• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
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Still tired. Still writing. Patreon

More Blog Posts288

  • 16 weeks

    I think I've used that blog title three or four times now.

    Anyway! New chapter of Spectacular Seven is almost done! I was hoping it would be done this week so I could post it on Saturday, but I need to rewrite a scene. And that's before I edit it! And before Drakey edits it! The good news is...

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    9 comments · 702 views
  • 28 weeks
    Ten Years, Still Here

    I think back to my nascent days here, reading stories and typing out my own, hoping for the day where I could call myself a veteran of the fandom. My stories would be remembered and I would stand alongside authors like Pen stroke and Aragon.

    And I look where I am now and go, ‘well, you got one big hit. Good enough.’

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    20 comments · 1,200 views
  • 31 weeks
    Thank You

    I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the GoFundMe or spread the word for it. It really means a lot. Thanks to your donations and getting a little more on my first paycheck than I thought I would, I should be able to stay afloat again.

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  • 32 weeks
    My Turn to Ask for Help

    Hello friends.

    I'm trying to raise money for me and Amber Spark after we suffered an accident with a U-Haul truck. The link to the GoFundMe page is here.

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  • 36 weeks
    Spectacular Seven Day!

    So, Spectacular Seven is... seven years old today! godammitimoldthisstoryisoldwhyisntitdoneyetthiswassupposedtobefinishedliketwoyearsagowhhyyy
    Boy, where does the time go?
    I was totally not paying attention to the date, and even if I was, well... I wasn't gonna do anything.

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Sunset Shimmer's Second Special Day · 6:45pm Sep 22nd, 2017

Oh crap, it's Sunset Shimmer Day and I have nothing—

Move. You have stuff to do. So go do it. Go on, shoo.

Fine. It's your day. *Walks away muttering.* Need to add something to that first chapter and rewrite that Lamia scene and I still don't even know what advanced magical theory is supposed to be...

Don't mind him. He's... juggling a lot. But, hey guys! It's your lovely queen, Sunset Shimmer on her special day! So below the break kneel before me! Ahem, I mean, sing my praises!


All right, just talk to me.

Ah, a second day about me! Okay, serious moment, I'm really touched and flattered that you guys have dedicated a whole day to me. I mean, if I had taken over Equestria, every day would be about me. But I have to admit... being a good guy is a lot nicer. I love having friends and Twilight.

So yeah... uhm... geez, how does Albinocorn fill space on these blogs? I can only talk about myself so long before it becomes conceited. Oh, the results for Oroboro's shipping contest are up. Ugh, I can't believe you people made a whole contest to 'ship' me. And some of you put me with Starlight. Starlight! I hate her! But you're all expanding your talents or whatever so, congratulations to all of you. Bunch of nerds.

Also, take a look at the Top Ten Sunset Stories for 2017. Votes mostly came from the Sunset Shimmer group, and there are some good stories in there.

Why are my stories in there?! They're not even done! Not even remotely done!

Get back to writing, Albi! Speaking of writing and work, we're officially in Seattle now so Albi can start his masters. I've seen his reading list. Yikes. Between that and trying to get 1,000 words a day in... I'm going to be giving out a lot more hugs.

Brighter news! I know he's really excited about this. Class Zero debuts at the end of the month! He's been going the full nine-yards for this one, so definitely give it a look when it hits. My pony counterpart isn't the main character, but she's pretty important.

I guess that's it until the progress report. Thank you guys so much for giving me a whole day of celebration. I know I still act... you know... from time to time, but I really do appreciate it. So go on, bask in my glory. Read some stories, look at some art. And have a great day!

This is Sunset Shimmer, signing off!

Comments ( 26 )

Should I feel bad for nominating "Spectacular Seven"?:twilightblush:
Will you forgive me? At least I didn't ship Sunset with Starlight in the contest.

Very well, you're forgiven.

Huh, neither do I. I guess I will abstain from prodding you for being a scrub today. :P

Poor Twilight. It must be a full-time job keeping Sunny under control.

Why are my stories in there?! They're not even done! Not even remotely done!
Get back to writing, Albi! 

What she said!

Happy Sunset Shimmer Day! ^_^

You are best pony and EG character, Sunset, and you totally deserve more days (everyday) all about you.

Since I am obsessed with you Sunset, everyday... no, every moment is about you. :pinkiecrazy: Everypony shall kneel before the queen of red and golden!

I nominated Across the Shimmering Sea... and I regret nothing! :ajsmug:

Good luck with your writing Albi! :twilightsmile:

Happy you day Sunny can't wait to see you in that EQG series.

Pft I still get to be in the main show AND the movie

Starlight behave

Sure, you glorified cameo, enjoy your ten seconds of fame. I get a whole series of being the main character. Because people actually like me.

*Noms on popcorn* Gee this could use some salt. Mind providing?

Whatever she does to you is your own fault you know.

I know but its just so fun watching her loooooove to hate me

4675659, 4675661
Sunset? I'm completely fine with whatever you want to do here. Really!

Starlight, you ain't got a prayer.

Hmph so now her adorkable bookworm is gonna play cheerleader? Fine you can kiss her better after I whoop her

*activates the speed force and runs* you're on your own glim

Clearly advanced magical theory is everything that isn't everyday magical theory.

