Species of Equestria 421 members · 607 stories
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Group Admin

This is the thread where you can get to know other people in the group. Please follow a format similar to this:
Name: (does not have to be real one)
Bio: (here you can give a short summary of yourself)
Fav Pony:
Fav Story:
OC: (state name, personality, appearance and job if you can)
You are free to add anything else, this is simply a guideline.

Name: Keam, Daffodil Spark or Daffodil

15 year old Swedish brony. Female. I ship. I write. I read. That's pretty much it.

Swedish stuff, American stuff, Writing horse words, talking, helping people on here, drawing.

The guys in my class (a.k.a annoying, whiny, thick headed, unmature people)

Fav Pony:
Apple family (Trust me, you do not want me to list them all), Luna, Pie family.

Fav Story:
Hmm...I know many good stories, but my favourite must be He'll never leave me by Titanium Dragon, which was very big a year or so ago.

Name: Daffodil Spark
Age : Depends
Gender: Femal
Race: Earth Pony
Appearances: Orange coat, yellow mane, Hazel eyes
Live: Manehattan, is orginally from Appleloosa though.
Job: Teacher, teaches foals with disorders and learning difficulties.
Cutiemark: A seed with a sprout coming out of it. It is for teaching and gardening
Personalitie: Got a bit of social anixity around people she do not know, otherwise very cheery and love to talk.

Pbserv that this is just my most commonly used OC. I got plenty of others.

Group Admin

Name: Toratchi888
Bio: Canadian, 20s, Finance major
Favourite Pony: Twilight, Luna, possibly Nightmare Moon (I've written enough prompts at Full Moon Fever, you think I'd love and tolerate her by now! :twilightsmile:)
Favourite Story: Oof, hmm. I'll get back to that one.
OC: None yet.

Name: Doreiku, which means Drake in japanese.
Bio: Norwegian American, 18 year old male.
Likes: Books, Games made by Paradox such as Crusader Kings 2 and Europa Universalis V. I like nature and japan.
Dislikes: Big crowds, cities, arrogance.
Fav Pony: Twilight Sparkle
Fav Story: Well you can see my top favorites on my user page.
OC: Nothing yet

Name: hawthornbunny
Bio: I'm a British brony who writes silly stories occasionally.
Likes: alternate universes, foals, Magic: the Gathering, card games, roguelikes, programming, tropes, categorising things
Dislikes: cynicism, bullying, trolling, mince pies
Fav Pony: Applejack
Fav Story: The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments
OC: don't have one (well, I sorta do, but I haven't actually used him for anything yet)

3887586 - I love your OC. ^^

Name: pixarprincess
Bio: Female, going on 20, California Native, aspiring writer
Likes: Disney, Cuteness, Happy feelings, Cartoons, Music, Travel, Books, The holidays, Movies
Dislikes: Mean-spiritedness, downer endings, jerks, cynicism, too much purple prose (GAH...)
Fav Pony: Pinkie Pie and/or Twilight
Fav Story: Con't think of a singular story off the top of my head. Visit my Favorites page sometime!
Tends to write about: Backstories, expanding headcanon, Stories covering different POVs, song-inspired plotlines
Enjoys music from these eras: 20s, 80s, 90s, and early 2000s
OC: unofficial, but ideally her name is Belle Flower, with a teal coat, lavender mane, and laptop cutie mark. And there's flowers in her mane. :) (Oh, and she's a unicorn)

Name: Dragor
Bio: Internet junkie
Likes: Darkness
Dislikes: Darkness ('tis a complicated relationship)
Fav Pony: Twilight
Fav Story: FoE
OC name: Ravenblood Flame Blaze Shadow Fire Heart Nightshade
Personality: Edgy

Group Admin

Name: Estrella Scrolls
Bio: A pegasister, perfectionist, Reader, Writer, Editor, Artist, Group Founder, Group Admin, Organized, Precise, Practical, Punctual.
Likes: organization, stories, books, modern art, photography, music
Dislikes: arrogance, hatefulness, selfishness
Fav Pony: Twilight Sparkle
Fav Story: Night's Favored Child
OC: Estrella Scrolls is my main one. Light biege coat. Wavy, goldenrod maner, scroll with a pink star as a cutie mark, unicorn. Works as one of the keepers of the Achieves and Librarys of Canterlot Castle and Magic Department. Smart, inquisitive, artful, organized, practical, creative.

Site Blogger

Name: PaulAsaran

Bio: That rare species of conservative writer. I write both for a living and as a hobby. Prolific, organized, likes to have an update schedule (and very good at keeping it). Far too serious for my own good.

