• Member Since 30th Aug, 2015
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Lighttone GryphonStar

I write stories because I enjoy them. I want to do better and am willing to take any advice to improve.

More Blog Posts378

  • Saturday
    June Schedule - Hoodwinked Returns - SWWC Season Finale - Three New Clops - Where Is Everypony?

    Hello, everypony. Enjoying Pride Month! I did plan to have a gay fic come out this month but after the utter chaos that was May I've decided to trim back on some clops. Not to say its over, but outside of finishing Sleeping Dragon and posting a holiday piece, the only other clop you are getting is another side story of SWWC.

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  • Friday
    Sleeping Dragon Sequel

    Yes, as revealed at the start of this month, at the end of this month, I've brought back Sleeping Dragon for another story. This time, Coco and Sassy how to watch Spike... and not sscrew him. Sorry if I can't say anymore. I currently have a massive headache.

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  • 1 week
    Where is Everypony has a new chapter

    Yeah, this is a slow burn, especailly at the rate I'm posting them, but trust me. The pacing is on purpose. I don't want Spike to be just thrown at the monster instantly. For now, the added mystery around each disappearance is growing with this chapter as Spike has no idea how close he is to the truth.

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  • 1 week
    Loving a Drake

    After a bad break up, Spike and SMolder enjoy a blissful moment alone

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  • 2 weeks
    Stuck In Place is back for Mother's Day

    The sex zombie series is back with a new chapter. Yes, I will be keeping the flow of this series wloy, but this next chapter adds a lot of weight to the story going forward. I can confirm that I am near the halfway point in this story

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Happy Birthday To Me. I Have A Gift For All My Followers. Especially For Fans Of The Failed Flash Saga. · 7:00pm Jul 13th, 2018

Yeah, you heard that right, a gift so big that I originally wanted to make a graph for it, but it was too big. For those want to simply wish me a happy birthday press the space bar enough until you reach the comments section, don't worry about reading the when of this because this blog will by far be the longest I have ever made. This blog will be a timeline of almost of my entire universe from it's creation to season 5. I would have made it longer but I ran out of time had to stop at the end of season 5. This will contain events that take place before the show and during the show but all within my universe, Darklight Verse. Plus for the fans of the Flash Saga that stayed with me long after it was canceled this will also contain summaries of each story that was planned for the Flash Saga. Now I don't provide every single detail but I still give you a baseline of what I had planned in each story.

Now on to the timeline.

*: This Event has a story exclusive to it.
**: This Event has a blog exclusive to it.
***: This Event doesn't have a blog or story exclusive to it, but is mention in one of those.
****: This Event doesn't have a blog or story exclusive to it, but will get mentioned in one of those eventually.
*****: This Event will exclusive to its own story or blog I just haven't posted it yet,

1,000,000,000,000 years before the show. The birth of the Five Ideals. Beings of literally thought and no mass of any kind birth from literally nothing. Sanity, Insanity, Harmony, Chaos, and Corruption. Sanity, Madness, Harmony and Chaos can't possibly get along at first. So Hatred solves the problem by forming temporary simple realities for the being to fight their differents out in. ***

100,000,000,000 years before the show. A new Ideal is born from nothing. This one is Balance and it manages to quell the other Ideals. All except for Corruption. ***

50,000,000,000 years before the show. A final war between Ideals breaks out. This time between Corruption and Balance. The battle reaches too much of a magnitude that temporary simple realities get ripped apart and all the Ideals are thrown a new permanent reality. This is the origin of Darklight Verse. ***

40,000,000,000 years before the show. The Ideals find themselves trapped and take on physical forms. Sanity becomes Grogar, god of Darkness and Space. Madness becomes Realta, god of Light and TIme. Chaos becomes the Chaotic Words. Harmony becomes the Harmony Stone. The other two Ideals meet a much crueler fate for unleashing the battle. Corruption is trapped in a physical form rather then willingly given one. And Balance dies, but is prophesied to return in a new body.***

