• Published 11th Feb 2013
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Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen - vren55

Thanks to the love bomb at the Royal Wedding, Princess Celestia is revealed to be a Changeling Queen. How will Equestria, deal with this? And why is Celestia a Changeling Queen in the first place?

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Chapter 22: A Convenant Takes Shape

“If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.”
-Nelson Mandela

In the warm candlelight, Alternia smiled as she scanned the day’s notes with half-shut eyes. Three days after Cyndra had reconciled with Chrysalis, Alternia and the queen had finally managed to hammer out more of the treaty’s details. Specifically, they had covered several clauses that would not only mandate aid to be given to ponies dealing with the trauma of changeling revelations, it would also allow changelings who had suffered under the hooves of ponies to be given psychological help and counselling. What’s more, the program would spearhead activities and events helping ponies to get used to the changeling presence and helping changelings to integrate among ponies.

As far as Alternia was concerned, it was a stunning achievement. Ponies and changelings were staying up to celebrate the rest of the day away. Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor and Blueblood were playing some sort of roleplaying game that Alternia had never quite picked up upon. Was it called Oubliettes and Ogres? Alternia shrugged, all she knew was that the last time she had checked on Luna’s chambers, Blueblood had apparently rolled a “one” for initiative, which had led to a concerted groan from the “party.”

Meanwhile, her sister had gone for a walk with Cyndra and Lamia. Alternia still felt a bit guilty, knowing she had played a part in causing the rift in the first place, and Chrysalis wasn’t letting “Celestia” forget it either. While she had become more diplomatic during the meetings, Chrysalis still scowled at the Equestrians. Nevertheless, Alternia was glad that her niece was reconciled to her mother.

Sighing, Alternia stretched up her hooves, and proceeded to scratch a spot on her head, right behind her horn. It would be where her antenna would be if she was fully ascended changeling queen. Alternia rubbed that point on her carapace. But the itch wouldn’t go away. Trying a different approach, Alternia reluctantly pulled her hoof back and shut her eyes.

For a while, Alternia sat motionless in her seat. The only sign of movement was the rising and falling of her chest, and her furrowing brow.

That frown suddenly vanished, and at the same time, Alternia’s eyes shot open. A burst of magic flung the doors open, and Alternia charged towards the southern wall of Camp Draco. The wall where Chrysalis said she was going to take her daughters to.

Chrysalis smiled as the cold afternoon air chilled her carapace. It was a pleasant experience that eased all the worries and stress she had accumulated over the course of the day.

Then again, most of them weren’t that significant. Or perhaps her happiness at having her two daughters standing beside her was making her lackadaisical? Chrysalis didn’t care at the moment, and neither did Cyndra or Lamia. The family just walked silently next to each other, enjoying the night and each other’s company

“Wow. I never realized you could see so far from here,” Cyndra said, gazing over the battlements. Lamia joined her.

“Indeed,” Chrysalis remarked. The small family and their guards watched the golden glow of the setting sun play on the desert sands in silence. The view was only marred by a small group of flies that buzzed around the battlements.

“Cyndra,” Chrysalis asked, “can I ask you a question?” At her daughter’s nod, Chrysalis turned her gaze back toward the desert.

“I wanted to ask you if Lamia has told you about your other aunties and your grandmother.”

Chrysalis allowed herself to smirk slightly as Cyndra shook her head, her eyes wide with surprise.

“I told Lamia and the princesses about my family one night during dinner. You should know about your family history as well.”

“I’m sorry, Queen Chrysalis, but I’m going to have to interrupt you.”

Chrysalis spun around to see Celestia striding towards her, followed by several pony guards. Celestia’s features were serene, but Chrysalis sensed that she was worried.

“One of the base’s new proximity wards was triggered. Did you order any changelings to come to the base?”

A frown etched itself on Chrysalis’s features and she shook her head, dislodging a fly that had landed on her ear. “No. Are you sure it isn’t one of your pony contingents?”

“No. The Equestrian Foreign Legion arrived yesterday, as did the last supply caravan. There should be nothing coming to the base, especially at this time of night.”

Chrysalis snarled at Celestia, whose features remained impassive as ever. “Unless somepony wanted to attack the base.”

