• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Pony POV Series WorldBuilding 103 PossibleTimeline · 11:05pm Feb 19th, 2015

Something a little different as this is a POSSIBLE timeline for the FAR FUTURE of the Pony POV Universe (like say a thousand years in the future at least).

In a possible future timeline, the criminal Alicorn Morning Star (concept of perfection and beauty) spawns a child he names Persecution: creating him wholly from Morning Star's own essence, rather than combining part of Morning Star's existence with a partner (much as how Entropy created the Windigos, though there SHE used Celestia's image as a molding line).

In a possible future timeline, Morning Star decides his spawn needs to "perfect" Ponykind from the inside, thus having him to be born into the world as other concepts have.

A angel from the Alicorns, and a messenger of the Draconequi, catch wind of this, and decide together, without letting the concepts themselves know directly, to screw over Morning Star's scheme all on their own without divine help, by switching Persecution with another foal at birth, somehow masking their true souls.

Thus a mundane normal pony is raised to become the new master of the world to cleanse it of its imperfections (like that annoying free will the Elders refuse to get ride of), and the other is raised in a healthy normal family.

The day for Persecution's plans to begin arrived, and Morning Star at last realized the deception when he tried to awake his spawn's true form. The two messengers couldn't help but laugh and gloat at how they had tricked the Concept of perfection TO HIS FACE.

Morning Star responded by shooting the true Persecution through the head, ripping out his spiritual essence, and giving it his "adopted" child, who promptly ate it, becoming the NEW Persecution, and carrying out his adopted father's scheme without missing a beat, and promptly turned on the two messengers.

The two messengers spent the rest of the war against Persecution in a super natural intensive care unit, their souls being knitted back together one thread at a time, and being told by their respective deities how STUPID they were to keep this from the concepts, and thus not having any of their help and thus not giving the original Persecution any form of protection from his father, who they should have realized wouldn't hesitate to kill him KNOWING that Morning Star doesn't tolerate ANYTHING he deems 'imperfect.'

I repeat, this is a POSSIBLE future. Thus should be considered OPTIONAL canon. Again, OPTIONAL.

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