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NegotationsVerse Timeline of Major Events · 1:09pm Feb 10th, 2021

Hi guys, so zelkova48 asked me for a timeline of all the major events of NegotationsVerse to help their story Choices which I recommend reading, and so I spent the night doing so. However, I figured that a lot of people would benefit from this so they can make their own stories using the NegotationsVerse so I've decided to publish it here. I only do the Pre-War and Actual War years, I haven't done the Post-War years and I'll get around to those sometime later in the week or so. One thing from the original canon timeline I never considered was an Equestrian Secret Police that Zlkova48 came up with in their fic. I found myself liking it a lot so I decided to make that part of the canon timeline as well.

Please be reminded that just because I've created a canon timeline doesn't mean you cannot do your own timeline in the NegotationsVerse if you wish to make your own story in this universe. Feel free to change or add whatever you want to this. This also might help people want to focus on certain events as single stories or even the war from the perspective of certain characters only in their stories.

As always, I have plenty of ideas on what kind of stories can be done or told in the NegotationsVerse or if you want feedback for your own idea I'd be happy to give my thoughts on it.

Anyway here is the timeline. I only go by year, not by month and day. I'm not that meticulous. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF I SCREWED SOMETHING UP I WILL FIX IT

Year 2036 (10 Years Before Conversion War) 

-Equestria arrives from home dimension to Earth. Sonar, Satellites, and networks the world over react to a new massive land mass in the Indian Ocean between Africa and Australia that is surrounded by a pink energy force field. Nations are put on high alert as scout planes from Australia, India, US, China, and Iran are sent from ships to investigate the land. Video and audio recordings show the pilots skin melting as if they were dipped in acid before combustion. All nations are put on high alert and military status is prepared for anything. 

-One month later, a coalition of ships composed of N.A.T.O., Chinese, and Russia Navy create a barrier around the energy field but keep themselves far way to not be in danger. More pilots and even small ships are sent to try and break through the barrier, but all show negative results proving the barrier is toxic to human contact regardless of protective clothing or barriers. 

-Seven days later a ship, not of any known design to human nations, approaches the U.S.S. Obama with a white flag. First contact is made with Equestrian’s lead by Princess Twilight Sparkle along with her brother Prince Shining Armor and several other figures such as Prince Blueblood, Major Valkyrie, Wonderbolts Captain Spitfire and her team, and Element of Laughter Pinkie Pie.

-News of alien contact is held, but rumors leak on the internet. The United Nations and several non-UN countries send ambassadors to greet the Four Princesses of Equestria where they explain the situation of how they have arrived to help humanity from their world by showing them the magic of friendship and harmony. First recorded use of magic is done. 

-Three months after first contact, the nations of the world confirm first contact with dimensional creatures as information is shown through all forms of media. World is astonished to learn the existence of multiple dimensions, magic, and fantasy creatures. Most of humanity reacts positively to the news, but some are reluctant to trust or fear danger from these creatures.

-Princess Celestia makes a public speech at the UN HQ, announcing that her nation has come to help humanity through their dark times of war, strife, poverty, pollution, and greed by showing the Magic of Friendship. A lexicon of the history and culture of Equestria is made public to all as nations, cultures, religions, and more. Humans react in various positive and negative ways.

-Due to the toxic nature of the barrier, explained to be a miscalculated side effect of the transition between dimensions, humans are unable to enter Equestria, thus any exchanges are done on human lands only. Various nations grant an embassy for the ponies of Equestria, but none are on Equestria due to this.

Year 2037 (9 Years Before Conversion War) 

-Ponies of Equestria send resources to various nations as well as scientists and magical experts to help humanity’s ecosystem and energy crises. Various gems are found to be used to power machines faster then all forms of energy save for nuclear. Cities start adapting to crystal based power plants, but are done slowly to not ruin the economy of the nations who try to remain energy depend due to Equestria being the only one who can supply such crystals. 

