School for New Writers 5,018 members · 9,698 stories
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The Dean
Group Admin

Rules Directory
All the basic rules for regular members are on the front page; but if you want more info you can refer to this thread.
Thread Tagging Instructions
School Manifesto
Official SFNW Contest Rules
Classroom Rules

The Dean
Group Admin


Here at the SFNW there are three levels of membership: Students, Professors, and Admins. Each level is described below.

Students: Joining our group starts you off as a regular member or Student. As a Student, your only responsibility is to follow the rules. You're free to comment and use our threads to your pleasure without having to worry much about maintaining the group. We're here for you. We encourage you to reply to other students if you feel you can help them. Students are not allowed to post threads in our forum. You will need to seek Admin permission to break this rule. If you want to do more towards maintaining our group and helping the other students or, if you have great ideas for lectures which you want included in our forum, consider becoming a Professor. Simply PM an Admin and we can discuss your promotion.

Professors: Professors are our contributors. The only requirement to become one is to ask an Admin for permission before posting your first lecture. Being a Professor is easy. We do not require them to post lectures regularly, though extended inactivity will result in a demotion, and we can only suggest that they help out with their own Classroom. (Go here for a full explanation). If you feel like you can no longer meet the expectations of Professorship, simply PM an Admin and request to be returned to Student status (this is not a permanent demotion. You may request professorship again at any time.)

Admins: Along with Piquo Pie, the school's headmaster, we are here to maintain the group as best we can. We create the rules and are tasked with organizing our huge forum. We work hard to provide an educational environment in the SFNW and police the forum to make sure that rules are followed and that no one is being ignored. We also can be considered Professors in our own right, posting lectures and presiding over major group events like contests. Special consideration is required to become an Admin. We are the mods, and reserve for ourselves the right to deal out punishment and make judgement decisions regarding anything in the group. We'll try to be nice about it, though. List of the Admins: Piquo Pie, PegasusKlondike, Mourning Zephyr, Goldenwing, and Keam.

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The Dean
Group Admin

Thread Tagging Instructions
Here at the SFNW we use a tagging system to keep our large forum organized. Threads found untagged will be deleted. If the thread you had in mind resists tagging, consider simply posting it as a comment on our main page, or at the Cafeteria or Study Hall. If you are planning to post a thread with a tag which you have had to receive permission to use, please mention who gave you permission in the thread itself.


Our tags have easy but rigid formatting rules. All threads should be formatted with TAG / MODIFIER: at its front, followed by the threads intended name. Modifiers aren't tags. Modifiers are listed below, and do not need to be included if they aren't applicable. (done like so: TAG: Thread Name)

~ Field Trip: This modifier is for threads which purposefully send members outside our group via a hyperlink. This modifier is only needed when members are expected to follow the link to get the point of the thread. Not if that link is "optional" to the threads purpose.
~ Faux Pas: This modifier is for threads which rant, ramble, or just generally fit the category of "an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation." Be honest with yourself and give the thread this modifier if it fits. The criteria for this modifier is based on the initial post only, not its subsequent comments.
~ TEMP: Stands for Temporary. This modifier is for threads which aren't intended to be permanent. It will be deleted by an Admin after roughly 5 days have passed since its posting, based on the initial comments time-stamp. Due to their transitory nature, TEMP tagged threads will not be added to the School Directory. TEMP's may occasionally be made into a permanent thread later on.


You aren't (usually) allowed to post your own threads, and must first ask permission from an Admin. If you have received that permission, then post your thread with the appropriately formatted tags and modifiers, and include "Guest Speaker" in quotes behind the threads title.


As our primary contributors, you can post threads using the tags below whenever you feel that urge, and don't have to ask like our regular members must do.

Professor Tags
~ Lecture: To deserve this tag, a thread must be a comprehensive treatise on the given subject. Description of the subject, information, it's proper uses, problems with said subject, etc. It doesn't have to be perfect but be honest with yourself.
~ Sub-Lecture: Tag for threads less comprehensive than a lecture. A sub-lecture tagged thread nevertheless contains more than a single tip or piece of information.
~ Pro-Tip: Tag for a thread which contains a single helpful tip or piece of information.
~ Classroom: Tag for a thread which serves as a Professor's personal Classroom.


