Species of Equestria 421 members · 607 stories
Comments ( 25 )
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Group Admin

This is the thread where you can leave suggestions, comments or complaints. Be nice, do not bash anything or anyone.

I don't think it makes much sense to have the 'Other' folder. 'Other' just means 'I'm not classifying this story by species at all', which makes it useless for anyone who's actually looking for a particular species.

If the intention of the Other folder is to hold stories until they can be classified, then it should be an 'Awaiting classification' folder or something like that.

Group Admin

3902470 Ok, thanks for the helpful suggestion, I will make changes accordingly.
~Estrella Scrolls

This might have been brought up already, but hey, wont know until I say something right?

Why don't you try to do a "Group Features" sort of blog? Something that gets posted on the first page of the group, where stories can be chosen weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly and posted up, to help promote authors to get more readers? Also, if you keep up to date with it (because some people will do a 'Featured Blog' for a couple weeks, and then never touch it again) you might be able to draw more authors to join the group, if they have know they at LEAST have a chance to shine.

Your group seems to be in need of a spell checker.
* The front page says "peagasus" instead of "pegasus"
* The rules say "Failer to do any of the said rules". Not only should that be "failure", but rules aren't "done", they are "obeyed". I'd also refer to them as "the above rules", not the "said" rules. They are not spoken, they are shown in text.
* Rule 5 seems badly worded, since the only requirement of the group seems to be to have a character of literally ANY species in the MLP world. I assume the rule is actually meant to be "put stories in the correct folder", which is actually the same as rule 1 and 2. Or maybe it is to prohibit species other than the ones in the available folders? But then there wouldn't be an "other" folder.
* The rules also don't seem to make clear where humans stand in this; if they are simply not allowed or if they belong in "other".

Group Admin

4163775 Thank you for your input. Changes were made appropriately. As for humans, my story reviewer is in charge of things like that, and, currenly, humans are not a species of Equestria. :twilightsmile: Thanks again!
Estrella Essentia

Oh, I wasn't specifically asking about the humans; just pointing out that it might be a thing to address in the rules.

Is it OK if I post a thread, too? I mean, I don't know what I would do yet, but as long as I follow the rules...?

3902470 This makes sense.
4163775 If I am not mistaken, it is spelled Griffon, with an "O".
4163806 Does this mean we only focus on the Equines? Humans couldn't be considered Equines, so that makes sense if it is the case.
Yet, why no Donkey and Mule?
With the final question of the day, these are the Canon Equines, as opposed to the OC and preFiM Species and types?
Still, the Breezies is a new Canon Equine, not to confuse with the old Breezies.
Is it acceptable to ask about the Flutter Ponies and the Sea Ponies too?


If I am not mistaken, it is spelled Griffon, with an "O".

Griffon, griffin, gryphon... there are tons of ways to write that word, and they're all valid.

Does this mean we only focus on the Equines? Humans couldn't be considered Equines, so that makes sense if it is the case.

Um what? no... this group is about all species of Equestria. The only reason I suggested putting "humans" in the rules is because it happens to be something lots of people write about, so it's best to just make it clear that this is not the right group for HiE stuff. :trixieshiftright:

4187029 oh. Maybe the correct question is what the FiM canon spelling is? Some people love using the wrong spelling of names.
On the other hoof, there is a site canon spelling of the characters who have their tags, just that there only is the characters names, not the Species.

There are to the best of my knowledge no Humans in Equestria in FiM, even if there was in older MLP.
Then we need the folders for all the other Species people write about who does live in Equestria. Deers are living in Equestria.


Deers are living in Equestria.

This is technically just as speculative as saying humans don't live in Equestria. We've seen neither of them in the series (excluding the technicolor humans of EQG). And yet, humans don't seem to be allowed, while these deer would be.

And that's exactly why I proposed a rule specifically clarifying the humans thing :ajsmug:

4187422 Deers have been seen in the show, just not often. The only once I can recall were at Fluttershy's cottage.
We have seen Cows on an episode, free roming, but they were clearly speaking, when they felt the need to.
There is supposedly statements to the effect that the once with Hooves are inteligent or sapient, can't recall where or the exact wording to this effect.

EGg(Equestria Girls) is Canon, just in a separate realm, but not the first, if you recall the episode Power Ponies?

The FiM has taken the step and made an effort of banning all Humans from Equestria by the looks of it. Old MLP included them in several forms.

Clear Rules is always an advantage. We have no room for infiting over seemingly trivial issues. It could be seen as against the spirit of FiM in general as well. We are friends, after all. The sensible way is to solve the dissagreements quietly together.

Setting the Rules is up to the Owner and admins to organise. I can choose to disagree, but if I have a real problem, I can leave. Guess I chose to stay.

Oh, I'm not arguing humans should be allowed, or anything like that. Not at all.

I'm just proposing such a rule to avoid any future confusion or conflict on this point, since several fics I know do things like placing human nations in the MLP world, or saying they used to exist but are extinct, and a ton of other such border cases.

4187451 ah ;)
proposing rules to clearify things sounds like the right way to go.

Not sure if this is the thread to point at it, but how does anthro character count?
If the character is a Canon Pony, do they still count as Pony according to our rules here?
If this is the wrong place, is there a thread, or do I post a new one?

Speaking of the Cow, they have no folder either. Is this merely a lack of stories and thus no interest, or a conscious choice?

Since you could have a folder closed, one could have closed folders for Types/Species that are not permitted as well, if we choose to.

As far as I've seen, in MLP fanfics in general, the only allowed 'furries' are diamond dogs :derpytongue2:

Cows and sheep and pigs and such don't seem to rate very high on the intelligence scale, and are really still cattle despite some of them apparently being able to talk. I guess those would go to the "other" folder.

4187487 Guess I need to see more of the Fanon FiM.

oh yeah, the Diamond Dogs. They were pretty fun in their Episode too.

They would be a hard sell, unless they have more culture than they have shown in the canon?

Yet, there seems to be some pretty fancy art as to the Cow, even if I havne't seen enough Characters.

Quick question here! I have that will consist of two one-shot chapters, one focusing on a Unicorn and the other on an Earth pony. Should I add my story to the Unicorn folder for now and then also to the Earth pony folder when the second chapter is completed? Thanks!

I'd beg to differ. I've used the 'Other' folder to post my story in because I use species in my story that aren't in the main demographic.
Other therein entails other animals not related to those in the main folders.

4163795 You didn't actually get rid of the 'Other' folder, did you?
What happens to all the stories that were in it?

Group Admin

4343271 I am not the admin in charge of the folders. If the other folder is gone, they were moved to other places, but not deleted.

So just to clarify this, 'I'm going to assume we can't use other sapient animals, such as foxes, wolves, rabbits, birds, etc in the stories? I'm not saying their sapient , its just that if their are other species(Diamond dog, dragon, or griffin) that are capable of having as much intelligence as the ponies and although and fluttershy's pet rabbit angel, having at LEAST some form of higher intellect. Although most of the animals in the Canon seem just as smart as any regular animal, writers could easily make some sort of backstory of why their sapient. Maybe their from the badlands? Or just somewhere else, its up to the writer. I'm just asking if what alot of people call "fursonas or furries" be given a fair chance.
If you have taken the time to read this, thank you for your time and I hope you take this into consideration:twilightsmile:

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