• Member Since 16th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 18th


More Blog Posts26

  • 240 weeks
    History of Fraud Within the MLP Fandom

    (Foul Language)

    While I am aware that a huge chunk of people despise facts, the truth and/or irrefutable evidence in case it hurts their feelings: Here we go again.

    For no particular reason, I just feel like covering the MLP fandom's absolutely abysmal statistics in this regard.

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  • 374 weeks
    Project Horizons Revised Edition Status

    Right, so have gotten the occasional prod about this, and just to be clear: I really have no idea if I'll ever finish it. Yes, I am aware Somber just threw PH in a ditch, went "Close enough!" and ran away. (Not that I can really blame them) Not bothering to fix any of the blatant mistakes and/or errors on it. And yes, you have told me my version was vastly superior to the original. (once I cut

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    0 comments · 465 views
  • 394 weeks
    MLP 18+ Folio Survey Results

    Well, after a month of polling, I decided that should be decent enough replies. Less than 100, so not hitting a nice sweet spot. But ah well. I’ve rounded up the percentage points to whole 5′s as to not flop all over the place with ,28 or what have you. (This survey only focuses on the "major" folio releases, not the small, indie ones)

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    0 comments · 496 views
  • 421 weeks
    Proof is Irrelevant

    (Ranty ramble incoming x3 Foul language warning.)

    Just a late ass post before bed xP

    Anyhow, over all my years in this fandom. I've come to realized that proof, most the time, is utterly worthless.

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    2 comments · 552 views
  • 436 weeks
    Regarding Project Horizon Revision

    Right, so I got some replies on the prior one. And what most people seem to ask for so far, is that I just focus on what I apparently "un-fucked" in the original story. Mainly the 18+ content. (though tbh, I think some people are a bit harsh on it. Yes, most of it was bad, but it wasn't THAT awful. I mean yes, many of them are almost as bad as how K-Kat fucked up Fallout Equestria with the two

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    12 comments · 624 views

Proof is Irrelevant · 6:52am May 6th, 2016

(Ranty ramble incoming x3 Foul language warning.)

Just a late ass post before bed xP

Anyhow, over all my years in this fandom. I've come to realized that proof, most the time, is utterly worthless.
When I first started. It didn't even cross my mind to take copies of webpages, print screens and etc. As I had the "everything i permanent on the internet" impression. Which is kinda as far from the truth as possible. As, skilled hacks, scam artists and the like. Are VERY proficient at covering their tracks.

I noticed this with most of the first arrogant, incompetent fucktards I ran into :P
I exposed their bs, got asked for evidence, pointed towards it and... it was deleted. Which got snarky comments from said immoral douchebags.

Not one to quit, I started from scratch and collected evidence this time around. But each time, people would just bs it away.
Like "Oh, THAT. Well... I'm not doing it ANYMORE, so..." or "That doesn't count! It was just that one time!". Or my personal favorite: "Hey! Just because it's all I do, talk about and approve of. Doesn't mean I endorse it! What someone does and says doesn't define them! That's ignorant!"

So yeah, I soon learned how pointless proof became. People just shifted the burden of proof/blame, used logical fallacies or just outright didn't give a fuck, as their fans were far too ignorant/stupid to have a standard. (And tbh, no group is there more true for than the futa fanatics... like jebus crist are they narrow minded and stereotypical. Only group so far I've ran into in which the majority is loud+rude, tries to force their preferences onto others, massively hypocritical, unaware of said bigotry, and where over 70 % fits almost all of the stereotype tropes. It's like literally going into a town, and 70/100 people at a town meeting are the spitting image of the racist stereotype... like, seriously? It feels really dumb how I can actually accurately guesstimate how a person is, based solely on if their favorites consist mostly of hyper futa... that just feels wrong. Not to mention the fact they have organized hate groups going around being asses to anyone that doesn't embrace their lord and savior: guy with tits and oversized dick.)

