki blast toward his direction. Yet another drone flew down to catch her attack and sent it back at her.

But it seemed the little girl was expected that, she ran back to the wall as the Ki blast approached her, then she dodged it, and used the resulting explosion’s boost of momentum to launch herself faster at one of the drones. He smashed her fist right into its eyeball, causing it to be sent flying back.

Kira landed, shaking her fist in pain, “Ow, ow, ow, ow! Those things are hard!”

Her twin brother on the other hand, separated across the ship from his sister, had his own problems. Three continuously rotating blast kept trying to land a direct him on his small form, the hybrid ducked, dodged, and weaved his way barely avoiding them. Unfortunately, Ken did not process the same luck his sister did.

Ken crossed his arms protectively in front of him just in time as three consecutive Ki blast impacted, exploding outward and sending Ken skidding across the tile flooring. His clothes somewhat scorched, and his body aching, Ken somehow managed to stand back up into fighting position.

Kira tried to slam her fist against another drone, but failed miserably. She fell face first on the tiled ground as a Ki blast knocked her down, She sat back up, her hands holding her nose.”

“Ouch, my nose.” Kira said, rubbing her nose. She got back up, her aura appearing around her as she amazingly jumped high to avoid another blast that bounced off the ground and back to the drones. She managed to grab a drone, and used it as a shield to block a blast. Before she mustered all her strength, and slammed the drone into another, then crushing both against the floor.

“Ugh, stupid things!” she heard the voice of her twin yell, whom’s power level rose with his emotions and he effortlessly flew toward two of them, grasped them, then proceeded to crush both between his hands. Then Ken’s power level returned to his normal limits.

Raze frowned, “I’m going to lose em all…”

Now having enough breather from the drones, Ken and Kira managed to join back together. Then proceeded to confuse the drones’ targeting systems with their coordination of following each other’s movements. With this, they started to destroy one drone after another before all of them were piles of scrap metal.

They fell to their rumps, breathing heavily. Kira looked to Raze saying, “Did we… Do… Good?” she said in between breaths.

“You did surprisingly very well. I’m impressed! I mean… Now my ship has to make more drones anyway…” Raze trailed off while looking at the scrap metal lying around.

Apparently the twins noticed they missed one, unknowingly, they didn’t know someone was in the way. They stood up, and raised their hands toward the drone, and fired two Ki waves toward it as quickly as they could.

Discord floated in front of the drone with a confused look, ‘It can actually sense me even while invisible? Strange…” He moved his bear paw up and down while watching the eye on the drone move in time with it.

Raze saw Discord and his eyes widened in shock, ‘MOVE YOU IDIOT!’

Discord’s reaction was delayed of course, “Wha- AAGGGGHHH!” A large light filled the air as sparks rained down from the back of Discord.

His form now no longer translucent and he looked extremely pained, awkwardly confused, with a pinch of stupidity alighting his face, “What in the world?! You can’t just attack someones back like that… tha…” He saw the Twins looking at him.

“Ohhh…. They… Can… See... Me...” Discord finished awkwardly as he looked at the wide eyed twins.

Kira’s following reaction came first two seconds after some more silence.

She screamed.


Very loud.

And hid behind her twin brother as she kept screaming.

Raze had no reaction to that. In fact, it was very tough to believe what was actually going on at the moment. Discord was very much behind him there.

Ken’s face went into that of shock, a bit of fear, and then pure rage. His body’s stance shifting into that of a protective position in front of his twin as his eyes and hair were already shifting into a super saiyan state. Then, promptly, the golden aura burst around him in a showcase of power as he yelled.

“Die Discord! You won’t harm Kira anymore!” He yelled in hatred, his hands releasing a pent up wave of Ki toward Discord.

Discord disappeared with a snap of his talons and then appeared beside Raze. “What in the world are they doing?!” He asked him.

“Uhhhh…” Raze was about to just try to hide at this moment.

Ken caught wing of Discord’s energy signature, his body circling around Kira to stay in front of her as his arms were outstretched. Before he started shooting a barrage of Ki blasts toward the Spirit of Chaos regardless of Raze’s position.

Raze reacted quickly enough to dive out of the way as the Spirit of Chaos realized his cloak couldn’t possibly work if he still revealed his power. So, he dropped it and instead went for a magical shield.

The attacks exploded around the expanse of the shield, but Discord was safe from the barrage. Raze had his fill of the moment and turned super saiyan himself.