-Human technology is offered, but only under strict selections are allowed into Equestria. The Internet is established, but only the wealthy can afford tablets and the internet is strictly regulated similar to Communist China’s Internet. 

-First appearance of Discord who appears on Late Night TV. Becomes a sensational hit among humans despite warnings from Ponies to be weary of him.

-Princess Twilight and her friends go on nationwide tours to promote the ideals of Friendship and Harmony. While there are listeners and growing idealists of this, many humans believe the concept to be too idealistic and even cult like in some methods.

Year 2038 (8 Years Before Conversion War) 

-Equestria school exchange programs are held for students to learn more about human history while Equestrian teachers are also sent to hold classes about Equestrian education and history. Both sides have mixed results with many pony students feeling unsettled by the dark and grim history of humanity yet some enjoy the active and interesting lifestyle of humans despite their flaws. Pony teachers find it very hard to teach humans who question everything about Equestrian lifestyle and history. Mostly about the worshiping of the Princesses who many doubt are real gods.

-Equestrian embassy bombed in London from radical extremists who believe the ponies are heretics and demons for practicing magic. 

-Lyra Heartstrings begins her tour around humanity’s world and finds it fascinating. 

-Princesses are found to be aging and are believed to one day pass away in hundreds of years. They explain to their more religious followers that this is just them soon ascending back to the afterlife to watch over their subjects. 

Year 2039 (7 Years Before Conversion War) 

-The barrier of Equestria is discovered to be expanding. Nations demand answers and Princess Celestia vows to find a solution to prevent it from spreading too far. 

-However, Equestria answers that they have no solution as barriers start to spread closer to Australia and Madagascar. Evacuation plans are made in case of the worst case scenario. Nations secretly begin to suspect Equestria has alternative motives. 

Year 2040 (6 Years Before Conversion War) 

-Lyra Heartstrings publishes a book called “My Journey On Mother Earth” which doesn’t become a nation wide hit, but attracts a following of those who seem to like humans. Others however feel that humans are not good creatures for the culture and nature, and thus Equestria becomes divided publicly. 

-Assassination attempt on Princess Luna causes the nation of Equestria to close various embassies with nations they feel are too hostile and Princess Celestia states that unless humans change their ways they will destroy themselves. Tensions between humanity and ponies start to become known.

-Barrier finally reaches Australia and Madagascar inland and begins to spread without stopping. Equestria claims the land to preserve it until a solution is made.

-First recorded marriage of an Equestrian and Human is made. Results are mixed, but interestingly there are more positive responses from humanity than Equestria. In a surprising twist, Princess Cadence, Goddess Alicorn of Love, declares the marriages of any human and pony not seen as valid in the Crystal Empire. Equestria soon follows suit. 

-Rarity begins dating Royal Guard Valiant Wave. 

-Princess Twilight Sparkle begins dating Private Flash Sentry

-Granny Smith passes away from old age

-Non-Pony residents of Equestria try to leave the nation but are denied permission by order of Princess Celestia.

-Princess Celestia reveals to the UN the bad news of the barrier being unstoppable and will eventually cover the entire planet. The world's nations react with outrage as governments try to calm the violence. Multiple ponies are hurt or killed in human lands for this which force many to flee back to Equestria. The UN and representatives from Equestria meet to discuss ways to save humanity.

-Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia reveal the Conversion Potion. Capable of transforming a human into a pony. They state that they will be protected by the barrier and given the magic of ponies as well based on what race they become. It also is stated to cure mental and physical illnesses and is being offered for free. 

-Despite the reluctance of many, it is agreed to give a five year trial period for the Conversion Bureaus. 

Year 2041 (5 Years Before Conversion War) 

-Conversion Bureaus are set up all over the world in various places for free treatment. Hundreds of thousands of humans take part in it to become ponies and results are shown successful. Humans who turn are given the name “Newfoals”. Many are reported to have different personalities upon turning into ponies and react negatively to humans or human society. Most choose to live in Equestria, or lands Equestria has claimed under the barrier, where they are given jobs, homes, and government income.

