• Published 11th Feb 2013
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Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen - vren55

Thanks to the love bomb at the Royal Wedding, Princess Celestia is revealed to be a Changeling Queen. How will Equestria, deal with this? And why is Celestia a Changeling Queen in the first place?

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Chapter 13 Life Changing Decisions

Chapter 13 Life-Changing Decisions

“To be, or not to be, that is the question.”

― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Cadance stood alone in her bridal chamber clothed in her immaculate gold-trimmed, white wedding dress. As she examined herself in the mirror on her bureau, Cadance placed her hoof on her chest in an attempt to calm her wildly fluttering heart. She breathed deeply in and out, but instead of calming down she began to tremble.

The alicorn bit her lip and tried to bring forth happier memories. She recalled when she had met Shining Armour in Canterlot High School. She had always liked the stallion’s kind demeanor and noble character, and found herself attracted to him. It was only during the dance where they both worked up the courage to ask each other out. Back then, their relationship had been very tenuous. He was constantly in awe of her; she was always afraid of driving him away.

It was then that Cadance and then freshly minted Royal Guardspony, Shining Armour, were sent on a diplomatic mission to the Gryphon Empire. This high-stakes political game, was where their relationship truly evolved. Cadance had found herself back to back, sometimes literally, with Shining Armour. By the end of the assignment, past awkwardness had been washed away and their love for each other was restored.

Inexplicably, Cadance’s smile faded as her recollections were swept away a single question.

Then why was your so-called ‘love’ unable to distinguish between you and Chrysalis? Cadance closed her eyes, trying to force her fears into the recesses of her mind.

Why did Shining fall so quickly to Chrysalis’s spell? Does he even truly love you?

To her horror, Cadance felt panic rising in her chest. Squeezing her eyes shut, she bit her lip, and winced in pain. But nothing could silence the dark voices that whispered in her mind.

I wonder what kind of ‘fun’ Shining had with Chrysalis while you were gone?

“Cadance, may I come in?”

Cadance blinked, spun around, and tripped on her wedding dress. With a cry, she lost her balance, and shut her eyes against the expected pain.

It never came. Warily, Cadance opened her eyes to find herself surrounded by a golden glow. At the door, was Alternia in Celestia’s form. Gently, the changeling-in-disguise shut the door and set Cadance on her hooves.
“Are you alright, Cadance?” asked the changeling. Cadance glanced cautiously at the form of Celestia, but all she saw was concern.

“I’m fine,” snapped Cadance. Alternia stepped back and eyed Cadance.

“I thought Chrysalis was the one who played the high-maintenance bride,” teased Alternia.

“Well she fooled you, didn’t she?” retorted Cadance. Alternia’s eyes widened, as Cadance trotted away from her and began to haphazardly stick flowers into her headpiece.

“Cadance, I know you’re not ‘alright’. How can I help you?” asked Alternia. The changeling trotted forward and levitated a few of the most ragged roses out of Cadance’s mane.

“Please Alternia, just drop the charade. I’m not your ‘niece’. I’m not even the same species as you,” sighed Cadance. And yet, the alicorn did not resist as the changeling continued to pull roses from her mane.

Alternia smiled, “Cadance, you will always be my niece. Even after today, when you are carried beyond the horizon in a golden chariot, with the love of your life.” Cadance blinked, and her lips twitched in the hints of a smile. Yet, Shining Armour’s betrayal was still fresh in her mind and those same lips twisted into a snarl.

“The love of my life, who couldn’t tell me apart from a bug queen that acts nothing like me!” exclaimed Cadance as she slammed her slippered hooves onto the table. Expensive brushes, polish, and makeup flew off the beau and fell to the floor. Alternia’s horn lit up and before the items could hit the carpet, golden magic caught all the items and arranged them carefully back onto the beau.

“The love of your life, who was hypnotized, and horribly deceived by a changeling queen in disguise,” reminded Alternia. Cadance couldn’t hear any condescension in Alternia’s tone. Neither could she see it in the changeling’s reflection, but she continued to glower at the mirror.

