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Queen of Fools

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Dear Princess Celestia · 9:22pm Jan 18th, 2016

I know I'm writing a letter to a fictional character in a children's cartoon, but over the course of my time in the fandom, I have come across some of the most outrageous breaches of character that I have ever seen, and feel compelled to speak out, and let you know that there are still those who are still support you.

Throughout the show, you have guided Twilight and her friends through some dangourous, and often enough, some downright ridiculous situations. You watched from afar, always ready, willing and able to help when things seemed hopeless. From the very start, you have been portrayed as an infinitely patient and benevolent mother, as an ideal of perfection that ponies (and humans) should strive for. And it is this point, I think, that people contest the most in their slander. They see you as perfect, and they think, 'no one can be that good, she must be hiding a dark side!' And so they portray you as a bully and a rapist, just for their own ammusment and to justify their own veiw of the world.

But they are wrong, not just in their false accusations, but in their assumption of your perfection. You aren't perfect, you've made mistakes. And some of those mistakes cost you dearly. But here's the thing: you learned from your mistakes. You learn from your mistakes and you moved on. And you became a better person because of it. You didn't let your mistakes corupt you, like so many others, you grew, and became wise. That's another thing, throughout your whole life, over a thousand years, you didn't let that changed for the worse. You had friendships, loves, and you watched them grow old and die. For most others, this would have resulted in complete disassociation and removal from your subjects. But you didn't let that happen, you lived in the moment enjoyed each and every day for what it was. You know that it will eventually pass, but you see that as all the more reason to find happiness instead of despair. In my mind, you are not an ideal of perfection, but of maturity.

Of course, we come to perhaps the most important action in your life: banishing your sister to the moon.

I cannot imagine the pain and guilt this action caused you. In fact there isn't anyone alive today who can. She was your sister, the pony that you loved the most, and you had no choice but to send her away. You put your own wants and needs second to the good of your kingdom. And that is the mark of
A true leader. And here we come to the final lie: the lie of you being a Tyrant. This notion is absolutely ridiculous, but I think I know where it comes from. The people in my world value freedom more so than anything else, and certain persons in our history have caused our paranoia towards any kind of dictatorship to rise to unnessisary levels. They simply cannot grasp that the ponies of Equestria don't rebel against you because there is no need to. You are a wise, kind, and cunning leader, and no one rebels because they are happy! And keeping a nation happy for over a thousand years makes you more sussecful than any of our leaders.

And yet. I have one more reason to admire and love you. You look at those you love, at Twilight and Cadence, at all of the ponies under your care, you see them and love them. You watch them grow and start families and love and lose. You watch them all, and you know that you will see them die. And that is something that a mother should never have to do.

I come to an end, and I only have one last thing to say... You are perhaps one of the most unappreciated characters in the show, and you are also one of the best. I look up to you more so than anypony else, and I shall ever be...

-Your Faithful Student

Report Queen of Fools · 369 views · #Celestia
Comments ( 3 )

Very beautiful. The only other thing I can say is this,
“There is no need for comparison. Be happy with yourself and find satisfaction in your work.”
― Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

You sir, (or Madam?) have managed to encapsulate my thoughts and views of our beloved Princess Celestia excellently.
She is powerful without a doubt, compassionate with little if any thought to reward, and with a wisdom that only a lifespan we cannot comprehend, spent learning and bettering herself can bring.
But she is quite capable of making mistakes, of not knowing and of making leaps of faith. She has the same potential for error and flaw as any of us.
In short, she is no goddess, no personification of perfection, but simply a blessed being who works tirelessly.
And yet, despite that immense power, that unfathomable longevity, she does not exist on the far side of some vast, impassable chasm. She remains part of the world we as fans have come to love.
I think it is because she is not perfect, that we can relate to her, and makes her such a great pony and ruler.

3738370 Madam. And thank you. If you ever want to read some more shameless Celestia praising, please, check out this fic... https://www.fimfiction.net/story/248728/the-folly-of-celestia

Have some art!


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