Some tags can be freely posted by Admins only. Professors must first ask for a special exemption to post them because they specifically involve the groups functions, or may require special upkeep. If you are a professor and have received that permission, go ahead and post the thread. These Admin level tags are listed below:

Admin Tags
~ General: The tag of a main thread. Can only ever be posted by Admins. Meant as the tag for all the official school services. General tags are maintained by the Admins as a rule, but we humbly ask that members help us all they can with their upkeep.
~ Meta: A Tag where the thread's topic is the SFNW. Includes group news/announcements, rules, and member/professor introductions. It also includes long lasting, worthy discussions and a few other things.
~ Activity: Tag for threads which offer members an activity to do in-group. Includes contests, prompts, and exercises. Differs from the General tag by the fact that Admins aren't necessarily required to maintain them.

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The Dean
Group Admin

School Manifesto

Here at the School for New Writers our primary mission is simple. We must gather together our collective knowledge on writing stories. We must provide a secure, functional environment to hold this knowledge. We must distribute this knowledge to as many of Fimfiction's users as we can. We must help our members to exercise this knowledge in their writing. This is our purpose.

In order to gather the knowledge we seek, we search out those of us who are willing to provide it to others. We recruit professors from within our ranks and from the rest of Fimfiction to teach us and show us how they see it in threads we term lectures. We look for resources across the internet which will give our writers an edge. We act as a hub, continually pointing towards other groups on Fimfiction which provide authors a useful service.

In order to secure the knowledge gifted to us by our contributing professors, we maintain an aesthetically pleasing learning environment. We work to organize our forum so that information can be accessed easily by our members. We strive to save all the knowledge that has been given to us freely, protecting it in our vault to be preserved. We attempt to provide multiple viewpoints and teaching methods on our writing topics, because we know that each of us learns in a different way.

In order to distribute the knowledge we hold to as many people as possible, we advertise our presence on Fimfiction to those who might not have heard of us. We look to form partnerships with other groups for our benefit and theirs. We network, so that people might find us. We direct authors in need to our resources.

In order to help our members Exercise the knowledge they learn in our forums we create activities which writers can do to hone their skills. We answer questions posed to us, to the best of our ability. We have contests so that our writers can show off their acquired knowledge, and point out the best aspects of those stories that win.

This is what we do. Who we are. We help to improve the quality of the stories on Fimfiction. We are here for you, so that you can be here for readers with your great stories. We ask for help in our endeavor. Join us in the betterment of our writing.

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The Dean
Group Admin

Official SFNW Contest Rules
Occasionally the School for New Writers will host a contest for its members to participate in. One of the Admins will post a contest thread containing a prompt and any special rules for that months contest. Members will then have approximately one month to write and submit their entry. After the submission period is done judging begins, and that can last up to a week. Afterwards, a post will announce the winners, plus some cool other stuff like group statistics.

General Rules:
~ The use of underhanded tactics or the pushing of limits regarding the contest rules stated here can result in punishments, ranging in seriousness from an entry’s disqualification to the banning of the member responsible, and depending on the gravity of the situation. We will inform you in the event of a problem.
~ Both Professors and Students can participate in our contests. Neither group will be given preferential treatment. Admins of the SFNW are forbidden from participation. Needless to say, Judges are also forbidden.
~ Participants can enter up to 2 separate entries in a single contest, unless otherwise stated.
~ Participants who have gotten First Place aren't allowed to participate in the next contest.
~ Comments, PM's, author's notes, or anything else which directly attempt to influence a judges scoring of an entry will result in a SERIOUS punishment to be determined, depending on how forward you were about it.

Entry Rules:
~ The story must be no more than Teen rated. No clop or graphic gore is allowed.
~ Your story must follow all special rules which are posted in the contest thread itself. Every regular rule for posting on Fimfiction also applies to our contests.
~ Your story needs to conform to one of the prompts given in the contest thread.
~ An entry must not, at any time prior to the contest, have been submitted to Fimfiction, period. You may post the story during the time of the contest. However, your stories reception on Fimfiction will have no effect on judging.
~ An entry must be a Fimfiction story. We don't accept Google doc links. (Fimfiction doesn't accept stories which are just Gdoc links, so why should we?) You can write and edit in any medium you want, but the actual entry must be on Fimfiction.
~ Editing of stories that have already been sent in is allowed. Simply remember that if you make changes after the contest deadline then it is likely that judging has begun, and there is no guarantee that your changes will be seen.
~ For time-constraint reasons, an entry should be no more than 5000 words long. We may accept a little overflow... but not much. It is also allowed to have stories which are significantly shorter, but they will be judged with the longer ones, by the same rules. If your story turns out to have significantly more than the allowed word count, we will judge only the starting chapters, up to the point where it exceeds the count.