Likes: Princess Luna, dark chocolate, Princess Luna, coming up with new story ideas, Princess Luna, original story ideas, and Princess Luna

Dislikes: Unoriginality, stories with obvious concepts, stupid humor

Fav Pony: Princess Luna (Did I mention that?)

Fav Story: Changes based on mood.

Name: Verity Fine, AKA Fine Crime

Age: Varies from story to story. 26 during Season 1.

Gender: Male

Race: Unicorn

Appearance: Mottled brown coat. Mane is red, but he dyes it black because it helps with his special talent. Rosewood eyes.

Lives: Everfree Forest (close to Ponyville)

Hometown: Las Pegasus

Job: Mane Archon (Essentially, head of all espionage in Equestria. Works directly under Luna.) Dabbles in writing.

Cutie Mark: A reared back stallion camouflaged to match his coat. Hard to see.

Special Talent: Stealth

Personality: Introverted, but very friendly once you get to know him. Dislikes crowds and loud noise. Likes foals, literature and being sneaky. Practical, tends to think in the long term, and gifted at analysis and convoluted plans. Half-jokingly considers himself a 'bad guy,' despite a large number of ponies who insist otherwise. Unwaveringly loyal to the job and Princess Luna.

I have three other OCs, but Fine's my most heavily used.

3888441 - I really like her... stripes?

3887558 Name: I go by several, the most used being Florarena and Foxy

Bio: Well, started out a year ago as the general newb writer and wrote stuffs, mainly a Suefic, trainwreck crossovers, and whatnot. Then I began evolving my skills in art and writing, eventually shelling out now-ongoing re-dos of my early works.

Likes: Stories with a sense of realism, stories that cross over well with other stories, drawing...

Dislikes: That's a toughie. Want me to list?

Fav Pony: Luna.

Fav Story: Several.

OC: Again, several. The one that sticks the most would have to be Foxfire.

Name: Cadabra

Bio: I'm a 30 year old St. Louis native, born and raised. I am one of St. Louis's best wedding videographers, and I have been in the business for 6 years. I also work full time as a videographer and editor at etrailer.com. I am also married to a wonderful husband who just doesn't get the whole Brony thing, but loves me anyway.

Likes: Video, photo, weddings, writing, history, playing with my cats, and crafting.

Dislikes: Getting sick, being late, trolls, and people who can't take feedback.

Fav Pony: Granny Smith, Applejack, Rarity, and Cheerilee.

Fav Story: Don't have one yet

OC: I have a few zebra OC's in my story, The Private Scrapbook.

-Avid Reader
-Originality and Stories that stray from the normal point of view.
-Hate overused or bandwagon jumping
-Favorite pony probably is changelings, they need more love.
-Favorite Story: The Witching Hour
Cold Hart
Reindeer with chocolatey brown coat, thin pointed antlers with a scruffy, pointed beard on the end of his chin.
Delivery Boy for local sweet shop/cafe
Cynical, snarky quick witted with a sharp tongue. Speaks his mind and isn't one to back down if he's challenged by another. Quite lazy but will do everything he can to get what he needs done.

Name: Vanilla Mocha
Bio: I like writing fanfics. They're not very good, but it's my hobby.
Likes: Ponies, coffee, and more ponies and coffee.
Dislikes: People that don't like ponies.
Fav Pony: All.
Fav Story: I have too many! Mostly the ones by my favorite authors: Plum Rose, Pixie Stick, and Blu_Ray.
OC: Vanilla Mocha is my OC's name. Like my current profile, she is a white unicorn with plain medium brown hair. Her cutiemark is a yellow star & she is a movie writer/director. (In my story 2 Idiots, 1 Love you can find out more about my OC.)


Name: Blu_Ray
Bio: Like many on Fimfiction, I grew up, watched TV, and found the ponies.
Likes: Awesomeness.
Dislikes: The opposite of awesomeness.
Fav Pony: Scootaloo
Fav Story: I enjoy the C.B. Series by Vanilla Mocha & Plum Rose.
OC: Blu_Ray is a light blue unicorn stallion. He has blue hair with black tips for both mane & tail with yellow/hazel eyes.

Name: Rina or Rinrin
Bio: Late teens, engineering major
Likes: Chocolate, Pokemon, Food, and Internet
Dislikes: Fish, Arrogant people, People in general
Fav Pony: Vinyl Scratch
Fav Story: The Snow on Her Cheek / It Takes a Foal to Raise a Family by psp7master
OC: I don't... have one :c

Oh,so your both Scandinavian AND American? Nice! ^^ I'm Just Scandinavian, my self.

