• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,089 Views, 104 Comments

Journey of Saiyans (Raze Version) - Roarin Thunder

Raze returns in a crossover with Saiyans of Equestria. This is after Raze's Journey Chapter 12

  • ...

Tricky Magic and a New Outlook

~Journey of Saiyans Chapter 9 (Raze Version)~

Raze felt a large amount of weight hit him all at once and he awoke with a start. The first thing he heard was, “FROST TARTS! WHERE ARE THEY?!”

Raze tried to jump as his ears started ringing from the yell being produced from such short distance by one little girl, but he was stuck in two blankets and began to fall towards the side of the couch. Kira and himself fell off the couch and onto the floor in a heap of blankets.

Bon-Bon walked up with a small smile on her face, “Yeah Raze, where are those Frost Tarts?”

Raze was about to respond after sitting back up when Kira interrupted him, "I can sense the Frost Tarts with you Raze-sensei! You can't hide them from me!"

Raze looked at her, "What's with you and Frost Tarts?" He caught Kira’s hand from reaching the capsule case, “Don’t touch that.”

“But the Frost Tarts! Sensei! The Frost Tarts!” Kira exclaimed while struggling against Raze’s hold.

Raze glared at Bon-Bon, “You set me up for this, didn’t you?”

Bon-Bon just gave him a innocent face, “No, what made you think that?”

“The fact that she’s attacking me over a box of Frost Tarts made it apparent!” Raze said while continuing to hold off Kira’s reaching arms.

Turning back to Kira he said, “Let’s make a deal, if you can hit me three times in three times gravity, I’ll give you the Frost Tarts and we’ll go into town today. Does that sound good?”

Kira paused, “Can nii-san help me?” She asked.

Raze crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side, “Maybe. Hmmm… Okay! He can help, but you need to get him up so we can get this started!”

She leaped off of Raze, and promptly shouted, “Ken! Wake up!”

Raze looked around, but didn’t see nor hear any other movements, “I guess you’ll have to go and get him.”

Kira only grinned, “Give him a minute.”

Raze waited and waited until he realized that he was sitting on the floor still, ‘Why am I still on the floor?’ Raze wouldn’t get an answer to that as something seemed to be moving upstairs.

The footsteps of someone coming down the staircase was heard, until Raze spotted Kira’s brother, Ken, on the stairs still in his PJs.

“Well, he’s definitely not going to fight in that, Lyra would probably attack me with a frying pan if I had Ken mess up the wrong clothes.” Raze said.

Ken grinned, “Don’t worry sis, I’ll just get dressed in a flash and then we’ll beat sensei!” With that, he rushed back upstairs.

‘What… Huh… Kira didn’t even say anything to him! How can he possibly know what we were talking about?’

Raze looked toward Kira to find her pridefully smiling, confident in her and her brother’s ability to beat him. To beat him, claim the Frost Tarts, and a trip to the town. If he doesn’t win then he’ll be stuck with them for the entire day! Again!

‘I’ll see about that!’ Raze thought with determination.

Raze got up quickly and heard another knock at the backdoor. Raze went to open said door. It opened to reveal Derpy and the Doctor.

They both walked in and Raze shut the door behind him.

Derpy smiled at Raze and Kira, “Good Morning!”

The Doctor was looking around and sniffing the air, “Is that Hay Bacon Strips that I seem to be smelling?”

Lyra walked out of the kitchen with a smile on her face, “Yes, along with roasted carrot and parsnip soup.”

“You got anything for the average young strapping saiyan?” Raze asked with a slight hint of sarcasm.

“How about eat what you get and don’t question it?” Lyra deadpanned.

“I will never eat carrots, they are evil and deserve to be eradicated through overwhelming force.” Raze said while crossing his arms and turning away.

Lyra was going to say something, but a new challenger appeared. Bon-Bon stepped out of the kitchen armed with her mighty wooden spoon of splintering justice.

“We’ll have to go grocery shopping later today… Oh, is Raze giving you any trouble?” Bon-Bon asked while smacking the wooden spoon against her hoof threateningly.

Lyra looked at her, “Why are you standing on your back hooves?”

“It helps persuade customers.” Bon-Bon said while glaring at Raze.

“I thought it was because you belong in the kitchen, with your pink apron and your carrots.” Raze said while continuing to turn away from his bold new adversary.

The Doctor saw this situation was escalating at a dangerous rate, “Raze, it might be wise to be quiet.”

Derpy frowned and nodded in agreement, “You might want to listen to him, Razey.”

“No way, there’s no meat or apples, but we have to only get carrots? I really don’t like carrots!” Raze said while maintaining his position.

“Raze-sensei, what’s wrong with carrots?” Kira questioned, “I like carrots, they’re crunchy!”

“It’s a taste thing, you wouldn’t understand, they’ve got you brainwashed!” Raze said to Kira as he heard something starting to steam from behind him.

Raze turned around slowly, “Is there some tea… on?”

To Raze, Bon-Bon looked as if she had a fiery Ki aura of destruction and wrath, even if ponies don’t have Ki to begin with, “My cooking of carrots… Brainwashing her?!”

“Yeah! Totally! So if you could go and make something that won’t brainwash us, I’d really like that!” Raze said as he was still completely oblivious at the moment despite the glaring warning signs of imminent attack.

“Oh, I’ll make something alright.” Bon-Bon said in a surprisingly calm matter, turning around to head back to the kitchen.

“Really?! What is it?! Fish, Chicken, or Steak?!” Raze exclaimed while thinking about the possibilities.

The Doctor facehoofed, ‘Well, at least he’s signing his will, I’ve got at least 800 years before I have to do that.’

“It’ll be… A unique flavor.” Bon-Bon finished, disappearing into the kitchen with Lyra following suite.

Raze couldn’t wait for whatever she was making, ‘It could be anything and anything is better than carrots!’