If your entry fails one of the requirements above, your story will be disqualified, and you will receive a PM telling you why. The entry may be resubmitted if the PM states that you are allowed to do so. Be sure to fix the points which caused the disqualification.

Submission Rules:

Every entry must be submitted by PM to the Judge stated to be accepting submissions. The PM must say SFNW Contest Submission- Month of contest in the subject line, and contain in its message a HYPERLINK to the entry in question, the username of the author, and the title of the story.

Judges Rubric:
Unless otherwise stated these are the categories which entries will be judged on, along with a small list of what each category covers so that they may be easier to understand.
Presentation: Cover art, story description, accuracy of genre/character tags, formatting.
Mechanics: Grammar, punctuation, spelling, frequency of errors, their impact on readability.
Depth: Characterization, back-story, use of details, emotional effectiveness, lack of plot holes.
Plot: Beginning, middle, ending, ease of understanding, twists.
Focus of the Month: Each contest will have a stated focus which the prompts will be based around. Judges will look for it as it's own category along with the others.
Overall: This is what we base the winners off of. It's an average of the above categories. 1st-3rd in each individual category will also be announced with the winning results.

You should have plenty of time to make your story the best it can be before judging. You may also request the score card for your story after the contest winners have been announced, if you wish to know more. This is what it will look like V

Story Name~Author Name

Presentation: score *scores are averages of each individual judge's given score.
Mechanics: score
Depth: score *comments explaining the scoring by each judge will be included after the number.
Plot: score
Focus of the Month: score
Overall Score: score *a brief summary of the entry as a whole will be given from each judge.

Complaining about your stories score and placement is grounds for banning (We Absolutely will not tolerate it.)

Prizes: Or, the thing everyone really cares about (Seriously, though. If this is all you care about then you should reevaluate your motives.) Judges post results with all the pomp and ceremony that they can muster. Stories which place in the top three will be honored and given the review/summary they deserve, plus these prizes.

~ First Place: The winner gets a prominent spot on the group main page, with a hyperlink to both the story and the author's user page and a thumbnail of their avatar. Their story gets placed in the Contest Winners folder of the SFNW, to be seen on the feed of every member who has their notifications on. Their story gets a unique art award which can be placed in the stories description.

~ Second Place: Their story gets a hyperlink and a mention as second place winner, below the winning entry. Their story gets a unique art award which can be placed in the stories description.

~ Third Place: Their story gets a unique art award which can be placed in the stories description.

~ Consolation Prize: Every story submitted to the contest will receive one like from a Judge, unless otherwise stated. Thank you for participating.

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The Dean
Group Admin

Classroom Rules
Each Professor and Admin may if they wish post a single thread with the "Classroom" tag. Here they may post story-focused lectures where they deconstruct stories they enjoyed and talk about how a writer can use the techniques in that story to improve their own writing.

Story Suggestions: Students may suggest stories for the Professors to read in the [Story Suggestion Box], and the Professors may then at their leisure look through the suggestions for something to read. If they find a particular suggestion to be a model of writing ability than they may post a lecture on it in their Classroom, but Professor's are not obligated to read or post about all, or even any of these suggestions. There a few rules governing these suggestions:
1. Students are not to suggest their own stories.
2. Students may only suggest stories to Professors in the proper thread. Do not make suggestions directly in a Professor's Classroom; the suggestions are for all SFNW Staff to peruse at their leisure.
3. Professors may not post lectures featuring their own stories.
4. Suggested stories will not be evaluated on a chronological basis; they will be read if and whenever a Professor feels like doing so.
5. Stories will not be featured in multiple lectures.
6. Do not suggest the same story multiple times.

Classroom Rules: The Classrooms are to be relatively personal spaces for Professors to share what they like about their favorite stories. It is up to the Professor how his or her Classroom is run and the tone it presents, as long as it abides by the group and site rules. There are no limits on what stories may be featured; if a Professor wishes then they may freely discuss the finer points of their favorite gorefics and clopfics, as long as their post remains tasteful and refrains from being too graphic.

The Classrooms are not a place for you to try and get your story 'reviewed.'

Students may feel free to post in any Professor's Classroom to ask questions or discuss further details, assuming that the Professor doesn't have any personal rules against it in their Classroom.

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