“Queen Chrysalis, Equestria First would have to be incredibly stupid to attack the base proper, especially after their first attempt failed. I was thinking more along the lines of somechangeling.”

For a moment, Chrysalis’s eyes widened. “What?”

“Did you consult any other changeling hives before you attacked Canterlot?”

Chrysalis bit back a snort. “No. Why would I need to?”

Suddenly the air grew hot as several columns of green fire flared into life on the battlements. For a moment, everybody stared at them, before springing into motion. Chrysalis stepped closer to her daughters, her horn glowing. Celestia stepped in beside her, magically summoning a halberd in a burst of light. Ponies and changeling guards quickly flanked their rulers.

All the while, Chrysalis wondered where in Tartarus the changelings came from, until she noticed the one thing absent from the whole scene.

The flies! Gritting her teeth, Chrysalis got ready to fire at the attackers once they completed their transformation.

The fire faded away, revealing ten changelings. One of them was tall and slender, slightly below Chrysalis’s own height. Chrysalis frowned as she saw her appear, and then she gasped. While it had been years since she had saw this queen, Chrysalis immediately recognized her.

“Simulacris? Is that you?”

In contrast to Chrysalis’s wide-eyed reverence, Simulacris’s lips were drawn back, and her fangs gleamed in the darkness.

“Yes, sister—” Simulacris gasped as Chrysalis seized her in an embrace so tight, her carapace joints were heard creaking. Simulacris struggled and squirmed, but Chrysalis’s grip was iron.

That is, until the younger queen squeaked, “I need to speak to Princess Celestia.”

Chrysalis froze, her eyes wide as she wondered if her sister was joking. Using that moment, Simulacris freed herself from Chrysalis’s numb grasp, strode past Cyndra, Lamia, and the astounded chevaliers, making her way to Celestia. As she neared Celestia though, there was a flash as Chrysalis teleported in front of her sister.

“Simulacris, stop. What’s going on?”

Her eyes moist with tears, Simulacris glared at Chrysalis. “What’s going on? Chrysalis, my hive’s about to be attacked by two hundred pony extremists!

Chrysalis spluttered. “What!—”

Simulacris cut her sister off with a hiss. “Thanks to your invasion of Canterlot you revealed our entire species to the world! Did you even think about the consequences, Chrysalis? Now get out of my way!

The horror that engulfed Chrysalis nearly robbed her of speech. Concern overrode her shock though, and she managed to get her locked jaw to move. Her ears shooting up and pointing forward, Chrysalis met her sister’s hysterical eyes.

To her surprise, Chrysalis felt as much terror and sympathy coming from Celestia as she herself felt. She gave the princess a surreptitious glance; she hadn’t expected that strong of a reaction from a non-changeling.

“How did they find your hive? The last time we met, you told me your hive was hidden very well!”

“They’ve been combing the desert for weeks! Ever since your attack on Canterlot, no changeling has been safe!”

Chrysalis’s eyes narrowed. “My hive is getting by-“

Simulacris snorted in derision. “Of course yours would. Given the army you put together to attack Canterlot with, I doubt anything could truly jeopardize the safety of your hive. But thanks to you enraging every pony in Equestria, my hive can’t get the love we need. We’ve been starving, unable to do anything as the ponies closed in!”

Chrysalis calm façade broke and she gawked at the gaunt features of her younger sister. Her hair was uncombed and unhealthily thin. The holes in her legs looked so wide that the leg itself seemed about to break at any moment. A glance sideways at the changelings accompanying Simulacris only confirmed her initial observation. These changelings hadn’t fed properly in weeks.

All the time she had been planning for her invasion, Chrysalis had never truly considered the effect it would have on other changeling hives in Equestria. The realization that she had driven her sister to this state nearly knocked Chrysalis to the ground.

Her head lowered, Chrysalis looked up to her sister, a pleading note in her voice. “I’ll have a company of warriors sent to your hive. Just tell me where it is.”

Simulacris’s glare softened. “Thank you sister, but it is Equestria’s aid I seek. I know you want to help, and while I said nothing can jeopardize your hive, I can’t expect you to protect mine as well. If I concede my hive, at least it will be protected under official terms and by the Equestrian Army.”

