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Scipio Smith

More Blog Posts96

  • 66 weeks
    SAPR Rewrite Volume 3 Cover by MRK50

    In another sign of how overly optimistic I once was about how long it would take me to get through this rewrite, back in January 2021 I had a cover for Volume 3 done by MRK50, whose absence from the fandom since then is much lamented. With the new phase of the story due to start on Monday, I can finally share it with you all:

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  • 71 weeks
    Shameless shilling of my non-MLP fics

    Those of you who enjoy SAPR, but who possibly find it a bit too big, a bit too slow, or those of who you don't have any problems with it at all but would like to read more RWBY fics from me may be interested in a couple of new fics that I've started fairly recently without any MLP elements.

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  • 85 weeks
    Team SAPR and Fluffy by Tianshiko

    A little over a year ago I commissioned this artwork of Team SAPR, the stuffed beowolf and mascot of Benni Havens'; the artist, the very talented Tianshiko, had some health issues and wasn't able to work on it for a long time, but now they've finished it and I hope you'll all agree that it was worth the wait.

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  • 113 weeks
    On the future of SAPR

    So... when I first started rewriting SAPR I told everyone that it would not impede the forward movement of the story. I never kept that promise exactly as I intended it at the time that I made it, but I never exactly broke it either.

    Until now.

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  • 117 weeks
    Signal Boost for Clockwork2003 - Urgent Help needed

    So, I was contacted by another author today, Clockwork2003, who find himself in a position that we, unfortunately, may all find ourselves in at some point in our lives: getting the dreaded cancer diagnosis.

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Thoughts on Timber Spruce and the Legends of the Everfree teasers · 8:02pm Aug 10th, 2016

So, I've recently discovered the teasers for Legends of the Everfree, the new Equestria Girls movie, going up on youtube (I'm not quite sure why I bother, since it's Netflix exclusive and I haven't got Netflix, but anyway) and I've been watching them and they inspired me to put up my thoughts on the forthcoming movie.

In particular, my thoughts upon Timber Spruce.

On the one hand, I'm a little disappointed because teaser 3 (seen here)

very nearly turned me away from shipping Sunset/Princess Twilight to shipping Sunset/Sci Twi instead, because my god they are so adorable togehter, it's even worse than the end of Friendship Games.

And then teaser 4 dropped and good lord, it's like Scorpius Malfoy all over again:

And yet, since I would like to rise above mere disappointed shipping-ness I thought that I would see if I could find anything constructive to say about this new move by the writers.

First, I will say that it is a little surprising considering how much the writers clearly despised Flash Sentry as a love interest foisted upon them from on high, and how much they took delight in putting the poor sap through the wringer in the second and third films (and continue to do so here) the idea that they would interest a new love interest for the other Twilight is a little shocking. Maybe the Execs paid them another visit.

Second, Timber does at least seem to be rather better developed than Flash ever was, even in these short teasers: he has a bit of a temper, a relationship with his sister that seems a little reminiscent of Rarity and Sweetie Belle at this stage (time will tell), and he appears to share some of Twilight's geekyness and interest in fascinating trivia (key word being appears; the film isn't out yet, he might turn out to be a bit of a Prince Hans figure). So he's already doing better than Flash, assuming that he is genuine, and there is some basis there for a relationship based on mutual compatibility.

Third, Timber is starting with another significant advantage over Flash in that the object of his affections is not a magical princess but a normal human, and a pretty weedy woobie human at that. (As I elaborate upon on my blog that I do not update enough, buttressed with a range of pop-culture examples, we as as Western culture are still not comfortable with women who outstrip their male love interests in physical and magical power. This is one of the things fuelling the rise of the strong, kickass lesbian in modern entertainment, and one of the reasons there are more lesbians than gay men in SFF. The other reason, of course, is that girl on girl is hot).

Flash suffered from this because he was inferior to Princess Twilight magically, socially, intellectually and in virtues, with the end result that he seemed completely unworthy, especially by comparison to Sunset Shimmer. Timber Spruce, on the other hand, is only trying to date Sci-Twi, who is smart to be sure, but then there is a long history of smart girl, muscular guy pairings (a current example: burly Oliver Queen and super-genius Felicity Smoak on Arrow), just as there is a long history of vulnerable, socially superior girls and lowborn tough, outdoorsy guys (a non-current example: John Carter and Dejah Thoris). So it is fair to say that at the start of the film, Timber is not starting with Flash's handicap. On the other hand, the plot of the film seems to involve the mane characters gaining even more magical powers than they already have, so what that means for Twilight, and what that means for the hull integrity of TimberLight, remains unknown.


Comments ( 5 )

I find the ship a tad creepy because I think he's supposed to be a camp councilor, and he's hitting on a camper...

I totally agree! Sunset protect your damn waifu! And Yo Timber Spruce...I'm watching you and your super happy hippie sister...I don't trust either of them and personally I think Timber may have taken an interest in Twilight because of the midnight sparkle thing...cause CLEARLY him and his sister are hiding something and I'm positive it has something to do with Gaia Everfree.

Check this out: Notice Glorisoa's necklace? See anything familiar?

Second Gaia Everfree, likely a creature created in the human world by rouge Equestrian magic directly connected to the Everfree forest that was created by Discord many years ago. She probably doesn't have anything malicious in mind but seeks to protect the forest from people who want to tear it down ergo Filthy Rich who we have seen in the recent promos.

Third, why would Filthy Rich want to close down the camp? In the teaser 'trailer' we see a cave full of crystals...A rich dirt bag like Filthy Rich no doubt wants the mine the caves and can't do that with the forest and the camp in the way. So what does a hippie girl with possible access to magic do? She provokes or invokes the legend of Gaia Everfree and uses that to scare off intruders.

Now odds are the girls magic is reacting the way its shown reacting because there is a strong presence of Equestrian magic in the forest and its advancing their magical powers and i have a theory that its the Tree of Harmony that's causing it. Everything in the worlds has a parallel so it'd make sense that the human world Everfree forest would have its own Tree of Harmony right?

Sci-Twi belongs to Sunset! Sunset protect your girl. Timber, Daisy, I'm watching you two 'councilors.' Timber, get away from Sci-Twi or so help me I will as Dusty to help me kill you and your sister.

4142702 I agree so much! And invitation to kill Timber and Daisy with me?

To be fair, Flash DOES have several character traits that make for an interesting personality that many choose to ignore. heck I could bring up some good info right now:

Flash has a sense of justice as he went to clear Twilight’s name when Sunset framed her.

He dumped Sunset despite everyone in the school being afraid of her so he clearly wasn’t afraid of a bully.

He’s a gentleman, a bit of a music nerd and a clutz.

He has a few character flaws like him not being able to cook (if Friendship Games is any indication), having a bit of an ego when it comes to his music (Banner Day is a good example of that).

He's apparently good friends with Lyra and Bonbon.

Was considered smart/athletic enough to be picked for the Friendship Games.

And here's an interesting thought: If he's a Royal Guard in the pony world, that could be carried over to his human counterpart in the form of him wanting to be a police officer.

There, several facts about his character that can be used to make him interesting, all simply because I explored ALL possibilities for his character, not just the ones I WANTED to.

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