30,000,000,000 years before the show. The Darklight Verse cools enough for life to properly grow on the many planets that were created in the very moment of creation. ****

27,000,000,000 years before the show. The first Immortals are born. Known as the Existal. ****

15,000,000,000 years before the show. The TItans are born from the Existal. Titans are the first immortals that can die. ****

600,000,000 years before the show. Two mortal ponies confront one of two Existal to live of the planet Ep. The two ponies are named Heavonos and Kray, the Existal’s name is Lighttone. Heavonos and Kray seek knowledge from the ancient creature but most of all magic. Lighttone gives them knowledge but refuses to give them magic. *****

599,999,990 years before the show. Heavonos and Kray find another way and transforms the citizens of Babylane and themselves into the first alicorns. These alicorns bring magic to the other pony species and are praised as gods. Because they didn’t listen to Lighttone, he refuses to meet with them when they bring the news. ****

40,000,000 years before the show. Grogar and Realta set there eyes on Ep. Spreading the knowledge of dark magic and light far and wide. Through peace and through war. ****

38,666,999 years before the show. The alicorns overthrow, defeat and in most cases murder the titans on Ep and create the 7 kingdoms of Epona. ****

30,000,001 years before the show. The remaining titans are given duties in Epona. For example Saturn is now the Titan of Death and Pluto is the Titan of Tartarus. ****

10,000,000 years before the show. Grogar invades Epona. His two sons Dracos and Crescent warn the alicorns ahead of time and Heavonos’s eldest son Emerald Teal seeks help from Realta. Realta agrees and makes Emerald Teal the first of the light alicorns. At the same time however Grogar capture Heavonos’s only daughter, Sapphire Amethyst and transforms her into the first dark alicorn. ***

976,789 years before the show. More dark and light alicorns are created as the war rages on. Dracos confronts his father and save Sapphire Amethyst. For his deed, Dracos is knighted by Heavonos and made the alicorns closest ally. ****

900,000 years before the show. Grogar is defeated and imprisoned. Tambleon is destroyed and the dark and light alicorns forge an alliance with the remaining normal alicorns. Helios, second son of Heavonos find a mysterious creature named Redsting in the ruins of Tambleon. ****

800,000 years before the show. Select alicorns inspired by Grogar’s power beginning experimenting different magics on the mortal population. This creates new species like the ifrits, the wendigoes, the sirens, the crystals, flutterponies, and umbrums. ***

700,500 years before the show. The twisted experiments are brought to an end and the alicorns responsible are banished to a far off island. However Kray, the leader of the experimenters escapes capture. While in hiding he creates the high changelings by slaughtering many flutterponies. The first one to be transformed is his own wife. Nyan Nocturnal becomes the pregenator and therefore mother of all changelings. ****

700,000 years before the show. Waring between the new species and the old species break out all over Epona. ****

600,000 Morpheus creates the dreamscape for ponies of both immortality and mortality to experience dreams. ***

590,000 years before the show. The alicorn royals find Kray and destroy most of his high changeling children. They imprison him deep under a mountain. Nyan Nocturnal and the remaining of the high changelings escape. ****

570,000 years before the show. Morpheus and Cassandra are married, creating the first ever union of dark and light blood. However she is hit with a terrible sickness following the event. She eventually dies, but Morpheus doesn’t give up and places her soul in the dreamscape. ***

500,000 years before the show. Kray breaks free from his prison and sets free another monster at the same time. Calavoss the devourer is unleashed and starts devouring every alicorn in sight. It is presumed by many that Kray is his first victim as the alicorns vanishes from all records after this point. ***

300,500 years before the show. Calavoss is finally defeated, but not before he bring the alicorns to near extinction. Calavoss is imprisoned in the deepest pit of Tartarus. ***

100,000 years before the show. With the alicorns near extinction and very little of the remaining being males, the royals of the alicorns consider mating with the mortals or at least fertilizing enough mortal ponies to bring back the alicorns. Some of the males agree to provide fertilization, but refuse to mate. Female alicorns show even less willingness to sire offsprings of mortals. In the end, this only minorly increases the population du to the survival of the offspring being only 20% with female alicorns and 10% with male alicorns. ****