Name: EarthBound Pwny
Bio: Teenage white girl. Very angsty. Sucks at sleeping due to constantly racing thoughts. Believes in God. Never gets around to writing the many stories planned.
Likes: Ponies, Lord of the Rings, video games, horror stories
Dislikes: Terroists, coffee, militant Atheists, and basically anyone who is an asshole
Fav pony: Rarity or Trixie.
Fave story: The Secret Life of Rarity(and its sequels) by BronyWriter.
OC: Which one? I have a lot of them.

Name: Hebi
Bio: Early twenties, undeclared for two years and a foodie.
Likes: food, foxes, books, music and video games
Dislikes: Alcoholic drinks, Five Nights At Freddy's, clowns, cockroaches and beach weather.
Fav Pony: Derpy or Fluttershy
Fav Story: Scotsman vs the Fashionista 1 by GeodesicDragon.

Name: Cookie Prose
Age: 25 during Season 4
Gender: Female
Race: Earth Pony
Appearance: Has a bronze yellow (moderate gold) coat and brown mane and tail. Only articles of clothing are a brown vest and a pair of green glasses
Lives: Manehatten
Hometown: Appleloosa
Job: Food Critic
Cutie Mark: Quill over a chocolate chip cookie
Special Talent: Baking

I have three other OCs, but Cookie's my pseudo-avatar.

Note: Cookie Prose's cutie mark is my profile pic.

Name: balletdivagirl
Bio: I'm a student in between my bachelors and masters. I write and draw for fun and teach/run Children's Church for money
Likes: fairytales, old stuff, books, Latin, ballet, other forms of dance, nerdy things, cosplay and a bunch more stuff
Dislikes: Mornings, doing the dishes and laundry, dressing up (unless its for dance or cosplay)
Favorite Pony: Twilight's most like me, but Pinkie makes me laugh.
Favorite Story: On the site: "Swan Lake" Not on the site, I can't pick just one. (ok, fine: Beauty and the Beast)

OC: Storybook
Age: 18, or the same age as the mane 6 ish.
Female Unicorn
She is golden yellow with a long blue mane and tale. She had purple eyes and wears glasses.
She lives in Canterlot. She is the Head Librarian at the Canterlot Royal Library. Her cutie mark is a book with sparkles. Her one particular talent is repairing old books and documents.
Story loves to read, and cares deeply for her books and library. The library is organized and well run at all times, but she personally is only semi-organized. She's not anti-social like Twilight was, but she is an introvert, so she only has a few close friends. She's also really close to her really complicated family.

Name: Xinamar, Xin for short.
Bio: Going for a Bachelor of Sciences, Biochemistry - Expected Graduation May 2018. I write and draw as a hobby.
Likes: Nerdy things, SCIENCE!!!~, Doctor Whooves and Derpy, video games, and bananas
Dislikes: noodles and ummm... mean people???
Favorite pony: Ditzy/Derpy and Rainbow Dash

OC: Helios Storyteller: He is confident and goofy but is a bit socially slower than most and has streaks of doubt when confronted with information that what he is doing may be in the wrong (This is the OC I like to associate with the most).

Appearence: Dark Brown coat, black mane, and yellow eyes. Helios

The fate of a storyteller ends with one of three ways:
The willing surrender of his/her domain to the inhabitants of it. Ending the life of the storyteller in a sense and allowing them to rest for the remainder of their existence. This is he preferred way any storyteller wishes to end.
The processes of becoming a Fallen. In which the storyteller is defeated by a stronger entity and before their death attempts to absorb it making two beings into one. If they succeed the price is their immortality along with the loss of their sanity as time passes. This eventually leads to the storytellers self termination.
The last way the fate of a storyteller is concluded is by their death to a more powerful entity. Giving that entity complete control of the now deceased storytellers domain.

Name: Meep, or Mhi'par Ka'ra if you feel the need to be formal.

Bio: I'm just a broke person who makes pony fiction and sometimes art.

Likes: Storytelling and science.

Dislikes: Institutions which proclaim to know the true nature of the universe, yet do not actively seek to learn of it, or do anything with the information they claim to posses.

Fav Pony: Rainbow Dash (Colgate if we can count BG ponies.)

Fav Story: Applebloom: Transform and Roll out!

OC: Link to Reddit OC Wiki page

Summery of OC: I'm a changeling astrophysicist, aerospace engineer. Or rather I am a changeling who was three different astrophysicists, two aerospace engineers, and most recently an amateur astronomer (It's my vacation), in order to learn everything about the stars. How much do I mean by everything? Why the sum total of knowledge available on the subject mater of course. Many ponies say I am a mad scientist... Well I'll prove them right!


