• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2014
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A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.

More Blog Posts452

  • 87 weeks
    Droppin' By

    Hello, I was in the neighborhood and had just realized that my last blog post was a bit of a downer, given that it was around the time of my Grandma's passing and funeral. I think I oughta leave you folks with something a bit more upbeat or at least something neutral.

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  • 114 weeks

    Thanks to those who gave condolences on my last blog post.

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  • 115 weeks

    Been dealing with a lot of stress and heartache the past couple of weeks.

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  • 118 weeks
    Who Wants to See Babies?

    I'm just poppin' in to talk about our livestock.

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  • 126 weeks
    And Now, A Newsletter

    Huh, back in July I said I oughta talk more around here. It's now the day after Christmas and I have not, in fact, talked more around here.

    So, I'll give you the rundown on what I've been up to since then. Warning, it gets a little long in talking about last summer's vacation and about a new fixation I have.

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Birthday Bios: Amber Waves · 5:31pm Oct 6th, 2016

Amber Waves is next, and it seems that she’s going to be putting her talkative nature to good use in the future. Her appearance in Brotherly Bonding Time does suggest that she holds a fondness for stories.

Heh, what’s funny is that originally, I had created her as the Sandwich Sister (named Butterball at the time) when I was still trying to come up with Tomato. She was the chirpy and energetic youngest while also being sort of a voice of reason to counter Cheese and Tomato’s stupidity.

After the personality overhaul I did with Tomato, I scrapped the sister because a two-sibling dynamic fit the Sandwiches better. I revived her once I settled on Flora Peace coming from a big family, and my chattery filly character became her sister instead, getting renamed in the process (Bananas was an old idea that was also revived and put into the family—he always had his name though).

Now, I shall tell the story of this storyteller…

Amber Waves was born in Neighton, Salt Lick Valley, to March Redwood and Honeysuckle. She was happily welcomed by five older siblings: Flora Peace, Bananas, Ash Tree, Olive, and Alfalfa.

She always had been a gabby baby, and was prone to getting into stuff. Babbling and toddling around were her fortes, and there was always a mess in the wake of the energetic toddler. She liked to run around without her diaper, which often forced a chase throughout the family inn. Guests would be subjected to a diaperless foal roaming their rooms. Of course, if Bananas played her game, she automatically lost.

When she learned how to talk, Amber took advantage of this new ability. She’d be learning new words and phrases every day, and she’d just talk about random subjects to either of her parents or any one of her siblings at any given time. The usual recipient was her immediate older brother Alfalfa, who was quiet and just let her talk.

Sometimes, she’d sneak into a guest room and be telling a bedtime story to some of the inn’s guests. Some thought it was cute, and some thought it was annoying. She unfortunately learned the “birds and the bees” a little too early because of this tendency. She does not like to talk about that incident or the talk with her mother afterwards.

She was still a small toddler when her younger sister Willow came into the picture. She was happy when the baby was going to share a room with her, and thus, she could tell her all the bedtime stories she wanted. Willow was pretty quiet as well, and at first, Amber did have trouble telling if she was listening or not. Turns out, when quizzed later, Willow did remember every detail of Amber’s stories—especially the ones about the princesses.

Around the time she started school, Amber received another little sibling, Kernel Grin. She considered him a late birthday present, and was eager to play with him a lot. She, and the rest of the younger half of the Flower-Wood siblings, often played role play games where they’d go off on an epic quest. Of course, she’d throw a fit if any of her siblings won a battle too easily—it’s more interesting if they struggle, dang it!

At school, she made plenty of new friends that liked to participate in her role play games. Recess could be defined as a bunch of foals pretending to be superheroes or powerful sages or even playing a wide-scale game of House… which was apparently a Neighborhood instead. During class, though, she could be considered the top reader, since she finds herself engrossed in good stories so easily. If she likes a book, she’ll talk about it for days.

She did on occasion play skip rope or ball games, enjoy rodeos and other activities during the valley’s Frontier Festival, and could take the role of Alfalfa’s garden protector if the need arises. Of course, if she got angry with him, she’ll stomp on one of his plants, bringing his wrath upon herself in the process. One of the older siblings (typically Flora) would have to break up the fight.