“Raze-sensei! We’re ready!” Kira said, snapping Raze out of his thoughts as he spotted Ken fully dressed in his training gi standing next to Kira.

“Alright! Let’s get to the gravity chamber! Then we can eat and get out to see the town!” Raze said while watching the Twins smile and celebrate thinking they were going to win.

‘They’re celebrating a little much, we haven’t even got to the gravity chamber yet...’ Raze thought as Kira grabbed his hand.

“Let’s go, let’s go! We will win those Frost Tarts and get a town trip!” Kira exclaimed to her Ken who nodded in agreement. She grasped Raze’s hand and pulled him with her toward the backyard door.

“We’ll win Kira, no question!” Ken said in support.

Raze smiled, “This time we can use Kaio-ken x2 to help with the gravity, okay?”

Kira stopped smiling, “But… I don’t know how to use Kaio-ken.”

Raze smiled, “Then you’re going to learn with everyone!”

Raze began to pull her along at this point as they were soon out the backdoor and standing in front of the gravity chamber’s door. Raze quickly opened up the door and turned on the lights.

“Raze-sensei, I have a question.” Ken said to Raze who turned to give Ken his full undivided attention.

“What’s up?” Raze asked him.

“Is it possible to go higher than times two on Kaio-ken? Cause daddy says yes, but he never showed me.” Ken questioned.

“Oh, of course! The highest level of Kaioken that I’ve managed is Kaioken x30, but if you tried that, then you’d probably die.” Raze said to the now somewhat scared child.

“Die? I don’t wanna die!” Ken exclaimed while waving his arms in alarm.

“Well, then don’t try to do what I do, but we can try to get you up to x5 Kaioken. That would probably be a good start up to try and reach for you. For Kira, her max would be x2 if we manage to get her learning it fast.” Raze said to them both at this point.

“Okay!” The Twins said in unison.

“Well, if you’re ready, we can get started, actually, just do some quick stretching like last time while I get the machine started.” Raze said while leaving the Twins to their own devices.

‘This should be a lot better than last time, I finally get to teach someone else the same powers that I know! That alone is pretty awesome!’ Raze thought while pressing in button combinations on the keyboard of the central control panel.

Raze clicked one last button and the simulation was primed. He turned back to find the Twins stretching and getting ready.

‘It reminds me of when I was first getting into my first gravity chamber...’ Raze’s memory began to fill in a small thought bubble.

He remembered falling consistently everytime he ever tried to step in. He remembered being tossed around by his father like a volleyball. Then another unfortunate memory involved some very high stakes laser tag.

Raze’s bubble popped instantly and he frowned, ‘That wasn’t very fun… At least I improved over time!’

“Well, do you both feel ready?” Raze asked Ken and Kira.

“Yeah!” They replied wholeheartedly, before both of them slipped into their fighting stances.

“Okay, here we go!” Raze pressed the button and immediately the gravity began pulling down their bodies. The Twins were being pressed down a bit more than usual, but maintained their balance despite the change.

Raze was already used to the shift and looked at them both with a smile, “Oh, you seem to be doing a bit better, but we’ll see how this works out. Okay Kira, I need you to try and run! Can you do that? We won’t start the match until I can at least get her to be more used to the gravity change.”

“No problem, I’ll be running in no time sensei!” Kira said with confidence, she took a step forward, only to crash face first into the ground.

Raze frowned, “Uh, you alright?”

‘I know I should help her out, but she needs to be able to push herself, I’ll just have to watch and see if she can manage it.’ Raze thought as he saw Ken try to go help his sister.

Raze held his hand up and stopped Ken. He shook his head and Ken stepped back.

Kira frowned toward Raze for stopping her brother in helping her, she pushed herself up, her arms shaking from the heavy gravity and her tail limp on the ground.

Raze watched her with the same frown mirrored. Sometimes, words weren’t needed. He could tell she was somewhat angry, but knew it was for the best.

“Alright, just keep trying, Kira.” Raze said to her.

Kira’s Ki energy signature increased, she was using her own Ki to help her stand up. After a short minute, Kira stood up pridefully once again. She took a step closer, more cautious about her balance as her tail swayed to each side as she began to walk.

Raze watched the progress she was making, ‘This might take a while, but she’s getting the hang of it.’

He saw the tail swing around to balance her as she walked, ‘So she’s using her tail? Well, I suppose it can be allowed.’

Kira began walking a bit faster, her body having gotten a rhythm of balance and movement within the heavy gravity. The little girl grinned triumphantly as her speed picked up and she completed her first lap around the Gravity machine.

“You seem to be walking fast, but you need to start running!” Raze turned to Ken next.

“You too, let’s see if you can run, Ken!” Raze said to him.

“Okay!” Ken said. The brother of Kira had started walking with better ease than his twin, and sooner started run-walking before going to a full out sprinting. His sister watched with a little jealousy as she attempted to try and catch up, filled with motivation in trying to become as strong as Ken.

Raze smiled while watching their progress, ‘A little competition between rivals or family can be healthy. She’s going to want to run just like that and then she’ll truly get stronger.’

Raze watched as Ken seemed to get faster and faster, more so then Kira, when suddenly as he glanced toward Kira to see her face overcome with emotion, her Ki spiked to a higher level than normal. Kira’s speed drastically increased, passing by her brother before her energy reverted back down to her ‘normal’ levels.

Raze’s eyes widened a bit, ‘She’s got power locked up inside her! It’s almost like Ken’s power! I remember reading about something like this before, human blood and saiyan blood creates a ferocious energy… Guess it wasn’t kidding. How do I get this to workout for the both of them?’

He brainstormed some ideas for a future training session, ‘Yeah, this is going to be a good month!’

“Okay! You can both stop running now, you’re sufficiently warmed up!” Raze said to them both.

Ken and Kira stopped just in front of Raze, their faces revealing that they were curious about what was up next.

Raze smiled, “Okay Kira, I need to start focusing your Ki. Power up to your very maximum!”