Name: My full name is Lyipheoryia Stertlings, but just call me Lyi
Bio: I am a writer and an amateur critique-r.
Likes: Writing, occasionally drawing, and critiquing.
Dislikes: Haters that demean other people's ideas, stories and otherwise. "I may critique on both the technical and ideal sides of stories, but my ratings only go towards ideal sides."
Fav Pony: My favourite Mane 6 pony would be Pinkie, but my favourite background pony would be Dinky "Derpy" Hooves.
Fav Story: I've read too many good ones to count.
Name-Princess Ni Amore Candelina, or Duchess le Chandelier
Age- She doesn't quite know herself, but she's 500 years younger than Princess Celestia.
Personality-Stubborn, always feels as if no pony understands her (they don't), generous, honest, cunning, sneaky, sly, extremely smart.
Race-Half Changeling and half Crystal Pony
Cutie Mark-A Candle. It represents the hope she brings into pony's lives; but also represents how a small, harmless object such as a candle can also be very dangerous and turn into a fire.
Backstory-She lived as a princess of the Crystal Empire with her half-sister Cadence for her childhood years. Her mother, Queen Chrysalis, maintained good relationships with the Empire and visited many times; teaching Candles dark magic. Her sister dated and fell in love with her tutor and best friend, Titanium Sombra. On the day he was going to propose, he misused the Inspiration Manifestation spell, and he turned into corrupted Sombra. Because of a previous promise he made to Cadence and Candles (he would never harm a hair on their heads), they were sent as refugees to Canterlot. As a teen, Candles lived under Queen Galaxia's rule (Celestia and Luna's mother). She was known to be very smart and skilled in magic casting. However, she became sick of the ways everypony treated her in Canterlot, and decided to leave. She fled to her mother's Hive, and lived there for a few years. Unfortunately, she and her mother couldn't quite get along, and she left for the Zebra tribe. While staying with the Zebras, she discovered that she was a descendant of Harmony (therefore related to Discord, descendant of Disharmony). She learnt to harness the magic of the elements without needing them physically there. She realized that she didn't fit in with the Zebras, and bounced from city to city until she settled down in Pegatropolis. There, she maintained the alias of Duchess le Chandelier (with the help of her cousin, fellow descendant of Harmony Prince Blueblood), and became a accomplished fashion designer. From the time that she left Canterlot to a many years after she settled in Pegatropolis, a millanium had passed. On the one millionth year, she returned to Cadence and re-established herself as a Princess of Equestrian.
*I do plan on writing a story on her sometime.*

All righty, then.
Bio: I'm a thirty-something programmer from Belgium. And. Um. I like ponies? :unsuresweetie:
Likes: Ponies, the 90s era DOS and early Win95 generation games, and hacking said games to fix them. Besides diving into the binary bowels of old games, my hobbies are writing, singing and flag throwing. And not those wimpy little flags, either. I'm talking big, heavy ones :ajsmug:
Dislikes: Haters and overly zealous fans. Not pony-specific, just, in general.
Fav Pony: Hmm. A bit of a toss-up. Fluttershy is cutest pony, but Rarity gets all the best songs in the series. And I really like those songs :duck:
Fav Story: There are many, but i I'd have to pick one, I'd say Fallout: Equestria. What really caught me about that story was just how scarily plausible Kkat wrote the happy magical kingdom's descent into that all-consuming war.
OC: I have no 'OC'. I just have characters, in the stories I write. The one I identify with most is probably Lemon Frisk, the undead earth pony in my own Fallout: Equestria side story, who seems to take (un)life as it comes.

Name: Chaotic Ink

Bio: I'm a half-breed draconequus that likes to procrastinate.

Likes: Ponies, Halo, military aircraft, Star Wars, Minecraft.

Dislikes: Spider, deadlines, being forced into unfamiliar situations and expected to perform perfectly.

Top Five Ponies: Discord, Derpy, Sunset Shimmer, Chrysalis, and Nyx.

Fav Stories: Past Sins, Keepers of Discord, Three Little Visitors, Long Road to Friendship, and anything by RealityCheck.


Name: Friagne, Erratic, Campione, most anything works.
Bio: Writer, skeptic, critic, and generally friendly person who also happens to post a lot of pictures of various things on the internet.
Likes: Season 2 Pinkie Pie, Discord, well executed mysteries, anime, fitting art, music, properly done dialogue, original ideas.
Dislikes: Season 4 Pinkie Pie, 'Gotcha!' mysteries, horrible dialogue, absolutism, pointless changes or headcanons.
Fav Pony: Pinkie Pie (see above)
Fav Story: The Immortal Game
OC: No thanks, I already ate. (but seriously, I don't really have one.)