Anyhow. As said. Proof it turns out, is really worthless most the time. Can't even count the number of times people just come with a "So? I don't have to prove anything to you!" when it's proven they can't do x or whatnot. Or that they don't "Owe me anything" or the like. DESPITE being the ones bragging about how they could "totally do x if they wanted.", but when push comes to shove, none of them have the balls to actually prove me wrong.

Other cases where I've exposed hoaxes, it's the fans that get upset. Because they were happier not knowing their favorite artist was a lazy fuck, incompetent tard or the like. And by revealing this to them, I hurt their idols image... and they would now feel bad over throwing way too much money on them, for a commission they would half-ass. Especially as they now knew that the artist phones it in, and just copy+pastes parts of their art.

Like... yeah, I'M the bad guy in that scenario. NOT the shifty fuck that's been tricking them for years. I'm the dick for revealing the truth.
People REALLY seem to love the "I know you are, but what am I?" playground excuse of an argument.

As if that wasn't enough. Many sites like Derpi, E621 and whatnot have admins that's corrupt as fuck. Going with the logic of "SCREW THE RULES! I AM THE LAW!" and does whatever the fuck they want, as long as they don't inconvenience anyone famous. Making it even easier for said grifters to get away with their shady business. As they can just direct their corrupt henchmen, to censor anything or anyone that puts them in a bad light.

Seen it happen personally dozens of times. Some famous moron does a stupid thing, scams some people or whatnot. Gets called out on it, then goes "oops!" and has their pets white knight+dispose of it, then resumes as if nothing has happened.

I mean, it's bad enough that on average, ~90 % of pony folios are shams. Be it false advertisement, not delivering what's promised or whatnot. I know people will keep buying it, cuz people are thick and gullible as fuck. It doesn't help that so far, there's not been A SINGLE female focused major folio or animation during the ENTIRE time the fandom has existed. That's like... kinda stupid thinking about it.

Not really better fic wise either... see way many people that circle jerk contradictive excuses.
Most common being the "It COULD happen!" people, that excuse a utterly improbable event, with no explanation whatsoever simple as "don't think about it" and how "there's a immensely minuscule change that it might happen during a blue moon!" then uses said thing 48 times in a row. Treating it like it's the norm, rather than the exception. Most of which also flip their shit if their worthless argument is used against them. Ex: They use the "It COULD happen" to make character X a utterly sub with no needs or self-regard sex-toy. And then someone does the exact same thing, but with character Y. And they just lose it, and starts to yell how stupid it is, and how that would never happen. Disregarding the "it COULD happen" as "some retarded excuse!", not seeming to grasp for the slightest moment the concept of hypocrisy...

Then there's also the "because opposite!". Seen TONS of shoddy, inept authors write rows and rows of text, or artists draw worthless female genitalia. Then flash the reason for why they can't do females for shit, is that they are super straight. And only like females. That's why they only write/draw about hyper dicks, and how much they want to slobber all over a thick penis, have it rammed up their ass. And take hours to draw/describe it. Then sharts out a haphazard ~30 second excuse for the female anatomy. And points out how gross and icky female genitalia are, and how they'd rather stare at a male's killer abs, and firm buttocks. Then goes back to worshiping the dong. Going out of their way to always put extra detail, effort and whatnot into their males. Sometime also making male only work, to further showcase how totally straight they are. But is quick to re-assure how "no homo!" it all is. Because there's tits somewhere in there. Like... for serious, I don't care what anyone has for orientation. But, if they want me for a second to believe that they are straight, they'd need to stop talking about how hot guys are, and how unattractive girls are. AND have their posse of other fanatics stop nodding in agreement how it TOTALLY makes sense that they are super straight for being able to jerk off to a solo male picture/story. But are repulsed by a solo female one.