When it comes to her older siblings, she likes to tease them about possible love interests for them. When meeting Flora’s friend Tomato Sandwich, she was quick to say that he’d be crazy not to fall for Flora, which got Flora to cover her mouth and tell her to stop. Meeting a couple of female party ponies (Pinkie Pie and Comedy Gold) during a Party-Pony-Palooza had her asking if they’re going to fight over Bananas (they both told her that they weren’t interested in him in that way). She asked all about a new friend Ash Tree made while at art school, and she continually poked fun at Olive for her many guy friends. She even teased Alfalfa about any new friends he happened to make that were girls. They’ve all decided to give her payback when she was old enough.

It took a storytelling contest where she got a standing ovation to earn her cutie mark. She was over the moon when it happened, and she rambled on and on about how she was going to be a famous author like A.K. Yearling or Trot Card. She tried writing a book then and there; however, she needed to refine her writing skills (and wait until she’s older) before going to a publisher.

She spent years practicing her writing and getting feedback from friends and family. She wanted to know if something would work or not, and if a plot point could truly carry a story for long. Sometimes she suspected that they were too nice to her, so she yelled at them to be harsher; she was a tough girl, she can take it. In the writing workshop she worked in as a teenager, she also had to give critique, which was something she was not good at—she talked too much and made the story she critiqued seem worse than it really was.

She was happy when she became an aunt, and relished the times she saw her nieces and nephews. She’d play with them and tell them stories about their parents when they were young. She does tend to hog them, much to the annoyance of her younger siblings and Alfalfa.

Her teen years were also defined by braces—that overbite of hers gave her voice an annoying whistle to it that became more prominent as she grew older. As she loved apples, she was upset that she couldn’t eat them whole like she preferred to—she now had to eat them in slices. And sadly, her favorite treat of caramel apples were out of the question. She had to put up with a limited diet for a few years, and she was happy when the braces were off and she could have her favorite treat again; it tasted that much sweeter. However, she still has to wear a retainer every night.

After years of refining writing and using it to tell stories more effectively, she at last got to publish a book. As it was an adventure story based on her role plays when she was a filly, she became quite popular with the younger generation. Still holding a wild imagination and a childlike wonder, she continued to speak to them through future books.

As she was helping her brother Bananas prepare for rodeo clowning during a Frontier Festival rodeo in Salt Lick City, she ended up having a chat with one of the competitors. The young stallion was a member of the Apple Family named Stayman—a cousin of one of Amber’s friends—and he talked with her over how loving and embarrassing family members could get. As it was his first time in Salt Lick City, he asked if she could show him around. Amber did so with gusto the very next day.

They became pen pals and wrote each other for some time, and soon took to visiting each other. Amber let him read some of her drafts for whatever book she was writing at the time, and Stayman liked to show off for her. Apple-themed picnics were a favorite pastime for those two, and whether in Neighton or Stayman’s home town of Nickerlite, they were two peas in a pod having fun together.

Naturally, Amber’s siblings tease her about it (sweet, sweet revenge), as well as Stayman’s folks. Still, Amber’s family was happy to include Stayman in their family functions, like they did with the other “special friends” of her older siblings. Stayman’s older brother was a grouch who just accepted Amber’s presence, while Stayman’s twin sister Idared was kind of jealous of her brother for finding a nice mare while she’s still single. But, they kept quiet about it, since their brother was happy.

Amber quite enjoys her talent as an adult. Writing foal’s stories is just about the best thing that she can think of, and she’s happy to touch foals everywhere. Even seeing them light up at a story reading gets her all giddy and keeps her moving forward. She even smiles when her nieces and nephews enjoy her stories, and keeps them in mind when writing.

She still talks too much, though.

Report Sketcha-Holic · 500 views · #birthday bio
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Authors writing authors? Careful, this is how universes collapse. :raritywink:

4242872 "It's authors all the way down."

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