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100 Silly things that have happened to you · 3:03pm Jul 24th, 2017

Throughout our life we do a large amount of actions, from simple (like breathing) to complex (like taking decisions). But there's a large amount of actions that, independently of your opinion, you can't deny they are dumb or pointless. This is the Top 100 silly things that surely have happened to you.

1. Reading this when you surely have more important things to do.

2. Searching for something that’s in your hand.

3. Drooling while sleeping.

4. Put your clothes upside down.

5. Play with the helium of a balloon.

6. Watching a clock several times to see what time is it, but not a minute has passed.

7. Go into a public restroom and there’s no paper.

8. Try to lick your elbow.

9. Mix all flavors in a soda dispenser.

10. Chat with someone and forget to send the message.

11. Do a Picasso in Paint.

12. Sing the 20th Century Fox intro.

13. Walking around the place unwittingly while talking on phone.

14. Burn yourself with a match.

15. Recall something funny and try to bear your laughter.

16. Open a shaken soda.

17. Walking distracted and bump into something.

18. Wear a wrist watch, but use the cell phone to watch the hour.

19. Hit your little toe of the foot with a furniture.

20. Set aside your mom in the supermarket line and feel the danger when it’s almost your turn and she hasn’t come back yet.

21. Wash a spoon and it bounces the water back to you.

22. Have a brain freeze for drinking something cool quickly.

23. Push the door that says “Pull” and vice versa.

24. Draw something in the dust of a dirty car.

25. Send a message to the wrong person.

26. Buy something, find it cheaper somewhere else and repent yourself.

27. Bite your tongue while eating.

28. Choke yourself with your own saliva.

29. Forget something while you leave your house.

30. Take out your tongue as a dog in the car.

31. Confuse a stranger with a friend.

32. Falling asleep in the public transport and forget your stop.

33. Do a swordfight with rolled cardboards or tree branches.

34. Say the catchphrase of a character.

35. Play basketball with paper balls, fail to shoot the ball from afar, get close to try again and fail once more.

36. Say "mom" to the teacher.

37. Bump into a glass wall.

38. Pour soda or beer and spill the foam over your glass.

39. Save in your phone contacts your own number.

40. Leave money in a pocket and find it days later, when you use that same cloth.

41. Trip on the street and stand up immediately, hoping nobody saw you.

42. Step on dog poop.

43. Use an ultra-simple password like “123”, but forget it anyway.

44. Punch or kick somebody by accident.

45. Go into the opposite sex restroom.

46. Set your alarm clock and ignore it when it sounds.

47. Laugh to the point of peeing your pants.

48. Getting exhausted for a homework and the teacher doesn’t check it.

49. Do an exam knowing anything.

50. Play with your reflect on a spoon.

51. Try to turn on the lights in a blackout.

52. Ask if something broke when you hear a crash.

53. Always carry an umbrella with you, but forget it the day it rains.

54. Touch a “Don’t Touch” sign.

55. Play with the ball inside the house and break something.

56. Have the perfect insult to an insulter hours after the argument is over.

57. Break the easy open of a container.

58. Have a toothache after eating or drinking something hot and cold at the same time.

59. Forget something you were saying a moment ago.

60. Go into a room and forget why.

61. Burn yourself with ice.

62. Drink of a bottle when you haven’t open it yet.

63. Smash your fingers with a door or window you closed.

64. Ask questions about something, but when the explaining is over you have more questions.

65. Do a kick and see your shoe flying.

66. Pretend to smoke with the vapor your breath produces with cold (or with the vapor a taco produces).

67. Have shampoo in your eyes.

68. Look someone you find attractive and turn to the other side when that person watches you.

69. Scare a flock of pigeons.

70. Question the logic of a videogame, cartoon or movie.

71. Drop your toothbrush to the toilet accidentally.

72. Drop an egg while opening the fridge.

73. Have your tongue stuck to a Popsicle.

74. Keep the balance on a fence or the street sidewalk.

75. Go to the store to buy something, but forget what when you’re there.

76. Cut yourself with paper.

77. Download a file and at 99%, light goes out or the download has an error.

78. Sing in the shower.

79. Do several times the same operation with the calculator to see if it’s correct.

80. Have a bag full of more bags.

81. Wake up from a dream sleep and go back to sleep with the hope that the dream will follow.

82. Have a million songs on the phone and just listen to the same 5.

83. Want to go to the bathroom after they asked you if you wanted to go and say no.

84. Talk next to a fan to distort your voice.

85. Ask yourself why a device doesn’t work when you haven’t turn it on.

86. Flip a pillow to feel the cold side.

87. Kill a Tamagotchi.

88. Give it like and comment on a video of your favorite youtuber before watching the video.

89. Ask for likes in a youtube comment and nobody gives you.

90. Walk on the street with music and feel that you are in a music video.

91. Sit down somewhere and sticking a chewing gum in your pants.

92. Fail twice in putting the USB in your computer.

93. Confess your feelings or what you feel to your pet or a plushie.

94. Step on a Lego.

95. Leave something in an obvious place and forget where it is anyway.

96. Tell your mom "coming" and you don't go.

97. Take the opposite to someone knowing that he's absolutely right.

98. Drink milk without having seen that it had already expired.

99. Read the comments of a video while the video is playing and you only listen to the audio.

100. Laugh or grin for some situation you felt identified.

What do you think? Is there any situation I have missed? What action has happened to you? Let me know in the comments.

Report Smashology · 315 views · #Top 10
Comments ( 1 )

Coming over to a friends when they ask you to help them relax, thinking you're going to be playing games but instead she sleeps with you...?

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