• Member Since 14th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen Feb 10th, 2020


I write and stuff. I also love Applejack so expect most of my stories to be about her.

More Blog Posts26

  • 313 weeks
    Removed stories

    Well, I did it. I removed all but two of my stories. I’m still not 100% if I’m going to keep ‘The Roadtrip’ up or not, but ‘I Need to be Honest With You’ will stay.

    I’m probably not going to write anything again. Not pony fiction wise anyway. I’m done with all that. I’m done with most things.

    I did want to say a quick thank you to everyone who read any of my stories. I appreciate(d) it.

    9 comments · 373 views
  • 314 weeks
    Leaving Fimfiction

    Just going to go straight in on this one, but I’m seriously considering deleting my account. I haven’t written anything in months, I’ve lost all interest in writing and the motivation has completely left. I have no ideas or anything. Absolutely nothing. I also cringe when I read my stories now. I really don’t like the majority of them, at all.

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    5 comments · 299 views
  • 327 weeks
    Drama *sighs*

    Hi everyone.

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    32 comments · 530 views
  • 328 weeks
    Chapter Update

    So, I finally got round to writing the rest of the next chapter (chapter 5) of 'I Need to be Honest With You'. It's quite how i wanted it to be because my brain just wasn't working and I've had no inspiration for months so I just tried to write it anyway. I hope you like it ('like' isn't really the right word to use,

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    0 comments · 290 views
  • 336 weeks
    Christmas Story Update

    Hi guys,

    Just a little update. I probably won't be able to get that 'Christmas' story up before tomorrow because this week was a lot busier than I expected and I'm not having a free day today like I thought because I have family coming over last minute.

    I'll try get it up at some point over the next week though. I have written quite a bit of it so it shouldn't take me too long to finish.

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    0 comments · 411 views

Drama *sighs* · 7:16pm Feb 20th, 2018

Hi everyone.

Last year, you may remember someone commenting on my story 'Apeejack' harassing me, demanding that I take it down because it was "against [their] privacies" and because it was a disgusting story that had no right to be on here? And then she started arguing with a moderator trying to get them to delete it because it had gotten a load of downvotes and again was "against her privacies".

Well she started doing it again last night, on the same story, for the exact same reason.

I'm not here to be like "block and report this person because she's such a bitch," but because I want to get the facts straight so people don't start hating on me for something I never did.

She kept asking me to take it down. Saying things like "I recommend you take it down because it's absolutely garbage. Potty humour and all that is extremely disturbing." Except it got to the point where she wasn't really recommending or asking anymore, and was demanding that I take it down saying things like "it has to go" and "I don't take no for an answer," but had the cheek to go and on and say "I'm not forcing you," but that is exactly what she was doing. That I could deal with, it wasn't so bad. I wasn't going to delete a story just because someone was offended by it and I just laughed it off.

But when I told her she never had to read it in the first place, that I gave clear descriptions of what the story was about and how she could've avoided it or even blocked me, she started going on about how all this was my fault for "forcing her to insult [me] for writing a dumb story," and "you're the one who started writing this piece of crap before I asked you to remove it because of its theme. So basically it's your fault."

But then I said ONE bad thing to her, if you could even call it bad: "grow up and get a life. You won't get anywhere acting like this. Have a nice life harassing people when you get offended," and she wrote a blog post about me, accusing me of being a bully and saying that I blamed her (which I did because this was her fault) and that my "crappy story made [her] start it" and then went on to say "this girl is so sick and seriously mentally ill." What she said hurt, but usually I could just brush it off and get on with my life, but it's the fact she said it publicly and that she LIED about me (okay, I am mentally ill, I have two mental illness diagnosis', but not in the way she meant it). And people seem to be believing her, believing everything she's made up about me.

What makes this even worse is that she, herself, writes fetish stories, NSFW stories, and yet she has the audacity to come and harass me for writing a story that's against "her privacies" (whatever that's supposed mean) because "potty humour is extremely disgusting". I didn't realise this until after we had blocked each other so it was too late for me to question her about that, but I did just re-read one of her comments and it says "they'll call me a hypocrite for this." So, she's fully aware of the fact she's being hypocritical about all this.

