• Member Since 25th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 22nd, 2018

Bluegrass Brooke

Gonna try this whole writing thing again.

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  • 329 weeks
    Do you draw? I have a contest for you!

    I'm hosting a draw my dragonsonna contest on deviantart.

    Link here.

    She's a sweet, sometimes grumpy cactus dragon the size of a cat.

    The prizes include some rice bags made by myself. Traditional or digital art accepted!

    Check it out for a chance to win.


    — Blue

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  • 329 weeks
    Discord Server

    So I FINALLY got a Discord account.

    I'm making a Discord server run by me for the purpose of helping each other out with stories. At least I'll try to. Me vs. technology. -__-

    Anywho, message me if you'd like the address.


    — Blue

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  • 330 weeks

    Hello. It's cold where I am. Like COLD. Anywho . . .

    Which story would you be most interested in my reviving/updating? I really can only work on one at a time.

    * TCARW's rewrite
    *Slow Fade

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  • 331 weeks
    Pokes head in

    How's it going? You all still writing and reading?

    Give me an update if you want, I've been gone so long.

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  • 334 weeks
    Sorry all

    It's been too long since I've posted anything here. I apologize. Short explanation is that I have had a severe set back with my depression that caused me to go in partial hospitalization and quit my job. So I'm very much floating along until I can find something that works for me.

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[Aberrant Harmony Short]: Musings of a Fool · 3:08am Sep 12th, 2015

Takes place in the past during Discord's childhood. A direct tie-in with my Aberrant Harmony Series.

Another intricate tapestry displayed across the night sky; his sky. Morpheus spread his wings, drinking in the scene. A cool, midsummer evening to view his kingdom and drink in all that they had accomplished. To think that it had once been full of nothing but half-savage herds. It had been his strength that tamed them and Arianna's patient wisdom that kept the tribes united. To think they had accomplished this much together . . .

"My, but you are smug tonight, Morpheus."

The deep, silvery voice made him jump into the air. Morpheus wheeled around to see Havoc perched atop the roof like one of their gargoyles, golden scales glistening in the moonlight. He sighed in exasperation. "Havoc. Do not startle me so."

Havoc smirked just wide enough for his fangs to reveal themselves. "Then why did you not pay more attention?"

"Please, as if there is a being in all of creation that could sense you if you did not wish it."

He chuckled in that disconcertingly carrying way of his. "Ah, but it is more fun when they try."

"As if you need more 'fun.' You have quite enough of that with the prisoners . . ." Morpheus' eyes fell to the rune-encrusted collar. A part of him remained curious as to its properties. No creature could lift—nay touch it without being struck dead or cursed for all of eternity. At least that was the fairy tale Havoc told his followers. The truth? That he had not yet ascertained.

Havoc's eyes followed his gaze, then he smirked. "Befitting, is it not?" He puffed out his chest, allowing the runes to dance in the light. "You wish for your own? A symbol of your rule perhaps?"

Morpheus felt an undeniable chill from Havoc's words. Simultaneously casual and threatening. He had long since tired of Havoc's insinuations. "And why should I not? I have earned the position of King! What authority has granted you the title of High Priest? Your father?"

Havoc growled loud enough to shake the stones under Morpheus' hooves. "The gods! Do not lecture me as a child, Morpheus."

"The same could be said of you. I have acquired much knowledge in my time."

"Aye, knowledge," he sneered. "The flawed knowledge of a mortal."

Morpheus longed to kick some sense into his friend, but knew that endeavor would be fruitless. No beast yet living could challenge Havoc and be victorious. The draconequus did not understand the concept of "scraping it out." Friend or no, Havoc would inevitably slay and devour him as he did to all his closest enemies. He chose a more tactful approach, "And what is so wrong with a mortal's knowledge, Havoc? The world is run by mortals lest you forget."

"The world is it now?" He chuckled again, running his dragon claw across the roof with an awful screech. "The stag considers himself ruler of the forest until the wolf comes along . . ."

Morpheus snorted, "You speak in philosophical musings. Tis why you gain no respect from the subjects. If you spoke on their level—"

"—I would be every bit the glorified fool you are." Havoc blew a jet of golden flames skyward. "I am the bridge, Havoc. The bridge has roots on either side, but must stand alone to be of any use."