But, jokes aside, I'm glad your stories are in the top 10! And I was just about to wish you a happy Sunset Day, oddly enough.

(Also, that Sunset chibi is adorable. As soon as I saw it, I put it in my Ultimate Favorites dA folder. Which is almost 2000 entries long now. Thanks, fan artists!)

I've never gotten permission before! *Cracks knuckles* So, which side of the mirror do you want to get beaten down on?

You know, oddly enough, that makes complete sense.


I actually started out typing it as a typical SpongeBob Internet meme before realizing it made a lot of sense, too.

To go further, I'd imagine advanced theory for anything covers the bases that are often overlooked. Like literary theory--we have some idea of metaphors and symbols when we read, but we don't often think about how books can tie into politics. That's where advanced critical theory comes in. So I'd imagine advanced magical theory would take apart spells like literary quotes, separating them into their individual components, thinking about, say, what makes a teleportation spell similar/different from a levitation spell. Whereas a regular unicorn (like, say, Rarity) would think, "I need to move this needle a certain distance to make this stitch" and just does the levitation spell. It'd require a certain level of dexterity and knowledge of patterns to do so, but at the end of the day, this is fashion-based knowledge, not magic-based. Just like how reading can come from other skillsets of previous knowledge, whereas critiquing a work focuses on what you can take from the book itself.

In actuality, it's probably something far more mystical, but since literary theory is my training background in advanced theory (a music theorist might tell you something completely different), that's how I see it, or at least its framework. Sorry for the long post, but I hope this helps!

Bring your discount Twilight flank on the other side of this mirror bacon hair! Princess twilight may have gone easy on you but I won't! *charges horn* Don't feel too bad when your little dork there has to explain to moon Prancer how her big bad sunset got her flank beat by a little pony

Trixie is so selling tickets to this

Sunset you have my permission to go plus ultra here...honestly wanna see this fight just try not to blow up the area too bad huh?

Complex question, simple answer. Now it's just trying to explain it in story to make it sound all smarticle.

I make no promises.

4676122; 4676153

Princess Twilight steps up with a disapproving frown. "You know, as my student, Starlight, I thought you would know better than this by now. While I'd prefer you to deal with any sort of conflict in a peaceful manner, I find this new cocky attitude of yours disappointing. After some of the stories Princess Celestia has told me... Sunset may be able to help you with that better than I could."

The princess turns to Sunset awkwardly. "Ah yes... um... you must be the Sunset who didn't bring her journal with her. I hope you don't mind, but would you please at least leave her semi-conscious? Preferably without any damage that would require anything other than a class four healing spell. Oh, and hello Twilight! Spike made some popcorn, would you like some?"

The other Twilight glances between Sunset and Starlight for a few moments, shrugs and nods. "Why not?"

Meanwhile, Novel sits beside the Sunset he knows. They share a glance, shrug, and steal some popcorn.

Hmph fine. Take her side; I know Trixie will cheer for me; right Trix?

Come one come all to the fight of the century! The sun vs the star! Place your bets mares and gentlecolts!

Good enough. And for the record princess? SHE STARTED IT! I've tried to be nice and ya know...love and tolerate and all that but she keeps making it a point to hate on me. So bring it on! Twilight I will TRY not too kill her but I'm about to teach her my own personal friendship lesson. Besides from what I understand a knock down drag out is how she became friends with rainbow

I only hate you because you keep getting scott free with literally everything you do! Distort time and space? A slap on the hoof and you get to stay with the princess in a shiny castle. Brainwash your 'friends' because time management is hard? Make a pouty face and everything is hunky-dory again. Swap the cutie marks of the rulers of Equestria? Lol, it's fine, they learned a valuable lesson at the end. So yeah, from where I'm sitting, you're pretty easy to hate! I'd say don't take it personally, but since you want to goad me, Take it very personally!

OK enough talk! Let's settle this mare to mare! I challenge you to a duel!

Uh does she even play that game?

Not that kinda duel you nerd

Awww! You're no fun! *sigh and rubs temples* look ladies brawl all you want just don't kill each other eh?

Am I allowed to-




AW C'mon!

Dammit starlight you cannot use my powers and that's final!

Aw, what's the matter? Can't fight without your plot armor? *Charges horn.* Unlike you, I don't need my hand... hoof... held!

Pft I don't need plot armor take you! Let's dance sun-butt!

Okay, I've had enough. *Steps between both of them.* As much as I'd love to see you two kill each other, much like your past, Sunset, that day is not today.

But she's—

I know. But you can wait. Besides, you're wanted in production. Starlight, quit asking for a butt-whooping. Sunset, take a chill pill and follow me.

Hmph. Someday, we'll settle this score.

*drag starlight away by her tail* C'mon Glim glam.

But I-

*Sharingan!* Starlight....come

Yes Stardust-sama

Good pony. Albi. Sunset. Good day and till next time *activates speed force and runs off with starlight*


*Reads comments regarding Starlight and Saltset Shimmer*

Whoa....this isn't your average everyday saltiness. This is..........................
Advanced Saltiness. Maybe if I close my eyes it doesn't seem so salty.

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