I'm sorry for writing this. I usually wouldn't make a big deal out of something like this, but this has really got to me and made me feel like total shit. I just wanted to get this out there so everyone can see the truth, or at least my side of the story if you don't want to take it as the truth.

Initially, I was going to stop writing because of all this, I thought what's the point now that someone is spreading lies about me on FIMfiction that people are more likely to believe than what actually happened, but I'm not going to stop. I will be taking a break, but that's also because my brain, to quote Dash, "is as dry as a rock" and I have absolutely no ideas for anything anymore. Plus, I'm struggling a lot with my mental health and it's making me feel very demotivated about everything, ever.

I hope this clears things up a bit. Whether you believe me or not, this is what happened. I will post a link to some screenshots, but I won't include names because I don't really think that's fair, even though she did. If you want to know, PM me, I'll tell you, depending on who you are and whether I can trust you.

Also, just to make things clear, I'm not bothered by the fact that she didn't like my story, I expect that, especially with the theme of the 90% of my stories and with them having a niche audience. That's totally fine, I knew from the beginning very few people would like it. This is about the harassment and lies.

Thanks for reading.

Here's some screenshots: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tdfiAI9-xcmYwlogd_uaiIEqUesTfohd

P.S. I'm definitely not deleting the story, it's the first fanfic I ever wrote, and I know it's not great, but I want to keep it up because I'm pretty sure I lost the file when my laptop broke (and because it's my only story to reach 1,000 views lol)

Comments ( 32 )

tl;dr: You're right.

Longer: I didn't read the story, because I don't personally like that fetish, but I did read the comments. This person was talking rubbish throughout. It was almost funny that they were quoting non-existent site rules to a moderator, someone whose actual job is deciding whether fics follow the rules. I've been on Fimfiction since 2012 and as far as I can remember, that type of story has always been permitted, provided it's properly rated and you're not tricking readers into thinking it's something else. So there's that. Also, using "mentally ill" as an insult is despicable, regardless of why or who to.

One suggestion: readers can be suspicious of authors who delete a lot of comments, because that method has been used by some people to delete any criticism at all. If you feel you have no other option, it might be useful to put a short comment of your own straight afterwards, eg "I deleted the last few comments because they contained personal attacks" or something. Just a thought; you don't have to do it.

yeah... she was a self- absorbed bitch (if you've read her bio)
happy is he who has overcome his ego ~some philosophy (yes I like philosophy don't judge me) guy whose name I can't remember

I don’t really see a problem with her bio, she’s just describing who she is, but she did seem to be one who thinks she’s right about everything and didnt want to accept, or listen to, other people’s viewpoints

She's horrible. That hypocrite should get blocked from the site.

That's fine that you don't like it, I'm cool with that, it's gonna happen. It was funny to read the argument with the moderator, even almost a year after it happens, it entertains me. I've only been on here for a year, but have been reading stories on here for almost two and I've read way worse than this. And since this was my first story, it had to be approved by a moderator before it was posted and I ALWAYS write accurate and included appropriate warnings, so I'm not sure why she found it so difficult to not read it.

And I had considered that, but I didn't really delete anything significant, mainly "lol" and "grow up." I'll think about it, although I think it's fairly obvious due to the comments underneath as to why I deleted them.

Thanks for the support :)

I don't really know if I want her to be blocked entirely, I just want her to realise what she's doing is wrong

That would be the ideal. But she hasn't seemed to listen to what we're saying and I hope one day she will. It made me pretty angry that she hurt you that badly.

Someone confronted her earlier on her blog post about me (that’s now been deleted) and she deleted all their comments, so it was obvious she knows she’s in the wrong

I'm guessing that reply is to me? I apologise if it wasn't. And you're welcome.

