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Azure Drache
Group Admin
TÂme Câline
Starlight cuddles Trixie as the sun comes up. That's it. That's the whole story. (Well, mostly.)
The Cloptimist · 6.1k words  ·  74  6 · 1.3k views


This story is written in the perspective of Starlight Glimmer when she mentally goes over the events of her past. Mostly the ones that lead to her ending up with being a pair with Trixie.

Actually Starlight watches the sun rise while writing into her jornal with their magic. While doing so, a lot of stuff comes to her mind that she rambling wise writes down automatically. Be it her school days, and how she became the pony she was or how she acted around Trixie in the past and what she can make out of this wisdom in hindsight.

Overal Opinion

Yeah, so with being written directly from Starlight perspective, the story starts a bit loose and rambling wise. It takes a moment till it makes sense in my small opinion. The author did a good job at writing in a way that fits Starlight's way of thoughts and how she would think about the things she did and the things that happened, but, to really make a bigger picture it takes a moment.

As soon as the story is completely in its flow however, it is a good Slice of Life story. We get to see a lot of Starlights background and also the author thought about all the side effects and little details that comes along of being a former villain. Interacting with people outside of the show and in general, how Starlight actions would have affected random people of Equestria in some cases.

What I really liked about this story in that matter was the flow and variety of events. There is enough going on to entertain, while at the same time each scene gets just enough time to make sense and develop on its own.

Though, in matters of romance, the story is more subtle most of the time and not so much focused on it. It is telling the romance parts more like side effects. Which makes sense, since that is how romance can happen of course. Only, I would like to have seen a bit more direct approaches at showing it. The story brings up moments from the show and gives them a more romantic background, which is creative and fitting, though, what I was missing were the little moments along the way that specifically were romantic. This is actually a bit difficult to explain, without spoiling too much, the story does have stuff like the first kiss of course, but, what about the things after they found out they are interested in each other for example? Well, in lack of better words, the courtship phase? Or 'All the little things she does' kind of stuff. Starlight sure does mention a bit, don't get me wrong, just it could have had a bit more impact in my small opinion.


Slice Of Life : 9/10 Good Pacing, In character, A little bit loose at the start.
Romance: 6.5/10 Yeah, it is subtle there all the time, it ends up. Though, it could have been extended on that topic a bit here and there.
Entertainment Factor: 7/10 A good story that is worth a read and may bring you a smile.


Thanks for the review!

In my own personal head canon, they got together a lot sooner than this - but I thought it'd be interesting to have a story where they were officially Best Friends for the duration of the actual show, right up until the final battle. I also thought about having it not be a sudden symmetrical attraction but rather having them move at different paces, so it'd be funny and realistic to have Trixie, herself secure in her sexuality and absolutely certain about her feelings, spending two and a half seasons getting frustrated at Starlight being oblivious to all her increasingly obvious signals... :trixieshiftleft:

Anyway, thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed!

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Yes I did enjoy reading this:twilightsmile:

Like I said, your romancing the show scenes up was fitting and interesting, I am just not sure if Trixie would not actuall tell Starlight about her feelings directly. You know, like telling Starlight that the Great And Powerful Trixie, has decided she would be worthy of being her one and only powerful mate:rainbowlaugh:

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