He quickly flew at Ken with the intent of knocking him out, “Just stop real quick, Ken! No way in hell am I going to get another one of these anytime soon!” He flew to the side of Ken and prepared to finish off the twin quickly.

Unfortunately, Ken noticed Raze’s attempt to stop him from attacking Discord. His mind and instincts set on protecting his twin sister, Ken’s power level unleashed itself into a whole new ball game as his hybrid potential gave him enough strength to not only spin around in time, but land a solid fist right into Raze’s stomach. Then Ken backflipped, the heel of his foot impacting with Raze’s chin before Ken leapt from him and toward Discord’s position.

“Okay! End Game!” Discord snapped his fingers and a large magical cage appeared around Ken.

It hit the ground with a resounding slam rather than stay afloat with the super saiyan still inside. Discord kept the glowing magic at maximum strength while watching Ken stand up and prepare for another attack.

Raze got up slowly with a hand on his gut. ‘Why is my body so soft?’

“Ken!” Kira screamed, but she didn’t move, the expression of fear laced on her face.

The hybrid child got up, and slammed his fist on the bars, only to retract them as he hissed in pain, the fingers of his fist a bit bruised. Ken glared at Discord with hate, “When I get out of here I’m going to punch your head across all of Equestria!” He yelled, where he proceeded to strike at the cage repeatedly again and again despite his hands becoming raw.

“You’re wasting your time, Ken. And this is timeout anyway. Penalty for striking me when I wasn’t ready and all that jazz.” Discord finished while sitting in the air.

Ken grasped the handle bars, his muscles straining themselves to their limits as Ken tried to break the bars apart. His teeth clenching against one another as Ken pulled and pulled. “I. Made. A. Promise.” Ken said to himself, his aura flaring out wildly. A small screeching sound was heard from the bars before suddenly, Ken’s Ki dropped like a bird, falling to his knees in utter exhaustion.

Raze walked over to the cage. “What the hell did you do to him, Discord?!”

“Me?! He’s the one who attacked first, I just trapped him there!” Discord retorted back.

“Why don’t you just let him out then?!” Raze yelled back.

“Because he’ll probably just do it again! Besides, I have to get out of here. Who knows what the princesses of this world do to Discords like me.” Discord stated to him.

“But isn’t the other Discord a statue?” Raze asked him.

“Who knows! Oh… Yeah, I visited him. Oh, Ken! He has a message for you. He wants to rend the flesh from your bones. Whatever that means.” Discord said offhandedly.

Ken got up against the bars, his eyes still having hate as he put his hand outside the cage and fired a Ki blast at the Spirit of Chaos.

“OUCH! No more bars, just a solid glass like thing with holes in the top!” He snapped his talons and the cage formed into a much better prison.

“There we go.” Discord said while Raze smacked a hand against his forehead.

“Lyra’s going to kill us. Or you…” Raze finished while tapping his skull against Ken’s cage.

Ken expression of hate soon began to waver, knocking his fist against the glass with whatever strength he had left. After a few more seconds, the boy began to look more scared than anything. His eyes watering as he desperately tried to somehow escape the cage with more reason than before.

Kira ran up to the cage, and started bashing her fist against it. “Let Ken go! Let him go! Please!” Kira began to beg, her face full of concern.

“No, he attacked me first. He can stay in timeout! I’m through with sentiment at this point.” Discord said pointedly while turning away from said cage.

Raze sighed, “Scratch that. Chris is going to kill us for real…”

Ken stopped his efforts to escape, and instead opted to go into a fetal position as he clutched himself tightly. His eyes distant and tearful… Then… Then his eyes weren’t his own. If it was possible, his eyes held more hate than they did before hand.

And it wasn’t Ken’s Ki signature that rose within that cage.

“Oh come on. This is overdramatic. This isn’t even a threatening kind of cage. It has sunshine and lollipops as decorations. Seriously, you’re part saiyan in there.” Discord said to the boy who couldn’t hear him.

Ken stood up, raising his fist before he slammed it, no, more like punched through the glass. Before it shattered, and he exited out of it, then collapsed and began to cry like a child once again. Kira rushing to his side as she hugged him for dear life.

“I’m sorry Ken, I’m sorry! I know you don’t like cages, I’m sorry you were trapped.” Kira apologized again and again.