-The barrier continues to expand into Africa, more of Australia, parts of Indonesia and other places as more are evacuated, but thousands who are unable to leave find themselves killed by the barrier. The land is soon given to the Newfoals and Equestria who start taking over. This causes public outrage, but the Equestrians assure it just until humanity reclaims their lands as ponies.

-Newfoals are given new education and start to conform more to the Equestrian line of thinking. First accusations of forced assimilation begin to spread among various political and internet groups, but Equestria denies this.  

Year 2042 (4 Years Before Conversion War) 

-Discoveries of the Conversion Potion’s means of erasing the human nature aspects of the human being and becoming a pony start to become more and more explored as many fear the potion renders one no longer to think or feel like a human. More anti-human pony sentiment begins to show in mainland Equestria, especially after a various Conversion Bureaus are destroyed with lives lost and another assassination attempt on Princess Celestia and Luna is done.

-Lyra Heartstrings begins to speak out against the Conversion Bureaus, feeling that a better solution should be made then to change humans from what they are with her believing they have no right to do this to a race that, while has problems, does have a lot of good traits. She starts to get some followers, but many believe she is crazy.

-Rarity marries Royal Guard Valiant Wave.

-Due to more fears of the potion, the governments of humanity begin their own studies into the potion as Conversion Bureaus become less used or allowed while the barrier continues to spread.

Year 2043 (3 Years Before Conversion War) 

-Scootaloo and Apple Bloom start dating

-Seeing humanity refuse to take the potion more and more causes Equestria to start feeling that humanity is making the wrong choices again as all four Princesses secretly confirm that humanity is beyond hope in saving and efforts to stop the barrier are put to a halt to focus on converting the humans.

-Human music, culture, and technology becomes outlawed in Equestria. Many praise this, but there is a vocal minority who are against this lead by Lyra Heartstrings. 

-Braeburn is kicked out of the Apple Family for falling in love with a male human and marries him six weeks later in Texas where he lives the rest of his life. 

Year 2044 (2 Years Before Conversion War) 

-Fight between Princess Twilight and Flash Sentry results in them breaking up. Flashy Sentry leaves the Royal Guard. 

-Secret Agencies around the world post their findings about how the potion brainwashes humans into acting like ponies more by eliminating human based emotions for more artificial ones. This is further proven when a scientist defector named Lemon Beaker public exposes this as well as states the Newfoals are programed to believe in only Equestrian ways of life while rejecting all human ones. Human world is outraged and demands answers while Equestria proclaims this to be lies. 

-Conversion Bureaus are rapidly shut down and destroyed. Tensions between ponies and humans are reaching a deadly stance as embassies are closed one by one. Princess Celestia calls back all ponies to return to Equestrian lands. 90 percent of all ponies do so while bringing most of the Newfoals. 10 percent stay in human lands for various reasons. 

-Lyra Heartstrings begins protests against Equestria’s imperialistic and forced change of humanity claiming that they have no rights to do so. Her followers start to grow as the government cracks down on them.

Year 2045 (1 Year Before Conversion War)  

-The last of the Conversion Bureaus are removed. Princess Celestia secretly meets with her fellow Princess, Prince Shining Armor, and other generals and reveals that in order to save humanity they will have to go to war and force them to turn into ponies to save themselves from their sinful nature or die. 

-Barrier completely takes over New Zealand, most of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and is now in parts of Africa and the Middle East. 

-All communication between humanity and Equestria is silenced. 

Year 2046 ( 1st Years of Conversion War)

-Equestrian armed forces led by all four princesses and Shining Armor teleport into Madrid, Spain and start attacking. They tear down the Capitol Building with their powerful magics and magical technologies while using various methods of the potion on the human population that turn them into Newfoals. Lives are lost or turned as local police are unable to hold things down as massive damage is done. Two hours later the entire Equestrian Army, with very little losses, teleports back to Equestria. 

