Meeester 957 followers

Can answer questions regarding site rules or policies for any content as well as their enforcement/punishment.

News Archive

  • 9 weeks
    Barcast Last Call

    The time has come for Fimfiction’s premiere interview podcast to close its doors. The Barcast, a podcast that’s dedicated the last eight years to interviewing authors, artists, show staff, and community guests of the brony fandom is having its final two episodes.

    First, we’d like to personally invite every single one of you to our first event, a final blitz interview marathon. Initially popularized at Bronycon 2019, we’re interviewing as many people as we can over the course of April 20th. Who are we interviewing? YOU!

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    50 comments · 5,732 views
  • 136 weeks
    Jinglemas 2021

    Jinglemas is the annual tradition on Fimfiction to exchange stories around the holidays with users on the site. This single event allows all Fimfiction users to come together and celebrate the reason for the season. Ponies!

    Enroll in this Secret-Santa-style gift exchange to request a holiday themed story, to be written secretly by another participant during the month of December. And in turn, you will be tasked with writing someone else's request. Then all the stories will be exchanged at Christmas! Simplicity itself! Thanks to the hard work of the Breezies, everyone will be ensured to get their gift!

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    30 comments · 5,354 views
  • 413 weeks
    Groups Post - July 2016

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

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    4 comments · 3,250 views
  • 418 weeks
    Groups Post - June 2016

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    What's Taking So Long?!

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    4 comments · 3,095 views
  • 426 weeks
    Groups Post - April 2016

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    The Pony Prisoner

    Welcome to your home from home, Your Village.

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    9 comments · 2,638 views
  • 430 weeks
    Groups Post - March 2016

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    Haven't had as much of a response this month as past months, I'm sorry to say. Keep in mind that these are free and open to anyone, even if you've been advertised before. I just need a new PM every time you want your group to appear.

    Request Criticism

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    8 comments · 2,025 views
  • 434 weeks
    Groups Post - February 2016

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    Equestria Girls, where the look of friendship may change, but its magic is forever.

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    5 comments · 1,815 views
  • 439 weeks
    Groups Post - January 2016

    Happy New Year, everyone. Hope the holiday season treated you well. I've got a good number of groups for you to check out, so let's get right to it.

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    Monthly Shipfics

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    0 comments · 1,805 views
  • 444 weeks
    Groups Post - December 2015

    Alright, it's December. Now I can stop getting irrationally angry at the Santa Claus Coke cans that have already been in stores for weeks, and start getting rationally angry at how terrible everyone is at driving this time of year. Also there's a holiday coming up or something, Iunno.

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    Zebras of Equestria

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    8 comments · 2,179 views
  • 453 weeks
    Groups Post - October 2015

    Welp, it's October, so it's finally culturally acceptable again to have a spooky skellington as your avatar picture (lookin' at you, Meeester)
    Also skulltrumpet videos as far as the eye can see, because what even is Halloween without skulltrumpet

    Now here's the somewhat embarrassing part - in a month, it looks like I've only been given three group submissions. Last month we had several times that, and interest has been pretty steady for awhile. This month, I've only got a total of three, and even going through my PM history doesn't turn up any I missed. If you did submit one, and it's not here, bug me about it ASAP and I'll get you added back on, but otherwise I'm just going to chalk this up to a slow month. Too many people getting ready for the SKELETON WAR to worry about what their groups are doing, I dunno.

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    11 comments · 2,003 views

Groups » Jinglemas 2020 · 5:51pm Nov 11th, 2020

There's truly no time like the holidays. What's better than copious amounts of food, quality time with family and friends, hearing the sweet sound of 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' on repeat, and unmanaged financial stress from our capitalist overlords?

Gift exchanges of course!

Our own little way of bringing Hearth's Warming to Fimfiction

Jinglemas is one of the longest running, as well as largest brony gift exchanges on the internet! The concept is simple: You request a very simple story with a few small details, and someone writes you a story! But that also means you'll be secret santa for someone else and write them a story! Stories are only 1k to 5k words in length, and everything is rated E to T. Check the full rules for more details!

Over the years of running this event we've listened to community feedback and focused on ensuring that every single participant will always get a story for the holidays, which is why we keep track of all the participants and enforce some very simple rules on those who may join with less than innocent intentions. That way everyone gets a story, and there's no bad feelings to be had for the holiday.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, you should check out our Jinglemas Group!

Enrollment is open RIGHT NOW! And goes through the end of November! Don't miss out on your chance to join our fandom's largest gift exchange.

Report Meeester · 9,895 views · #Jinglemas
Comments ( 47 )

Thanks for the heads up

I'd join if I had that creative spark, because I'd love a story with my OC.

Thanks for reminding me to go watch All I Want For Christmas Is You.

And holy crap, Mariah Carey is still only like 19 years old. I don't care when her birthdate was; she appears to have gained ageless immortality.

My family started decorating last week, just as we took the Halloween stuff down. With outings being limited by the darn coviid, we gotta do something to get the mood up.

It’s too early for Christmas stuff.