Kira nodded, and bent her elbows back as she shouted just a bit before a blue aura burst into existence around her. If Raze could remember right, her power level was rising around… Hundred thousand… Two hundred thousand… Ah around three hundred then stopping.

Raze looked at her curiously, “That’s a pretty high power level, now I want Ken to power up to his maximum without going Super Saiyan.”

“Hai!” Ken shouted, as he powered up in the same way as his twin sister, the blue aura enveloping his childish figure. His Ki energy increasing to one hundred… two hundred… three hundred… and hitting it’s mark close to four hundred thousand.

Or at least it did, before Ken shouted a technique, “Kaio-ken times two!” With that, Ken’s Ki levels skyrocketed to around four hundred and a half thousand. The hybrid boy grinned and said, “You didn’t say not to use Kaio-ken!”

Raze smirked, “Alright, you caught me on that one! But now it’s time to begin our sparring match. Now you both have to continually maintain your highest level of normal strength, so Ken, stay off Kaio-ken and Super Saiyan.”

Kira attacked first, yelling out her battlecry, “Frost Tarts!”

Raze sidestepped her and she went right past him before he delivered soft kick to her back causing her to spin frontward straight into the wall, “By the way, nice battlecry.”

Ken didn’t charge forward, instead he leaped back shooting a couple Ki blasts as he went. Raze summoned a ki barrier to take the attacks head on. The blasts exploded harmlessly around Raze.

“You need to be faster on the uptake, Ken.” Raze said while awaiting their next moves.

It took a few seconds before he was attacked from the left side by Kira, her moves were slow compared to his own, as her body seemed to stress itself harder due to the intense gravity. She thrusts her right fist forward, but Raze easily guides it away and gently knees her in the chest.

Kira flew back for a second and then the gravity took hold. She hit the ground fast, but managed to catch herself. She slowly pushed her body back up against the gravity holding her down, and tries a different approach of gathering Ki energy.

Raze watches her as she attempts to gather energy before his senses pick up another power charging from his side. He turns to meet the incoming attacker, or a Kamehameha wave.

Raze smiled and walks away from his current area without even bothering to mess with the oncoming attack, ‘Who would bother standing and waiting for someone to attack just like that? I would never stay in one area like that.’

Turns out, Ken learned something. Ken moved his arms along with the beam within, causing the Kamehameha wave to curve toward Raze’s direction. Raze noticed the energy was still following him and he broke into a run.

‘The bending Kamehameha? I wonder who taught him that.’ Raze continued running until he was stopped by a wall. He glanced from the Kamehameha toward Ken, to see that Kira guarded Ken’s vulnerability as he performed the Bending Kamehameha Wave.

‘Walls can’t stop me!’ Raze thought while activating his ki and using it to walk up onto the roof of the gravity chamber.

Ken pulled his arms upward to make the beam follow Raze as he ran on the ceiling, ‘Jeez! Ken has more control over it than I thought! I’m going to have to just counter it after all!’

Raze turned around and caught the attack. He held it and found that he was being pushed by the attack slightly. Raze glanced back at Ken to see he was tired and must be running out of Ki energy. Until his sister lay her hands on him, and Ken’s Ki energy started to increase as her’s fell.

The attack itself gained even more steam as it pushed Raze back further, ‘Errrggghhh! I can still take it!’ Raze powered up more and made the attack explode within his hands.

Smoke blasted outward from where the attack had combusted. But Raze had already moved from the area. He dropped down onto the floor and ran at the Twins.

“Gotcha now!” Raze said to them.

As Raze appeared from the smoke and caught site of the Twins, he saw Ken boost his sister up into the air above him. Kira used the intense gravity to her advantage, increasing her speed as she came down onto Raze, using her right foot to smash Raze’s face in. While Ken had charged forward at him with the intent of hitting his stomach with his left fist.

“Take this sensei!” Kira shouted as her foot connected with Raze.

Raze flew back from the heavy kick, ‘Damn, what a strong kick! Here comes Ken!’ Raze caught himself with both of his arms and flipped over Ken’s outstretched left fist.

Raze flipped through the air, landing on his feet and going at Ken, “Alright! I’ve definitely gotcha now!”

Raze caught up to him and gently elbowed Ken in the side. Then Raze ran to catch up to the flying Ken. He grabbed his right leg and continued running with Ken now in tow. He headed for Kira, but as he reached her, Ken recovered and blasts Raze with a Ki attack.

The attack causes Raze to drop Ken and fly at a wall, ‘That was pretty sneaky.’ Raze caught himself and skidded to the side.

‘Maybe I should get more tactical.’ Raze thought while noticing that Ken had recovered a little too quickly.

‘Just like his cold, gone in a day… Could it be the seal? Chris… Cheating!’ Raze thought as he noticed two energies charging at him.

Ken and Kira were charging him already. Raze charged at them as well. Kira seemed a little slower than her brother, and instead of charging next to Ken, she was following behind. Ken on the other hand, seemed confident for some reason. Ken’s own Ki energy was the same… Until another popped up within and fueled his own drastically.

Raze noticed a spike in energy from Ken, ‘That can’t be right!’ Raze continued and thrust his left towards Ken. But the little boy Ki energy boost also came with newly discovered speed, he dodged Raze’s strike and uppercutted Raze’s chin with his fist before spinning mid air and delivering a kick to his chest with his right foot. Kira coming up soon after beside him, and delivered her own kick right besides Ken’s.

The attacks put Raze into the floor and this time he could not catch himself. He laid there with a big goofy smile upon his face.

“I think we’re done…” Raze said.

“Aww… Really? But this is exciting!” Ken complained.

“Yes, I’m afraid that this training session is complete. We’ll start Kaioken training tomorrow…” Raze trailed off with a small laugh.

Ken and Kira’s energies, along with the other energy inside Ken, powered down to their normal suppressed states. With the release of tension and adrenaline, the two Twins fell on their rumps in exhaustion as they breathed heavily.