-Princess Celestia sends a message to the human race stating that they have failed their planet and themselves throughout their history of war, bloodshed, corruption, and evil deeds from genocide to enslavement. She declares that their entire race cannot be saved as what they are and that since they refused to be given the light of friendship and harmony peacefully it is their duty to force it upon them by declaring war on their race stating they will convert or destroyed destroyed and that their children will thank them when humanity is gone and the Newfoals and Ponies of Equestria inherit the Earth to guide it to a more peaceful and prosperous state. All nations around the world declare war on Equestria. Ponies who remained in their lands are rounded up and interrogated, but few are held prisoner. Still this doesn’t stop anti-pony sentiment around the world.

-Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Princess Twilight hold a royal event in Canterlot to explain to their subjects that humanity has failed and needs to be forced into conversion to save them. That it is their duty as Equestrians, masters of friendship and harmony, to save this species from their own destruction even if it means war. Prince Shining Armor is named Commander-General of Equestrian Armed Forces and swears that humanity will fall in a year’s time.

-Lyra Heartstrings and her supporters speak out against this, but are soon silenced by law enforcement. Lyra Heartstrings is forced to go underground as Princess Celestia declares her a disturbance to the peace and a radical. The Church of Harmony proclaims her to be a heretic.

-The Equestrian Army for the next five years begins teleporting into major cities and locations around the world doing the same thing as it did in Madrid. Many Equestrians believe the war will be over in a year or two. 

Year 2047 ( 2nd Year of Conversion War)

-Lyra Heartstrings form the Resistance as various ponies secretly join and try to stop the Equestrian War, but are hunted down as traitors. 

-Battles between Equestria and Humanity result in loss of life on both sides, but Equestrians still hold faith that they will win.

-All nations of Humanity agree to end their rivalries with each other and unite under the U.N. 

-Due to the threat of constant teleported invasion, nations allow citizens to be able to carry guns and trained in them as multiple young men and women join the armed forces of their nations to protect their homes. 

-Some human groups try to cause terrorism acts on ‘behalf’ of Equestria who they see as the key to saving the earth from human destruction. Most are eliminated in less than a year.

-Ponies who are in the human lands and against the war volunteer to join the human armies to help out. Others try to help develop new technology for the war. Discovery of using human crystals for energy reaches a break point with scientist Moondancer who helps develop other technology for humanity using pony magic. 

-Big Macintosh officially joins the war leaving behind his wife, Sugar Belle. Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts also officially join the war with Scootaloo officially joining the Wonderbolts as well. However, Big Macintosh dies in his first battle at the Battle of Osaka and is buried with full honors. His wife dies soon afterwards of a broken heart. 

-Non-Ponies begin to protest against the war and fear being converted as well. Princess Celestia orders them rounded up and put into detention holds. 

Year 2048 ( 3rd Year of Conversion War)

-Lyra Heartstrings and her resistance get in contact with the UN asking for safety in exchange for helping fight against Equestria. Fluttershy officially joins the Resistance with Discord. 

-Lyra Heartstrings and her Resistance manage to escape despite all efforts to stop them. This includes ponies such as: Fluttershy (With Discord), Flash Sentry, Derpy Hooves and her family, Carrot Top, Minutte, Fancy Pants and his wife, Vinyl Scratch, Thunderlane and his brother, Glademane, Coco Pommel, Amethyst Star, and many more. 

-Equestria is outraged by the traitors and a Secret Police is started to look for any traitors and ensure loyalty to Equestria. Former Secret Service Agent Sweetie Drops joins and becomes their best agent.

-A kill on site order for Lyra, Fluttershy, and Discord is made. 

-The Resistance helps humanity by adapting their weapons to be stronger against shield magic and their armor more resistant to pony magic. Various other technologies later used in the Invasion of Equestria such as laser, plasma, anti-gravity, power armor, and more are put into prototype stages.

-Rarity’s husband is killed in the war and her child is born stillborn. She enters a deep state of depression. Spike sleeps with her one night for comfort, but nothing more happens.