“That doesn’t change the fact that he betrayed me! If he truly loved me he should have known!”

The alicorn yelped, as a rose poked her ear, and was forcibly spun around in her chair to face a glowering Alternia. Her magenta eyes were cold, with that flash of disappointment Cadance had so often seen when the young alicorn had done something inexcusably wrong.

“Cadance, you should know that better than anypony, perhaps even better than me, that love does NOT work that way!”

I know!” wailed Cadance.

Then… Wait you do know?” gasped Alternia, quite evidently taken aback.

Cadance couldn’t stop her uncontrolled emotions from flowing down her cheeks and sniffling her nose. “I know! I just… I wanted this day to be perfect! But… it’s been anything but perfect!” The alicorn turned to her beau, trying to ignore the figure of Celestia standing behind her own reflection. “Shining isn’t to blame for anything! I know he thought he was being considerate, and I know he couldn’t do anything against Chrysalis’s hypnosis. He’s apologized so many times and I… I’ve forgiven him. But that seductress… she shut me in the caverns and…” Cadance shut her eyes as she tried to block out the memories of the crystal cavern. She had stumbled around in the darkness of the caverns, dirt, mud, and dust getting all over her coat. Aimlessly she had wandered, without food, without water, and when her magic couldn’t keep up with it any more, without light. The worst thing, had been the silence. The cold, empty darkness.

Except now, all she could feel were the two warm legs wrapped around her like blankets, shutting out the cold. Alternia rocked her back and forth, like she had always done. She could also feel the changeling shivering in anger, perhaps guilt.

“Chrysalis got her filthy holed hooves all over Shining Armour, and I can’t help, but feel… hurt. I know it isn’t his fault. I know it’s over, but why am I feeling this pain?” Cadance found her head tipped up by a cool golden horseshoe so that she looked up into Alternia’s understanding smile.

“Cadance, you were imprisoned in an abandoned catacomb for more than twenty-four hours. Its alright to feel hurt and abandoned. As long as you recognize the fact that Shining Armour isn’t at fault, you don’t need to blame yourself.” Cadance blinked, and raised her hoof to wipe her nose, but found her nose already being wiped by a tissue held by Alternia’s magic. Relaxing, Cadance allowed the changeling to fuss over her and reapply makeup ruined by tears. Silently, the alicorn sat, feeling the familiar hooves of her aunt as she expertly added the final touches to her wedding look.

“Cadance, let me let you in on a secret.” Cadance’s ears straightened as she felt Alternia speak into them. “Shining Armour, has very delicious love.” Cadance turned and frowned at Alternia who chuckled and carefully applied some blush to the alicorn’s face with a puff. “To changelings, emotions have distinct tastes and love is not an exception. I am almost certain that Chrysalis wanted Shining Armour because the love he has for you is one of a kind. It is a love that is so unique and complete, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly jealous of you.” Cadance blushed, surprised at the strength of Shining’s love for her, but at the same time, somewhat embarrassed.

“Alternia! Shining’s mine. Get your own stallion!” squealed Cadance, setting her lips in a perfect pout.

Alternia raised an eyebrow, but it was easy to see that she was trying hard not to laugh. “If you doubt me, remember that it was the combined power of your’s and and Shining Armour’s love and magic that expelled all the changelings from Canterlot. A stallion with love that strong would be the envy of all changelings.”

“I think Shining’s been traumatized enough by changeling queens chasing him,” said Cadance reprovingly.

For a moment, Cadance saw a flicker of sadness pass over Alternia’s visage. It was quickly banished, but the changeling’s voice took a serious tone. “All the more reason you should never let him go. Whenever you have an argument, or a disagreement, remember that he loves you.”

Cadance froze, the intensity in Alternia’s eyes stopped her from automatically nodding, for she knew what Alternia spoke of. In her travels to hone her powers, the alicorn had come across many shattered couples. Their bonds of love were so warped, it would take all of her strength to even foster grudging respect for the other. Occasionally, she had had to give up, for there was no love to be remembered. What Alternia was reminding her, was a sad lesson she had to accept with her aunt’s guidance.

