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Eddy13 #1 · May 10th, 2019 · · 8 ·

The FIMF site has suffered a great loss. MythrilMoth, a popular member, passed away on Sunday. It came out of the blue for many. In his last OOCST, he claimed he wasn't feeling well over the weekend, but many of us were expecting him to get through it. It was when he wasn't around since Sunday that many of us got worried, but hoped he would come back soon.

Then the bomb was dropped today.

I bet many of us didn't expect this would be the last post he'd ever make.

Truthfully, I didn't really know Moth; I mostly knew him through his "Out of Context Screenshot Theater" posts, which made for numerous potential scenarios. I'm sure a lot of you were much closer to him, some of you may have had your differences with him, but it's likely many of you have heard of him.

The loss of Mythril diminishes the site, and reminds us all of the fragility of life. Any one of us could go when we least expect it.

Farewell, MythrilMoth. You will be missed. Wherever you are, I hope you're in a better place.

CSC #2 · May 10th, 2019 · · 1 ·


Oh damn. :fluttershysad: I loved a lot of his work. This is a shame, he will be missed.

Torus #4 · May 10th, 2019 · · 1 ·

He was a good person, may God give him piece.

At least we can take solace in the fact that he's out there doing God's work with the rest of the late greats.

I’m not going to pretend as though he was my favorite person, but he did write a couple of things I enjoyed, and he clearly had a positive effect on a ton of people. No matter your opinion on him, I think we can agree that this was definitely a blow to the Fimfiction community and we will mourn his loss.

I can't say that I knew him or even read any of his stories, but that still doesn't dull the sting from losing one of our own. May he finally find peace.

Why does his account have a line through it like he was banned or something? Was that does so no one can steal his account since we know he passed on?

Usually I just ignore this sort of mistake, but given this post is a memorial, it's probably a good idea to get the name right.

It's never clear what to do with online accounts of the passed, but a common procedure many websites follow is to deactivate the account, either upon confirmation of the deceased or request of the family.

Sorry. I'll fix it.

Sad news. I really enjoyed some of his stories.

Eddy13 #13 · May 10th, 2019 · · 2 ·

Hey! Who downvoted the thread? That's very insensitive!

A terrible pity - both for his own sake as a human being, and the sake of his countless partly-written stories, pony and non-pony. He would often update them after quite a while, but now there's no more hope for any of them - even if they were put up for adoption, I think his style was pretty inimitable.

The man was nothing but an utter bastard to me.

Still, it is unfortunate to see any life cut short.

Eddy13 #16 · May 10th, 2019 · · 2 ·

Okay, seriously. Who's the two three four five six seven insensitive members that decided to downvote the thread? Even if there was bad blood between you and Mythril, it's very disrepectful to do something like this.

Rest in peace. Mythril.


I didn't know MythrilMoth, and I can't pretend I did.

That said, I'm sorry he's gone. You have my prayers and condolences.

May the Lord go with you, and all who have suffered this terrible loss. :ajsleepy:


Agreed. A man is DEAD, people. This is disrespectful and mean-spirited in the extreme. :ajbemused:

Regardless of your views, the fact is that family and friends - and fans - of this person have suffered loss. Time to get over rivalries and pay respect.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Can't say I knew him very well, but I'm sorry to hear that he's gone. I hope for the best for his family and friends that he's left behind.

I am glad we know that happened, though. I always hate it when someone just never logs in again, and we never know why. It's something to think about. If anything happened to you IRL, would anyone know to come on fimfiction and tell people? Are your passwords somewhere that someone could retrieve them if something happened to you?

On fimfiction, it does seem like they usually permaban people who pass on, though I can think of at least one exception...

--Sweetie Belle

I feel like this site needs some kind of memorial "wall" for the deceased. An official blog post in their honor or something.

I assumed it was the same as when people leave a sadface on a facebook-post.

Well, unfortunately, in this situation, it looks like an insult. If the downvotes are meant to imply the people are bummed about Mythril's death, then they should say so in the post. Otherwise, it looks like disrespect.

I didn't even know the guy existed, and I don't think I've ever read any of his stories. A short look at his list shows me that in large part they were a plethora of short stories, a formula I never quite adhered to, so no wonder. Still, someone died and that is terrible, and my condolences to his family.