Oh yeah, my bad for not actually clicking the reply button

Wow, sounds horrible.

goddamnit i HATE those people! I haven´t met a lot of those on here, but real life experiences were no better. One of my classmates once wrote in the class chat that "at least she is mentally stable", which really drove a knife through me, as I had tried to be brave and told my class at the beginning of the year about my past and mental illnesses. And to make it worse, the others supported her on it.
Then someone I thought I could trust in the class suddenly said in front of all the others that I am "sick in the brain" and "only annoy" her. On the internet you can at least block those people, but how are you going to protect yourself in real life? :(

Anyways, some people think they can control web sites just because they are more popular and try to "kill off" those who write things they don´t like and.. yeah, this happens. The sad thing is that most of them who follow those a..holes are just as simple minded and don´t realize who´s in the right and who is not. Like in old times where the "dumb" people only followed the kings orders, no matter how stupid and irresponsible it seemed. I don´t mean to insult anyone but this is my opinion - deal with it.

Why is it that we can never catch a break for once...

It hurt me too, like I’m fully aware that I’m mentally ill, I have been for what, 7 years now? But it’s just the way she said it, using it in a very negative way.

i know the pain :( been clinically depressed for 10 years and anorexic for almost 3. People just don´t understand the daily struggles -shakes head- their inability to show the slightest bit of understanding is irritable and hurtful. -hug-

People only care once something happens, like suicide. They care when it’s too late. Even then they only care for a few days, then they stop talking about it

That girl deserves to be eaten and shat out by the devil your stories are amazing they have quality, perfection please do more:twilightsheepish::twilightsmile:

I have Asperger’s Syndrome i know pain people picking on you so much you just want to rip their organs out and grid em.


She did apologise, eventually. A year too late. And I will write more, I’m just having a break for a while

I saw her apology blog. I hope you can forgive her. You said you wanted her to realize she was wrong rather than be punished for it, and I recently realized she's going through something pretty tough too.

Just because you’re going through something it doesn’t give you the right to bully and harass someone. I know so many people who a hard time, but they are some of the nicest people I know.

I know what she did was extremely wrong but you said you wanted her to realize that first, and she did. The CMC gave Babs a second chance, after all. Isn't friendship and forgiveness one of the key themes in this show? She's learned her lesson and knows what she did was wrong, and feels really bad about it. And no permanent damage was done.

Yes, it was very uncalled for and hypocritical to say what she said, but she's got something called autism which makes things like that harder for her than most people. But, they can still learn from their mistakes.

Yeah I knew that from the beginning, but I also know plenty of other people who have autism and they don’t around calling people mentally ill, or harassing them just because of a story. And yes, I’m aware there are different ‘levels’, but it’s still doesn’t excuse bullying

“And no permanent damage was done” you do realise that I don’t want to write anymore, right? Like I’ve lost all interest and motivation to right anything now, fetish or not, there’s nothing there anymore.

Oh, OK.

I'm just saying you might feel better about it all, maybe even be inspired to write again, if you accept her apology and friendship offer. I know I don't know exactly what it's like to go through what you're going through and I know how deeply it must have hurt, but I think it's worth a try to put that behind you. Friendship and forgiveness feels better than dwelling on the past, otherwise it just leaves you feeling more miserable. (Remember Sunset at the beginning of Rainbow Rocks) Some people will stand by their hurtful words or actions forever, so appreciate that she's not one of them.

I accepted her apology, despite her apologising before and then repeating why she did, I just don’t want to write anymore, don’t feel like it’s worth my time anymore. Don’t have the motivation, probably because of my depression. Don’t see any point in doing it anymore.

Oh, OK.

And, I hope the depression gets better soon. I know it's really hard, and probably worse than my mild depression, but I really hope things get better for you.

Thanks, but I doubt it, it’s been 7/8 years and it doesn’t show any signs of getting better

There's always the hope that someday someone will invent something that can help with depression this severe.

And if it makes you feel any better, I don't feel like writing now either. I haven't been getting any negative replies, but I feel my fantasies are too weird or fantastical even by the usual standards of the fetishes, and that I take them too far. Besides, while it's probably not the same as you, my mild depression is flaring up a bit.

I hope I didn't sound like I was pretending to know more than I did. That wasn't my intention and I would never intentionally say anything to make you feel bad.

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