Raze knew that the gravity was still on, so he decided to try the voice command system, “Computer! Turn off the gravity simulation!”

Within seconds, the room began to light up a bit more and any pressure being exerted was lifted from their bodies.

Ken and Kira breathed sighs of relief, “Much better… “ they mumbled in unison.

Raze nodded, “I’m sure it is, but now we probably should go get cleaned up, I may take out my ship if Lyra’s backyard can hold anymore big things in it.”

“Mommy en-enchanted the backyard to be good enough for sparring.” Kira said, her tail lifting from the ground back to a wiggle.

Raze smiled, and took out his capsule case, “Then I’ll just go do that, but first…” He trailed off while taking out a capsule. He clicked the top of it and threw causing a mini explosion. A fridge appeared from said smoke.

“I got a box of Frost Tarts to give back.” Raze said while opening it and taking out the box.

As if she was never exhausted in the first place, Kira jumped up with a burst of energy and appeared in front of Raze. She was eager to receive her prized box of Frost Tarts.

Raze handed it to her quickly and shut the fridge door. He clicked another button and the fridge blasted back into a capsule. He picked it up and then took out another capsule that contained his ship.

“Okay, I’m going to wash up!” Raze said as they all walked towards the entrance. He opened the door and the Twins joyfully ran past him with the box of Frost Tarts. Kira dug right into the box, unwrapping a package and stuffing a frost tart into her mouth.

“Nee-chan! Give me one!” Ken whined. Kira grabbed another package and gave it to her twin.

Raze trekked over to an empty patch of grass, clicking the capsule’s button that he had on hand. Raze winded up like a baseball pitcher and mockingly threw this one toward the empty patch. A large explosion of pink smoke appeared forth before settling back down revealing the item that was once within.

A large ship with the words “Capsule Corp.” had shown itself for all to see. Raze walked over and clicked the button on the side to open the ship up. Steam rose from out of the chamber as an indentation began to make itself clear. It opened further thanks to the hydraulics of the door itself. The door went all the way to the ground and extended till it had a good hold.

Raze looked back at the Twins to see what they were doing, turns out they were staring at his ship. Suddenly, all that was left was after images of them as they were now next to the ship touching every surface.

“Wow! What’s this thing?” Ken asked as he brought his hands against the ship’s exterior.

Kira poked and prodded, her hand getting dangerously near the capsulize switch.

Raze notice this and quickly ran over to her, “Stop, Kira!”

Kira froze, scared that she was about to do something bad.

Raze realized he had scared her, “Uhhh… Just don’t press that button. I’ve never been holding onto the ship while it turns into a capsule, so it’s probably best not to!”

“Sorry.” Kira stated, removing her hands from the exterior, her brother following suite after hearing Raze’s words.

Raze sighed, “You can come see the inside of the ship, but don’t press anything. Besides, I’ve gotta go get another gi anyway.”

“Ow… “ Ken said, clutching his head.

“You okay Ken?” Kira asked with concern.

“Yeah, just a little headache. I’m fine!” Ken replied with a smile.

Raze arched an eyebrow at that, ‘No doubt because of Fhaze...’

“You sure you’re alright, Ken?” Raze asked while knowing that he wouldn’t actually be all that fine.

“I’m fine sensei! Honest!” Ken said firmly, but his movements seemed to sway just a tiny bit.

Raze nodded slowly, “If you’re sure. Well, come on inside and I’ll show you the ship.”

Raze walked up the platform and went inside his ship. He turned on the lights really quickly and looked back to see the Twins just standing in one spot.

“The ship doesn’t bite, just watch out for the german toilet!”

“What’s a german?” The twins both said.

“Uhhhh… Probably better to not ask. It was a weird bug they never got out. You learn to get used to it after a while.” Raze said to the confused Twins.

A voice sounded from where the ladder was, “Ich werde Sie und die Kinder verschlingen ganze!”

“Was that the german toilet?” Ken questioned.

“Yes, but you’ll probably never going to see that part of the ship. Actually, no tour below the ladder. Too much hassle. But this is the main room!” Raze said to them both.

Kira took a bite of another frost tart, “Mmkay!” She said with her mouth full.

“Well, you both probably gotta go and get cleaned up! That was the tour of the ship and I’ll see you both in a little while!” Raze said as pulled them towards the exit.

“Why can’t we bath in this thing? You said it could clean you.” Kira questioned.

“Because you have a house with all kinds of stuff on it to clean yourselves!” Raze said while continuing to push them towards the exit.

‘And not to mention my evil German toilet that doesn’t need to meet them.’ Raze thought to himself with a dark look back at the ladder.

“Okay!” The both of them said.

“We’ll see you at lunch sensei!” Ken and Kira finished, leaving the Capsule Corp ship.

“Whew! Door close!” The door closed and Raze was free to get cleaned up and get a new gi.

Thirty minutes would pass as Raze climbed back up his ladder, “I should probably get a new ladder system. Something automated, if I can find a good technician.” Raze talked to himself too often when he was alone.

“I wonder if this Ponyville will continue to have better reactions to me… Hmmm… I feel something strange… An energy surge? Why am I talking to myself?” Raze asked the question as he realized that the energy seemed to be covering an entire area above where he was.

‘That’s different, but all I need right now is food! I’ll be able to find out what that is afterwards.’ Raze thought as he flew up the rest of the way and opened the door hatch that would lead him back outside.

Within minutes, everybody was gathered inside the house in order to eat their late breakfast. Bon-Bon had a grin that could kill puppies while glaring daggers at Raze. Raze was oblivious to this was instead talking with the Doctor.

“Have you made any progress with that dimensional thing?” Raze asked him to which he shook his head.

“I’ve been moving wires and exchanging the parts, but there’s been no luck with it turning on.” The Doctor said while Raze sighed.

‘And there goes another bit of news...’ Raze trailed off as the food was brought to the table and set out for all to look.