The moment Cadance came to that realization, it was as if time had turned back, and she was a young filly, listening to her aunt’s advice on what to do on the first day of school. There was no doubt that Alternia, was the aunt she had always known. Whom she looked up to, was babysat by, jumped into bed with, had tea with, played with, and loved.

Blinking away the moisture in her eyes, lest she spoil the work her aunt had done, Cadance smiled as wide as she could. “Thank you, Alternia, for everything.”

“It was always my pleasure, Cadance,” said Alternia, just as wide of a smile on her face. Cadance trotted forward and was folded into her aunt’s embrace. On her forehead, she felt the slightly warm brush of Alternia’s lips before they parted.

“I’ll see you at the wedding,” said the changeling as she exited the room. Out of nowhere, an idea popped into Cadance’s head. It was unplanned, desperate, but she knew it was the right thing to do. And perhaps, it would make Alternia feel a little less guilty for her deception.

“Alternia, wait!” Her aunt paused at the doorway, mystified, but Cadance’s resolve didn’t falter.

“I have told you, I have no parents. You know I was raised by a small village of Earth Ponies for my childhood. After I redeemed Prismia, you suddenly appeared.”

“Yes, though now that you know my true identity, I believe that was the actual Celestia you saw, not me,” remarked Alternia.

Cadance found herself derailed from her train of thought and she stared at her aunt disbelievingly. “You mean…”

“Yes, that was Celestia of a thousand years ago. It seems that even within her coma, she can still access that special place. It seems as if only alicorns can go to, I have only heard of it. But I digress, after all you have told me of your meeting with her. So, what were you saying?”

Collecting herself, Cadance looked up into Alternia’s eyes. “Alternia, would you give me away to Shining Armour?”

The changeling’s features morphed from shock and surprise, to embarrassment, to pride, to overwhelming joy and then settled on a wide smile, and slightly furrowed brow. It was somewhat comedic to Cadance, her aunt had always seemed so sure of herself, and she had to cover her mouth with her hoof to suppress her laughter.

“But I’m presiding over the ceremony!” protested Alternia, weakly.

Cadance would not be deterred, and she felt her eyes narrow. She wanted this, and she could see from Alternia’s shaking hooves that she wanted this as well, badly. “Ask Aunt Luna.”

“She’s not going to be happy with you for this,” warned Alternia.

Cadance rolled her eyes, unbecoming for a new bride, but there were other things more important at the moment. She knew Luna could be dealt with if you knew what buttons to push, but it would be for naught if Alternia kept finding excuses. Why did her aunt have to be so responsible and selfless at times? “Alternia, I will deal with any consequences, for on this day I want nothing more than for you to be my…” Cadance coughed as she suddenly found the words stuck in her throat and her eyes awash in tears. As she wiped her face, Cadance saw that Alternia was trembling slightly, staring at her in complete disbelief. The alicorn wasn’t surprised. Alternia had been revealed as a changeling only a few hours ago. Cadance bet Alternia still hadn’t forgiven herself for her deception.

How strange that I, whose talent is in spreading love, was raised by a changeling who feeds upon love? thought Cadance, finally able to swallow the lump in her throat.

“Mother, would you give me away?”

Silence, and then a joyous smile, so uncharacteristic on the serene features of Celestia, but not upon Alternia’s mask. The changeling cried happily, and made no effort to staunch the flow of her tears.

“Yes! Yes, please,” said Alternia. Cadance’s vision blurred and she raised a hoof to wipe away the aggravating moisture, but Alternia conjured a hoofkerchief pressed the soft cloth to her face. As the alicorn let the changeling wipe her tears, Cadance found herself cast back into her memories.

A young Cadance huddled in a strange, all-too-large bed. A few hours ago she had been on an awe-striking tour of Canterlot. Now, she was homesick and scared. As a shadowy figure entered her room, she flung her tearstained blanket over her head to hide puffy red eyes.