However, all that said, people take different approaches to mourning or facing death. For some, having someone who isn't family go in an announcing a death on a group like it's a Facebook post and then yelling out a few times because he got "dislikes" is equally disrespectful as how you think downvoting the announcement you made being "disrespectful". I don't know about that (though I can imagine this scenario being real as well a few more reasons why you got downvoted) but, personally, I would have also included in the post a request for people to go give their condolences or words at the blog of the guy who was his RL friend and could transfer them to the family, not make a thread and leave it at that. Others might have problems that you made such an announcement in a writer's group that wasn't meant for that (and some people join groups because they want access to only a certain type of content and that could possibly not include death announcements), maybe some people don't believe the guy is dead (this has happened a lot), or maybe, like others said, they don't want to write down a response but want to show their emotions towards the death and they thought this was a good enough way (you don't tell someone the proper way to mourn or show sadness, you're not Funeral Batman).

In conclusion: ignore the fucking downvotes and don't turn someone's death into fucking internet points. Three fucking responses of you in the thread, and it's all about whining about the downvotes instead of responding in any meaningful way.

Once again, condolences to everyone who knew him, and hope the family will be able to withstand the loss.

Man, I'm torn.

At first, I thought maybe Moth had gotten tired of pony and left the scene. He did mention a while ago he wasn't feeling the show or writing fanfic for it as much, and he wanted to dabble more in things like Miraculous Ladybug.

Then I thought maybe someone had upset him enough to make him leave without a farewell. If you read his posts enough, you knew about his sometimes irascible nature.

I didn't want to consider the worst until I saw The Albinocorn's post in my feed. I wanted to believe it was a cruel joke until I saw Zef's post.

I knew about his poor health from his blogs, but I didn't know he was so close to the edge. For God's sake, he adopted a new dog a few weeks ago!

It's not fair. It's not fair to Moth's family to lose a beloved member of the family. It's not fair to his friends to lose someone so funny and gifted. Finally, it's not fair to us, his fans, to never be able to read more of his superb prose and appreciate the way he could turn a phrase.

Because it's raining here, I'm going to close my ode with a link to a great song by another fine artist taken from us too soon. Though Stevie Ray Vaughan sung about a woman, it's the blues, which I'm definitely feeling. The sky cries for you tonight, MythrilMoth.


I can't say that I knew him. However, just seeing the number of people who did, and the massive outpouring of kind words towards him, I know he was a good person already. And a loss of any life is already painful, regardless of how the person may be to others. Nobody is without loved ones left behind and friends who mourn their loss. It's both beautiful and sad that so many step up to say kind things about Moth; I wish I had known him so I could be among them.

May he rest, knowing his earthy burdens are lifted from him. May he find peace wherever he is now. May those who lost a friend find solace in time and each other. And may he be remembered through his stories, his friends, and the memories he left behind: a legacy worthy of someone who is beloved.

That's unfortunate.


This came sudden. He often talked about being sick, so I didn't expect that something like this would happen when I read that line in his final OOCST.

Despite that I never really talked with him and that I could barely read any of his stories so far, a fate that he shares with many pony authors, I knew surprisingly much about him. Because while I failed to make time for his stories, for the most part, I regularly read his blog entries to stay informed about the likelihood of updates.

The first story by him I read was "When The Blood Moons Number Four", on July 6th, 2014. A story that sadly isn't available here on anymore, but here's a screenshot I made back then:

And the story on FIMFetch, for anyone who would like to read it:

My first, and pretty much only, encounter with him wasn't a pleasant one. The cancellation of "When The Blood Moons Number Four" he announced around the time I had read the first chapter was painful to me; partially because it was a really unique and innovative concept (related to the moon and the blood moon I looked forward to so much, no less), partially because I was trapped in deep depressions at this time.
I criticized him for cancelling such an innovative story and he raged at me for this, deleted the story and blocked me.
I never did anything to attempt to get this block lifted, so I was a silent reader of some of his stories and his blog entries, ever since I started following him in 2014.
The other stories by him that I read are Memories Don't Burn and Trinity, the latter only up until Chapter 3, so far.
I supported the writing of "Trinity" on Patreon for a while, from October 2016 - October 2017 until I had to stop because I had to move and couldn't afford it anymore, then afterwards, didn't get back to it because I wanted to wait until he had worked through his bump queue.
I was saddened to see that he had stopped writing "Trinity" after Chapter 3 and wanted to get it going again, because "Trinity" was (and still is) the only story that makes something out of it that such a huge, magical surge happened when Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle got their cutie marks, the only epic adventure story based on that, despite that I reckoned there would be many, so I took the chance that he offered it for bumps on Patreon to make it getting continued.
Now it pains to think of it that "Trinity" will never become finished. I am thinking about doing it myself and will probably talk with Zef about it some time down the line or I will come up with a concept for a similar story by myself.

