• Published 6th May 2013
  • 5,448 Views, 40 Comments

Travel Agent - Knight Joy

A traveler and his adventure of something he may not except it to be.

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Telling and Running

Chapter 4

"Telling and running"

Celestia's POV

"crap..." the man said. I couldn't help but noticed his armor transformed in an arm guard and a collar that was black in color. Now looking at him only wearing such military clothing a white tank top and black pants with black boots he was built and his skin was tan but a little dark his hair was like raven like, thinking back we couldn't take off the armor, no matter how hard me and Luna tried it would not come off. This man was really handsome.

Luna just stared straight in surprise. Seeing a person taking off something a in manner. Even I was taken back by the way he changed too.

The room was quiet as I just looked at him as he lied there. I walked room to the bed as he sat up shaking his head like he was still in a dream. Luna only stood there looking at him.

"Um...ok...i feel like I'm in an awkward place?" The male said scratching his head and was looking at Luna then me and noticed both of them staring our their glares.

I couldn't help but look at his face and him as he was indeed human and was now in our castle. I started to think on what this means but was sidetrack what was on his face, his eyes was a different color. One was dark golden tint and the other a dark blue shade. It was like the sun and moon in them. I felt something as it hit my heart as i stared at his eyes as if it was pulling me. He blinked and stared at me.

"ah...something wrong..." He said. Luna also noticed his eyes and sat back down looking at his eyes Luna must have felt this pull.

"Is that normal?" I said Pointing to his eyes. He then sighed and looked out the window to see it was morning he looked like he was missing something in him.

"...wa...what?" he turned to me in cconfusion as he noticed I was poiting at his eyes.

"I'm sorry your highness and for your question, my eyes where like this due to the tim-fact! I'm the only human left!" He was indeed hiding somethnig. "And i know who you are thanks to a good friend of mines. You are Princess Luna who rules the night right?-" Luna gave a small nod in surprise. "-and you are Princess Celestia ruler of day." I gave a nod to be surprise this person knows about us?

"Well my name is Jean Franco and to my knowledge you guys are ponies that walk on four with hooves and all but, how are you able to look like humans?"

"Well we take this form to honor the humans, wait did you say you're the last human?" I asked seeing how they disappeared almost 500 years ago.

"Um...well you see-" Jean said and was cut off by spark of light which appeared in front of him. Luna got up in surprised. I just stood there noticing that it was harmless as it just floated there and continue to look at Jean and its light orb floating in front of him.

"Master Jean you have been spotted, Master Jean what do you want me to do?" It talked...

"Nana i can ensure you i think it is safe they won't hurt me, also where were you when i needed you- wait never mind. Also one more thing can you boost the repairs on my armor." He was talking to an orb that talked back, then it just disappeared. That again that explains that other female voice in the room.

"Sorry Princess Luna that was my AI Nana who is in-charge of taking care of me and is also repairing my suit right now...your highness you don't mind can i get up." I didn't realize i close to him as he looked at me. Luna began to relax and started to clam down, I took a step back to let him get out of Luna's bed.

"I have a question for you?" I asked him i needed to know how is he the 'last' human.

"I can answer with the best of my knowledge...but before that." He got up off the bed and was now visible he was built and tall. He turned to Luna and bowed again.

"Princess Luna sorry for your room. You wouldn't happen to have something-" Something let out a growl to see Jean's face nervousness laughing.

He was hungry.

"Yes i believe we should go and eat i think we are also hungry." Luna giggle at the fact Jean was rubbing his stomach. Soon i joined in and giggled at the fact i also am hungry and need something to eat.

"Yes i believe we should go and eat...Luna can you give him your cloak i don't think we should let anyone that a human and a male at that is here."

"We believe that is also a good idea, here please wrap yourself." Luna levitating her moon like blanket. Jean grabbed it and wrapped himself in it.

"Wait a second...how is it bad that i shown that i, am human?" Jean asked while trying to wrap himself.

"Well for starters we are close to mating season and few of my subjects are already affected and you see we have no males in the castle, we are not effected during the day but..." She started to realize his scent."... we have to do something about your scent."