Chrysalis’s eyes widened. “You would trust the ponies over your own sister? The Princesses can’t even control their own subjects. I was nearly killed less than a week ago!” She didn’t care that Celestia was standing behind her. She was not going to let her sister’s hive be annexed!

“And whose fault was that? You provoked their subjects and attacked their capitol. But since the Princesses are keeping you alive, of all changelings, they must be trustworthy!” retorted Simulacris.

Snarling, Chrysalis pointed her hoof at Lamia. “Trustworthy? The ponies were responsible for crippling my daughter and heir when she first tried to negotiate with them! They practically declared war on us right then and there!”

Simulacris frowned, but when her eyes wandered along the direction of her sister’s hoof, they expanded to the size of plates. Chrysalis smirked slightly at this, but to her bewilderment, Simulacris returned her look with a dagger-filled glare.

“You revealed the existence of every changeling in the world for a personal vendetta?” Simulacris roared, deafening Chrysalis.

Confounded, Chrysalis shook her head as she tried to process why in the world her sister was so furious at her. Was her anger not justified? Why couldn’t she deal some form of retribution for her daughter?

“I know you wanted revenge, but just because your daughter was hurt by the ponies does not mean you hold the right to doom every changeling in Equestria! My hive and every other changeling hive in the world are paying for your actions! Now get out of my way!”

Simulacris flared her tattered wings and hissed at her sister. When Chrysalis flinched and reflexively stepped backward, Simulacris took this opportunity to shove past her sister. In just three steps, the younger queen was standing before Celestia.

Though she did not know what to do and doubted she could change anything, Chrysalis fixed Celestia with a death-stare. However, the alicorn’s neutral expression showed no sign that she had even seen her.

After a brief moment of what seemed like silent preparation, Simulacris sighed and prostrated herself in front of Celestia, her muzzle touching the floor, and neck extended in the traditional changeling gesture of total surrender. Chrysalis was so shocked at her sister’s complete submission, she barely saw Celestia’s own eyes widen.

“Princess Celestia, I, Simulacris of the Shade Stalkers, concede my hive and my territory to Equestria on the condition that you protect my subjects from all forms of hostile aggression. Will you accept these terms?”

I do not know how I managed to retain any control over my emotions or faculties, for despite the years that had passed, I could still recognize Simulacris’s features. I still could see the adolescent changeling queen she had been. But what used to be a proud, albeit reserved and sometimes cold changeling queen was no more. Instead, all I could see was my exhausted and battered sister, grovelling in front of me.

Not for the first time, I called upon the Great Hive Mothers to curse this mask I had to wear. If I didn’t have to wear it, I would have seized my sister in an embrace. As it was, I steeled myself and spoke, hoping my voice wasn’t quavering.

“I do not accept your terms.”

“What? Why?”

I winced at my younger sister’s shriek of desperation. Chrysalis stared at me disbelievingly, and while I could feel her happiness that I had refused, I also sensed her worry for the safety of Simulacris’s hive.

“Your hive lies in Equestrian territory, correct?”

Simualcris blinked as she realized what I was thinking. “Yes!”

“Then you do not need to surrender to me as I already have the right to send troops to that area to enforce the peace. Of course, this would mean you would have to tell me the location of your hive.”

Simulacris nodded in resignation. “Your ponies have already found my hive, your Highness, and if I must sacrifice my pride to save it, then so be it.” She looked me in the eye. “My hive is located in the hills just south of Baltimare.”

I knew that place. I had on one occasion, wondered if that area would be a good location for a changeling hive. I suppose I had my answer now.

I turned to Shining Armor. “Captain, what assets do we have in the area?”

“Two companies of Royal Guard.”

I blinked. How did Shining manage to get two companies there so quickly?

My captain coughed. “The Royal Guard has been on high alert since the last incident. So when a REINS informed me last night that their local monitoring unit received word about a possible rogue militia unit that plans to deviate from its planned training schedule. I immediately radioed Baltimare HQ to muster two companies, and had them directed to the area in order to intercept them.”

I nodded, inwardly applauding The Royal Equestrian Intelligence and Naval Service’s work.

“Understood.” I was about to say more, but instead frowned and glanced at Simulacris. “Queen Simulacris, just how did you find out about the upcoming attack?”