Wrapped in darkness, the filly alicorn clutched her protective blanket over her small body. Yet, the cloth barrier seemed to slip from her grasp. The alicorn shut her eyes.

Only to hear a sweet sounding tune as the blanket was gently tucked around her. A quiet tune, both refined and tender, that lulled her away from her worries to a peaceful sleep.

Filly mine, don’t you cry. Filly mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart. Never to part, filly of mine.”

An older, but still filly-aged Cadance, slumped down as the boorish Royal Tutor went on and on about some obscure Griffon history. Celestia walked in and woke her up with a playful noogie before she informed the tutor that he had his facts wrong. When the tutor protested, Celestia simply replied:

“Were you there?”

A still older, but foal-aged Cadance cried into Celestia’s soft coat. Her pet owl, Ezylryb, had just passed away.

A Cadance in the last of her foal years, happily licked her strawberry ice cream cone as Celestia ate a spoon from her bowl of rocky road. On the tea table between them, was the acceptance form for Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.

A pre-teen Cadance stared at her aunt. The alicorn’s cheeks were flushed and her jaw was agape as Celestia explained in a very matter-of-fact voice, the more sensitive parts of a mare’s anatomy.

A teenage Cadance stepped onto the podium and graciously received the silver medal at the Equestria Young Flyers competition. Even though she was so far away, Cadance could hear the cheers of her aunt.

Senior year Cadance sat with a giggling Celestia as they discussed… well… stallions. Particularly, a certain white-coated, blue-haired, unicorn stallion.

An adult Cadance, bruised and battered, gazed up in despair as a griffin raised his razor-sharp claws. Shining Armour lay unconscious a few feet away, surrounded by a ring of immobile griffins. Out of nowhere, a golden beam of light blasts the griffin. A zap, and Celestia teleported into existence. Immediately, she embraces the exhausted Cadance and teleports both her and Shining Armour to safety.


“Yes, Cadance?”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Cadance.”

Badlands, Chrysalis’s Changeling Hive...

The Badlands is known as a wasteland to most ponies. On and on, stretched desolate land and dunes, baked red in the unforgiving sun. It was inhabitable, inhospitable, indeed it deserved its named “The Badlands”. Yet, it had a form of bare, scorched, sort of charm.

It also possessed unheard of grandeur in the form of The Great Chasms, a great series of chasms that cut through the plateau, winding through it like cracks creating a honeycomb of great red tableaus. Sheltered in the plateau’s slashes, was Chrysalis’s hive.

It had a multitude of entrances, some in the side of the canyon, others opening up onto the desert itself. The hive itself consisted of a winding maze reaching all throughout the Canyon. A multitude of passages, storage chambers, rooms and hallways formed the home of Chrysalis’s hive. This underground network was lit by small portholes to the outside world as well as magic changeling werelights that danced in their braziers.

Yet, all the light revealed now, was a dying hive..

Hobbled thanks to a gash in her leg, Chrysalis limped through rows of wounded changelings, sprawled on the floors of her Great Hall. Infiltrators, soldiers, workers and scouts, her subjects. The queen could see the frustration in their eyes hear their moans as they nursed their wounds. Even within her thoughts, she was not safe from the mental anguish of the seriously wounded.

Despite the futility of the act, Chrysalis ran into her private chambers, slamming the wooden door behind her. In the privacy of her own chamber, Chrysalis could finally step from behind the mask of emotions she wore in front of her subjects.

In other words, she burst into tears.

It had been a miracle that very few changelings had died in the battle, but casualties had been high, and many changelings would never fight again. It was only by luck that the shield spell that had thrown the hive out of Canterlot had not been meant to kill and the changelings natural armor had protected most of them from the damage.

However, Chrysalis gained no comfort from this small reprieve and tears continued to splash onto the hard-packed dirt floor. Her victory had been as good as secured. The Royal Guard had been running around like headless chickens, Celestia had been defeated, the Elements of Harmony separated from their bearers, and although Luna had fought fiercely, even she would have been contained by her army.

