• Member Since 13th May, 2016
  • offline last seen June 2nd


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More Blog Posts94

  • 4 weeks
    One Unlisted Story

    Dear Readers,

    I am here to inform you that, I have unlisted a story upon request. Personally, I am not a fan of such an activity. More than anything, it was something I never wanted to do in my entire life, but refusing would have only caused unnecessary conflict. It is the decision of the Commissioner, so I have to respect those wishes, even while I am strongly disagreeing with them.

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  • 83 weeks
    Early Access to Stories on Patreon

    Hey there guys and gals!

    Towan here with some small progress update as well as some information about Patreon.

    First off, I give out Early Access to Clumsy Monifa tier Patreons ($ 3.10 per month). This means you get access to unfinished and as of yet unpublished stories.

    Cheating Twilight as well as a Tianhuo story are currently there, with more following. Here the Patreon link:

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  • 110 weeks
    Voice for Moaning needed in Animation

    Hey there guys and gals.

    This is a bit of an unusual post so I am hoping more for gals for this specific post (or males with a very feminine voice). I do dabble in art every now and then. Not nearly as much as I do in writing seeing how writing is, to put it frankly, more profitable. And I would say I am simply better at writing than at doing art, so that might play into this too.

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  • 123 weeks
    Update: Gomamon Trainer, Commission and other seemingly abandoned looking stories of mine

    Greetings guys and gals!

    This is your Smut Writer Towan here, reporting in after some time to give some information to you all!

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  • 139 weeks
    My Little Pony: A New Generation, Thoughts

    Greetings Guys and Gals. :pinkiesmile:

    This blog post is mainly about me talking about the new movie or in other words G5. A bit of a critique if you will. I was a bit wary of it, though after seeing it, I had to say that it was good overall, but not without its flaws.

    With that being said here, there will be spoilers in the following parts. Please proceed at your own discretion.

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Displaced - The New Fall of Equestria? - Warning, this is a rant, read at your own risk · 4:54pm Jan 20th, 2017

Hello to you all!

This isn't a blog about me talking about clop, just to make sure about it. It is more something quite interesting, as well as a tad infuriating I noticed.

Flutters Is Shy released a rather nice Displaced story 'A Lowly Peridot' (no clop). Anyway, interestingly enough this story has an increasing amount of complaints about how this story is a displaced fic and not a true crossover. Of course this alone wouldn't be a reason to write a blog post about it. It is more about people, some of which who are outright insulting and some even wanting Displaced fics to be completely banned from Fimfiction.

Reminds you of Fall of Equestria? Well, that's what it reminded me about. People openly wanting it to die because they are frustrated over it and don't like it.

I honestly don't understand it. I understand if one doesn't like specific tropes/groups and so on, but wanting them to be banned? Why? Because many of them aren't having a high like ratio? Because many of them are incompleted?

That's where I say: NEIGH! There is some obviously flawed logic if some people actually want it gone.

Let's see it like this, people want the Displaced group banned, so what if we ban it? I'm sure that there are also people who want My Little Pony gone. So should we ban it because some people want that? It is an easy comparison, so I don't understand how people can actually want such a group gone. Just because someone doesn't like it doesn't mean it should be banned. Heck, it shouldn't even be banned if more people dislike a group than liking them!

In short, we have the freedom to read the fanfics we like, and write the fanfics we like. We read it for fun and write fics to share them with others for fun. It's all in good fun. Why forbid fun? :rainbowhuh:

I know, that I'm ranting right now, and I thank everyone who actually read this far. I also know that I might overreact, but the situation just seems infuriating to me in a way. It just doesn't make sense to me. Why do people want to ruin the fun for others?

Anyway, that's all from me. Thank you for listening, or reading as the case may be. See ya! :twilightsheepish:

Report TheOneWithoutAName · 670 views · #Rant
Comments ( 12 )

Even though I personally hate Displaced fics, I don't think they should be banned. I just don't read the fucking things.

I agree with this.

... Perhaps I should share this to other Displaced writers...

I will admit I don't read the Displaced or Fall of Equestria fics because they both just sound like utter rubbish and are overrated but I would never want them banned from Fimfic just because I don't like them I mean there is obviously an audience for them so why ruin someone elses fun

size=2em]I like both of them and every other type of fic out there and I don't really care what anyone says about the stories, they are fine, and YOU READ AT YOUR OWN WILL NO ONE IS HOLDING A GUN TO YOUR HEAD FORCEING YOU TO READ I HOPE HOWEVER if you remove them your restricting freedom of speech... end of story.

...just out of curiousity, but did you actually ask anyone that wants the displaced group banned what for?