-The barrier has completely taken over India, most of Indonesia, and half of China. All of lower Africa is taken over and smaller parts of the south Middle-East fall too. Barrier starts making for Hawaii and South America. Chinese Communist Party is destroyed in an attack by Equestria, making the nation fall into chaos. 

-North Korean Generals overthrow the Kim Dynasty and surrender to the South Korean Government to unite Korea in exchange for mercy on their past crimes. Due to the situation it is allowed, but they are forbidden to hold military or political power for the rest of their lives. 

-Berlin, Germany is nearly wiped off the map in the worst attack from Equestria in the war. They claim this is because of the sins of the Nazi Party in the 1930’s and 40’s. 

-Discord begins sabotaging the nation of Equestria from within by popping in and out, but he doesn’t kill anyone due to it being against his policy to do so. 

-Discord later becomes a hero to humanity by arriving at the Battle of Ottawa and defeating the entire Equestrian Invading Force of that army and forcing them to surrender with few human casualties. He’s famous for wearing a Mountie uniform while doing so. Canada makes him an honorary Mountie. 

-Non-Pony citizens are able to escape before stealing ships to try and make it for the human lands. The Equestrian Navy fires upon them and sinks the ships, killing them all. It is made unclear if the order came from Princess Celestia or one of her commanders, but the blame is put on humanity for sinking them for propaganda as ponies are outraged. 

-Underground Railroad for ponies wishing to leave Equestria is made with aid from the Resistance and Discord who teleports them in and out. Anyone caught helping the Railroad is executed for their crimes.

-Due to the constant threat by the ponies, the African Nations stop their fighting and become a series of nations based on the EU called the African Union.

Year 2049 ( 4rd Year of Conversion War)

-Lyra leads Resistance Forces with human designed weapons into Equestria for secret strikes, sabotage efforts, and assassinations. 

-Taiwan is taken over by the barrier as its government and what’s left of the Chinese government agree to unite and make a new government. 

-Wonderbolt Fleetfoot is seriously injured in the Battle Of Austin. Later died of her wounds in Cloudsdale Pansy Memorial Hospital becoming the first Wonderbolt to die in the line of duty in the war.

-The Thalmann Anti-Magic Generators enter the prototype stage led by Professor Alric Thalmann, Dr. Yamato Souji, and Moondancer.

-Fluttershy trains to become a combat doctor, meets her future husband Dr. Martin Gardener while doing so. 

-Fluttershy converts to Catholicism. Lyra Heartstrings converts to Buddhism.

-Scootaloo engaged to Apple Bloom

-Ponies begin wondering how it is that Humanity has lasted this long so far.

Year 2050 ( 5th Year of Conversion War)

-Battle of New York is led by Prince Shining Armor, but is soon assassinated by the U.S. Rangers Sniper Sergeant Pablo Carvallo. With his death and loss, Equestria suffers the worst defeat in the war. Sergeant Pablo Carvallo is hailed as a hero across the human world as Equestria mourns the loss of Prince Shining Armor. His body is burned and ashes thrown into the Hudson River. 

-In response to the death of her husband, Princess Cadence uses the Crystal Cannon to Wipe out the cities of Rome and Mecca, the holy cities of Christianity and Islam. Religious people around the world are furious and for the first time in centuries the Catholic Church, along with support from the Orthodox and Protestant faiths, declares a Crusade upon Equestria while the Islamic World, both Sunni and Shia, declares a Jihad. 

-Discord sabotages the Crystal Cannon and nearly is killed for it by Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight Sparkle. Is forced to recover for months.

-Thalmann Generator is tested in Hawaii upon the barrier. Upon seeing a hole punched through mass production of it begins.

-Resistance spy reveals Jerusalem is the next intended target of Equestria. Through mass secret, the US, EU, AU, Middle East, and Israeli Forces prepare an ambush for when they teleport. The Leaders of the Three Abrahamic Faiths swear an oath of brotherhood to each other as the three religions become united in their faith and determination to defend the Holy Land.

