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    Is Star Wars Science Fiction?

    Image Source: quora.com

    Let’s end this discussion once and for all. 
    It has been a debate for a long time when it should not be. 

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Is Star Wars Science Fiction? · 7:54am April 4th

Image Source: quora.com

Let’s end this discussion once and for all. 
It has been a debate for a long time when it should not be. 
George Lucas has described Star Wars as a ‘Space Fantasy’
Just because something happens in space does not mean it is science fiction. 
Similarly, the use of laser weapons and metal robots does not confirm Star Wars is science fiction. 
Someone who understands science fiction would argue that more aspects of Star Wars are fantasy than they are science fiction
The setting of the Star Wars franchise is science fiction. However, the theme is all fantasy. 
Unlike other science fiction movies where technology is correlated with science. The fundamentals are intrinsically explained. 
Star Wars does not explain and throws out fictional aspects as vast as the Galaxy. 
The work behind the lightsabers and the emergence of numerous mythical creatures was never explained. 
We had to roll with the story. 

Science Fiction Aspects

However, there are hidden science fiction aspects behind the vast droid and trooper force military army. 
So not the whole of Star Wars is a fantasy. 
The emergence of kyber crystals and their bonding mechanics are explained in detail. Just when we begin to get a small bit of understanding. Rey Skywalker whips out a yellow lightsaber said to be constructed from instructions found in old Jedi scriptures. 
Star Wars is futuristic and uses advanced space technology, spaceships, and military grade equipment linking it to science fiction. However, then again the blasters and laser beams make a loud noise in the space vacuum. 
Plo Koon travels with a space mask whereas Leia Organa and Emperor Palpatine breathe just fine. 
I would say the objects are science fiction but space physics revolves around fantasy. 
Another main aspect that has the Star Wars fans a strong grip is the iconic lightsabers. Since 1977 tech analysts and professionals have been trying to make sense of the weapon’s mechanics. 
The war in bringing the lightsabers to reality is still waging. The weapons in Star Wars were a complete fantasy at first. With evolving technology, we are trying to fit science fiction into the Star Wars high-grade weaponry world.  
Lastly, another thing that never made sense. 
The Ewoks should have died a merciless death following the Death Star Explosion. Yet the damage never measured up to Darth Sidious's claims. The species that should have gone extinct emerged faster than the multiplying Republic army!

So is it a Fantasy World?

A better term that should be coined for this debate is ‘Science Fantasy’
Star Wars has certain realistic aspects but they come with ten different fantasy background stories. 
In the relatable world of planets and the Galaxy live not-so-relatable creatures. The mystical witches, warlords, gods, and zombies survive and fight by performing magic. 
Most importantly, if you look at the concept of the force. It leans towards fantasy.  
The sides of the force and the telekinetic ability make sense in science and fiction. However, what does not make sense is the ability force extends to the individuals. Giving them powers like talking to the dead, seeing the future, and without connection telecommunication. 
Furthermore, the space opera also explored the relationships of love, bonding, and family. During the times of the Galactic takeover and the rise of the Rebels alliances broke and betrayals rose. Chemistry exploded between the characters and some backstabbed their trusted companions. These fictional characters rose to fame in the fantasy Star Wars world.

The Storyline?

The Star Wars storyline is a roughly put together fantasy. The props and the objects used in the fairytale story are science fiction. 
However, this cinematic landmark follows the story of a farm boy who is adopted by a wise guardian Jedi warrior who sees the potential in the boy. Then again the mention of midichlorians is another sign of fantasy settings. Without solid proof, Obi Wan checks Anakin’s midichlorians and finds he has an exceptionally high count. 
So Obi Wan decides to take chances with the boy. They go on to save a legit princess from the evil emperor’s castle and eventually fall in love. 
All while the old Jedi warrior keeps fighting for the rights of the boy. Only for the boy to turn against his master’s belief in the end!
See an epic fantasy laying whiplash worthy climaxes. 

Human Association?

The whole point of a science fiction production is its association with the human world. Where you can relate to technology, time travel, and holograms. Yes, all that is discussed in Star Wars. 
However, looking past the planets, electronics, and robots there is not much human left to the franchise. The timeline, events, and characters in Star Wars were never meant to be relatable for humans. The earliest comics show the otherworldly creatures that were meant for the amusement of the audience. 


Calling Star Wars a science fiction miracle is the right way to say it. This way we can umbrella the relatable and not so relatable aspects of this fairytale in space. 
It is a futuristic fantasy piece that wants to appease all the fans. Fans take it as an amusement pill. Do not try to make sense. You will be running in circles. Science is useless here.

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