Lyra sat down on a chair, saying to everypony, “Bon-Bon and I are going to help set up for the visitation of Princess Celestia tomorrow, and I want you all on your best behavior today and tomorrow!” Lyra said, glancing toward Raze’s direction.

“What? Why is everyone staring at me?” Raze questioned them all.

“We’re not staring at you sensei.” Ken said, looking toward Raze before going back to the food laid out.

“But Lyra did!” Raze said to Ken.

Bon-Bon opened the dishes up, revealing that carrot and parsnip soup, hay bacon fries, but also this other dish Raze had never seen before. It kinda looked like lasagna, except it was colored more yellow and orange, but it’s just colored different in this Equestria?

Raze looked at all the food, but the lasagna looked the best, ‘I guess I should try this first.’

“Well, kids get food first, then mares, and I’ll go last.” Raze said to them while walking away.

Bon-Bon mouth fell open, “WHAT?! I mean, no Raze go ahead. You are the guest here after all.”

Raze smiled, “But I was rude earlier, you should all go first.”

As Lyra levitated some spoonfuls of food upon the twins’ plates, Bon-Bon continued to insist on Raze eating early, “No, you weren’t. I was the rude one, not respecting your distaste toward carrots in the first place.”

“But I told you to go back to the kitchen with a pink apron and that was pretty mean. So you should definitely go first!” Raze said to her.

“Well, you also showed me that carrots brainwash. Isn’t that kind of you to everypony else in the future to know about?” Bon-Bon said quickly.

Raze was getting annoyed, “Why are you so insistent that I eat first?”

“Well it’s because-”

“It’s so yummy!” The two twins shouted with glee as they ate the lasagna.

“Raze-sensei you gotta try it! You gotta!” Kira said, looking toward Raze.

Raze looked at them and then back at Bon-Bon, “Okay…”

He watched her consistently while picking up a plate. He got a few spoonfuls and went over to a chair and sat down. Bon-Bon watched with a smile upon her face, but also drew a plate with food as to not gather too much attention.

Raze picked up his fork and took a bite of the food before him. He chewed it slowly and swallowed it. He soon began to eat a bit faster and then it was gone as if it had never touched the plate.

“That was pretty good…” He said while noticing Bon-Bon’s evil grin.

‘What’s that all about?’ He asked himself.

“Mommy, what is this stuff?” Ken asked as he swallowed some of the food.

Lyra looked kindly at Ken, “Bon-Bon called it Carrot casserole.”

Raze frowned and Bon-Bon was a full evil scientist at the moment.

Raze jumped up and put his plate into the sink, “I’m going to the ship now to cleanse myself by visiting the german toilet.”

“Why? What’s wrong, Raze-sensei?” Ken questioned Raze.

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong, Bon-Bon just made a powerful enemy today, one that blows up planets with his pinkie.” Raze said while going to the backdoor and flying to his ship. He had left the backdoor open and Bon-Bon walked over and shuts it.

Another thirty minutes later and Raze was back, “Well, I’m ready to go into town!”

He spotted Ken and Kira in different clothings, looking cleaned up and ready to go. Ken had a orange T-shirt and blue pants while his sister wore a purple shirt and a long royal blue skirt. A mint green bow appeared tied around Kira’s tail and a white clip in her hair to hold back some stray bangs.

“Ready!” They both said happily.

Raze nodded in approval, “Alright, now where is the Doctor and Derpy?”

The Doctor happened to be walking through at the moment, “Oh, me and Derpy are staying back here, We figure it’ll be better if we don’t run into our copies like last time.”

“Oh… Well, we’ll see you when we get back!” Raze said to the Doctor who nodded and went back to the backdoor.

“Yes, and I’m sure that you’ll be in for quite the experience.” He said strangely looking to the sky, then closing the back door behind him.

‘What did he mean by that? Oh well, I shouldn’t dwell on it.’ Raze finished while looking to the Twins.

“Let’s get going.” He walked to the front door and opened it.

“Raze-sensei, are you angry at Auntie Bon-Bon?” Ken questioned curiously.

“Not so much anymore…” Raze said to Ken.

Kira pushed the subject away, “Let’s go! Maybe we can meet with our friends later on!” She yelled, her bow tied tail wiggled behind her.

“Then we better get going, so come on!” Raze exclaimed as they finally left the house.

When the three heroes left the house and into the front yard, the first noticeable thing they realised is that the sky looked a bit… Different, like if they were looking through glass toward the sky.

Raze was looking around also, “Does it seem different around here? Normally there are more ponies out during the day…”

“Raze! Lookie!” Kira said, pointing at a group of ponies who looked like they were forced into enslavement. “What’s wrong with them? Is it Discord again?”

Raze raised an eyebrow, “No way! Discord wouldn’t do anything like this! He’s pretty harmless.”

“No he’s not! He nearly killed nee-chan!” Ken shouted in objection, the hatred seething in his voice.

“He turned mommy gray and made her fight against us too!” Kira shouted as well, a bit of fear within her own voice.

“But Discord never did that when I….” Raze trailed off as he realized what world he was in.

‘Oh…. Yeah… Discord was a bit different...’ Raze thought to himself.

The twins were still a bit angry at Raze for thinking their Discord was a nice guy, but were soon distracted with how another group of ponies past by with grim faces.

Ken seemed curious, and lifted himself up into the air and flew toward the sky. Only to hit his head on something like glass. “Owowowo!” Ken shouted.

Kira yelled up to her twin, “What you see Ken?!”

Ken called down to Kira and Raze, “There is this glass thing covering all of Ponyville! Maybe everyone is sad cause they are trapped!”

Raze tilted his head in confusion, ‘So a barrier is over the town… This is the energy I felt earlier!’

Raze then smiled a bit having come up with an idea, “Hey, Ken! Come back down! I’ve got an idea!”

Ken floated back down, and landed on the ground. He looked up to our tall saiyan hero, curious to know what he had planned.

