The Diamond Cutters 1,209 members · 1,364 stories

Going Places

"They say that the map was written by the great pirate king himself, hidden away for centuries inside a dormant volcano until the courageous explorer Finders Keepers managed to retrieve it, selling it on the black market until it ended up in the hands of the Manehattan mafia. However, none of them were able to decipher the intricate code the pirate king used to plot out the location of the treasure, and so it was passed to me, the Don's younger brother to find someone worthy enough to find the impossibly discrete location of the long lost--"

"Give me that," Diamond Tiara said, snatching the map away from him.

Stick a feather in your hat and call it a tiara, because it's adventure time here in this folder. Some people don't think Diamond could be much of an action star given the limited amount of physical activity she performs in the show. Don't you realize? She's just saving her energy for the real adventures. Why don't you take a look?