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Kaiju Profile: Rodan · 3:57pm Aug 25th, 2014


True form
Equestrian Form

Title: The Supersonic Phoenix
Alias: Fire Rodan 2, Guardian Beast Omega
"There is no 'fight or flight' with me, just fighting with flight."

Species: Mystically and Genetically engineered Pterosaur (True form), Pterosaur Gryphon (Equestrian form)
Gender: Male
Height: 70 meters (True form), slightly taller than Princess Cadance (Equestrian form)
Weight: 25,000 tons (True form), equal to Shining Armor (Equestrian form)
Length: 90 meters (True form), equal to Princess Cadance (Equestrian form)
Wingspan: 200 meters (True form), equal to Princess Luna (Equestrian form)
Morality: Rodan often keeps himself amicable and laid back. A free bird, he hates to get tied down too much and simply despises being in a cramped area. If you give him or others no trouble, he'll give you no trouble. That said, push him and his head gets as hot as his uranium beam. The rookie of the 'Big Four', he tends to be a bit rash with his decisions and is a bit rebellious. But in the end of the day, if he knows it's time to get serious, you'll have his full attention
Traits: Flight at Mach 3+ [Top Speed Unknown], sharp beak and talons, armor plating on stomach and chest, deceptively durable wing, large horns, doesn't need to breath, hurricane force gales from wings

Powers (still present in Equine form, but diminished):

Sonic Boom - Many kaiju can hover and fly, some others can even break the sound barrier. Rodan however is nearly the only one to use his speed and flight as a weapon. With his enormous wingspan and high flight speed when going at his peak, Rodan's sonic booms can easily level structures and send most kaiju hurtling back

Thermal Absorption - Almost like a phoenix, Rodan grows stronger in places of high temperature or thermal radiation. He can dive through magma and ambient plasma without a problem, and even siphon off energy from thermals sources such as the sun and wildfires to restore his energy. While certain, very powerful heat beams can hurt him, passive thermal radiation is not an issue

Thermal Conductivity - Either by using his own energy reserves or after siphoning power from outside sources, Rodan can channel intense heat into his beak and claws. When channeled, his talons can easily burn through metal and leave scorching injuries. In a last resort, Rodan can channel the energy into his entire body to raise his surface temperature to dangerous levels even for a kaiju, making him very dangerous to hold onto or be held by

Pyro Spheres - Channeling his energy into his throat as his horns and eyes glow, Rodan can fire out rapid barrages of car to bus sized fire balls in quick succession. The fireballs are composed primarily of plasma, having explosive properties alongside a very high surface temperature

Uranium Beam- Putting more energy and charge time into the above attack, Rodan is capable of firing out a continuous heat beam similar to a solar flare. Strength depends both on charge time and how much energy Rodan has in reserve. The range and accuracy is comparable to Godzilla's breath weapon, but trades some firepower and strength for a faster charge time.

Weakness: - Rodan, as a flier, is better at fighting on the wing than on the ground. While still no slouch, his body form is not as good for grappling and wrestling compared to most other kaiju. He also doesn't have nearly as strong a healing factor as Godzilla and cannot stay in a prolonged fight without hit-and-run techniques. While cold water and high altitude doesn't bother him, being in places of extreme cold or being hit with freezing ability can sap his energy and limit his ability to draw power from thermal energy sources


The modern Rodan is a testament to how distinct even seemingly similar kaiju can be, and how two animals of the same species can end up as very different when ascended into a kaiju by different methods. Like Anguirus and Godzilla, Rodan was once a normal, abet very large, species of prehistoric animal who was changed into a kaiju; in this case a species of giant pterosaur. All three species amongst several others were revived from fossils during the Pleistocene by the now extinct 'First Civilization'. Kept on isolated islands, the 'Neo-Saurians' grew lived, thrived, and multiplied in the world 80,000 years before the present. It is from them that man kind drew forth its legends of sea serpents and dragons.

Then came the reckoning. Corrupted in mind and view, one of the planet's guardians turned its back on its duty and oath, enacting a bloody rampage. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost and almost all of Terra's sentient species were either exterminated or nearly wiped out. It was only by the intervention by an entire flock of Mothra and Battra, and the strongest sealing magic spell ever preformed that the rogue titan was imprisoned. The First Civilization was drastically reduced in numbers, but they managed to survive. The survivors knew the demon would return in 100,000 years, and even if they didn't survive they needed to try and ensure the planet had a fighting chance. With the Mothra and Battra flocks reduced to single digits each, more guardians would be needed. Seeing a suitable platform in the native life forms, they took members of multiple species and changed them into artificial kaiju through a mix of sorcery and genetic engineering. So each one was in its prime when the titan returned, each was sealed away under a time lock to awaken and quickly grow to full size in 100 millennia. One such guardian beast was a giant pterosaur. Shortly after they were sealed away, Battra, seeing the new creations as abominations, destroyed the remaining members of ancients before Mothra could stop him; leaving a scattered humanity as the only living sentient species and reduced to a Paleolithic level.