Simulacris raised an eyebrow. “We’ve been monitoring your newspapers. Once we were aware of the pony extremists, our infiltrators began to scour the cities for these extremists, and we increased our perimeter patrols. Two nights ago, they tracked a small group of armed ponies searching the area around our hive. The patrol cast disguises and tried to divert them away, but the ponies didn’t fall for the bait, and attacked us. My changelings were revealed, and the ponies escaped. We were discussing possible responses last night, when one of our changeling infiltrators overheard a bar conversation between a local militia commander and an Equestria First member he had been tailing. He found out about their plans and immediately flew back to my hive.” Simulacris gritted her teeth. “If his information is right, then they should be only a few hours away.”

I grimaced and started to make my way off the wall. “Then we have no time to lose. Queen Simulacris, I am aware that changelings have excellent portal creation abilities. Can you open a portal to the area where our Royal Guard units are located so we can rendezvous with them?”

Simulacris snorted. “And how do you expect me to do that on an empty stomach, Celestia?”

“I have a spell that allows a changeling to feed off the latent love energy that is focused on me.” I stepped towards Simulacris, who cringed slightly. I stopped immediately and smiled.

“It’s perfectly safe, your Majesty. Just touch your horn with mine.” Simulacris nodded tentatively, and relaxed. Slowly, I rested my horn on one of the crooks of hers, and closed my eyes.

Of course, there was no such spell, and I was lying through my teeth. What I really did was funnel my love energy through my horn, where my crown’s illusion spells would disguise it with “Celestia’s” magic signature. It would look like I cast a spell, but in reality, I was just sharing my love energy for Simulacris to feed upon.

The moment my magic met her horn, Simulacris’s eyes widened. Her own horn lit itself and she began to draw in my energy as fast as possible. Luckily, I had stored my love throughout the years, so even when Simulacris began to hungrily gorge herself on my energy, I wasn’t too bothered.

I thought I would have to ask Simulacris to stop, but after several minutes, she pulled away from my horn, her eyes shining much brighter and her figure looking less haggard than before.

“Feeling better?” I asked.

Simulacris nodded, taking deep breaths as she examined herself. “Yes. Much better.”

I nodded back. “Can you make the portal then?”

Simulacris’s lit her horn, looking eager to begin. “With some preparation, easily.”

“Good.” I spun around to face Shining. “Captain Armor, inform the base commander that we’re going, and then get your arms. I need to take my armor out.”

I turned back and headed for the door, but as I walked past Chrysalis and her daughters, something caught my attention. I sensed anguish, confusion and guilt radiating off my sister’s form. It made me stop in mid-step. I need not list the transgressions Chrysalis had committed against me and Equestria. However, I didn’t want Simulacris to lose another family member. She had already lost Mother, though she probably didn’t know it, and I was as good as lost. I could not let her or any changeling know about my existence, or about what I had done through the last 1000 years. It’d upset everything I had ever worked for, not to mention the peace process itself.

“Queen Chrysalis, we could use all the help we can get in this upcoming battle. If you are worried about love, I can allow you to feed as well.”

I saw Chrysalis’s lips part slightly out of surprise, but she quickly closed them.

“Of course.”

To the south of Baltimare lay a series of low, rolling hills covered in scrub. Lying between the edge of the desert and the city, lit only by the last rays of the sun, this desolate place was silent.

At least, it was normally. Tonight, the clank and jingle of two hundred Royal Guardsponies marching in column echoed through the hills. Suddenly, a flaming green-gold portal opened on top of one of the hills with a fiery whoosh a short distance from the front of the column head. Yelling loudly, the captain at the head of the column ordered his companies to halt.

Before anypony could speak, Princess Celestia emerged from the portal, dressed not in her usual regalia, but in a plate and chain mail set of gold-washed armor. What’s more, balanced on her shoulder was a halberd.

The soldiers gawked, nearly missing the emergence of Simulacris, Chrysalis, and Shining Armor.

“Captain Armor?” Celestia turned to her captain, wearing burnished steel armor and hefting a war hammer, who had already taken his place in front of the two columns, his horn glowing as he cast a sound amplification spell.

“Royal Guard! Atten-hut!” With a stomp, two hundred ponies stood to attention. Smiling in satisfaction, Shining Armor coughed into his hoof.

