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Lighttone GryphonStar

I write stories because I enjoy them. I want to do better and am willing to take any advice to improve.

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  • Monday
    Saffron is searching for answers on what happened to Canterlot

    A brand new side story to the SWWC series is here. This time around, Saffron goes in search of answers to what happened to Canterlot. Hoo'far is offering up quite the price for these answers. The true question is, just how far will she go to get them?

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  • 1 week
    June Schedule - Hoodwinked Returns - SWWC Season Finale - Three New Clops - Where Is Everypony?

    Hello, everypony. Enjoying Pride Month! I did plan to have a gay fic come out this month but after the utter chaos that was May I've decided to trim back on some clops. Not to say its over, but outside of finishing Sleeping Dragon and posting a holiday piece, the only other clop you are getting is another side story of SWWC.

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  • 1 week
    Sleeping Dragon Sequel

    Yes, as revealed at the start of this month, at the end of this month, I've brought back Sleeping Dragon for another story. This time, Coco and Sassy how to watch Spike... and not sscrew him. Sorry if I can't say anymore. I currently have a massive headache.

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  • 2 weeks
    Where is Everypony has a new chapter

    Yeah, this is a slow burn, especailly at the rate I'm posting them, but trust me. The pacing is on purpose. I don't want Spike to be just thrown at the monster instantly. For now, the added mystery around each disappearance is growing with this chapter as Spike has no idea how close he is to the truth.

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  • 2 weeks
    Loving a Drake

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Jack Nox's Solo story · 1:10am Feb 26th, 2017

As some of you might know I asked for a commission of one of my OCs, Jack Nox. He is an OC that made his first appearance as an ally to Flash Sentry in the canceled Flash Saga. He also made an appearance in the time altering story Endless Time, Or Forever End as Prince Nexus Star. He has played both villain and hero. And now all shall know what he looks like. I love how the picture came out. And though Moonchaser's arms seem a light small, I don't really care in the end because Jack and moondancer came out perfectly. Plus I have something planned for Moonchaser later on that should fix that.

With the commission, I decided to include a scene of Jack Nox, Moondancer and another OC, Moonchaser. Down below is a scene that I had planned for the Flash Saga but unfortunately could not get to in time. Near the end of the scene, the commission will be showed off, as well as a link to the artist on the pic. I am so happy to show this off. After the scene and the pic, there will be bios for Jack and Moonchaser. Also, there will be bonus news for another commission I'm going to be asking for.


There Jack stood in the caves of Katrina, with Moondancer now free of her chains and the villainess Night Fright finally backed into a corner. Moondancer's brother, Moonchaser was beside Jack as they got ready to finally get some answers out of the masked stallion. With Flash going after Cult Race, Jack and Moonchaser moved in alone.

As Jack got closer, his mind wandered on what had led up to this. From the war with gryphons to insidious experiments that they had found months before. All orchestrated by the very same stallion who had called for the hits that led to the death of Flash’s parents and Jack’s own mother.

Reaching the cruel scientist at the end of the wall, Jack pulled him up by his charcoal collar. “Finally this is where it ends Night Fright.”

“Jack stop. You don’t want to see what lies behind this mask. It will haunt you to your grave.”

“Enough with your immortal mask.” Jack reached his hand up to the mask and pulled it off, only for his heart to stop upon seeing what laid on the other side of the mask. “Father.”

Moonchaser and Moondancer all jumped back from Jack upon seeing what he was seeing. Indeed to all’s shock it was Norman Nox, the CEO of Nox Corp. and Jack’s own father. “Father!” Jack’s anger grew. “You are the evil masked scientist that works for Queen Chrysalis.” He squeezed the collar tighter, “You are Night Fright!”

Night Fright smiled, “I warned you. Besides evil is such a vulgar words. I’m not evil, I just refuse to let anypony stand in the way of creating true perfection.”

“Is that why you had Flash’s parents killed?”

Night Fright laughed aloud, “That pathetic Richard Sentry. If he hadn't of warned the Princess of what we were planning to do with that purple dragon egg, I wouldn’t have needed to call on Cult Race’s help.”

“Wait, you mean Spike?”

“Is that what that lavender unicorn calls her pet?” Night Fright looked at his son with a deathly stare as he slowly stood up. He could see the rage growing in Jack’s eyes. “You want to know the full truth, don’t you? About your mother?”

