• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2014
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A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.

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  • 87 weeks
    Droppin' By

    Hello, I was in the neighborhood and had just realized that my last blog post was a bit of a downer, given that it was around the time of my Grandma's passing and funeral. I think I oughta leave you folks with something a bit more upbeat or at least something neutral.

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  • 114 weeks

    Thanks to those who gave condolences on my last blog post.

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    Who Wants to See Babies?

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  • 126 weeks
    And Now, A Newsletter

    Huh, back in July I said I oughta talk more around here. It's now the day after Christmas and I have not, in fact, talked more around here.

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Birthday Bios: Creme Brulee · 3:13pm Jun 16th, 2016

Regrettably, one day after the best of my mare OCs, we move on to one of the worst.

Ugh, Tomato, you were such a doofus for ever having a crush on this little witch. That darn crush persisted even when you and your beloved brother were having a nasty feud, and you didn’t really trust very many ponies outside of Bluejinx. Man, is infatuation blind!

Anyway, let’s get on with this snob’s background.

Crème Brulee was born in Manehattan to a Mr. Rich Custard and his wife, Jasmine Flower. As a baby, she was an easygoing angel, hardly fussing outside of basic needs. Any and all ponies who were lucky to meet this baby were treated to a symphony of coos accompanied by a gorgeous smile. Her parents were proud to have such a perfect little daughter.

Things turned around when she hit the Terrible Two’s. Like any other toddler, she was rather bratty and prone to tantrums when things didn’t go her way. However, due to being busy, her parents would either hoist the task of calming her down to the maid, or end the tantrum by way of bribing her with sweets. Custard and Jasmine had developed a false sense of security from Crème’s infancy and assumed she’d be as sweet as ever.

This was not the case, especially when she started school. She quickly realized that she had more than most of her peers, and wasn’t afraid to let them know it. She looked down on them for not only having less, but for having toys that were utter garbage in her eyes.

Still, many of the foals were in awe of her richness, and she received a following that she would bribe with candy in order to sway them to say that she was the prettiest, smartest, and bestest filly in Kindergarten. Anyone who said otherwise was framed for bullying Crème (when they really didn’t), which often had her parents getting on the case of the offender’s parents.

Of course, out of all the kiss ups, she chose a few that she deemed worthy to be “friends”, only for possessing qualities that she decided made them better than other classmates. She had a smart filly let her copy her homework, a couple of strong fillies be her bodyguards, and a couple of pretty and richer (than their peers, anyway) fillies to gossip with.

This behavior was a bit concerning for each of her teachers. It had some level of cuteness at first, but the years rolled by to show how she was able to manipulate everyone in her grade to conform to her little hierarchy, with her well-placed allowance, candy, and coveted toys—and threats of getting her parents on the case of anyone who defied her. Still, there was one colt who seemed to defy her again and again, without even knowing what he was even doing.

It was the one classmate that she could not stand: the overly-cheerful Tomato Sandwich, who was one of the most annoying ponies she had ever met. Much to her dismay, there was a struggle between them that the colt was clueless about. While she had the power of money, candy, and toys on her side, Tomato had the power of humor and genuine friendliness on his side, and classmates kept bouncing between playing with them.

Any threats of hers didn’t faze him, and any attempts to frame him for a playground crime didn’t work (for example, she intentionally fell in the mud and cried to frame him for pushing her—he instead tried to comfort her and took her to the teacher to be cleaned up). Even worse, he had a crush on her!

If there was anypony that had cooties, it was him. He came from a lower class than she, and she didn’t want his filth on her. She found it bizarre as to why their classmates liked him so much. Not to mention he was terrifying—no matter where she was, he always managed to pop up from random places to say “hi”, or offer her a cookie, or tell her a lame joke, or ask her to come and meet his “amazing big brother”.

Still, that brother of his turned out to be his weak spot, evident by when that brother ran away from home and Tomato was in a state of distress. While his usual gang was getting sick of his worried and grieving state and upset that he wasn’t fun anymore, Crème Brulee decided to sow some seeds with some of the other classmates. She and her posse let the idea out that he was truly a despicable pony if he caused his brother to run away. While many of Tomato’s classmates didn’t have a clue who his brother was, they were buying into the idea. It was immensely satisfying for her to see it pay off in the form of them essentially forming a lynch mob when Tomato had a fallout with most of his friends.

Of course, her not being part of the mob meant that Tomato’s crush didn’t let up, and she had to keep pushing him away as much as possible. Still, she felt as if she had more power than he did, as he had no helpers to do his homework for him, aside from his only remaining lackey Bluejinx. So, whenever he wasn’t bothering her (at least it was less annoying this time), she went her own way and did her own thing.