“First of all, I am actually Captain Armor, and this is indeed Princess Celestia, Queen Chrysalis and another changeling queen standing beside me. As to why...” Shining Armor began to pace in front of the column. “At oh-eight-hundred hours, REINS reported to us that a militia unit has gone ‘rogue.’ A few minutes ago at seventeen-hundred hours, Queen Simulacris, ruler of a small changeling hive south of Baltimare, informed us that this “rogue” unit is aligned with the terrorist organisation Equestria First, whose local forces have supplemented the unit to the strength of two hundred ponies, and that they are on their way to attack her hive. Our mission is simple. Intercept the insurgents, and stop them from reaching the hive. The chevaliers of Queen Simulacris’s hive will be assisting us in this operation.”

Shining paused and stopped pacing, looking at the ponies in the column with narrowed eyes. “Now I know some of you aren’t comfortable working with changelings. I certainly am not comfortable cooperating with Queen Chrysalis. If you object to these conditions, then you can leave. I won’t stop you.”

Chrysalis and Simulacris blinked and frowned at that, but despite hearing some uncomfortable shuffles, none of the troops moved, and Shining continued on his speech.

“But I ask each and every one of you: what was the oath we took as Royal Guards? To serve and protect innocent ponies, or to serve and protect all innocents?” Seeing the nodding heads in the column, Shining grinned. “I’m sure you all know the answer to that question. Well here’s the sitrep. Queen Simulacris’s hive had nothing to do with the attack on Canterlot. Her hive, her home, filled with innocents, and as another guardspony like you, I will not stand and let innocents be endangered again! Now are you with me?

YES!” Even with their ears pinned against their heads, the queens and Celestia winced as the full weight of the Royal Guard’s cry hit them. Shining Armor however, seemed completely unaffected, and was even grinning.

“Then saaaa-lute!” There was another stomp and click of heels before Shining Armor turned to Princess Celestia and snapped to attention. “Forces have been briefed, your Highness.”

“Excellent, Captain Armor.” Celestia turned to Simulacris. “Are we near your hive?

Simulacris took a moment to examine the area. “Yes, my hive and my soldiers should lie over this hill.”

“In that case, Royal Guard!” Celestia faced her ponies, brought up her halberd high, and swung it at the direction of the hill. “Move out!”

The two hundred Equestria First ponies were armed with an assortment of weaponry of different qualities, as well as armor of various types. While most of them wore old Guard armor requisitioned for militia use, none of them expected much resistance as they advanced toward the hive. However, as they advanced on the winding path between the low hills, they suddenly found their way barred by one hundred and twenty changelings in two long ranks.

That wasn’t such a problem, but the ponies started at the sight of Chrysalis standing beside an unknown queen, and they were horrified to find an armed and armored Celestia standing beside her.

“Ponies of Equestria First, I am Princess Celestia, and I ask you to stand down and disperse,” said Celestia in a serene, but firm tone.

“Trickery! It’s just a changeling taking the form of our Princess!” yelled several of the Equestria First ponies.

Celestia stiffened, but her eyes narrowed, and she pointed her halberd at the ponies. “I assure you, this is no trick. Now, lay down your arms, and I will show you leniency!”

Her words caused many of the Equestria First ponies to shiver involuntarily. Yet, the ponies did not break. Instead their cries got louder and more inane.


Sighing, Celestia averted her gaze for a moment, before she scowled at the ponies. “Then I have no choice. Royal Guard!

The sound of a rapid-fire drum roll alongside a triumphantly blaring trumpet echoed throughout the valley. It made the ponies of Equestria First spin around, nickering in fear, looking for the source of the noise.

It was then that they spotted them. Charging over the hill, maintaining a perfect flying wedge formation, were a hundred and forty lance-armed earth and unicorn ponies of the Royal Guard. Their armor burning a copper-red ichor in the rays of the setting sun, they were led by a steel-clad stallion touting a warhammer. At the same time, sixty pegasi descended down on the valley from the sky, with all manner of swords and axes.

The sight of the Royal Guard on their flank and over their heads so distracted the militia ponies that they barely noticed the changelings lunging at them from the front until they were in their ranks. They were shortly followed by Simulacris, Chrysalis, and Celestia herself.