-Equestrian Forces, led by Princess Luna and Twilight, are ambushed and suffer a great defeat thanks to the work of the Thalmann Generators. Princess Luna is killed in battle, her body recovered later on by Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia. The entire human world celebrates the death of one of the princesses while all of Equestria is shocked one of their goddesses is dead.

-The Equestrian Church of Harmony goes through a religious crisis as many are conflicted on what is happening or going on. Fears of losing the war start to creep into the common Equestrian. 

-After spending two weeks fixing her body, Princess Luna’s state funeral is held in Canterlot. For five days her body is publicly shown to be mourned and prayed to by citizens of Equestria from every corner while the final two days are the funeral and burial in the Tomb of The Royals Sisters. Princess Celestia swears to avenge her sister and will see humanity purged for this.

-The Humans use the Thalmann Generators to start destroying the barrier much to the horror of Equestria which is now forced to go on the defensive for the first time. Their conquered land is slowly lost as they begin suffering defeat after defeat as more of the barrier is eliminated.

-With the barrier weak and missing over the Crystal Empire, nuclear missiles are launched somewhere in the Middle-East and wipe out the Crystal Empire. Princess Cadence, Princess Flurry Heart, and 4 Million Crystal Ponies are wiped out. Hundreds of thousands more soon die over the coming months and years from radiation poison. All survivors are made sterile and the Crystal Pony race becomes extinct in the years to come. 

-Princess Celestia orders all Equestrian forces to return to the mainland as the barrier is completely destroyed. All human taken territories are razed and Newfoals are abandoned or killed. Humans take back their homes as Newfoals are put into refugee camps for their safety while efforts to try and fix them are tried.

-Equestria goes into six months of preparing for an invasion as ponies are forced into conscription to defend their homeland. Despite propaganda, ponies start fearing they will lose the war and become slaughtered by the humans. Faith in the Church of Harmony, which sees the Alicorns as goddess, falls to the lowest in years with its supporters still believing they can win or the End Times are here. Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia try finding a way to escape this dimension but without Fluttershy and her Element it's hopeless.

-Princess Celestia finally allows the construction and use of human based weapons and technology, but most of it is outdated. Soldiers are taught to fight for their lives while citizens are told that if humans come they will rape, kill, and eat them or turn them into glue. Suicide is advocated by some should the worst happen making most Equestrians believe its better to die then be captured by a human.

-Humanity trains their forces in six months with the new advanced magic and science technology for the biggest planned invasion since Normandy on D-Day. The US is chosen to lead the army as it is the largest and most powerful of the human nations forces. An entire army of 40 Million is prepared to strike Equestria with many more to follow after landing.

-A final warning is given to Equestria to surrender. They refuse.

-The invasion begins and multiple cities around the coasts of Equestria fall or surrender in a matter of days. Chemical weapons are allowed as well as other methods of war that are momentary suspended from the Geneva Convention save for nukes. Some cities are completely destroyed, others surrender without a fight, most are in the middle. 

-The entire Wonderbolts Unit is wiped out save for Lt. Rainbow Dash, who escapes with her life. Captain Spitfire, Lt. Soarin, and Private Scootaloo are among those dead. She is hailed a hero when in reality she fled from the battle and left them to die.

-Humanity starts to take over areas of Equestria with rapid success. Many efforts to stop them fail as armies are wiped out, forced to retreat in few numbers or surrender. Other cities try to fight, but most surrender as well. Suicides start happening among the soldiers and populace. 

-In a matter of weeks, Canterlot becomes the last remaining stronghold. 

-General Valkyrie and other members of the military decide to overthrow Princess Celestia, believing she has led Equestria to their doom, in an effort to save their nation and surrender to humanity. Princess Celestia is poisoned, but survives, however her death is faked, but is made sure not to spread outside the military and government. Princess Twilight takes control who claims they’ll keep Princess Celestia’s death a secret for now, but will announce it in the days to come. 