Posh #7 · Nov 11th, 2020 · · 1 ·

5396541 your face is too early for Christmas stuff

Comment posted by GrandAdmiral MitthRawN deleted Nov 11th, 2020

I find this personally offensive :trollestia:

The URL in the link to the Jinglemas group is incomplete.

There are people in my neighborhood who have lights up already. It bothers me deeply.

I'm not exactly sure the word novice or amateur fits my writing ability (or lack thereof 😏) but it sounds like a fun deal so why the heck not. Shoot me the particulars and sign me up.

I just feel that focus should be put on the holiday that’s coming up instead of the one that’s coming after it.

Yee, this sounds fun. Will have this thread bookmarked for further developments.

Umm... Why? In both, you slaughter a turkey, yank out its insides, fill it with breaded stuffing, and cook it until steaming. It's just the second one involves presents!

<Looks at the wide-eyed ponies staring at me.> What? That's not how you girls do it?

<They shake their heads slowly.>

Err.. Umm... <points> Random pony in trouble!

<Ducks out of sight while ponies race off to help random pony in trouble...>

What, Thanksgiving? That's not in every country.

Yeah I’m mainly referring to my country since what goes on in other countries isn’t covered here as far as this stuff goes.

5396824 Might be worth remembering that you're on a British site here.


Yeah, I'm not thrilled about this either. I like Christmas, but I don't like watching it creep across the calendar year after year and subsume other holidays like the bloated Borg that it is. I've been seeing Christmas crap in stores as early as October, my local mall starts putting up Christmas decs as early as Veterans Day, and you can't even enjoy Thanksgiving in the US anymore because Black Friday shit seeps into Thursday.

It's not even the weeks before Christmas that get assimilated. Post-Christmas, you get gift cards and returns. Pretty soon, it'll get to a point where the only thing that stops Christmas from absorbing Valentine's Day is MLK Day.

I feel like you might be missing the point of why the announcement is being made now. It needs to be early, to allow enough time for people to sign up and then still enough for them to write their stories once the sign-ups are done. If you kept things up until later it would be a nightmare to organise, and even more of a mess (granted, last year's problems were the mods' fault).

It's almost like it takes time to organize things and for people to write fics... My goodness. What a world.

I'm interested. Hearth's Warming is a time for gifts, family, huge roast dinners and peppermint. Especially peppermint.


So excited to participate again.

This sounds really interesting.

It’s never too early to plan; there is only too early to unveil your decorations (as several houses in my neighborhood did on All Saints’ Day).

Sounds tempting, though I'm a bit nervous about only getting three weeks to write something. I suppose the word limit's not too high, but there's still a bit of difficulty on the chance you get two characters you might not like or focus on.

I've written spur of the moment stories within five days before though, so maybe it's worth a shot. I'll have to think on it.

This always manages to produce some really fantastic stories. Looking forward to see what this year's edition brings!

I won’t be participating since I couldn’t write about watching paint dry, but Im excited to read what everyone else comes up with!


There are two kinds of people in this world, and I'm not Celestia

Neither is Christmas.

Yet despite my complaint, you are correct. In THIS case, it is appropriate.

5400302 That is a fair point!

However, the numbers put it more in perspective. 160 countries around the world celebrate Christmas (out of 193). Only one celebrates Thanksgiving. To say the other 159 should hold up their Christmas celebrations until the 160th has finished with Thanksgiving seems a little demanding.

An irrelevant point. Yes Christianity is popular, and the less said about why the better IMO, but the reality remains that it's NOT the Christmas season YET. For the same reasons I'd tell someone celebrating All Hallows Eve in September that it's still blood September.

Comment posted by Angel Midnight deleted Nov 20th, 2020


Only one celebrates Thanksgiving.

So Canada just doesn't exist, then? There are a bunch of other countries that do as well, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't really care about holidays in other nations. (Not to mention that Americans try really hard to export their holidays to the rest of the world as well, Thanksgiving among them. Until recently I'd have little kids knocking on my door to get free candy from me.) That’s not mentioning all the other not-Thanksgiving harvest festivals that happen around now, because this is around the time of year that people used to get done with most of their farming work and they had the most food.

5403484 Thanksgiving in Canada is the 2nd Monday in October...

Hey, if you'd like to wait until whatever date you see fit to start feeling festive, be my guest! But I can't see much positive purpose in you policing that for others, especially when a lot of those others don't celebrate the holiday you're holding it up for.

If you wanna be that jackass, go right ahead. Nobody here, or even where you live, can stop you. Hey, I can kinda get behind putting up lights early: better to do it now while its still mostly fine instead of when its cold, icy and miserable.

Nobody has to spontaneously start liking those godawful songs, the tacky lights or the ugly commercialisation of a holiday celebrating a religious figure who was famously and explicitly not okay with mixing money and religion. You do you.

I tried signing up for the jinglemas group but I got a 404 error. Help?

I finally got to put up Christmas lights for the first time this year and we did it back toward the beginning of November because we wanted to put up the lights early before it got too cold.

At least in my city, Christmas and Halloween displays are at record highs this year. It seems the pandemic has sparked a purchasing wave on inflatable lawn decorations.

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