In 1993, a distant island in the northern pacific was discovered by a research team. Hidden away in a rocky grove was a enormous skeleton along with a car sized egg. It wasn't long after they arrived did the egg's protector arrive. A giant pterosaur, an unaltered member of the sealed guardian's species, attacked the research team. More chaos ensued when Godzilla arrived, seemingly intent on seizing the egg. The pterosaur, later dubbed Rodan by his discoverers (a corruption of pteranodon), attacked Godzilla and despite fighting admirably; was defeated by a point blank nuclear breath attack. The tale of the island would continue for the next few months. The egg would hatch into a young dinosaur latter dubbed Godzilla junior, Rodan would revive and mutate thanks to Godzilla senior's radiation, and both Godzilla and Rodan would battle it out against the 1st Terran mech, Mechagodzilla. In said battle, Rodan sacrificed itself to power up Senior enough to destroy the machine. The tale of the 1st modern 'Rodan' was finished, but the tale of the second was just beginning. Back on the island, where Godzilla and the 1st Rodan fought, a stray nuclear beam from Senior uncovered something. The containment chamber of an ancient guardian beast, the last one created by of the First Civilization. Its seal breached on accident by Godzilla's attack, the energies that kept its contents sedated leaked out over the years as the occupant grew into late adolescence. Come 2005, the seal finally broke and the new creature was released.

Waking up in a daze and confused at the world around him, the guardian quickly spread his wings to fly around to try and make heads or tails of what was going on. Because his containment breach was accidental rather than intentional, as in the case of Anguirus, instead of a fully grown kaiju without fully realized powers; the world got a fully powered kaiju without it being a full adult yet. This mix of out of control powers and younger age results in quite a bit of accidental damage to his surroundings, namely forest fires and tornadoes. This quickly drew the attention of both Godzilla Junior and Mothra Lea. Not knowing the guardian wasn't an inherently destructive beast, they tried to stop the beast before it could cause more damage. Though they could overpower the creature, neither one was fast enough to keep up with the out of control speed the pterosaur possessed and were both taking a lot of hits. This speed kept him out of arm's reach for awhile until Mothra managed to land a lucky shot and knock the guardian out of the sky. The two closed in on the soon to counter-attack pterosaur when Anguirus showed up. Instantly recognizing the older guardian, the pterosaur stopped all actions. The awkward situation was amended and the realization the young kaiju was a slave to his own out of control powers put aside any thoughts of malign intent. Knowing he wasn't threatened and with some familiarity around in the form of Anguirus, the guardian calmed down finally. Taking up some training from Mothra, he learned to grow into his powers and soon befriended his original attackers. Noting his close resemblance to the creature of his youth, Godzilla and humanity alike christened the nameless creature 'Rodan'.

In time, the pterosaur became a steadfast ally to the original three, becoming the final member of what humans referred to as the 'Big Four', and adding substantial air power to the Terran kaiju's faction. Whether it's raining down fire from above or dog-fighting with the likes of the Gyaos horde, Rodan made it very clear from the first time he flew into battle that he was the ace of Terra's skies.

Comments ( 12 )

I love all these original bios! But I still don't understand, Rodan has his powers because the breach was an accident, but because Anguirus was on purpose he does not have them? I am a bit confused on that.


Has to deal with time and the way the two were unleashed. Anguirus was woken up on purpose early by mysticism and it happened almost instantly. Rodan on the other hand was woken up on accident but only after the span of 12 years of the seal leaking. As a result, Anguirus had enough time to rapidly age to his adult form, but not enough time when waking up to mature his powers. Because the seal on Rodan gradually leaked over time, the two parts of making him 'ready' went off wrong, allowing his powers to mature but not fully age him up. Godzilla senior's heat ray might have also damaged the enchantment that was meant to age Rodan, meaning it didn't fully go off.

Also bear in mind Anguirus is one of the first of the artificial kaiju, whereas Rodan was the last. Containment methods might have changed.

2400082 Ok, that clears things up a little bit! Keep up the awesome work my friend!

You know if they made a movieevfrom this combined universe you created it would be freaking awesome wait who else wants to see a movie or tv show completely focusing on the kaiju like letting them talk and all I know im basically suggesting a mlp but with kaiju and obviously not as light hearted or colorful but it would still be awesome

So Anguirus and Rodan knew each other from the very beginning. Intriguing. :trixieshiftright:

Dude, I love these Kaiju bios. Helps the readers know the characters better than just what they saw in the movies.

Correct me if I'm wrong: In Godzilla VS MechaGodzilla 2, didn't they call him Radon or Ladon? I seem to remember it when I had it on VHS.


Depends, dubbing office never could make up their mind. Toho released the English name as Rodan for all incarnations so I went with that

2670540 I do remember them speaking japanese with swedish subtitles. They said Radon but was spelled Ladon.


Must have been a translation/pronunciation blunder. Anguirus had it just as bad. Depending on the movie, region, or subtitles his name came out as everything from Angilas to Anguyros. Literally the only thing the ten or so names he got that was agreed upon was his name stated with an 'Ang'

A question to be clear, is Rodan's uranium ray a power of his own or was it also because of godzilla's atomic ray as his 93 counterpart?

I thought that this Rodan would be the size and its wingspan similar to that of the final wars version, but seeing its profile it looks more like that of the legendary version but its appearance is the same as that of 2004

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