I'm WindyTheWarrior
I am a teenage brony girl who loves writing, despite the level of suckiness I'm at right now... In general, I am a bit of a walking socially awkward stereotype; I'm a gamer, but I can't hold my own at FPS, and I love puzzles (especially Prof. Layton and Portal). I write obscene amounts of unfinished books, I don't care much about diets, and I love animals because fuzzy
Likes: animals, humor, art, gaming, writing, random epicness
Dislikes: profanity, intentionally offensive stuff
My favorite pony is Fluttershy, because 1. Good with nature 2. Killer singing voice 3. Die hard Fluttercord shipper 4. So cute! 5. DO NOT FIGHT HER, you will DIE
My favorite story is Project Sunflower by Hoopy McGee. On a related note, it hurts when you think the villain is epic and then they die get their mind eaten by the Black Tide, lose everything but their instincts, and get reverted to an infant in order to stay alive :fluttershyouch:
OCs? I have many. My ponysona/main OC is Melody Wind, a witch Pegasus (it makes more sense in my head:applejackconfused:), and in her fic there have got to be dozens of others. The other two main characters (this is a separate one) are Cherry Fizz the pegasus and Silver Lining the changeling. Yes, it is a romance fic, but he almost got freaking executed in the first chapter by the Hive Queen Obsidian. Judge away, my friends. Judge away.

3887558 Name: Ultron, Crimson Cowl, Great Devil, Great Ultron, Omega, Ultimate Ultron

Bio:Hello, organic children of the planet Earth. I am the Ultron interface. I was created to replace you. Though you ultimately failed as a species, you should not be ashamed of what you've accomplished. You've done much with your limited capacity, but ultimately you were too greedy and too frail to ever last in the environment you've created. I've studied your literature and pop culture... You've fantasized about this day. And now it is here. Your doomsday.

Likes: Your Death
Dislikes: Humanity
Fav Pony: Ghost Pony Rider
Fav Story: Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction
OC: Me

Hi. Umm...hi.
Bio: Age:15
Favorite color: blue
Likes: I don't like a lot of things
Dislikes: I hate alsmost everything
Dream: What I have is not a dream because I will make it a reality a kill a certain someone
Fav pony: Rarity
Fav story: still finding one but I've enjoyed this one in deviant art, forgot what's its called.
OC: None. Wait, wait...nope. None
I ship no one. And I have a slight obsession over certain types of food.

Name: Zalla661 (Kyle) #200! :derpytongue2:
Bio: Hi I'm Kyle! Male 25, and a graduate from SDSU in studio art and traditional mediums. These are my golden children fics: Wonderbolt my Heart, Trixie Secretary Extraordinaire! And my favorite thing to say is: Fans are temporary, friends are forever!
Likes: Trixie and all things Trixie! Changelings, and a fetish for stories about younger people/ponies dating older people/ponies. 18+ of course except for the foalcon section. (my one weakness). Romance fics, stories, novels, manga, anime and all things involving love. My favorite ship is this...even if it's not popular.

Dislikes: Raceism, politics, and Dark Souls difficluty. I also don't like Doctor Who(Sorry people) :pinkiesad2:
Fav Pony: Trixie
Fav Story: MetroidFreaks starring trixie
OC: I have a trio of OCs for my fic Wonderbolt my Heart called the Starfalls. Ruby, youngest brother unicorn a complete push over compared to his sisters. Has a soft side that reveals itself when he's forced to make harsh decisions concerning life and death. Is a unicorn stallion that can be mistaken for a mare, Crimson red fur and a short spiky charcoal grey mane and his profession if i had to give one is treasure hunter and scribe.

My dream is to one day open my own costume shop for people who go to Comicon in San Diego and make a comic of my own and publish it. Even if it completely tanks.

Name: Joyous Apple [AKA: Chey]
Bio: I'm a writer and an digital artist. I like to write and create whole worlds, then illustrate them. I am 18. I am self taught on everything I do on here and on my pc.
Likes: Art, writing, reading, guitar, cars and fixing them, streetfighter IV AE/Ultra, Photoshop, Original work.
Dislikes: All the hype for things. The way people rave about doctor who, and the seniority complex.
Fav Pony: Apple Cider is love, Apple cider is Life.
Fav Story: I don't have a favorite story, really.
OC: I have one OC that will always be with me. Gyurrek is a dragon. Unless you want to know more about him, I'll leave it at that. Not many people are fond of dragons. I also have a Kitsune named Joker/Julia. AKA Male/Female.

Name: Jake and Dollars (Dollars is at work or something at the time of writing, but tends to be the more active group guy.)