30,000 years after the show. The seemingly last at the time proper born alicorns. Celestia is born to the two alicorns Helios and Nala, and Golden Williams is born to Emerald Teal and Chrystal Laylis. With the birth of a new male and new female, Emerald Teal put forth the idea of forcing these two in an arranged marriage with they reach sexaul maturity. Helios refuses. ****

25,000 years before the show. A wizard named Starswirl approach Helios with a plan to ascend mortal into pure Alicornship to fix the problem. Helios considers this, but must talk to his father before this idea can be made possible since Heavonos is the only being that properly knows how to do such a spell. At first he refuses, bringing up old concern that his former friend Kray had for the idea. ****

20,000 years before the show. Heavonos asks for a secret meeting with Dracos. Some speculate that it has to do with the ascension, other believe it has to do with the time Dracos had been spending with Heavonos’ daughter, Sapphire Amethyst. However the next day, Heavonos is found dead by his son Helios. Helios is enraged to find claw marks all over the body. Dracos is blamed for the murder and goes into hiding. At the same time Chrystal Laylis is kidnapped the high changelings. ****

10,700 years before the show. Nala finds herself pregnant with a new child. Luna is soon born. Meanwhile Emerald Teal blinded by revenge for his father’s death leads a siege over many species of the dark bloodline. Among the casualties are the umbrums and wendigoes. ****

10,600 years before the show. Redsting and Starswirl are brought in to train the growing alicorns, Celestia, Luna and Golden Williams. Meanwhile the last of the umbrum kingdoms are killed off and Emerald Teal is confronted by a mutated version of his wife now going by the name Queen Chrysalis with an army of black changelings behind her. At the same time Helios finally corner Dracos in a volcano. A epic battle breaks out on both sides. However before the finishing at can be made, something stops it all. Sapphire stops her brother from killing Dracos by revealing that she is carrying Dracos’ son. At the same time Morpheus steps in save his sister Chrysalis from Emerald Teal. Chrysalis, and Dracos are banished instead of killed. Sapphire refuses to stay in Epona if Dracos can’t be with her so she exiles herself. ***

10,400 years before the show. Emerald Teal returns to the Crystal Empire after his final war with the mortals. He brings the last ‘alicorn’ offspring of his wife and the last seemingly pure alicorn to be born Blood Diamond. *

10,000 years before the show. Luna is confronted by the spirit of Nightmare while dream walking. ***

9,000 years before the show. The last wendigo king Indigo Frost is killed during a battle with Crisis Blue. Crisis Blue is presumed dead in the same battle. At the same time Starswirl start writing down a possibly spell for ascending mortals into alicorns. ****

7,500 years before the show. With the species population near it weakest point and Nala nearly on her deathbed from sickness, Emerald Teal confronts his brother Helios about an arranged marriage, this time Blood DIamond to Luna. Helios regrettably agrees. However Luna hears of these words of this and run away. ****

7,400 years before the show. Rex the warlock knight of the alicorns leaves withdrawal from under the command of Blood Diamond after the death of Carmilla Dark, last of the umbrum leaders. At the same time Nala dies from sickness and the power the move the Moon is passed down to Luna on her return from hiding. Later Helios surrenders his power to move the Sun to Celestia because he fears his own death now more than ever. Emerald Teal decided to not have an arranged marriage anymore. ****

6,000 years before the show. Tirek is defeated and imprisoned. **

5,000 years before the show. Hearth’s Warming happens and Equestria is founded. Waring between the mortal species and the immortal species is finally halted. Meanwhile Starswirl perfects the alicorn ascension spell and gives it to Celestia before going into hiding. ****

4,016 years before the show. Redsting is defeated and imprisoned in stone. However at the same time Discord attacks Equestria and takes the land for his own. **