Discord looked at his broken cage and the Ken that was on the floor. “Where did that even come from?! Raze, you know transformations and stuff! What was that?!”

Raze shook his head. “I don’t know…” Raze trailed off in his own confusion.

“I wanna go home.” Ken cried, “I want mom.”

Kira nodded, “Okay.” she said as she helped Ken up.

Discord frowned. “I want to go home too, Raze. Do you think that Doctor guy will be finished soon?”

“No… But we should probably help them get home faster and then you should probably disappear for a bit.” Raze said to him.

Discord nodded and snapped his fingers as they left the gravity chamber behind. They appeared in the backyard rather instantly and then there was no Discord to be seen.

Raze felt the wind begin to pick up lightly as Kira stood up to see they were already home. Raze frowned as he was sure to hear about a lot more than he’d ever known about Ken. And that he probably wouldn’t be nearly as trusted as he had been before. All the issues we’re going to get staggeringly much higher than they’d been before, he had that feeling.

Raze sighed, “Well, let’s get inside. They’re going to have to hear this.” Raze started walking toward the home with a somber look in his eyes.

Once inside, Lyra was on them all in an instant, “You skipped school! You had my twins skip school!” she said in anger at Raze.

“Well, it was technically supposed to be training, but… We got carried away…” Raze said quickly.

“Training is not more important- Oh my Celestia, Ken, what’s wrong!” Lyra said as she looked at Ken. She ran to his side, and Ken instantly hugged her for dear life. Ken seemed to say things at a intelligible speed that Raze couldn’t possibly have caught, wasn’t sure Lyra caught it all either.

“It’s fine, go wash up with your sister. You’re filthy, then I’ll make you a good meal alright?”

“Alright…” Ken said as both he and Kira walked upstairs.

Raze watched them walk off as he prepared his first question. “What is wrong with him?”

“Ken is recovering from Cleithrophobia. He has done this only twice before, so I recognize the symptoms.” Lyra answered him.

“And wow you’re not as mad as I thought. I mean I thought that Kira would start screaming about Discord or something for a second there…” Raze trailed off while pulling his own hair.

“Discord? I didn’t catch that from Ken, his voice is really hard to hear when he’s experiencing that. Do you even know what Cleithrophobia is?” Lyra questioned with a raise eyebrow, through in her eyes, there was a bit of rage in there.

“No, I have no idea what that is. I didn’t take classes on medical stuff, just basic things for that.” Raze said to her.

“Take a fear, such as the fear of spiders, then multiply it by a factor depending on past experiences. For Ken, that factor would be a hundred. And then, you have your phobia. Cleithrophobia means a fear of being trapped.” Lyra explained.

“That sounds weird. Though… Hmmm…” Raze thought for a second.

“Nope, I was thinking of something else.” Raze said while wearing a frown.

“Do you know what Ken does when he’s experiencing that phobia? It’s like his body takes control of him, his power increases past anything he’s had done before. I swear, I thought I saw a little red in his eyes. And tell me, what exactly did you do… To warrant that of him!” Lyra said, now came the anger he was expecting.

Raze had some choices, tell the truth or lie and watch as Discord get’s discovered anyway when Kira feels up to telling her mother what had happened. He mulled it around for a bit which caused Lyra to intensify her glare.

“Uhhh… What if I told you, Hypothetically, Of course. That Discord had trapped him in a cage for blasting his back?” Raze asked her.

Outside, the wonderful and beautiful house of the Heartstrings lay perfectly still and peaceful.


The house seemed to jump right off its hinges before landing back on the the ground, shaking from the aftermath of a mother’s rage.

Raze frowned. ‘That was not expected...’

“What do you mean Discord trapped him?! How did he escape?! We got to warn Twilight immediately! Who knows what chaos he could be doing, hundred to thousands of ponies could be dying by the minute!” Lyra exclaimed in worry.

Raze sat there silently while she began to gather up a megahorn and all kinds of things up to go outside and begin warning the ponies of town. Raze continued staring at the wall even as she left.

“What just happened?!” Raze yelled to nobody.

~End of Chapter~

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoyed it.

Comments ( 4 )

Well that was an unfortunate turn of events. I suppose not everyone can ditch a full day of school successfully. Fun stuff that went on though till that point. Great training still and now more light will be shed for Raze about Ken. Looking forward to the future chapters of these stories! May inspiration guide you! Be well.:eeyup:

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