Then, by simply turning her back on Cadance and Shining Armour, she had made an entire month of careful planning go to waste. Now, her hive’s already dwindling love storages would be depleted, her enemy, the Shadow Empire continued to make raids against her infiltrators. Canterlot, had been their remedy. While unwillingly taken emotions and love would sustain them for less than deceived emotion, they couldn't resist the temptation.

At this moment, Chrysalis wanted more than nothing, but to scream in anguish. She had never hated herself more since the day she had taken the throne from her mother. Only iron will, honed throughout her years, held her tormented emotions in check.

“How could I, a thousand year old Changeling Queen have failed my hive now of all times?” she whispered. In a whimsical, hiccuped voice, she whimpered:

This day was supposed to be perfect,
the kind of day in which I dreamed since I was small
Every pony was supposed to fall,
every stallion mare and foal,
I thought that I could really have it all.

This day was supposed to be perfect,
the kind of day in which I dreamed since I was small
All my changelings would have food
Equestria we would have ruled
The Elements of Harmony, all broken tools

Now my army is in tatters
Equestria is enraged
And the shadows are not safe anymore

For a moment I thought I could taste
Certain victory on my lips
And then bit on the bitter taste of defeat

All because of my foolish mistake
I lost the chance to save my hive
I only hope
We will see another day

Chrysalis’s dirge was interrupted by knocking on her door. Swallowing her sorrow, the Queen raised her voice.

“What is it?” she demanded.

There was a momentary pause before the changeling spoke. “Queen Chrysalis! One of our chevaliers has returned with three others!”

“Thank you. Now leave me in peace!” ordered Chrysalis acidically.

“Your Highness, it's Diamondshell!” Chrysalis blinked. Chevalier Diamondshell had been missing since they had been thrown out of Canterlot and hive’s retrieval squads hadn’t been able to locate her. Just how did she get to the hive so quickly? Hurriedly, Chrysalis wiped her tears and opened the door. Her searching eyes quickly settled on Diamondshell and her three compatriots.

To the queen’s surprise, Chevalier Diamondshell, and her accompanying changelings were fully healthy. They had no wounds, no scarring, yet all four changelings seemed visibly shaken.

“Chevalier, report. How have you managed to return to us in with such speed and in such good condition?” asked Chrysalis, her confusion hidden well beneath her stern features.

“Your Highness, Princess Celestia healed us, and then Princess Luna teleported us to the edge of the Badlands,” stammered Diamondshell. Chrysalis’s eyes widened and then narrowed. What were the two Princesses playing at? Was it a demonstration of their power to show that her subjects were at their mercy?

“What else?” Diamondshell hesitated and turned to her soldier companion. He levitated a scroll attached to her back and floated it in front of Chrysalis.

“The Princesses gave us this scroll. It was to be delivered to you,” spoke the soldier. Chrysalis frowned, took the scroll in her magic, deftly broke the golden seal and opened it.

We, Princess Celestia and Luna of the Equestrian Diarchy, would like to propose a truce to Chrysalis, Queen of the Changeling Hive Within the Badlands, and her respective subjects

Should you accept, Equestria we will pledge to:
Protect the life of the every changeling that does not further violate the laws of Equestria within the lands of Equestria
Ensure the safety of Chrysalis’s changeling hive as a sovereign nation with its own laws and culture
Pledge to find an alternate solution for changelings to co-exist peacefully with ponies, with full and equal rights offered to any visitors to Equestria
Pledge to assist in providing Chrysalis’s Changeling Hive with an alternate love source. Some assistance may include The Equestrian Diarchy allowing a set amount of changelings to gather love in civilian areas

Our conditions are that:

You will remove all changeling infiltrators from the governing institutions of Equestria and release all prisoners held
You will withdraw all changeling soldiers from Equestria’s borders immediately
You will allow us to set up an embassy at your hive.
You will pledge that your subjects will submit themselves to Equestria’s laws within her sovereign territory
You and an escort of chevaliers will come to the Everfree Forest in one week’s time (since the delivering of this message) where we will meet you in order to draft the final details of a resolution that will fulfil all requirements. The Equestrian Diarchy will also be willing to listen to any terms or requests you may have

If you agree to these conditions, then we, The Equestrian Diarchy, will expect to see you in one week’s time at the Everfree Forest in the ruins of the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters.

