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Dubs Rewatcher

Fandom veteran, journalist, sixteen-time EqD published author. I hope you have a lovely day! Come visit my official website at www.williamantonelli.com

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Author Update 10/31/16 - New Fic/Legend of Everfree Thoughts, DUBSCON 2016 FALLOUT · 10:02pm Nov 2nd, 2016

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I don't Trick-or-Treat anymore, but I still went out to Sainsbury's and bought myself some cookies and M&Ms. Might as well, right? The way I see it, I'm not eating nearly as much junk as I used to, so even if I clog all my arteries and fall off my chair, foaming at the mouth, it's probably a net improvement. Probably.

Anyway! After the break: my new fic! Thoughts on Legend of Everfree! The aftermath of the First and Last DubsCon!

As most of you probably noticed, With Great Power came out on Sunday. I hope that those who read it enjoyed it! It managed to slip into the Featured Box for about five minutes late Sunday afternoon, but unfortunately, couldn't stand up to the combined power of new fics by Skirts and Pen Stroke.

I got the temptation to write the fic a few hours after finishing the movie—while trying to get to sleep, I found myself wondering about all the camp stuff happening off-camera, including what it might have been like for the campers at night in their tents. Specifically, I found myself thinking about two pairings: Vinyl and Fluttershy (who will be getting their own fic later), and, of course, Sunset and Twilight.

This topic—one of the Humane 7 feeling scared and/or conflicted over their superpowers—is one that I've been interested in for a long time. I wrote a minific that had Rainbow talking with her mother about it last year, and I've outlined possible fics about it loads of times, but this is the first fic I've published on the subject. I was worried that I made Twilight too whiny—it seems like I can't write a fic without painting her as a depressed weakling. I'll try to be more original in the future. :derpytongue2:

But more than anything, I think I wrote this piece because I was longing for something that Legend of Everfree just didn't give me.

So, it's been about two weeks now since I watched the movie. It... wasn't terrible? I guess? I enjoyed watching it, although I think it's the weakest of the four movies. There were only like three jokes in the entire movie I laughed at—Derpy consoling Flash, the girls trying to build the dock without powers, and the post-credits scene—and the entire last fifteen minutes just didn't do anything for me. I know it's a staple of the show at this point, but the whole "We have new magic so we all get new outfits and defeat the villain in one shot!" thing is just so boring too me now. I didn't like it in this season's finale, either.

All in all, I think I went into the movie wanting and expecting something that, in the back of my mind, I knew it would never give me: show-style slice of life.

A day or so after watching, Oroboro told me that if he were in charge of the next EqG movie, he'd produce a big dramatic musical adventure centering around Sunset's past. But if I were given the same power, I wouldn't make a movie at all—I'd use that budget to make a series of shorts/episodes with the same tone as the show. The Equestria Girls world and characters interest me so much more than the regular show at this point... I just wish the writing was more similar.

I've heard that apparently we're getting a series of EqG shorts in 2017, so here's hoping I can get something similar to what I'm looking for. I'll be perfectly content if we don't see a single hint of magic in any of them.

I still don't like Timber. He really didn't do anything in the movie to win me over. :moustache:

sunlight forever

The soundtrack was pretty good, even if I still don't like Rebecca Shoichet's singing voice. If I had to rank the songs, I'd sort them like this:

Hope Shines Eternal >>>>> Legend You Are Meant to Be > Legend of Everfree (Opening Theme) > Midnight in Me > We Will Stand for Everfree > Embrace the Magic

Holy SHIT Hope Shines Eternal is so good. SO GOOD. It's been a long, long time since there's been a song in the series that I've listened to as much as this one. It might be my single favorite song in the entire series. And y'know why? Because it's a Christian rock song, and like 99% of the music I listen to casually is Christian rock. I swear, capitalize the word 'you' once or twice and you could release this song as a single in the midwest.

I've got a lot of fic ideas stemming from this movie. I hope my followers don't feel like I'm not writing ponyfics anymore, though—I have a fic about pony!Luna and pony!Flurry Heart in the works as well.

Next, I'd like to thank all my lovely European friends who traveled to London to attend DubsCon 2016!

For those not 'in the know,' as the cool kids like to say, last Sunday eight of FiMFiction's finest gathered in Central London for a day of gallivanting and gaiety. We rode trains! We ate pastries! We played a horrendously convoluted game called "Mornington Crescent!" Ah, good times.

But seriously, thank you so much to all the wonderful people who came and spent the day. Just like at BronyCon, it's hella surreal to finally put faces to the names you've been speaking with for so long. I'm lucky to have you all as friends, and I hope we can all meet again someday!

And maybe next time I can make an official t-shirt... :twilightoops:

Once again, happy belated Halloween! I hope you all have a wonderful November. :twilightsmile:

Gonna be missing this...

And in case I don't make another blog post before November 8th, well... here's hoping for the best. :fluttershyouch:

Comments ( 2 )

although I think it's the weakest of the four movies. There were only like three jokes in the entire movie I laughed at

I honestly thought it was the best, and easily the funniest.

but the whole "We have new magic so we all get new outfits and defeat the villain in one shot!" thing is just so boring too me now. I didn't like it in this season's finale, either.

For me, it worked better in the finale, since it makes more sense there (Changelings are starving all the time, so they'd take the first chance they could to improve their lives.

All in all, I think I went into the movie wanting and expecting something that, in the back of my mind, I knew it would never give me: show-style slice of life.

That's partly why I try not to go into anything expecting it to go a particular way, and even if I end up doing exactly that, I don't judge it if it ends up not being the way I expected or wanted it to go (since sometimes, it going in a different direction than I might have wanted it works out for the better.

A day or so after watching, Oroboro told me that if he were in charge of the next EqG movie, he'd produce a big dramatic musical adventure centering around Sunset's past.

I don't think that'll ever happen (it centering around Sunset's past, I mean).

But if I were given the same power, I wouldn't make a movie at all—I'd use that budget to make a series of shorts/episodes with the same tone as the show.

I wouldn't.
Part of the reason I enjoy the movies is precisely because of their tone being different from the regular show.

The Equestria Girls world and characters interest me so much more than the regular show at this point...

For me, I like the first one better than some episodes, Rainbow Rocks better than some more, Friendship Games better than even more, and Legend of Everfree is among my top 20 animated things to come out of G4 as a whole.

I still don't like Timber. He really didn't do anything in the movie to win me over.

He has more of an initial personality than Flash, who, while I always liked, was admittedly pretty bland in the first movie.

sunlight forever

Nah. They remain best as friends.
Sunflash and Timberlight ftw.

Hope Shines Eternal >>>>> Legend You Are Meant to Be > Legend of Everfree (Opening Theme) > Midnight in Me > We Will Stand for Everfree > Embrace the Magic

For me, it goes:
1 or 2. Stand For Everfree
2. or 1. Midnight in Me
3. Legend You Are Meant to Be
4. Embrace the Magic
5. Legend of Everfree
6. Hope Shines Eternal
The first two constantly swap places depending on my mood, which is why they're both 1 and 2.

Holy SHIT Hope Shines Eternal is so good. SO GOOD.

Eh, I think it's the best credits song, but that's about it.

Wish I coulda been there! Looks like you all had a great time. :)

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