• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
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Cosmic Cowboy

I'm a linguist. I like ambiguity more than most people.

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I defy you to out-fate this one · 11:54pm Aug 3rd, 2016

I feel like the entire last six months of my life just culminated in this one thing. If this isn't the biggest coincidence of my young life, I must not have been paying attention.

It went something like this:

Step 1: Try to land internship with local publishing company, Future House.
->Step 2: Fail. :(
->Step 3: Am idle and poor.
->Step 4: Decide to get job at local mall (30 min. by bike, 1 hour on foot, no car and no bus pass) and try again for internship after stability, instead of moving home to family.
->Step 5: Over the course of about a week, make trips to mall for:
-Job Scouting
-Application Pickup
-Application Drop-off
Multiple times each.
-->Step 5.5: Bike front tire goes flat, patch hole.
Step 6: Find bookstore, is hiring, low hours, decide to wait for something better.
->Step 7: Is nothing really better.
-->Step 7.5: Tire flat again, seal valve seam.
->Step 8: Procrastinate three days after making decision to take bookstore job.
->Step 9: Call, find out position was filled day before. :( (egg on face)
->Step 10: Get job offer, minimum wage :/ decide to keep looking.
->Step 10: Get call from bookstore: other person backed out, position open!
->Step 11: About to leave for first day of training (this morning), tire flat again! (no time to walk, no cash for bus)
->Step 12: Fill tire anyway, since plenty of time after training to walk home.
->Step 13: After training, tire flat. :/
->Step 14: Walk bike home.
->Step 15: Decide to play Pokemon GO while walking. (First time it works reliably!)
->Step 16: Decide to take downtown route home instead of usual, since walking and Pokemon.
->Step 17: Pass local library, popular GO spot not on usual route.
->Step 18: Decide to stop and see what big deal is.
->Step 19: Stay a while for four Pokestops with lures.
->Step 20: Is hot, sit down, no shade.
->Step 21: Find group of people sitting in shade, spot opens up, join.
->Step 22: Stay and play for ~1 hour.
->Step 23: Am approached by man with clipboard taking survey on Pokemon GO. (is developing AR fantasy adventure game)
->Step 24: Group thins, survey answers turn into in-depth discussion of AR. (~30 min.)
->Step 25: One person offers business consultation to surveyor.
->Step 26: Get idea to offer writing/editing services, summarize experience, mention internship search.
->Step 27: Man perks up, asks me to repeat. Is Future House founder! :o Future House in need of help!
->Step 28: Get referred to internship coordinator!

Finished my six-month internship hunt today completely by accident. Would not have happened if:
-Publishing company's founder hadn't come by the library taking surveys for his new game,
-I hadn't stayed at the library long enough to be there when he came,
-I hadn't stopped at the library to play Pokemon GO,
-I had taken my usual route home that doesn't pass the library,
-I had successfully patched my bike tire the night before and not had it go flat again after work,
-Mall bookstore job training started today and got out when it did,
-Bookstore hadn't lost the person they just re-hired and called me instead,
-I hadn't waited one day too long to accept bookstore job the first time, before taking re-hire,
-I hadn't been trying to get a job at the mall and found the bookstore,
-I hadn't gotten a job interview on the very day my parents said to give up and move back with them, so I could stay here. :/

That's basically been my life recently, btw. My mind is still a little blown.

Comments ( 3 )

Wow! Good for you! :twilightsmile: Brutal that you had to go through all those steps just to get it, though. :applejackunsure:

Funny how some of these things work out, isn't it? I love stumbling into these sorts of convoluted (yet apparently guided) paths.

Grats on landing that internship!

Man, that's amazing.

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