Raze looked at both the Twins, “Okay, we’re going to break it! We’ll fire our best attacks at one point in the wall!”

“Okay!” The twins shouted simultaneously.

“So let’s go find the least populated wall…” Raze said while looking around.

“Sensei, why not we just fly up high and hit the wall from each corner there?” Kira questioned.

“Oh… Yeah! We can do that… Good idea, Kira!” Raze said as he flew up to find good enough area between the town and the shield.

‘Gotta cover for the blast radius...’ Raze thought while chewing on his tongue methodically.

The three saiyans, two being half human, flew up into the air to the midpoint height of the barrier surrounding Ponyville. Facing three corners as like triangle, they charged up each of their individual’s Ki techniques in their attempt to destroy the town’s glass-like cage.

Raze held his hands to the side and charged up two red energy balls. They grew bigger and larger till Raze dictated that they were perfect. He then pushed his hands together causing the energy balls to crush together and become smaller. Then he held his attack above his head as the red light spread out a bit.

“Ready?!” Raze asked them while holding the powerful ki in his hands. Raze glanced toward the twin’s direction as he saw them power up their own techniques.

Ken appeared to be doing the familiar Kamehameha Wave, his hands cupped to his side as a blue energy ball formed and condensed itself within his palms. His mouth forming the individual syllables to the technique as he charged it up.

Kira had her hands to her forehead, a yellow ball of spiking energy forming in front of them. Raze identified this technique just as Kira mumbled the words, “Masenko…”

Raze seeing they were indeed ready nodded, “On three! One Two Three! Flash Cannon!” He threw the attack toward the shield.

“Ha!” Ken and Kira finished their own techniques just a second after Raze launched his own, each heading toward their sides of the barrier.

They collided with the side of the shield and held against it. The barrier pushed back against them, but all three of them held on against the powerful defense mechanism. Raze started to see a few tiny cracks in the side as it continued pushing back against them.

However without notice, a small red beam of magical energy erupted from the middle of the town toward the top of the barrier. The entirety of the glass-like cage glowed with an aura of red and the damages repaired themselves with breakneck speed.

Raze wasn’t going to give in and he expected the Twins to do the same. He transformed into his super saiyan state and pushed forward with his attack. However unlike Raze, Ken could not transform in the midst of using a technique, and instead resorted to Kaio-ken.

“HAH!” Despite Raze’s power increase, the shield continued to force them back.

“Kaio-ken!” Raze heard Ken say, the little boy’s Ki spiking to higher levels.

“Damn shield!” Raze yelled as his attack began to go critical and exploded against the side the other attacks followed suit which created a large enough explosion to send all three of the fighters straight into the ground.

Crashing into it brought dust and dirt high into the sky. Raze laid upon the broken earth with a confused look on his face.

‘Oh come on, what makes a shiel- Oh crap!’ In that instant, Ken landed on Raze, and then Kira landed on them both.

More dust and smoke were brought up while Raze was brought further down into the earth.

“Can’t you control yourselves?! I know at this age, I could control where I landed! Sometimes…” Raze trailed off as the smoke started to clear.

Ken and Kira were confused, it was painfully obvious they had no idea they could control themselves like that.

Raze frowned seeing that they still hadn’t got off him, “Could the both of you at least find time to get up? I know it looks comfortable down here, but I may have gotten a rock stuck somewhere not nice.”

The two Twins got off him immediately, mumbling their apologies to their sensei.

“Sorry, but why couldn’t we break the barrier?” Ken questioned.

“Yeah! We should’ve been strong enough.” Kira said, her tail wiggled behind her.

“We almost broke it, but something added power to the barrier.” Raze said while getting up and brushing off stray rock chunks mixed with dust.

“Sensei, there is somepony running over here.” Ken said, pointing toward a pony in the distance rushing to their direction.

Raze looked at the pony and actually recognized her, ‘Is that Trixie? From the whole Nightmare returns fiasco? What in the world is she doing here?’

“Trixie? What? How is she here?!” Raze questioned the twins.

“Who’s Trixie?” Kira asked.

“Trixie is I!” A blue colored unicorn wearing a black cloak tied around her using a strange Alicorn decorated amulet, proclaimed.

Raze facepalmed, “Here we go…”

“The EVIL AND POWERFUL EMPEROR TRIXIE! Everypony within Trixieville is Trixie’s property! Humans are no exception.” Trixie finished, her eyes flashing red.

Raze frowned, “So, nice new thing you got there.” He finished while pointing at the red and silver amulet adorning her torso.

“You clearly do not understand Trixie’s authority over you!” Trixie shouted with supremacy.

Ken and Kira just looked absolutely lost in what to say, glancing toward each other like they were in some sort of fantasy story.

“Trixie’s authority huh? I remember knocking Trixie around the park for laughs, or saving the world. Something like that… Why don’t you just take down this barrier and we can all return to our lives you power hungry crazy lady.” Raze said to her with all the honesty in the world.

“You uncouth barbarian! Trixie shall make an example out of you!” Her voice suddenly increased in volume for all to hear, ponies gathering around her and the three saiyans. “All hear your emperor Trixie! This be the price of mockey to Trixie!”

“Oh, that’s rich. For a second there you almost had me worried, now come along and let’s just end this. No need to make a scene.” Raze said while walking to the crazy unicorn in question.

“If you’re so confident, then take Trixie’s spell head on!” She yelled, her own horn started to glow a malicious red and black energy, her eyes glowing crimson.

“Okay, sure. Do your worst and then we’ll take you to the guards.” Raze said with a confident grin and putting his hands upon his sides.

“Uh sensei… “ Kira said, but she was interrupted by Trixie’s incoming blast.

“Take this!” Trixie yelled, blasting forward a beam of magical energy directly toward Raze.

