The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild 232 members · 1,000 stories
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Not this exact wording, but….

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Actually, there was at least one Christian group that did think you shouldn't worship crosses because of them being what Jesus was tortured on.

They were branded as heretics, and the inquisition came after them with torture devices...

--Sweetie Belle

Don't know if this was supposed to be a rhetorical question or not, but probably for the same reasons that certain groups insist that you were fair skinned, with warm blue eyes and long blonde/light brown hair and had puppies and kittens cavorting around your feet in a vibrant green meadow.

Group Contributor

If I remember correctly, it's to remember the sacrifice Jesus made. He died for our sins so we don't have to.

Unfortunately, given today's society, I'm starting to wonder if Jesus' sacrifice was in vain. :rainbowlaugh:

Well according to Dante and most quote-unquote "Good Christians" , I am most certainly going to hell when I die: I don't pray, I get "excited" over ponies and other such things, I am admittedly a bit too comfortable with my worldly goods...need I go on? But if being "good" means living a completely sterile passionless life except for 24/7 prayer and reflection on the words of people who were physically dust over a millennium ago... I prefer the view that God doesn't want us to be perfect, Jesus might have done dumb things when he was a teenager, etc.

Group Contributor


Jesus might have done dumb things when he was a teenager

Funny you should say that:

Though I can't help but wonder if the things mentioned might have been apocryphal.

Hmm...given the source material I would really take all that with a grain of salt or ten. That being said, I have indeed heard that mistranslations, editing, and downright fabrications are all part of the history of the bible.

Group Contributor


Yeah, mistranslation alone I could understand especially with very little exception most of the writing didn't occur until long after the events being presented.

Ah yes, the “infancy gospels.” They read like poorly-written fanfics where the main characters act nothing like themselves.

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