"Wait i smell?" Jean asked and started to lift his armpits to smell nothing.

"No it's not your odder or what you smell like it's the scent of a man a scent of a male, we females become more alert during mating season and our noise is stronger to find our mate, we mark them so no other females could approach there mate unless they ask them. We ask you to understand that every year the birth rate of males are at 1/3 so you can imagine that females of all Rajah go crazy when they see a male that is compatible to mate with, for some reason you are not Rajah but still have the smell of one..." Luna to say that surprise me to the fact she was indeed in a heat when Jean was asleep.

"Wow Luna you say that but when Jean was aslee-" Before i could finish i saw Luna's face pop like a cherry. Luna yelled at the top of her lungs in the royal voice.

"WE ASK THOU NOT TO SPEAK OF SUCH LIES." Jean held his ears as Luna screamed. He became a bit dizzy after that.

"Just saying~" I said teasing here, her face was blushing.

"Don't you dare say another word!" She grit her teeth at me while Jean was trying to hear again. Luna's embarrassment was soo cute.

"Ah look at what you have done to Jean his ears are ringing with pain." I couldn't help but tease her. Jean was trying to get his sense's back after Luna yelled that close to him. It was a day i was going to enjoy. I levitated Jean to my side of the room. Luna was ready to attack me for embarrassing her. I was ready to toy around more. But Jean spoke out still dizzy.

"Um...about my scent princess, do i need like a perfume or something?" Jean said trying to stand still.

I turned to Jean standing next to me. "No Jean like Luna said it's not what you smell like, it's the scent of a man. And to rid of that smell is for someone to mark you as there mate we can help you with that." A sudden blush hit me and so did Luna as what i said.

I stopped and thought on what i just said...'was i in heat? I can't believe i said that...i really can't believe i just that...a man i just met last night who somehow survived my fire and now standing here next to me who wrapped nicely in that- WAIT STOP...His scent...i...can't...control myself!'

Jean's scent of him standing next to her was getting to her head as she tried to fight it off, she closed her eyes stressing her body to fight it was it because he was human and a male. It was making Celestia act weird something made her not herself... she should have been able to hold it off and keep herself in composer while other single Rajah men were present...but this was a human and a male at that...

"..ah...you ok?" Jean face looked worried he toke a step to touched my shoulder with his warm hand, which sent an bliss feeling all over my body it was a great feeling. I was trying to let it out by yelling but ended in a moan loud enough for Luna to hear it as well. Jean just took a step back in surprised. Stumbling with his words.

'It was like eating the best cake EVER MADE IN HISTORY.' My mind was starting to be overloaded with ecstasy I was starting to feel really really horny.

'Oh BY THE LAWS I FELT LIKE I'M IN HEAVEN...I don-..don't know why i feel so hot.' I Slump on the floor in purepleasure.

"Sister i think Jean's human scent...is too much..." I lift my head to see Luna panting. Jean scent was in the room all around was it because he wasn't wearing his armor. I turn to him with my lustful eyes...he just took another step back...trying to think of something...then he stopped and laughed with worry looking at Luna. I turn to noticed Luna turning herself into Nightmare.

'OH NO YOU DON'T' yelled in my mind I turned myself back into Solar at the moment i charged Jean. Jean dodge my attack and Luna and i charged again jumping in the air, he just ducked while i slammed into the wall, that hurt. I turned to look at Jean and noticed Luna jumping at him he dodged Luna even when she teleported trying to grab him even after that he still had on the blanket on, He stood in the door way looking at us giving a worried sigh. I turn slowly to noticed shaking...her legs look like it was about to give out at any moment. I felt the same as her to noticed my legs quivering.

'For almost 500 years i'm going to make this man mine...I started to think a little clearer...i can just use my magic to grab him.' I started to charge up her magic and so did Luna.

"Okay girls look think...you need to think right now you are not who you are..." Jean looked at us wondering if we would stop. I kept charging to make my magic able to block everything when i catch him to make him mine.