4,000 years before the show. The Crystal Empire is invaded by Queen Chrysalis. However King Emerald Teal is slayed by Sombra. The Crystal Empire vanishes from sight. **

3,000 years before the show. Discord is imprisoned in stone and the Crystal Empire returns with Sombra on the throne. Luna later joins Sombra’s side. **

2,000 years before the show. Luna returns to Celestia’s side of Sombra is defeated. The Crystal Empire vanishes once more. **

1,000 years before the show. Nightmare Moon is unleashed and later sealed away. Afterwords Celestia works with beings from the future to stop the return of Redsting. *

The show starts here. Season 1 Begins

Nightmare Moon escapes imprisonment. Twilight and the rest of the main six defeat her and save Luna. The six are given awards by Canterlot’s elites and Celestia. During the Ceremony a pegasus named Flash catches a glimpse of Twilight Sparkle and mysterious goat-like figure watching her from the distance. Flash tries confront the figure but loses sight of it. ****

Flash and Nox: Flash joins the growing numbers of new recruits and crashes into a batpony named Jack Nox. Luna force these two into unlike partnership when a donkey named Great Siege starts killing off officers. It is later revealed that Siege wants to create a spell to imprison all of Canterlot, his reasoning being that the racist elite shouldn’t stupid enough to work for a former tyrant, Luna. After a tough battle he is defeated but escapes only to be killed off by the mysterious Nightflare, general of the batponies.

Cold Vlight: After being chosen by Luna for a series of test, Flash and Jack head up to the north. There they meet up with old friend Moonchaser and new friends Leon Quartz and Bob Minder. As well as minor annoyance Savage Raza and many others bidding for the same spot they are. The training is surviving a single night in the Vlight, a snowstorm covered in dark magic that creates their greatest fears. In the storm Jack is confronted by an image of his father, Moonchaser is confronted by an image of his grandfather, Bob and Leon are strangely confronted by images of themselves and Flash is confronted by an image of Cult Race, a mysterious creature that is responsible for the death of his parents. Savage Raza refuses to tell what he saw. Eventually the night ends. Jack, Flash, Leon, Savage and Moonchaser are chosen. Shining Armor is to lead them as the Clever Six.

Dark Secrets: Bob Minder returns home after not being able to join the Clever Six. However upon exiting the train at his stop he is murdered. The Clever Six are regrettably the first ones to be told. They got on the hunter for the killer and meet the dangerous Zeb Zecobra. Zeb tells them that Cult Race is responsible and Bob Minder was getting too close to something in his investigation. But what was unknown. However Savage Raza is haunted by dreams of him killing Bob Minder instead of Cult Race doing the deed. He keeps the words to himself.

Pinkie Pie’s Secret Party goes off without a hitch. Meanwhile Luna is called to the east to meet with the griffins about a strange artifact. Nightflare accompany her during the travel. ***

Night of the Griffins: Luna finds her ship under attack. Nightflare breaks a way out for her and they both escape. The Clever Six are called in because the griffins are seemingly responsible for this. A battle breaks out over the celestial ocean. However the battle draws to a close when it is revealed that the artifact is actually a giant metal box filled with tanks of strange liquid. Cult Race appears and take the giant metal box away. The Clever Six now have a new mystery and they are determined to find out what Cult Race wanted with the giant metal box. At the same time they never found out who sparked the war with the griffins.

Twilight’s first Gala goes off without a hitch. Her friends enjoy themselves to the best they can, not know that the chaos they are causing has spooked a certain statue. Flash and Jack arrive late to the Gala. Moondancer is annoyed at Jack and Flash finds that he has nopony to dance with. However before he leaves he spots Twilight once more at a distance and asks Jack who she is. Jack insults Twilight, but Flash continues to watch Twilight from a far the entire party. ****

Season 1 Ends And Season 2 Begins

Chaotic Reasons: Nightflare tries to apologies about the events from the Griffin War. Luna hears his words and tries to eat her meal, however it is turned into cotton candy as Discord breaks in and imprison them in stone. Discord then confront Celestia with a dance. Flash and Jack break into the room and interrupt the dance. Discord flies off and meet with Twilight and her friends and those parts playout just like the show. Meanwhile Flash and Jack have to find Luna and Nightflare for they have been hidden the maze by Discord. Flash and Jack search the best they can at the same time Flash feels that Twilight’s shouldn’t see him and in doing so neither group spots each other.