Chrysalis plunged herself into the thick of the fighting, her spear like a deadly snake, killing with every strike. She took the odd hit in her charge, but she managed to divert the blows so that they merely scratched her carapace. As Chrysalis continued to fight though, she began noticing that some of the Equestria First ponies were attempting to run, but most of them were quickly forced back to the group by the Royal Guard’s pegasi. Inwardly laughing at the irony of working together with the ponies she had attacked barely over a month ago, Chrysalis punched her spear through the chain mail of a pegasus. While her eyes searched for another target in the chaotic melee of ponies and changelings, Chrysalis saw that Shining Armor’s Royal Guardsponies were breaking through the rear of the Equestria First, their encirclement also sealing the enemy’s escape route. She noticed Shining Armor himself, his features barely even creasing, block a unicorn’s magical attack with his signature shield spell, before returning the favor by slamming his warhammer onto his attacker’s back, which crunched.

Somehow I’m glad I hypnotized him first. Thought Chrysalis, wincing as a pony managed to nick her wing. Chrysalis returned the favor by impaling the fighter and then tossing her to the side. There were a surprising amount of female ponies within the Equestria First contingent, though Chrysalis observed that stallions were clearly in the majority.

Sensing a flash of fear, Chrysalis glanced over her shoulder and found Simulacris being engaged by two earth ponies. While she seemed tired, Simulacris used her dual short-swords to keep her opponents at bay, cutting and thrusting with one sword while blocking with the other. In spite of her speed and skill, she was losing, and Chrysalis’s eyes widened as a pony managed a glancing axe blow on Simulacris’s side, drawing blood.

Her eyes filling with the red of anger, Chrysalis jumped into the air and propelled herself over the clashing ponies and changelings. She came down on one of her sister’s opponents, driving her spear into his back. The other pony tried to run, but Simulacris disarmed and skewered him.

“Do try to keep some of them alive, Queen Simulacris, Queen Chrysalis. I really want to interrogate some of them,” said Celestia, her slightly pained voice somehow clear over the din. Chrysalis spun around and stared at Celestia, her armor sporting several rather large dents, and her halberd dripping red, but that was not what caught Chrysalis’s attention.

Look out!” she roared.

Celestia managed to spin around and bring her halberd up just in time to block a bolt of dark red fire, which upon contact, incinerated her weapon. Her horn glowing, Chrysalis flung her spear at the unicorn, impaling the screaming pony through the leg and pinning him to the ground.

Frowning, Simulacris decapitated another pony with both her swords, and backed up to cover her sister’s rear. “Why did you let him live? I know you’re a better shot than that.”

Seizing the spare short sword that hung from her side, Chrysalis blocked a strike from a pegasi. “That’s the spell that nearly killed my daughter. You’ll want him to be interrogated, Celestia.”

Celestia nodded, joining Simulacris and Chrysalis to form a rough triangle. Her features serene as ever, as she used her backup arming sword to sever a pegasus’s wing. “Thanks.” Celestia paused, looking Chrysalis in the eye. “And thank you for saving me.”

Chrysalis blocked another pony’s increasingly frustrated sword stabs. “I will not let you forget it.” Slamming the butt of her weapon into her opponent’s head, Chrysalis watched the pegasus drop, before she looked around for more targets.

There were none to be had, though. The field was littered with dead. The surviving members of Equestria First were laying their weapons down and being herded by the Royal Guards and changelings. Looking around, the queens and Celestia saw no other oppoonents and finally sheathed their weapons. They had won, though Chrysalis was surprised to notice that night had fallen. She supposed Princess Luna must have lowered the sun in Celestia’s stead.

Silently, Chrysalis, Simulacris, and Celestia walked through the once pristine field. Most of the dead were ponies wearing the old, re-used, or homemade armor of the Equestria First militia. There didn’t seem to be any changelings, or ponies dressed in Guard armor. None of the royals released their breaths, though.

They soon found Shining Armor, his helmet off, blood trickling from under his sweat-slicked blue mane, in discussion with a changeling chevalier. Both managed a tired salute when their leaders approached.

“Captain Armor, what are the casualties?” asked Celestia.