-Private wake for Princess Celestia is held by Princess Twilight to determine the traitors and loyalists among the government and military, she and Spike find out its General Valkyrie leading the traitors. 

-General Valkyrie and her forces attempt to take over Canterlot only to be defeated by Princess Celestia, Princess Twilight, Spike and her forces. All the traitors are executed including General Valkyrie. 

-Ponyville is bombed into nothing with mass casualties and all other refugees flee to Canterlot or are captured by humanity. Casualties include Elements of Harmony Pinkie and Rarity, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, the Cake Family, Octavia Melody, Caramel, Cheerliee, Diamond Tiara and her family, Berry Punch and her daughter, and many more.

-The Secret Police of Equestria activate Fallen Protocol which is the means to develop a resistance group should Equestria fall into enemy hands and restore it back to glory in the event of defeat. Agent Sweetie Drops volunteers to lead it and her death is faked as her civilian identity, Bon Bon, with a fake dead body. Agent Sweetie Drops and several other agents retreat to the Macintosh Mountains where a hidden base with the most advanced Equestrian technology and prototype magic is held for them along with other tools to prepare the Equestrian Freedom Fighters. All other agents commit suicide to ensure the secret protocol is never known.

-Princess Celestia orders a last stand in Canterlot as she shields it with her magic, ordering all but the foals to prepare to fight to the death. Surrender is discussed, but Princess Celestia refuses to allow it. Discord arrives to negotiate a surrender on behalf of humanity with Princess Celestia and Twilight as well as a letter from Fluttershy, but he is refused. 

-Princess Celestia and Twilight have their last talk before her coma.

-Princess Celestia falls into a coma due to stress and being unable to hold the shield any longer. Equestria prepares for the final battle.

-Princess Twilight, unable to continue the war and tired of seeing so much death, officially surrenders Equestria to humanity much to the shock of all. All soldiers are ordered to stand down as humanity marches in with Princess Twilight officially surrendering. 

-Mass suicides follow around Equestria while Sweetie Drops and her agents start recruiting ponies to their cause, but take no action yet due to needing to get volunteers. 

-Applejack and Rainbow Dash argue with Twilight about her surrender before declaring their friendship over. Later on both are given the offer to join the Freedom Fighters and agree.

-Twilight prepares to negotiate with the UN for Equestria’s future.

-Conversion War officially ends 

Comments ( 50 )

Damn. That is extensive and I love it all!

Thanks for posting this! By the way, how long after the war does applejack and rainbows story in the resistance take place?

Around 7 to 8 years before they're killed

Very detailed. What happens post-war then?

Pretty much all the events after Negotations aka Reunited, Truth, Useless, Rest, and Future

Oh, right. You didn't do the war, but the aftermath, which still paints a pretty dark picture of what happened.

Next up is the post-war timeline : )

I like how halberd was never mentioned, shows how he was one deluded pony in a war far bigger than him.

Very well made timeline.

Too bad there is no option to upvote blog posts because this one definitely deserves it.

I've been meaning to ask, how did the barrier cover South America without also enveloping all of Eurasia?

it wasn't like a dome, it spread in various directions on its own in various speeds

Well aside from plot what factors decided the extent of its spread

It was kind of its own living thing and moved when it needed to. Nothing controlled it, it wasn't originally even planned to exist when Celestia thought of the idea of sending Equestria to Earth, but she took advantage of it

This was a very good read, you've convinced me to check out this universe.

Doylist reasoning: Preserve the major economic centers and liberal democracy?

Without the barrier what would she have done then? Pull a TNO Burgundy and try to instigate WW3 and ponify the survivors?

The original plan was to establish a isolated land away from humanity while offering the potion to those who wished to live in Equestria by allowing ponies only on their home nation. Celestia believed the humans would be at WW3 soon and would then establish neutrality and offer anyone fleeing the war to turn into ponies in exchange for safty. When most of humanity was wiped out or too damage to fight, her plan was then for Equestria to take over without anyone stopping them and continue turning humans into ponies or killing those who resisted

What would've been the most likely outcome in your opinion

Celestia would have failed and you would have a Three nation system for Earth. One composed of humans, one composed of ponies, and one with both

I'm assuming WW3 in this instance would not have involved nukes so there would've been enough stable nations and guns lying around to put up a fight?