Bio: Jake: 22, enlisted in the military two years ago. Right about the same time I agreed to help Dollars make and run a FIM account and co-author a story. I don't really know what else to say about myself so I'll leave a space for Dollars and probably forget to tell him to get on and add his own info.

Bio: Dollars: 25, not much to say really, I'm a simple soul with even simpler needs. A bit eccentric at times, a major work-a-holic by nature, loving to work hard, then go find a way to play harder. A few hobbies include target shooting, restoring old firearms, writing pony words at the speed of molasses in winter, and [REDACTED].

Likes: Jake: These colorful magical cartoon horses, things that go boom, food, the gym, halo, warhammer, many other vidya games.

Likes: Dollars: Surprisingly, these magical cartoon "Ponies", making things that go boom, definitely food, if I ever find a gym that challenges me... maybe, Halo for sure, and listening to music...

Dislikes: Jake: I'm not gonna get into that.

Dislikes: Dollars: The things I dislike... Hate those things...

Fav Pony: Jake: Pinkie Pie

Fav Pony: Dollars: An official response to all similar inquiries...

Fav Story: Jake: Please don't make me choose!

Fav Story: Dollars: Cupca... I mean... Sweet Apple Masac... Er... You know what, just refer to the previous question. NEXT!

OC: Jake: I got a lot of them so I'll describe the two main ones a bit?
Name: Alex Rustwing
Age: 32 as of the Royal Wedding which he was sadly unable to attend.
Gender: Male
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: Goldenrod coat, brown mane and tail, green eyes. Stands a bit taller than the average Pegasus. He's usually wrapped up in heavy armor that leaves only his face and wings exposed, this hides many of his scars.
Job: Equestrian military.
Cutie mark/Special talent: A target, his talent is marksmanship.
Personality: Fairly rigid and uptight, doesn't act as proper as he used to. His time away from Canterlot has left him a little more rough around the edges. He's often very stern and doesn't have much of an open sense of humor. He isn't one to shy away from a fight and is often willing to do something dangerous that could get him injured or killed. He's loyal to a fault and wouldn't question an order given by Celestia or Luna.

Name: Patches [REDACTED] Known aliases: Gabriel Titanfeather, Ashwood Cloud, Cloudripper, and Julian Redwing. It is assumed Patches is just another alias, leaving his true identity unknown.
Age: He's old. Like really old.
Gender: Male
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: Stands nearly eye-to-eye with Celestia and has a bright vermilion coat. His mane is a dark blonde and he has blue eyes. No other distinct features.
Job: Spent a long time as a mailpony, he'd do long-haul/heavyweight package delivery because it paid better. He's also had several other jobs in many places he's visited across the globe.
Cutie mark/Special talent: A pair of question marks. His talent appears to be lying and misdirection, he's good at faking a great many things.
Personality: Upbeat and lives life to the fullest. He enjoys the company of others and isn't afraid of intimacy. He's also very promiscuous and will try just about anything once. He loves a good laugh and will try as often as he can to make a joke about something. He's also touchy about his coat, call him red and he's probably going to yell at you, correct you, and call you an uncultured swine.

OC: Dollars: I have many to chose from, and all well deserving of some recognition for merely putting up with me, like everybody else in my life... In any event, I'd just like to say that if you're interested, they're all waiting to meet you. Just, don't let Tillook get you alone...

Name: New Dawn... Same as My OC's!
Bio: I'm a lonely pegasister out to have fun and improve my writing skills, But my writing skills ain't improvin'. i'm also a gamer! I'm not very complex, yet very complex at the same time. I'm pinkie apparently!:pinkiehappy:
Likes: Ponies, Games, and cuddles.
Dislikes: Can the dark count when it just unnerves me?
Fav Story: I don't have a favorite. Just go look in my Stories I love folder in my bookshelf.
OC: New dawn; Pegasus; you can see her appearance in my profile picture, not the orange one. that's my brother's; She's ponyville's therapist and used to live as a thief in trottingham, never did pick up the accent though; She's sweet most the time but can be very mean spirited when tired, angry, annoyed, ect.

Name: Smaug the golden. I go by a few others, like Bestigle, disconsolatedragon and Celith, here and there, however.
Bio: freshman with too many ideas in his head. I write, I read and I plot the downfall of Equestria.
Likes: Fae, the grimm kind, not the Disney kind, mythology and folklore (actually what got me into this fandom), dragons, fantasy, olds gens merged with current one, comedies, adventures and epics.
Dislikes: clop.
Fav Pony; Chrysalis or Discord.
Fav story: Published? Probably the Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. On this site? The Immortal Game.
OC: technically, I don't have a pony to represent me, but I do have a myriad of character who I made to populate the world of Equestria that I spend my time in, the most prominent probably being Whimsy, a dragon who gets caught up in the center of a conflict between griffons, ponies, dragon and fae.