General Idea: Luna feels she is getting too close to Nightflare and goes to talk to Twilight. She is shock to find out that Nightflare is actually Twilight’s godfather. Meanwhile Savage Raza finally confronts Flash about the dreams he has been having. Flash tells him not to tell the rest of the team.

Grand Falsehoods: The Clever Six leave on a mission they assume is from Luna. They explore more into the details about the giant metal box and find out about creates called the Doppelgangers and that Cult Race is one of them. However a being named Night Fright seems to be after the doppelganger information as well. The group fights him and defeat him. At the end Jack gets captured by one of Night Fright’s allies. Luna shows up, but she is not their to help. It is revealed that this was an unsanctioned mission and that Flash tricked them all. It is assumed by most that he did it to find more information of his parent’s killer Cult Race.

Fallen Star: Great Siege is resurrected by Night Fright and commanded to hunt down Luna and Nightflare. Meanwhile Flash blames himself for Jack’s capture and tries to find him, but he now finds himself being haunted by visions. At the same time Rainbow Dash gets ready to perform the rainboom. Great Siege corners Luna and Nightflare with large amounts of dark magic. However Selena Moondie steps in and destroys Siege. When Celestia later ask why Selena Moondie would save them Luna refuses the answer her sister. At the same time Flash has his final vision manages to save Jack. Savage see Rainbow Dash perform the rainboom and is hit with one final dream. He see what he has been searching for all this time.

Battle at Desert Crash: With Jack back on the team the Clever Six head to southern desert where a being called Katrina is attacking several bases. Once they arrive their search for her intensifies when they find that Jack’s father and Moondancer have been kidnapped by Katrina and that Katrina is working with Night Fright. They defeat Katrina and save Moondancer but find Jack’s father nowhere in sight. A mysterious attack kills Katrina. Flash follows the source thinking he saw Cult Race. Meanwhile Jack has a talk with Night Fright. Jack finds out that Night Fright is his father and nearly kills him for it. Moondancer stops him. Selena Moondie watches from the shadows and talks about Night fright failing to make his son open the Gate of Darkness within his soul. Meanwhile Flash finds the source of the attack only to find that it wasn’t Cult Race but Savage Raza.

Cerberus’ chains are broken by an ice dragon and he run around free. Tirek breaks free from Tartarus and goes into hiding. ****

Fury of Savage Raza: The team is broken apart when Flash is arrested for the murder of Savage Raza. Leon tries to clear Flash’s name while Jack searches for the missing body. Leon gets to close and finds himself being killed by a mare named Fairy Cage. Meanwhile Cadance goes to the court meeting to defend Flash, but is stop but a stallion thought to be dead. Cadance is severely wounded and replaced by Chrysalis. Thanks to Chrysalis Flash is given a life sentence in tartarus. Meanwhile Jack finds out the truth. That Savage Raza is a doppelganger just like Cult Race and that he isn’t dead, but being kept hostage by the one behind all of this.

Blood Moon: Chrysalis disguised as Cadance keeps Shining Armor under her control as the wedding is setup. Meanwhile the one behind all of this makes his move and attack Canterlot all without Celestia never finding out. Luna and Nightflare do though and confront him in the deep catacombs. It is revealed he is after a gift that Sombra left to Luna, a powerful artifact. Meanwhile Jack breaks into the base of the enemy to try and save Savage Raza, but find that Cult Race beat him to it and took Savage Raza to places unknown.Luna is able to defeat the one behind everything, however Nightflare is killed during the fight.