Should you not appear in the Everfree Forest to meet us at the appointed time, the Equestrian Diarchy will consider it a declaration of hostilities between our two nations.

Yours sincerely,
Princesses Celestia and Luna of Equestria

The message was brief, to the point, but it widened Chrysalis’s eyes and struck her silent. If she had any less control, her jaw would be agape. Celestia and Luna’s terms were in a word, generous. It was not a declaration of war, nor a demand for unconditional surrender, neither was it a request for reparations.

At the same time, Chrysalis was horrified.

“Your Highness, what is it?” asked Diamondshell.

“The Princesses are asking for a truce. They wish to discuss a peaceful resolution and co-existence between ponies and changelings,” spoke Chrysalis, her voice hollowly ringing in the corridor.

“What? They have the gall to ask for that? After all that has happened!” roared Diamondshell.

“It could have been far worse,” spoke the soldier. Chrysalis turned her gaze onto the silent, changeling soldier that had accompanied Diamondshell.

“What is your name, and explain what you mean?”

“Scarab, Your Highness. You see, all four of us were personally interrogated by the Princesses and Prince Blueblood,” explained Scarab.

“And?” Chrysalis demanded as she arched an eyebrow. There was something this soldier was reluctant to tell her.

The soldier hesitated. “The Princesses had the power to pulverize us, to rip us apart, inflict pain beyond measure in order to get information from us. Yet, they didn’t.”

“The worst they did, or should I say, the worst Prince Blueblood did, was to give me a lecture. It was something I’d rather not remember. Yet, although it was within their capabilities, they did not hurt us,” said the infiltrator. Chrysalis blinked, confused. Why didn’t Celestia and Luna torture her subjects for information? Was it because they were being merciful? Perhaps, but what if they had another motive?

“In fact, it seemed as if Princess Celestia in particular, knows a lot about our customs and speech. Although, she is a thousand years out of date,” remarked Scarab. Chrysalis’s eyes narrowed as she saved that particular piece of information away for later and then turned back to the letter.

“Gather every able-bodied changeling except for the healers into The Great Hall, immediately.”

An hour later…

Chrysalis sat upon her throne, a cool, emerald, shaped and chiseled to perfection. It had a high back, and sculpted armrests, all adorned with warm animal furs. As she silently sat, awaiting for her chevaliers to arrive, she continued to read the letter the princesses had sent her.

That damn letter. The queen forced herself not to tremble as she read it again. It spoke of peace, a way out, protection, and promised to save her hive.

Try as she might, Chrysalis could not believe the letter. She just couldn’t.

Instead, she was afraid of it, of what it meant. The Princesses knew where her hive was. While the wording revealed nothing, she bet they knew about her hive’s dire love situation. It was the only reason they would offer such generous terms to aide in their peace attempt. They knew about the different classes of changelings, which meant they would have been able to identify how workers and infiltrators had been included in the assault force.

The pones knew everything about her hive’s weaknesses and yet, were still offering her, the enemy, a way to avoid bloodshed. Despite all the damage her hive had inflicted, the ponies had appeared to have offered her salvation. If everything written was true, she was saved.

If only everything written on it was true.

“Mother, what is going on?” croaked a frail, thin voice. Chrysalis turned slowly, searching the shadowy corner of her throne room. In the dim light, her eyes settled on the pitiful figure in the shadows, and moistened immediately.

It was a changeling queen, or what would have become a changeling queen. Her jagged horn was snapped close to the base of her head. She hobbled, all that was left of her front left leg, a stump. Her face… the right side, had graceful features and a twinkling green eye. The left side was blackened, charred, any distinguishing lines or features had been wiped away. Only her mouth was somehow spared.

Once again, Chrysalis was reminded of how leniency was futile with Equestria. Any doubts as to her answer were wiped away.

“The ponies set a trap for me, daughter. They offered peace, but I’m not falling for it,” replied Chrysalis.