Shining Armor glanced at the changeling. “Chevalier Swift Shadow and I both cast spells to account for them, and got reports from everypony and changeling still upright. Sixty Royal Guard wounded, sixteen in critical, but stable condition, and five dead. Twenty-nine changelings wounded, fifteen in critical condition, with three dead. As for Equestria First…” Shining swallowed hard. “Over a hundred and twenty dead, and the rest of the survivors are all wounded. We fought to maim and wound instead of outright kill, your Highness, but they didn’t let us hold back for long. The rest, once they saw they how outnumbered they were, surrendered after some resistance.”

Celestia sighed, briefly closing her eyes. “Good work, Captain Armor. Your Royal Guards have performed admirably, considering these difficult circumstances.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.” Shining Armor turned to Simulacris. “Your Majesty, please forgive me for being so bold, but I doubt my Guard is going to have enough energy to set up camp for the night by the time we’re done here. Do you know of any natural features here that will at least offer my ponies some shelter for the night?”

Simulacris only smiled and stepped forward, placing her hoof on Shining Armor’s shoulder. “Captain Armor, your ponies saved my hive. You are heroes, and you will have a hero’s lodging for the night, and I will ask Swift Shadow to organize a proper burial for your comrades.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty, but it is too dangerous. We have too many prisoners, and the location of your hive will be discovered,” said Shining Armor.

Shaking her head, Simulacris briefly glanced at the ground. “My hive has already been discovered, Captain Armor. A few more ponies knowing about it makes no difference.” She managed a half-chuckle. “Besides, I have more than just a hundred and twenty changelings. I’m pretty sure my hive’s workers and reserve soldiers can help your ponies guard these prisoners.”

A grin breaking on his tired features, Shining Armor saluted and trotted back to his recovering troops. Swift Shadow also saluted and returned to his changelings.

As Celestia and Simulacris turned away, they found themselves faced with a downcast Chrysalis. Simulacris blinked in surprise, while Celestia’s features relaxed into an expressionless mask.

“Princess Celestia, Queen Simulacris, I must apologize. The consequences of my mistake cost you the changelings and ponies you lost today.”

Chrysalis turned to Celestia. “If it weren’t for Your Highnesses intervention… I fear my sister’s hive would have been destroyed.” Sighing, the queen bowed her head. “I’m sorry.”

From Simulacris’s point of view, Celestia seemed to stare at Chrysalis like she had grown another head. Then she quickly realized she was doing the same thing.

“Chrysalis… it’s alright, but you owe me one,” stammered Simulacris.

Celestia managed a tired smile. “Apology accepted.” The princess then gazed back on the ponies and changelings working together to bury and mark their dead. “Besides, look.”

Chrysalis frowned and followed Celestia’s gaze, before blinking in surprise and awe. Simulacris did the same, but all she did was raise an eyebrow. “Look at what?”

“Ponies and changelings,” said Chrysalis, a dawning look of realization coursing across her features.

Celestia nodded, her smile spreading into a grin. “This night was one of blood, tears, and sorrow. Yet, it has become the first time in known history that ponies and changelings willingly fought together, side-by-side.”

A few days later...

Celestia’s bright sun shone through the windows of the Camp Draco dining hall, flashing on silverware and porcelain and illuminating motes of dust in the air. The two queens and Cyndra, as well as Luna, Blueblood and Cadance were seated around the long dining table, eating a late breakfast. Conversation was light-hearted and much of the focus was on the food itself. While savoring the delicious sweetness of the pancakes and syrup, Cyndra took a moment to listen and watch the antics of the breakfast table’s occupants.

Royal Guard Saves a Changeling Hive? Changelings and Ponies Together? Can’t your ponies think of some more inventive news headlines, Your Highness?” asked Chrysalis, throwing down a copy of the Everfree Press.

“If Belladonna were here, she’d barely get through a single page,” sighed Simulacris.

“Have you heard from Belladonna, by the way?” asked Chrysalis.

A forlorn expression came over Simulacris’s features. “Last I heard of her was nine-hundred years ago during the… “Viking” Age, as the ponies call it. She was heading from Zebrica, and making her way deep into the Gryphonian mountains, and I never heard a single word of her after that.”

Cyndra winced, while Chrysalis tried to smile. “Belladonna’s a resourceful changeling.” Her voice trailing off, Chrysalis swallowed and kept her eyes level. “I’m sure she’s still alive.”