Jack’s eyes widened at those words as both his hands reached up to Night Fright’s collar and he dropped the mask to the side. He took a breath and demanded answers. “Why did you have Cult Race kill my mother?”

“Because she had outlived her purpose.” He stung all like a knife through the heart. He was so cold in his words that his voice was like frostbite.

In the end, those words were all Jack needed and he punched Night Fright in the face so hard that he broke his nose. “You monster!”

Night Fright grinned even greater but seemed to also have a bit of confusion on his face, “Me, the monster. Have you looked at yourself? You are just as much as a monster as me--” He was stopped as Jack punched him again. This time Jack punched him so hard that his metallic gloves tore flesh, leave a small gash across his father’s face.

“How am I the monster. You killed your own wife.” Jack readied another punch but was stopped dead upon his father’s next words.

“That mare was never my wife or your true mother!” Night Fright stood himself up better and wiped the blood off his face. He slowly walked toward his son as Jack backed away at his words. “The mare that raised you was just a maid. Your real mother died by your own hands. In childbirth.” Night Fright got right up to Jack and placed his bloody hand on Jack’s chest. “You killed your mother. You are a monster.” He raised his hand up to his son’s chin, “Like father, like son.”

Moondancer saw the terror growing in Jack’s face. She tried to say something to convince him he was better as she knew he was, but he couldn’t hear a single word as his rage had hit the tipping point.

Jack rushed forward and punched his father over and over. He knocked Night Fright to the ground with such force that he landed back by his mask. “I’m a monster. You are the monster.” He charged forward, not even giving Night Fright a chance to get up. “You experimented on thousands of ponies. You killed hundreds of unicorns to create your deadly weapons. You have hurt some many and I am the monster.” Jack unleashed a fury of punches, each one harder than the last. He didn’t even stop upon hearing bone cracking, in fact, the sound of the bone cracking was almost filling him with even greater rage as he hit even harder.

Moondancer winced with every punch as her heart sank more and more. This was truly heartbreaking to see. She had known Jack since she was so young. He was always there for her and always so kind and shy around her. Now here he was beating the life out of his own father. Moondancer couldn’t take it. This was not the Jack she knew. This was not the Jack that she cared for. This was not the Jack that she……

Night Fright took every punch and more. “That’s it, Jack, just a little more and you will truly be the perfect monster.”

Jack slowed at those words. Why wasn’t Night Fright putting up any sort of fight? Jack grew greater in anger that his eyes began to dilate widely. “You want me to be the monster. Then I will be the monster.” He raised his final fist and swung with enough force to shatter bone as he aimed right for Night Fright’s heart.

Time slowed as his fist got closer and closer. He knew that if he did this it would be murder. His first truly vengeful murder. Was he really going to do this? Kill his own father? But he had to for all the ones who suffered by Night Fright's hands. As time moved forward once more, he found himself being stopped by a pair of soft hands wrapped around his torso, stopping him just mere centimeters from Night Fright’s heart. “Please, Jack don’t become a monster!” Moondancer screamed as she held him tightly.

“Why shouldn’t I?” he nearly shouted.

Moondancer felt tears fall down her face as she finally said what her own heart was screaming. “Because I can’t love a monster.”

Jack froze upon the words as they cut right through his growing rage. Finally, Jack shouted and swung his fist once more, only his time he didn’t hit Night Fright at all. Instead, his fist fell upon Night Fright’s mask, snapping it in two along the middle.

A moment passed before Jack rose back up. Moondancer backed away upon his movement, half expecting him to turn his rage toward her. She braced herself as he turned toward her. Closing her eyes as he leaned forward, she was met with surprise upon feeling his great embrace, followed by his words which sent a great warmth within her. “You couldn’t love a monster. But not matter what happens to you, I could never stop loving you.”

Hearing his words she returned the embrace with great stride as tears fell from her face. Meanwhile, her brother, Moonchaser, jumped for joy and clapped aloud upon the words they said to each other.

Jack's raged filled heart softened with each moment that passed during the embrace. They didn’t need any more words, they didn’t even need to kiss. This was enough to tell all that there was great love between them.

As the embrace continued, a strange shadow could almost be seen watching from the darkness up on the cliff. The shadow was of a mare, but this mare was not Queen Chrysalis, as seen from her short red hair over her winter blue eyes. No, this mare was somepony far more insidious and far more demented. “Well Night Fright, it seems that you were unable to make Jack open the gate of darkness. How unfortunate that you weren’t able to hold your end of the bargain?” On that, she disappeared in a puff of charcoal colored smoke and chain blades.