One for example voiced his frustration at seeing the cover art of the mentioned story only to be disappointed/frustrated that it was a displaced story instead. Also complains about 'generic humans' or how it 'would have been better if it was the real Peridot' to name a few. I didn't have to ask for reasons as the ones who talked about their dislike were pretty open as to why they did. You can all look it up on the story yourself. The comments are easy to find.


And that's in my opinion a great way of seeing things. Just to say it is not your cup of tea and to avoid them instead to openly complain on such stories. I just wished more people were mature like that. Of course that might sound a tad hard, but I think people who see a story of a group they don't like shouldn't take the time to complain about it and instead just move on since that strikes me to be a tad childish. I already said it many times on FoE stories too: I don't like gay clopfics but you will also NEVER see me complaining about or heaven forbid insulting them.

Why do people want to ruin the fun for others?

1) They lack emotional maturity. "Halp, I can't deal with things that aren't my kink! Cooties, ick!"

2) They see something of themselves they're in denial over. "Look at that disgusting filth! So perverted, and wrong, and bad, and naughty, and hot, and... and... oh."

3) They like ruining fun for others. They want to engage in sadistic Schadenfreude yet still look like they have the moral highground, so they look for 'acceptable' targets.

I'll be the first to admit I have no idea what a "displaced" fic is or why there would be so much controversy surrounding it. I will say though Fimfiction is pretty good at allowing all sorts of fics to fly. (kudos) Like my sexist stories that I'm guessing a ton of people reported.

Before you read this, a tl;dr : I dont care about Displaced(anymore) and am against banning anything.

I have read a few of the displaced fics, and i must say, that even the "better" ones seems to be just overglorified self inserts, where a self insert gets super powers and procceets on a gory rampage. yea.
Another thing might be, that readers originaly had high hopes for the Displaced fictions, since it combines a few interesting things, like HIE, superpowers and possibly their favorite heroes of various fictions, but got severely and utterly disappointed.
For example: Gerald of Rivia going to Equestria.
Interesting hero abilities combined with a cosplayer is initialy interesting, buuuut(jep, always a but) where does the story go to, how does the MC react to anything and how anythign reacts to him?(there is no her, face it). In most cases(accounting for some statistical errors)
The MC will begin and continue to be awesome , solve everything, be a mary sue.

Displaced is a nice idea, idea that would take incredible skill to reeealy make something worth while out of it. And the way most displaced are written, well, some "writer" had a fun idea, wrote a few chapters, and abandoned the fic.

I did not intend to bash on Displaced, i just wanted to explain a little, why there is so much hate on them. Because the hate is well deserved.


I understand your point and am glad that you are against banning Displaced, despite them not being your cup of tea.

Though I personally don't think such a group deserves hate. I see the Displaced Group more as a funny little group where also weak writers have a chance to try out their writing skills with a simple basic concept. Sure, it might not work out often enough, but it is all in good fun in my opinion. That's at least how I see this group. :twilightsheepish:


Displaced are fics where normally a human goes to a convention dressed as a character from a game, or a show. They would buy something from a merchant for their costume and then be transported to Equestria with the powers of the character they are dressed as. These displaced and their different Equestria's can also be connected through summoning of the displaced of one story to the displaced of another story. So collab on some chapters is not rare. There is also an often used theme of quite a few displaced landing in Equestria and getting turned to stone by the Elements of Harmony. They are then normally freed sometime during the normal seasons. Stoning often happens due to some misunderstandings.

Some people that are into crossovers seem to be frustrated because they want a 'real' crossover, and not having a 'generic' human parade around as a character they know for a game or show. There are also complaints about the lacking quality because there are many Displaced stories with a low like-dislike ratio. Not to mention the complaints about many of these stories that are not being finished. It is in my opinion a playground not only for serious authors, but also for ones that are new to writing and want to try it out with a basic setting the Displaced group provides.

Also interesting thought there about reported stories. Now I'm quite curious if some people reported stories of me as well. Most likely would be my two Fall of Equestria ones. I'm just glad that fimfiction is not deleting groups, seeing how hate is growing for some groups. I personally just wish for those to simple let the groups be since there are actually people who are enjoying their settings.

I never really understood what people are so riled up about when it comes to Fall of Equestria. To me, personally, FoE is just another “Gary Stu villain OC takes over Equestria: now with extra sex” compared to many other fanfics (MLP or otherwise) and even published literature (see Fifty Shades of Grey.)

People who continuously go on about how messed up FoE is and how it’s a “disgusting piece of filth that shouldn’t exist” seem to forget that they’re in the same fandom that gave us “Cupcakes” and “Sweet Apple Massacre.”

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