The table fell silent, and the occupants’ attention focused on the food and away from the awkward atmosphere. That was, until Chrysalis turned to Luna.

“So… Princess Luna, what do you think of the newspapers?”

With a small sigh, Luna finished the last dregs of her coffee and set her mug back onto the ground. “I am not very experienced in judging newspaper headlines, Queen Chrysalis, but I must agree with you. They are boring.”

“I don’t know, Auntie Luna,” said Cadance, not looking up from the day’s edition of the Foal Free Press. “I kind of like Equestria First on Trial. It’s short, simple, and gets the point across.” Shining Armor sat beside her, sporting a bandaged forehead and munching on a croissant.

Luna groaned. “I don’t know how many hours my sister and I spent yesterday meeting with the Royal Equestrian Intelligence and Naval Service to get those arrest warrants finalized.”

“And we both thank you for that, your Highness. We might not have them all, but the majority of their organization has been crippled. Only the last of their leaders remain, and for now, I can rest a bit,” said Simulacris, refilling Luna’s cup. Chrysalis grimaced, but nodded slowly, before frowning.

“By the way, why did your sister leave with my eldest daughter, Princess Luna? She said she was going to help her with her scars, but I don’t see what she could do. I tried everything.”

Luna took a large sip from her coffee mug, before setting it back down on the table. “We’ve finally managed to figure out the spell they used to wound her. It’s an amplified version of an experimental spell the agricultural department was developing to burn magically destructive plant species like Poison Joke, Death’s Snare, and Tribblewort. Amplified, it can resist attempts to put it out with water and can inflict severe organic and magical damage far too easily, which is why Equestria discontinued its development. A scientist in the Agricultural Development Department who belonged to Equestria First recovered the spell for use by his organization. He has since been arrested.”

“And Princess Celestia has a solution for my sister’s injury?” asked Cyndra.

Nodding at Cyndra, Luna turned back to Chrysalis. “It’s not a complete solution, but Celestia believes that some of Equestria’s more advanced surgical techniques and mechanical technologies can allow for an advanced prosthetic that would at least allow her to walk properly.”

Chrysalis nodded, looking rather relieved, before eyeing her younger daughter.

“I didn’t realize you had such a liking for pancakes, Cyndra.”

“I heard of them while living in Equestria, but only tried them recently.” Cyndra took another bite. “Tof bamd gey wart as goof as te wons Celescia put er leve into.”

The queens suddenly froze in their place, utensils or newspapers held in midair.

“I’m sorry, Cyndra, but what did you say?” asked Simulacris.

Cyndra swallowed her food down, glancing between her mother and her aunt. “That the pancakes weren’t as good as the ones Celestia put her love into.” Cyndra cringed as Chrysalis’s and Simulacris’s brow furrowed. “Is there something wrong?”

“That shouldn’t be possible,” whispered Chrysalis.

“Your Majesties, is there something that concerns you about my sister?” asked Luna in a low voice. Cyndra blinked. Was it just her, or were the ponies exchanging glances with each other?

“Forgive us, your Highness. The thing is, it shouldn’t be possible for somebody other than a changeling to use love energy like that,” said Simulacris, her hoof tapping the table.

Cadance spoke up. “I’m not sure what you are mean, Queen Simulacris. Shining Armor and I infused love into our shield spell, and Aunt Celestia transferred her latent love energy to you. Why are you so surprised Celestia can put love into inanimate objects?

“Because it isn’t biologically possible. Only changeling queens can put love into inanimate objects,” said Chrysalis, her brow knitting itself together.

The door slamming open forestalled Chrysalis’s coming explanation. Luna stood up to rebuke the intruder, but stopped as Celestia strode in, holding a letter in her magic, Lamia hopping in.

“What is it?” asked Chrysalis.

Celestia took a deep breath, and as soon as she had finished, the entire table scrambled to finish their breakfast.

“Another queen has been discovered.”

Author's Note:

This is

The chapter that answers the question of Shining Armor being a pushover.

As my pre-reader Zervziel says.

It also appears to be a rather controversial one. I've posted base explanations of my decisions. Feel free to dislike them, but I would much rather prefer insightful discussion as that's way more informative.