I don't know what else to say. MythrilMoth and I didn't think highly of each other, but "Trinity" is one of the good memories, and the best memory, I have about him.


I am glad we know that happened, though. I always hate it when someone just never logs in again, and we never know why.

Me too and this reminds me of Saucyberry. I got to know her when she started writing "Creature Feature", a very promising story about the Student Six' life at the Friendship School. She started that story, she opened a group for regular writing contests and she promised to write a story that I requested for my friend. She had so many plans and then, one day, she was just gone.
I'm wondering what happened to her for over a year now. The first anniversary of the last time she logged in is five days ago now. The possibility that she has died has crossed me a couple of times already. It does again now.

You don't have to be so brutal. I thought the downvotes were a sign of disrespect, as if the ones who posted them don't care that Mythril is gone. Also, I posted this thread to let everyone on the site know about it. Even if I wasn't a personal friend, I thought it would be decent that someone who didn't really know him would go out of his way to make a eulogy.

I made this thread with MythrilMoth's memory in mind, and took offense when I thought people would be cold enough to disrespect it.

Okay, you didn't think, you claimed that people were disrespecting. Major difference. And I don't see why someone who didn't know the guy would go about "making an eulogy" when there's already one from the closest thing to family that he had on this site! Direct everyone to those who *knew* the guy instead of what you're doing at the very least. Who the fuck is even supposed to see this eulogy? Did you let Zef know about this? Of course I'm fucking brutal. You use someone's death for attention, for fuck's sake! Do you even have any clue on whether the guy would *want* this cried out publicly by someone he didn't know? Did you think of asking for permission? Disrespect isn't clicking on a downvote, It's not giving a fuck about the others and doing things because you decided so!

If I didn't make this clear before, to all those who already posted here; if you enjoyed Mythrilmoth's stories, if you knew him or traded words with him, if you just want to know the family know you're sorry for his passing, go to the blog post that Zef made and make a post there.

I wasn't using his death for attention. I was honestly setting up a memorial thread for him. I wasn't aware I was being disrespectful because I'm not a close friend or family member or that I needed permission. I thought it would show that my thoughts went out to someone I hardly knew.

Still, if you think I have no right to do so, just say so and I'll delete the thread.

I never knew him outside his stories, his most iconic being Persona EG, and his OoCSST. He had a very unique taste in literature that while not all of it was my cup of tea, I can't deny his passion and greatly admired it.

He seemed a bit temperamental at times (going by some of his replies in the comment sections of his stories and blogs), and I unfortunately was on the receiving end of his bad side a few years ago, which ended with him blocking me. Nevertheless though, I still kept up with his stories and appreciated the amount of effort he clearly poured into each one.

I could be annoyed that his ongoing fictions will no longer be updated, but I don't care about that. He was a talented and passionate guy who suffered greatly at the hands of poor health and living conditions, and lost his life as a result.

Nobody deserves that.

Rest in peace MythrilMoth.

I mean you set up a memorial. Its a space for people to reflect on MM's legacy and to some that legacy will largely be negative.

For every friend he burnt a bridge somewhere else.

Some will remember him as the bully he was.

I gotta say, I'm wasn't a fan of him, or his ideas for fics. Nonetheless, my condolences to his family and friends.

Rest in piece, Moth.



That's so sad.

Who was MythrilMoth? :rainbowhuh:

Probably a very popular guy

This hit me hard because though I myself did not know him, I read his stories and it is very weird to know I read someones fan fictions once and that now... there gone. I feel I probably should have gave them more support and read more of his stories. I think I'm going to do that right now.

What's the point of that thread?

6857086 Even if MythrilMoth is gone, 6856881 ensured that his legacy will be preserved for all times. Due to that blog and the links it contains, MythrilMoth is now immortal.

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