Ken and Kira eyes widened, and they didn’t dare resist their instincts to dodge as they moved away from Raze’s position. The blast hit Raze and a large red aura spread over his body, lifting him up into the air as it swirled around him. He began to shrink in size as the blinding light grew in size. The attack ended abruptly and smoke flew around where Raze’s form had been previously. It cleared away slowly and revealed a small arm and part of a smaller leg.

Ken and Kira walked toward the smoke, curious to know what happened to their sensei and if he was alright, when the rest of the smoke cleared and Raze wiped the dust off his eyes to see. He noticed how Ken and Kira seemed a bit… Bigger, around his size actually.

“R-Raze-sensei?” Kira said in shock.

“You’re… You’re… “ Ken was lost in his own words.

Raze looked at them curiously, “I’m what?! What am I?!” Raze then put his hands to his mouth.

‘What the heck is up with my voice?!’ Raze thought as he looked around trying to find something to look into.

‘I need a mirror!’ Raze ran over to the nearest window he could find and looked up at it.

“WHAT?!” He looked at his hands and the rest of his body.

“Why am I so small?!” Raze asked nobody in particular.

“Trixie has reduced your age! Now you are a child once again!” She said smugly.

Raze turned to her with an angry look on his face, “Change me back!”

“Trixie will not, now go and run along child.” She replied as she turned around.

“The grown up Trixie has work to do.” Trixie finished while leaving the scene.

Raze’s anger wasn’t quelled, no it was growing. Raze was even surprised, ‘Why am I so angry?! This feels different!’

Ken and Kira rushed to his side, the little girl speaking up first, “Raze-sensei? Are you okay? That spell didn’t hurt you when it made you our age didn’t it?”

Raze shook his head, “No, I’m not in pain, just angry, and confused.”

Ken scratched his head in thought, before exclaiming, “Maybe Twilight can help you!”

“Twilight’s here too? Guess I should have known that… Let’s go to the library!” Raze said with urgency.

“Okay! It’s this way! Follow me!” Ken said, running toward the direction of the library.

“Wait for us!” Kira shouted to her twin, and grasped Raze’s arm before pulling him with her as they headed toward their destination.

They made it to the library in a decent amount of time. Ken had opened the door after knocking several times only to find that nopony seemed to be home.

“Where’s Twilight?” Ken questioned nobody.

Raze was beginning to calm down even though Twilight didn’t seem to be there, ‘Okay, so she can’t help me… Darn, what am I supposed to do about this now?’

“Oh… Hey guys.” A voice rang out, causing the Twins to look toward the staircase to see Spike, the baby dragon.

Raze wasn’t paying much attention to the baby dragon, he was still concerned about his size.

“Spike! Where’s miss Twilight?” Kira asked of the baby dragon.

“Gone… Exiled from Ponyville by Trixie after she lost a magic duel.” Spike said sadly.

Raze snapped out of his trance after hearing that, “What?! She exiled Twilight? I’m going to hurt her!” Just like that, his anger was back.

“Yeah, we can beat her together! Just avoid those age spells! I don’t wanna become a baby!” Ken said.

“Hey!” Spike shouted in protest.

“Sorry, no offense Spike!” Ken replied.

“It’s fine.” He said.

“Spike, do you have any idea where Trixie might be ruling the town from?” Raze asked while seeing nothing but red.

“I believe she’s ruling from the town hall. I saw her forcing some of Twilight’s friends to do her dirty work, you should see it easily with all the banners being put up.” Spike informed Raze.

“That’s good! I’ll just Kamehameha her straight to HFIL.” Raze said with a smile.

“HFIL?” Everyone around Raze said in confusion.

“Home For Infinite Losers, Goku told Gohan all about it, he also said something about censors… Oh well, that’s ancient past for ya! Let’s go hurt magicians!” Raze said while running out of the library in uncontrollable excitement mixed with rage.

Ken and Kira followed promptly behind him.

Raze made it to the large place with the most banners around it, “Wow, she’s boastful and prideful… I’mma deck her in the muzzle!” Raze proclaimed to… Well, only the twins were next to him.

“I sense mommy in the building!” Ken shouted.

“Me too!” Kira also said.

“You sense Lyra and I sense muzzles! They need decking!” Raze said while charging forward.

Raze reached the door and blasted it open causing door pieces to fly inside, “I’m here to deck muzzles!” He yelled in his childish voice.

Everypony in the establishment turned to see the unfamiliar child, they all seemed to have been trying to evacuate the building before he ever got there.

Everypony except two dueling unicorns fighting with a variety of magical spells in the center of the room, one such spell passing just over the tip of Raze’s hair setting it on fire.

Raze looked at the ponies, “Do you smell burnt hair?”

“Sensei, your hair is on fire.” Ken stated.

Raze looked up once he noticed his hair was indeed on fire.

“AHHHH! My hair is on fire!” Raze yelled as he hit the floor.

“Stop, Drop, and Roll!” He yelled while rolling across the floor.

“Ken, Kira! What are you doing here?! And where is… Raze?!” Lyra yelled, Raze’s new appearance causing her to be distracted. This allowed Trixie to blast her with a magical attack and knock her unconscious against the wall.

Raze stopped rolling when the fire went out finally, “Much better…” He got up from his rolling to see that Lyra had been knocked into a wall.

“Mommy!” The twins yelled, their Ki levels increasing to their maximum current limitations within a second. Blue Ki auras bursting into existence around them as they charged forward at Trixie in vengeance.

Raze saw the Twins going at Trixie and frowned, “She’s mine! Get away!” He summoned his ki energy and blasted forward like a rocket.

But the Twins still had a headstart to him, and reached Trixie before he did. However a crimson magical area wave of energy blasted the twins back, causing them to skid along the tiled ground of the town hall.

Raze saw what had just happened to them and decided to not take chances, “RAGGGHHH!” He transformed immediately into his Super Saiyan state.

He fired several Ki blasts at Trixie, all of which exploded around her in a bright yellow light.