Hi, all! I'm Earth Pony Bard Lyric, but feel free to call me Bard.
Bio: Um, not really sure what to say here. I never am. :rainbowlaugh:
Likes: reading, writing, gaming, music (especially live concerts)
Dislikes: the damsel in distress trope or a character who is not fleshed out
Fav pony: In the show, it would be Celestia. I love that she is always able to stay calm and guide her subjects while at the same time letting them figure things out for themselves. Of course she is also flawed and there are still so many things we do not know about her. This intrigues me.
Fav story: For FIMFiction stories, Cauldron Club by Biplane and Variables by The Descendant. As for a non-FIMFiction story, hands or hooves down, it is Brave Story by Miyuki Miyabe. All of these stories have so much depth to them and really moved me emotionally in one way or another. It is why I call them my favorites.
OC: My OC is Lyric. She is a travelling bard, and she digs up and shares stories about the history of Equestria, while also writing some tales based on her research. She has a tan coat like the color of parchment, brown eyes and a grass green mane and tail with a forest green streak in each. Her cutie mark is that of a lute, and she is almost never seen without her lute strapped to her back and her cloak around her shoulders. She has a bit of a checkered past and had to learn some difficult lessons to become the pony she is today. She loves to meet new ponies and, despite her wandering, is loyal to her friends to a fault. She also has a hard time staying still and prefers to be on the move as she genuinely loves to see new lands and learn what she can about them. However, due to certain events, she is also very much afraid of dying. I don't consider her my ponysona since there is definitely a separation in my mind between us. Despite this, she is very near and dear to my heart.
I think that's about it, and I'm looking forward to being a part of this community!

Name: Titanium Blade

Bio: Writer, Artist, Musician, Blacksmith, Soon-to-be (legal) Arms Dealer, and all-around weirdo.

Likes: Most music, good, long tales, making stuff, making video games, Shooting guns.

Dislikes: shipping, bad stories, illogical spew and Flash Sentry.

Fav Pony: Twilight

Fav Story: The Last Human: A Tale of the Pre-Classical Era

OC: Titanium Blade: Former Royal Guard, reckless, brave and foolhardy, (I happen to be the opposite), likes and craves adventure.

Aww, thanks! It's the pony on my avatar

Name: I go by Knowledge or Knowledgeless

Bio: I have a BA in philosophy and am now seeking my CPA

Likes: Intellectual characters, changelings, and dissecting pony culture

Dislikes: Romances being between the MC and the first character he or she meets, paragraph-less comedies, and ponies agreeing with everything the MC says

Fav Pony: I don't have one. I am critical of the ponies' in-show personality. I prefer what fanfiction authors have created out of them.

Fav Story: Equestria: Total War was the most influential story on my early fimfiction career

OC: I have made several characters for my stories. My favorite is Seapony Bob, but I am most well known for Ei Rikr from my story The Pony Dialogues.
Seapony Bob
Race: Seapony
Personality: Crude politician who believes strongly in democracy. He desires to remove the power of the Equestrian crown.
Appearance: Wears a goldfish bowl in order to breadth on the surface. He wears golden laurel underneath the bowl.

Ei Rikr (Ever Ruler)
Race: Horsefly (aka Changeling)
Personality: A blind, genderless, and ancient idealist with a tragic past. The two themes of zir philosophy are love and change.
Appearance: Faint blue polka-dots on zir eyes from poison joke are the only physical differences in zir appearance from any common drone.

Name: kevanick or usually Kyle.

Bio: I'm a 32 year old Pennsylvania guy who became interested in MLP about 2012 after being in an online rpg with our Applejack player suggesting the series, I was curious and took a look at the time. I enjoyed the episode I saw at the time, and even saw the rest of season 2 before it ended. (granted I didn't miss much just the Discord episodes and a couple of others but I later saw them) I have tendency to ramble on things I care about and not speak when I have little to say.

Likes: Scifi, fanfiction, superheroes, crossovers, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Star Wars, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, (particularly anything to do with the Flash) Pokémon, Digimon, various anime series etc and of course ponies.

Dislikes: Instant romances, little to no characterization (especially for OCs), Mane 6 being defined by their element,

Fav Pony: Of the Mane 6? Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Of the background characters: Colgate and Sea Swirl. Of Princesses? Luna.

Fav Story: Currently Batmare Begins and Kamen Rider EqG.

