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"Consequences… Give a person a situation with no consequences and you’ll see the real them… Every time."

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Don't you just love it when people remove all your comments with no reasons given, just because you dared to criticize their story? · 8:02pm Sep 13th, 2022

It's especially 'fun' if you just spend hours spitting your guts out, writing something to let the author know what didn't exactly work. Here you were doing your best to help the author improve... to discover later that not only that one comment was deleted, but the rest of your comments you made days/weeks/months ago are gone too...

Yeah, I get it! Criticism sucks! Hell, maybe even the person leaving the comment is wrong in everything. But if someone spent hours writing a few thousand words long, extensive comment, with multiple examples of how you could improve in the future, wouldn't it be nice to show some BASIC courtesy and reply, or at the very least, not delete it :ajbemused:?

I honestly don't get it... Don't people see how much of a dick they seem when they act in such a manner? It's like showing someone who wants to help you a middle finger :facehoof:.

Sorry for a little rant, but... god darn it, this is demotivating... :ajsleepy:

Comments ( 18 )

Yeah, it's silly. I made lots of bad stories over the years. Even my worst stories, I never removed the comments. Unless, it was outright spam.

But you're hurting their FEEWINGS and being MEAN! 🥺👉👈

Vent. It’s fine. Sometimes you just need to get your guts out with a measured rant.

It sucks for sure. I feel like there ought to be a time limit on deleting posts and comments specifically because of situations like this. After a couple weeks or a month, deleting someone's post would require moderator approval, and that would show up along with the moderator's name on the deleted comment box.

This gives authors plenty of time to remove spam and actual detrimental comments, but protects readers from an author's bad mood destroying hours of work. It would also help keep conversations and post chains intact for posterity.



Thankfully, most people seem to do the same, and if you write something in-depth, they're grateful. It's even more of a reason it pisses me off when the opposite happens.

Oh, well, what can you do? Shit happens, life goes on... :unsuresweetie:


Hmm, maybe you're right. But in my defense, I heard from a very reliable source that 'facts don't care about your feelings :trixieshiftright:!' and took it to heart.

Um, btw... you wouldn't want to buy an unused Helix mattress, would you :trollestia:?


Thanks. I can say it worked, so at least that's a positive :twilightsheepish:


Not a bad idea if you ask me; plus, it should say WHO deleted the comment. Right now, you never know whether it was the comment's author or the story's author.

Unfortunately, it's doubtful this feature will ever see the light of day :ajsleepy:

A... What a mattress? 💀



Well, something like this:


It's so soft and comfy, you'll just want to lay in your bed forever :trollestia:

It was a little Ben Shapiro joke - he tries to advertise Helix mattresses, ExpressVPN, and some other stuff during his show so much that people made it into a meme.

Bruh this brought back TRAUMA from when I went to a Ben Shapiro club in highschool out of boredom.



Sorry, wasn't my intention... And, I'm afraid to ask this, but... what the heck is a Ben Shapiro club :rainbowderp:?

A club where you watch Ben Shapiro



... OK, it was so obvious that now I fell like a darn idiot :facehoof: Well, I need to hit the hay so good night (or if you're in the US, good day) :twilightsmile:

haha goodnight!

I don't know about such a thing myself, but I'd hazard a guess it's slang for Young Republican groups at universities and colleges. He came onto the political scene long after I had left university days (sorry not sorry) behind, but it sounds right.

Up until this one interview with Pierce Brosnan, Republicans in the US lacked any kind of public figure or icon that wasn't immediately buried by the MSM, and lacked any kind of cohesive defense against the constant dishonest manipulation and trite accusations. Ben Shapiro happened to have...immunity to that, and was quickly overwhelmed with requests to come speak at Republican functions and groups all across the country, including academia, to help show people how to stand up to standard-issue bullshit.


Ben Shapiro happened to have...immunity to that

Is this the same "immunity" I think you're referring to? :trollestia:


I can neither confirm nor deny any allegations.



... I get a feeling there is some 'America-only' joke here, which I'm not getting :trixieshiftleft:

I think George Carlin has the relevant quote for this. Apologies for being vague.



... it's OK, thank you for clearing that up :trixieshiftright:.

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