Hey but Diamond Tiara and Berry Punch hadn't survived the war?

Some nukes, but not all.

So basically Equestria ends up running into Brazil, South Africa and Australia instead

You mean in canon or this senario?

I honestly don't know, I think that's up to who ever wants the senario to have what land is safe adn what isn't.

Well, we'd like more details on it, still.

I plan on making a post one later in the week

Huh..Buddhist Lyra never expected that.

Also suprised by a few of names in Lyra's resistance. Can't say I saw GladMane coming, i'm guessing there were ponies who stayed on earth but never joined the resistance. Cause that sounds what BraeBurne did.

Other question does Lyra know about Bon-Bon's agent Sweetie Drops identity?

She didn’t find out until after the freedom fighters were destroyed

My personal headcanon is that Discord sabotaged the Crystal Cannon by holding a massive concert wherein not only did he graffiti his name on the weapon, but he sang "Trogdor" because Discord gonna Discord.

Yeah it's not serious or anything, but it would fit his character.

This timeline also answers my question of what happened to Diamond Tiara, since Warfare established that Silver Spoon committed suicide in Canterlot. But did anything happen to Twist? Warfare established that she was part of the Canterlot Guard, did she make it out of the war okay?

Also, not totally pleased with how Braeburn came out in this story- don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him finding a lover/boyfriend/husband, but him moving to Texas for the rest of his days... I was kinda hoping he would be on the front lines like Fluttershy was. I thought that would have fit Applejack's hatred of her former cousin more, but hey, it's your story and I'm just complaining.

Diamond Tiara died in the bombing of Ponyville. Twist also died in the war.

So uh he's right. Sorry for bringing it up again i thought to be helpful again.

But can we still have Discord sing Trogdor?

If u want in your head canon

Always felt sad Pinkie and Rarity died like they did.

What happend to the Crystal-Ponies? I mean I know they got nuked to kingdom come and eventually they all died off. Cause all of them went them to go sterile.

But what did they do? I mean sure they're all sterile and will die out eventually but what happend after the bombing of the Crystal Empire, but before they're eventual extinction?

Most were put as refuges or tried fighting in the war. When the war was over they were given their own town for the remaining population to live out their days until hey all died off. They mostly just kept to themselves and rarely interacted with anyone, especially the humans who they still blamed for their race's destruction

Not against it, but I was hoping Braeburn's human lover was a woman.

Do you have a Discord server? And also, why are your stories so depressing?

No I don’t and not all my stories are


Amazing timeline. I only hope it gets expanded by future stories set in this universe. I do have a few questions though.

1. Were there any very high ranking/deep inner circle members of the Equestrian government and/or military who were secretly working for the humans? (i.e passing along vital information on troop movements, the locations of HVT's ect)

2. When the barrier fell, were there any humans that defected to Equestria in order to help them in their efforts?

3. Were special forces inserted into Equestria when the barrier fell to conduct special operations? (such as forming insurrectionist forces, destroying supply lies, getting vital information, assassinations or even the rescue and extraction of ponies who were helping the humans all along?)

1. That I leave up to readers/writers

2. No, but there were some extremist groups early in the war who believed that what Equestria said about humanity was true and tried to help them by acting as terrorists groups, but they were pretty much wiped out in a year.

3. Yes, but I never went into detail about that

Seeing as you've written some good stories in the past you should take a shot at it :)

Um, in this post it says the war ended in 2050, but in the post war blog is says that the starting year for the post war is in 2049. Which one is it, if I may ask?

2050 sorry that was a typo

Someone should really make this into a mod for HOI 4.

I agree with this comment.

This is a good idea for a more narrative focused mod

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