Name: Jack Nox

Species: Batpony

Cutie Mark: Barcode. His talent is to break any locks.

Personality: He is often found being sarcastic and loyal to the ones around him. He can be shy to the mare that he adores and often acts brash around her. He is a stallion with a strong code that won't be broken easily. He has been known to be quite reckless when it comes to his loyalty to his allies. In the altered timeline, he was a villain but he was only loyal to Father because Father was his closest ally. Jack has little trust for ponies that he knows little of and has greater trust in the ones he has known that longest more.

Backstory: Raised by the maid of a rich family. He always felt that he needed to do more in life than simply be the heir to his father company. Early in his life, the maid that he knew as his mother had died of sickness. However, he soon found out that it was the work of Cult Race under the command of a villain in the underground called Night Fright. When Jack reached the proper age, he joined the Equestrian military just days after Princess Luna's return. In the military, he was assigned to a special group that would take a personal call from Princess Luna. In this group, he was forced to work with a pony that at first he would consider an annoyance, but would become one of his closest friends, Flash Sentry.

Backstory(Alternate Timeline): Jack was only a small colt when he was traded to the evil Sourumon in exchange for his father Norman Nox to gain a seat beside Saruman in Saruman's plans to overthrow Celestia and rename himself Father of all. However, Saruman saw great power in Jack and trained him into his most powerful general. Jack still learn great loyalness but to Saruman and Saruman only. This loyalty was best shown when Jack nearly killed all in a battle with Flash Sentry during the final Dark War when Saruman and Nightmare Moon were overthrown and defeated.


Name: Moonchaser

Species: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: Telescope. He has the talent of Farsight. He can see a target no matter how far away it is.

Personality: He has always been known as a joyful character. Often seen as the life of the party. However, under this, he can be quite cruel and quiet. A side to which has let almost nopony see except for the ones closest to him. He is always the stallion that loves making friends but prefers to keep his best friend since colthood Jack Nox.

Backstory: Moonchaser was born second to his sister Moondancer. Moonchaser was younger then Moondancer by about a year. And for the first four years of his life, he lived in happiness. This all changed when their parents died. While Moondancer was sent off to Celestia's school for the gifted, Moonchaser being so young was sent to live with his grandfather, the great General Iron Blood. The general was a very strict stallion and always pushed Moonchaser to be the best. Under his grandfather house, Moonchaser suffered a lot of cruelty. It wasn't until his first visit with his sister at Celestia school did he finally see some light. The light was in his first and closest friend Jack Nox. Jack Nox showed Moonchaser that such cruel should never be taken likely. Soon Moonchaser stood against his grandfather and pushed back the cruelty. Moonchaser eventually gain the sense to always be happy and never let sadness in. To always push himself to be better than his family. Over time Moonchaser and his grandfather began to have sort mutual respect for each other. And with his grandfather help, Moonchaser was able to be a sign to the same group that Jack Nox was later during his military career.


Bonus news: I have decided to also get another commission from this artist. This time I am aiming for a certain villain that a lot of you love to hate. The twisted scientist that in one storyline nearly beat Rarity to the edge of death as well as a host other cruel things to characters throughout my stories. Night Fright.

I will update you all as the next piece is slowly complete.

Comments ( 13 )

4436434 Oh thank you. I so wish that blogs had like bars right now.

As some of you might have noticed, my style of writing feels very different in this story. This is due to me sort of 'testing the waters' if you will on new styles I want to try. I hope you enjoy. Though I wish that I had gotten better at this new style when I was writing the sequel to Endless Time Or Forever End. But since that is in too far already(mind you it's set to be posted in four days) I could get so much of this new style in there.

Very well written. I could feel the emotions here.

4436463 Oh thank you. I was hoping to get the emotions boiling in this scene especially since the story the scene was based in never came to be.

Wow this is wonderful! I love it.

4436809 Oh thank you. I had a lot of fun writing this scene. And the artist had a lot of fun with the picture.

good job I love it

4437715 Oh thank you. I glad the scene and picture came out so well

no thank you this is a good stories

4438519 :fluttercry: Thank you. The only problem of this is it amplifies the fact there was so much more that could have been done, if this saga may not have been canceled. But I am thinking of having more artists take swings at other scenes from this failed saga and show what was hidden. I'm thinking next time going after a battle scene set just after this scene involving Flash and the killer Cult Race.

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