But yeah... think I forgot something... but either case: People can always just deny everything. And they WILL get away with it if they're famous. Some people might get tired of their bs and leave. But that will be the rare minority. Most will just "durr" and nod.
It doesn't bring me joy to have to talk down to people. But when there's such vast amount of definitive proof... the fuck can I do?
... and yes, I have considered sinking to their level. And using their dirty tricks against them. I mean heck, I could just make a blatant lie folio, promise big names, just steal some of their art. (Heck, tbh, not like they earned most of what they got from it anyhow) Deliver 25 % of what was promised. Released a censored demo version for 5 $ and then have the obligatory futa originals actually be the lazy 30 second copy paste job. Release a sequel, and have it surpass the first one in sales. Because people apparently doesn't learn...

Tbh, I am damn close to trying that... just scam the shit out of people. Exploit big name artists. Then laugh in their face. Except then actually do something productive with the money.
Really can't decide if I should just take the easy route, not put any effort in and just trick people... or if I should try to do a proper job. Or even do the first female focused folio. Or both... not sure what'd earn the most, along with salting the most wounds. I mean, best would be to drag all the big name artists into it. Have them shit out their usual incompetent, lazy female edits, then have a artist with actual skill edit their edits. Making the futa originals half-assed, copy paste shit. And the female versions of actual high quality. Then ship the folio, give 0 to the hoax artists, make a quick buck. sneer at those arrogant fucks. Then get off scot free due to some legal loophole.

Only downside I can see is them tossing a fit, bawling, then demanding that their common sense challenged fans compensate them... which said fans would inevitably do. As they do everything they're ordered... Still, that would be fun to do. And tbh, if anyone would want to. I'd be all ears if you'd want to help :P There's no downside to it really.

Welp, think that's most of it.
Gonna faceplant my bed now hehe~

Comments ( 2 )

Im not really sure what this was about? what were you trying to prove? :)

3971671 It goes for anything really :P
Most people just hate the truth. I've exposed Atryl, Kevinsano, Fisk and dozens others as hack/scam artists. And the general reaction has been "Don't tell that to us! We just want to enjoy their art!" from the fans. With them getting upset of the fact that they got ripped off was revealed. Not the fact they got swindled in the first place. And by that, they now couldn't fully enjoy their fav artist, knowing said artist is an arrogant asshole, that thinks their fans are just stupid sheep, too thick to have a standard, and brag about how they are exploiting their fans, and how said fans are not even noticing it.

Or that the standard "porn vag" is based of a pre-teen child/circumcised female. Or that the standard futa is a dude. Or how Derpibooru's admins are corrupt as fuck. Not giving a single shit about site rules if it can benefit them.
It's pretty much the same with how most celebrities white knights act. They get busted for a crime? Full denial, and they run around shouting at people how they were innocent. EVEN IF the celebrity in question admits to it, and there's video evidence. They just stand there going "NO! NOPE! NO!". It just baffles me how dumb/stubborn people are... It's like... whatever you tell them, most of them just go "That's nice..." and then turn back and keep doing it. Like, no matter the evidence you show.

They just look at it, drool, and then either 1: Ignore it. 2: Use a lame excuse that doesn't work and/or has already been debunked. (like asking for proof of the proof.) Just repeating their mantra. 3: Continue with their tantrum, claiming you're only trying to slander their great leader. While not even having looked at the question or evidence to start with.

It's like if someone states that psychic pokemon are super effective against ghost pokemon, based on that "I played pokemon red, and there psychic did double damage to gengar!" and refuses to listen to the "Yeah... but that's because gengar is also poison type, which is weak to psychic..." But to them, it just seems like "I heard it happen once by a friend and never looked into it myself. And I've never played a single pokemon game. But that's 100 % watertight, definitive proof for me. Regardless of what anyone ever says or shows me.". I mean, jebus. I might can except that behavior for people indoctrinated in cults. But soooo many people display this irrational behavior. ESPECIALLY futa fanatics. Which is annoying, as in 80+ % times, the stereotype of them applies... I mean heck, the Futaquestria hate group on this site heavily leans towards it. Luckily not all members are even aware it's a hate group. Nor try to enforce it's bigoted demands.

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