The Canterlot wedding is saved with the defeat of Chrysalis. With the fake reveal Flash is released from Tartarus on a reasons of no real evidence. Under his breath he thank Twilight even though she had no idea that her efforts had saved him. ****

Season 2 Ends

Dark Crystal Empire: Jack, Flash, and Moonchaser leave to the north to save Savage Raza. Moondancer wishes them goodbye. Meanwhile Luna takes Cadance and Shining Armor further up north when the Crystal Empire return. In the Crystal Empire Luna is confronted by Selena Moondie and Shining Armor find himself fighting a zombified Nightflare. At the same time Cult Race destroy the train that is carrying Flash, Jack and Moonchaser. Moonchaser is killed and Jack and Flash are seperated. Flash charges forward determined to find Savage and save him. Shining Armor defeats the zombified Nightflare and mourns the lose of his godfather. Luna defeats Selena Moondie but finds herself now fighting a zombified Sombra. Jack wakes up and finds him confronted by the goat figure that Flash had been seeing watch Twilight for so long. The goat reveals himself to be Grogar and he want to talk to Jack about the dark magic within him. Finally Flash confronts Cult Race in one final battle. However Flash loses and Savage Raza is absorbed into Cult Race’s flesh.

Season 3 Begins

Twilight and her friends arrive in the Crystal Empire and later defeat Sombra’s power. After the fighting is over Flash feels that he has failed everything Jack refuses to talk to anypony even Moondancer upon his return to Canterlot. Shining Armor meets with Flash and is told what happened while everything had been going on. Shining Armor takes Flash’s words to heart and tells Flash to not give up. Shining Armor makes Flash the first guard of the Crystal Empire. ****

Season 3 Ends

Sunset escapes from the mirror and steals the crown. Twilight follows her and defeats her. In the mirror world, she meets a person named Flash. Back in the pony world she finally properly meets the Flash that had been watching her from afar for so long. However, he finds himself unable to talk to her about what effect she has had on his life. ****

Season 4 Begins

Plunder Vines attack Canterlot and Ponyville. Twilight and her friends put a stop to it. However at the same time Starlight Glimmer breaks into Starswirl’s section in the library and steal spells around cutie mark control. ****

Starlight founds her village of ponies free of Cutie Marks. Unknown to her she is being watched by Fairy Cage. ****

Tirek makes an alliance with Discord and begins devouring all the magic in Equestria. Despite Discord advice Tirek reframes from going anywhere near Starlight’s village or the Crystal Empire. Tirek refuses to answer Discord why. Fairy Cage gives a relief that her sister Starlight is not found by the beast. Soon Tirek is defeated by Twilight and her friends. ****

Season 4 Ends And Season 5 Begins

Twilight and her friends are sent to Starlight’s village by the table. They defeat Starlight and send her into hiding.

During one of the many times that Starlight spies on Twilight she find a strange spell. Starlight didn’t know that her sister Fairy Cage left it under her father’s orders. ***

Fairy Cage kills the guard that is watching over the castle. Starlight breaks into the castle with no knowledge of this event and places the Starswirl spell on the table just as Twilight arrives back. ****

Season 5 Ends

Comments ( 11 )

Happy birthday to you, my friend. :)

Thank you, friend. I hope my followers enjoy my gift. I often get complaints that my timeline is hard to keep up with.

Happy birthday! :twilightsmile:

Thank you, also a follow to boot. You're so kind. Thank you agian.

Yeah, yeah. I'm already planning an updated version to be posted on my dead brother birthday. But after season 5 connection with the show end. The DarkLight Verse after season 5 takes a very different route. Not to say that nothing from season 6 and 7 will happen. I still planned to include the changeling parts and Flurry Heart's moments from those seasons at least since I have big plans for Thorax, Pharynx and Flurry Heart.

But really what took the most time out of my work was the summaries of the Flash Saga stories.

4900494 I think it is an awesome gift indeed. :)

Really?:pinkiehappy: Oh, thank you, friend.:pinkiehappy:

4902293 You are very welcome. XD

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