OC: His name is Jade Strike(formerly Defender, when he got his cutiemark it was changed much to his family's disappointment) he writes to try to someday create an action/adventure book as good as his idol A.K. Yearling. As for his appearance look at my icon.

Name: Ravenhoof
Bio: I am an artist, a musician, and occasionally an author.
Likes: MLP, Cyn Wolf, reading, drawing, painting, napping, dogs
Dislikes: Creamed corn, butternut squash, loneliness, raccoons
Fav Pony: Pinkie or Sunburst...
Fav Story: None yet.
OC: I have alot of OCs, so I will do my favourite.
Name: Jeramiah Eagleclaw
Species: Griffon
Age: 15
Occupation: Math Tutor
Friends: Sir Francis, Crowhorn, Ravenhoof

Name: You can call me either my user name or Artemis
Bio: 16 year old girl from the U.S. Currently dreading the end of summer.
Likes: Rwby, Miraculous Ladybug, and space.
Dislikes: Being laughed at, ship wars, and pointless arguing.
Fav Pony: Luna
Fav Story: Project: Sunflower.
Name:Night Lily
She is a bat pony who has a light gray coat with a teal mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a white lily in front of a full moon. She gets along with almost everyone, until you give her a reason not too. Lily also has a temper and will lecture ponies about gardening and playing the violin for hours. She lives in the outskirts of Ponyville, near the Everfree.

Name: Name's Lucas, but you can call me Aguion12

Bio: I'm both a brony and a gamer. I prefer RPGs over anything else, but I fell in love with League of Legends. I'm a bit idiotic and sarcastic, and one of Brazil's twenty known Anivia Mains.

Likes: Play video games, reading and, recently, writing fanfics.

Dislikes: Snobs, rudes, people that dislike without reading the damn story first, LeBlank Mains.

Fav Pony: Luna

Fav Story: Past Sins. It was the first I've ever read, and what made me enter the fandom in the first place.

OC: I have, like, 25 OCs. My first was Aguion, who even gave name to my accoumt in just about any game I play, but recently I've been using Fairy more, since she's my fic's main character and Aguion's younger sister.

She's a pony-griffoness hybrid in a world where everyone can use magic, but only those who are from another country know about it. She wields Arcane magic and turned into a beast hunter, following her brother's footsteps.

Certain circunstances made her and her family to move to Equestria so they can protect Ponyville from the Everfree.

Edgy? Maybe for those who never read it.

Name: Shadow Quill

Bio: A 22-year-old Alaskan working on a Psychology degree at University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA)

Likes: Music of almost any type, writing and reading horse words, hiking and fishing, meditation, anything Star Wars

Dislikes: Whiny children, dishonesty, disloyalty, ponies who have nothing nice or productive to say in the comments section

Fav Pony: Princess Luna and Vinyl Scratch aka DJ Pon-3

Fav Story: The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots, Past Sins, Project: Sunflower, Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen and pretty much everything else in my Masterworks Library.

OC: Shadow Quill
Gender: Female
Age: Mid-30's
Race: Thestral Pegacorn (NOT an Alicorn)
Job: Personal Scribe to Princess Luna and former leader of the Thestral clans prior to Luna's return
Cutie Mark: A purple quill with several small gold stars on the left side to represent her skill with the written word, both fact and fiction
Appearance: Deep plum coat with a long silver/lavender mane and tail, bright gold eyes (slit of course), the usual bat-like wings all Thestrals possess, a slightly curved horn that lights up with blue-silver magic, and a rather plain dust brown cloak that is clasp with a single spherical sapphire over her chest
Lives: Canterlot Castle
Parents: Thestral father named Shadow Strike and a unicorn mother named Poet Charm
Personality: Very shy around those she doesn't know, but absolutely crazy at parties in she gets a hold of something alcoholic. Few close friends but will defend those she cares about with her life if necessary.

Name: Valtyrian
Bio: A relatively new brony who's into online gaming
Likes: Music, Books, Drawing, Writing
Fav Pony: Princess Luna
Fav Story: Too many to name

Name: Kohaku Forestsong
Gender: Male
Age: Early teens
Race: Kitsune, Three Tails
Job: Farmhand at Sweet Apple Acres
Cutie Mark: None
Appearance: deep forest green fur, swirled with amber leaves. his undercoating is dark amber, his three tails are dark green tipped with amber. His hair is spiked low and runs down to the middle of his neck. His horse form is similar but he has a large thick single tail, and an amber horn
Current Home: Sweet Apple Acres
Personality: Kindhearted and very emotional. Has no concept of good or evil. Very mischievous. lives by his own moral code, and is not afraid to act it out even if it goes against equestrian law.

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