Still, when she spotted Tomato’s cutie mark appearing during a fundraiser that he volunteered to be the main teacher’s helper in, she started getting the idea that he might be a threat to her. After all, with a cutie mark like his, he was sure to become powerful in the business world. Still, much of his grouchy attitude afterwards made her content to sit back and let him sabotage himself. On occasion, she’d make small suggestions to others in order to get them to keep him down on a safe level.

Her free time was spent experimenting with her mother’s perfumes and makeup, any dresses that were commissioned for her, and generally being a model for some of the fashion icons of Manehattan. These experiments culminated in her own cutie mark, and she was set to be the face of many fashion magazines and ads.

Her teen years involved her discovering the party scene with some more wealthy friends she made in the business. She took those opportunities to loosen up and have some fun, and even learning of a certain kind of activity that she could do with some hot colts, and quite enjoyed doing that. She often snuck out, and any servant who caught her was quickly framed for misconduct and fired.

However, she was soon in trouble, as her smart “friend” moved away, and her own grades plummeted without anypony willing to help her. When her father found out, he was unhappy with her for managing to put on a façade of brilliance. So, he forbade her from going out again, and hired tutors for each subject. And much to her dismay, the math tutor was Tomato Sandwich.

She begrudgingly complied for a while, though she still couldn’t stand Tomato. While he still crushed on her and was more sensitive around her than most other ponies, he was rather hard-nosed and didn’t let her manipulate him into doing all of the work. He would just give a couple of examples and stand back, his own nose in a book as she did her math. Seeing as he was not going to fall for any cries of “It’s too hard!” and that her father actually liked him (enough for her to worry about him taking up a powerful business position in the future), she started devising a way to not only get rid of him, but absolutely ruin him.

She managed to get him to let his guard down by starting conversations with him and learning more about him. Through these conversations, she learned that his mother’s a strict nag that keeps dictating his behavior, he was free of any of the deviant behavior Crème did, and that coffee tends to make him go berserk. Those bits of information were enough for her to come up with the perfect plan.

Tomato had been invited to a party with some of the business leaders of Manehattan, hosted in the Custard mansion. When he was giving Crème a tutoring session beforehand, she brought out some cherry punch—which she had spiked—to get him drunk, and took advantage of his drunken state to get him to drink coffee.

The result was absolutely chaotic and terrifying for the partygoers, as Tomato was a tornado that turned the entire thing upside-down. Crème added the final touch of playing the victim, which ultimately led to Tomato’s unemployment, and everypony at that party declaring that they didn’t want to be associated with a madhorse like that.

It was one of her greatest victories. She was face-to-face with him one last time after that party, only to tell him how he should stay down in his class and not infringe on her territory. She relished his look of devastation and fear over his future, and didn’t care that he hated her afterwards.

She was free for a while, and continued with her hedonism and seemed set for a modeling career. However, at the age of eighteen, she was caught in the act of framing a maid she didn’t like for ruining the family portrait. Her mother had come home early to see her smudging it with soap water to make it look like an incident with the mop, followed by the maid walking out of the dining room with mop and bucket in hoof and mouth. Jasmine quickly figured out what she was up to.

She interviewed former servants, who didn’t seem surprised at all that Crème was doing that. They all said that they paid the price for not bowing to her, and quite frankly, they were happy to be away from the spoiled brat. While Jasmine didn’t want to believe it at first, the fact that Crème once again was caught setting up humiliation for one of her assistants for accidentally getting rouge in her nose (thus making her sneeze) made her realize that Crème wasn’t the angel she was as a baby.

Custard soon found out, and even interviewed former classmates and friends, who all admitted to essentially being her servants because she either bribed or threatened them. He was horrified that his little angel had been a little devil the entire time, and was angry with himself for being duped by her for so long.

So, he put his hoof down, and effectively ended her modeling career. Ignoring all of Crème’s whines and begs characteristic of a young child, Custard and Jasmine sentenced her to be sent out west to Jasmine’s poorer sisters, where she’d have to work for them in various jobs (and maybe actually learn something useful).

So, now she’s in a setting not so familiar to her, with seemingly nothing fun to do. None of her aunts take any of her crap, and she often gets ribbed by cousins that don’t really like her or care for her wealthy background. She still bemoans her now pitiful existence.

Report Sketcha-Holic · 704 views · #birthday bio
Comments ( 3 )

Karma's a B****, ain't it?

I can feel your love for her in this. Rest assured, I love her every bit as much. I think we've all known someone like her, growing up.

I have to admit, the end of this biography was deeply satisfying. While I hope Rich Custard learns about Creme sabotaging Tomato, I also rather hope neither Sandwich brother has to spend any more time in Manehattan than is necessary in the future. That city just isn't good for them.

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