Seriously? "See? This is what I am speaking of, Havoc. You are powerful, Havoc. More powerful than I," he added in a bitter undertone. "Why do you not lead your kind and found a new country apart from ours? Then your subjects and mine would respect your authority."

Havoc turned to him, expression as harsh as honed steel. "You wish me gone so that you may rule in peace?"

Morpheus made to respond, but Havoc cut him off.

"I am no fool, Morpheus. I see that you tire of my meddling. Of having to bend to the statutes of the gods. They have told me thus, Morpheus. I stay because they demand it. Also," Havoc stared back at the castle, "I have never wished for your subjects' approval. I have my son's approval. Tis more than sufficient for me."

"Discord's? He is but a child, Havoc."

"Aye, but he is mine. A gift from the gods and Selhara. . ." his voice trailed off.

Morpheus rolled his eyes. "You've lost your drive, friend if that is all you desire."

"And you your sense. Though," he turned back to him, smirking once more, "I very much doubt you possessed much to begin with."

Morpheus had had just about enough of their chat. "Leave me, Havoc. If I wished to be lectured on the gods' will, I shall call upon you." His gaze returned to the glistening city below and the expanse beyond. Let the draconequus focus on the abstract, his kind had made far more tangible progress.

He flinched as Havoc landed on the dais, casting a long shadow over him. "Do not grow enamored with power, Morpheus."

"As if I would—" Morpheus looked up into his eyes, feeling the cold severity crush his resolve to speak.

Havoc's voice grew gentle, "I am happy for you, friend. But, I fear what will become of you should you forget."

"Forget what?"

Havoc prodded his chest with a single talon. "That this power you possess is not yours. Kingdoms will rise and fall, Morpheus, tis inevitable. However, they will remain through it all. Keep that in mind." With a wink, he raised his paw and disapperated in a cloud of smoke.

Inevitable is it, Havoc? What did he know of kingdoms other than how to lay them to waste? This kingdom he had built would last long after he and that pompous priest passed to the next life. Your lectures mean nothing, Havoc. But the musings of a fool . . .

Comments ( 9 )

But Havoc is correct NOTHING lasts forever never has and never will be even the rule of an immortal is not immune from this inevitably. And as Havoc put it so eloquently: there are greater powers out there than Alicorns, not all can be seen and their whims and thoughts are alien and thus unpredictable to even a powerful person as Morphesus.

Such great dialogue! It's a pleasure to read. Havoc is just so wise and evil, a deadly combination.

Gotta say that so far I'm liking Havic over Morpheus. Hope to see more of him and Morpheus' interaction.

Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war!

I wonder how many times Discord did that?

Wow. That's interesting. I never knew Havoc was like that. Great job. This was great to read

Hmm. From what else I've read about Havoc, he enjoys the torment of others. Yet, he still cares for some things--namely, his family and his friend. Not to mention he's rather astute in mortal matters.

Morpheus cares for his subjects, but is somewhat arrogant of his power, and doesn't like that Havoc has more of it. Jealous, perhaps, and wanting to prove who is the greater of them.

I like these guys. Neither is portrayed to be a complete monster nor saint. It's realistic that the line between good and bad is often blurred; both are very subjective, anyway.

For some reason I can't remember whether Morpheus is an alicorn or not. In fact, to be quite frank, I can't remember what the TCARW canon on alicorns even is.

That said, this is very interesting because of the way it highlight's the different ways of thinking these two have, and manages to raise the stakes as far as me getting a hammer to the feels whenever I finally read Mere Beasts.

3390864 Hmmm. May not have actually described him much in the story. ^^" I do in Disillusion, but I suppose that's not helpful here.

I'm using SpyrotheFox's visual design for Morpheus and Arinna. Aslo got their names from his Deviantart post.


I thought the design's were too cool!

As for my alicorn headcanon, that will be revealed in time. I haven't hinted at it in TCARW as the focus was not on the past. Disillusion will get into some of it, but Regarding Draconequus will definitively get into the details.

3390952 Oh wow, so Morpheus looking out over the stars is vicariously narcissistic.

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