“You! Human! You’ve ruined Trixie’s cloak!” Trixie yelled out, revealing that she was unharmed but her cloak had been torn in several places.

“Oh, don’t be like that! I still haven’t made you bleed from your muzzle!” Raze shot forward determined to just that.

Trixie fired several magical blasts at Raze to which he dodged them, “Emperor Trixie will show you what happens to children who mess with Trixie!”

Raze stopped right before her and began to run around her in a large circle. Copies of himself began to appear around her form.

They all looked at her, “Bet you can’t us!”

“Trixie sees you are a child indeed!” Trixie shouted, magical energy gathering in her horn before she burst out another area wave of energy around her.

The afterimages disappeared, but the real Raze had jumped at her and pulled back his left fist, “Take this!” He thrust it forward into her muzzle and she flew into the opposite wall.

At least she was going to crash into it, if she didn’t disappear in a flash of light mid way. Reappearing behind Raze and she blasted him with a ball of magical energy, sending him flying into the same wall.

Raze got up quickly thanks to the Ki reinforcing his body and smiled when he looked at Trixie, “You got a bloody muzzle there, I wonder who did that?”

Trixie wiped a drop of blood off her muzzle, “Trixie will make you pay-”

“Ha!” Two twins yelled in unison, a Twin Kamehameha wave launching from their palms and right toward Trixie.

Trixie didn’t react nearly as fast and took the attack head on. The blast sent her through the side of the building and blasted for a pretty good distance once outside. Debris were carried with the attack until it died down.

Raze looked at Ken and Kira with a big smile, “NICE ONE! That was really awesome! She’s definitely not getting up from that!”

Ken and Kira’s faces flushed with embarrassment at Raze’s compliment, but muttering a “Thank-you.” toward him.

Lyra twitched before her eyes opened up as she groaned audibly with rejoining the physical world.

Raze, Ken, and Kira, noticed Lyra waking up also, “Hey, Lyra! Did you get to see what they just did?! It was awesome and epic!”

Lyra shook her head, having too much of a splintering headache to say something.

The Twin’s faces could tell Raze easily that they were disappointed with Lyra not seeing their awesome and epic technique, but he also saw them brush it aside as they turned their attention to Trixie’s direction.

Raze also looked over to Trixie to see that she had returned, “Oh, great… You came back, I’m so happy…”

Luckily, he hadn’t powered down, so this was welcomed, “Guess we’ll have to do this again!”

“Trixie did her work… There was only suppose to be two humans! Where you come from? Trixie demands she knows!” She demanded of Raze.’

“Ummmm… Well, I… Hmmm... It’s way too complicated to explain, so don’t bother asking?” Raze questioned her.

“Trixie doesn’t care anymore, Trixie knows how to deal with human children now.” She said with a smug look on her face, her horn starting to glow along with her eyes and that strange amulet around her neck.

Raze and the Twins got into fighting poses ready to bring Trixie down at all costs when suddenly Trixie stopped. She looked around and notice that her magic was being influenced by something else.

“Who dares knock upon Trixie’s barrier?!” She turned to the small group looking at her and smirked.

“Trixie is off to deal with business children, so Trixie will finish this another time!” Trixie’s horn lit up with magical prowess and she teleported out of the place with a crimson burst of magic.

Raze frowned, “That’s not fair…” He trailed off while keeping his Super Saiyan state up.

Raze glanced toward the Twins, to find their eyes closed in concentration. They opened their eyes, smiles upon their faces.

Ken spoke up, “Twilight is in Ponyville again.”

“Yeah, and she’s facing Trixie with her friends.” Kira finished.

They turned their attention toward their adoptive mother, walking up to her in concern, leaving Raze to his own thoughts.

‘So, Twilight’s going to win? Is she even able to deal with that idiot? Whatever, I’ll see eventually…’ Raze powered down and turned to Lyra.

“Oh, are you feeling okay?” He asked her.

Lyra looked toward the now eight year old Raze, “I don’t know, I’m seeing a child Raze in front of me… “ She said.

Raze smiled, “Yeah… Do you know how to change me back? You looked pretty strong for a unicorn, so… Please change me back?”

“I may be powerful, but I don’t specialize in that kind of magic. Nor do I have the reserves to cast it.” Lyra stated, “Sorry, perhaps Twilight can help you?”

Raze nodded, “Okay… I just don’t want to be like this! It feels so weird! I can’t control my emotions!”

Kira tilted her head in confusion, her tail curling upward. “Why would you want to do that?” She questioned.

“Because being angry and only seeing red is so basic… Saiyans have tendency to lose themselves in them.” He replied.

Lyra got up from the ground, “Ken and Kira don’t have a problem with that as much… Probably because they are half human.”

Ken and Kira didn’t like being reminded of that half of their heritage, but they didn’t question it.

Raze nodded, “Probably… Okay, just gotta let Twilight take care of the problem.”

Suddenly, Raze felt another presence appear inside of his mind, “I’M BACK! And I’ve seen all my friends! All two of them! That includes you, Raze! Also, why is your imagination filled with candy, toys, and games before I could get here?! It’s not unwelcomed, mind you, but it’s not quite Discord enough!”

Raze pouted, even if it was now cute, ‘You know… I am a child right now…’

Discord nodded, “Yes, you’re quite the munchkin. The fact that you’re thinking more about candy and other things like toys and such makes me joyful. Now I can entertain you and you may laugh more often!”

Suddenly, Raze got distracted by Ken speaking aloud. “Um, mommy… If Twilight can’t fix the spell… Does this mean Raze-sensei has to go to school with us?”

Raze’s eyes widened, “Haha, very funny. No. I will never go back to school.”

Lyra smiled evilly, “Yes, it does.”

Raze felt a pat on his shoulder, “Nice knowing you, Raze.” Discord said.

~End of Chapter~

Author's Note:

Well, we worked on this chapter till the dead of night for many days to bring this to you! I hope you all enjoy it! Please leave a comment, I don't bite!