Lamia, Chrysalis’s once beautiful daughter and heir, raised her single eyebrow. “Mother, I know you hate them for what they did to me, but if the ponies are really offering a truce, perhaps we should take it.”

Chrysalis shook her head, giving her daughter a pained smile. “No. I let you approach them, I let you get hurt and the ponies showed us their true colours. Besides, it’s too late, daughter. What we did at Canterlot has undoubtedly brought Equestria’s wrath upon us. If Celestia and Luna have written this letter, it is merely a ploy to capture me.” Chrysalis stood from her throne, trotted over to her daughter and embraced her.

“You should be resting dear. You must be exhausted from tending the wounded,” said Chrysalis, helping her daughter to the smaller, obsidian seat next to her own throne.

The younger changeling queen snorted, but looked up at her mother. Her single eye full of concern. “I can take care of myself, mother. Just promise me that you won’t regret this decision.”

Chrysalis shook her head. These ponies had maimed daughter, her kind-hearted daughter. They were hypocrites, all of them. She knew it had to be a trap. She would not regret her decision.

In the shining city of Canterlot, Alternia proudly escorted her niece up the marble steps to the altar. Cadance, was smiling radiantly through her wedding veil, matched only by Alternia’s beaming grin. The crowd of ponies watched as the beautiful alicorn took her place beside her handsome unicorn fiancee. After touching, yet solemn ceremony, the two spoke their hoofwritten vows. Finally, Luna put a single question to the bride and groom.

“Do you, Shining Armour and Cadance, pledge to take each other as thy lawfully wedded spouse until death do part?”

In the shadows of her hive, Chrysalis and her daughter raised themselves from their thrones. Her daughter, Lamia, leaning heavily on her single front leg. Despite the mass of tired, harrowed, stares focused on them, the two stood resolutely. As Chrysalis explained the situation and the princesses offer, gasps and hisses from the changelings filled the hall. The noise grew until several of the senior chevaliers, including Diamondshell slammed their hooves into the ground. When every changeling was silent, a grizzled, old changeling spoke a single question for all the changelings assembled.

“Queen Chrysalis and Queen’s Daughter Lamia, whatever has been chosen, we will follow you to the end. What is your decision?”

“I do,” spoke Cadance and Shining Armour, two voices in one.

“We will fight,” said the changeling, one voice for all.

Author's Note:

I hope I will be able to avoid the rage that might come from Chrysalis’s portrayal. Anyhow, longer author's notes today because it's a special occasion.

1004 likes. I can’t believe it.

Thank you my pre-readers/editors/proofreaders/awesome people: Inky Jay, Blankscape, Kolywnia, cleverpun and Zervziel for their hard work in proofreading and editing this story. Clever’s not working with on this story,, but all of them have stories that they would like feedback on, so go ahead and find their accounts! I especially encourage people to look at Inky Jay’s Marks of Harmony, Kolwynia’s Celestia in Excelsis and Zervziel’s Infinite Horizons (and ask him to start updating it again… its been a while). And Christian Harrisay...whose reviews/aka walls of text, have given me some insight on how to improve this story (if only I had more time to actually GET to some of these changes :twilightsheepish:)

Finally, thank you to you readers, who have put up with my… somewhat annoying grammar and sometimes awkward word choice and have followed me through writing this story. Your comments and reviews, negative or positive have continued to give me support as I forge through this story.

Hence, I’m considering on actually putting out a compilation of Alternia short stories… there’s one on my blog on her adventures on Nightmare Night (http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/232817/alternias-nightmare-night-side-story) and I accidentally wrote another with her giving Cadance a hoof with schooll (it was supposed to be in the flashback montage in this chapter, but it got too long and took on a life of its own). The side-story compilation will be released… oh give it about a week or two due to my assignments :P

Also... for some reason I'm thinking of watching the Disney Movie Frozen, anybody think that's a good idea because initial reviews look pretty good... as in comparable to Lion King good...

If the terms in the treaty seem smashed together... refresh. I just fixed em