Jean looked outside the window. Then looked in surprised. " OH MY GOD. LOOK ANOTHER HUMAN!" Jean yelled. Me and Luna turn to see where was the human...

there was nothing there. I turned towards the door.


The door was slammed on us and locked i laughed and blasted it open. Jean was gone...Luna jumped head out the door to find Jean.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" I yelled chasing her out the door.

Jean's POV

I started to run really fast down the hall not knowing where i was going. I ran door through the hall and no one seemed to be in the castle. I took a right then down a hall another right...where am i going...I turned to a left ran down another hall way. I could see something up- A DOOR! I ran and opened it to find...it was the throne room...it had 8 pillers 4 on both sides and the carpet was red leading to the throne, the room was huge to fit a dragon or something.

I stood there in the door away in awe to see how big it was. No one was here. The there was two Throne's one had a symbol of a sun and the other the moon, there was a windows on both sides. I walked in the throne room closing the door behind me and locking it. I turned to look around again and noticed the windows... it had painting's of ponies and human looking creatures shooting something at the creature in the middle and it was the same for the other windows showing a different type of scene i had totally forgot why i was in here... I pulled up my PDM and open it's data base on what i was looking at...

"Hmm.." I said waiting for a second that felt like a minute.

"Master Jean this historic painting happen July 14 2400 when the two sisters and the help of the six Rajahs...names are Spark, Dash, Shy, Pink, A.J, an Rarity they all help in defeating Discord they used... magic to defeat him, unknown item used." I looked up at the other paintings. I almost forgot what i was doing.

"Nana is the repairs done to the suit?"

"No the suit well need to charge for another three days before use." I sighed... having nothing but my collar and PDM and nothing to protect myself from two horny princesses. I saw behind the throne a big painting more clearly as it was like ying-yang it was Celestia and Luna chasing each other in a circle it was balance of power...'hahaha'. Who ever painted this was indeed a master of craftsmanship.

*knock, knock, knock* I turned towards the door in surprise to see someone was here ...crap... I ran towards the throne and hid behind Celestia's throne. I soon heard footsteps it sounded like two people wait thought they were ponies why does it sound like footsteps...sat there looking at the painting which comfort me a little.

The door flung open as i heard it slam into the wall. 'Did she break in? Must have used a key?'

"Honey i told you there still in their rooms come on... let's go back." I heard a males voice.

"No i smell something...something not of this world. It's a male not yet stained or taken."

My faced turn in worried remembering what Celestia said to him. "we can help you..." I almost freaked to hear that. 'I know it was mating season and that happen but oh my god she was hot looking like that with her face blushing and panting with heavy breathes i- 'STOP!!!' I told myself... They are not humans and really don't wanna go through this right now.

"Wait how could you smell him, i know we heard Luna yelling but come on Cadence let's go." It was a couple then and here i am hiding behind a throne, why should i be scared i was still wearing Luna's blanket.

'Last human..' oh...i thought to myself.

"Shinning we females have a stronger sense of smell in mating season." Cadence said.

I heard galloping running towards the room...'crap'was the only thing i said before hearing a roar.

"JEAN YOU COME OUT THIS INSTANT AND BECOME OURS OR WE WILL DO IT BY FORCE!" Luna yelled for all to she even know what she is saying!?

"Whoa there...Aunty are you saying that smell of a male is your mate? Why are you in the royal form?" Cadence said. I didn't look for i know i might be caught, i couldn't tell where they were or how far they are to me.

"NO HE IS MINE!" Another voice yelled, Celestia gallop in the room. I could only think both the sisters were staring at each other, they started to argue on who gets me.

"Babe do you think they are in heat. It's only a week until mating season." Shining said and i could hear him over the arguing of the two sisters.

"Yes you are right seeing them in their true form is a clear fact they are indeed not themselves, Shinning i need your help for this spell." Cadence said

"Are you doing to use that spell?" Shinning said, i could hear the arguing getting louder and louder.

"Yes it seems we should before things get out of hooves." I almost laughed at that comment, then again the lower power must be in pony shape then...but wait i heard footsteps...huh...

"Almost done." Shinning said, i could hear things being shot everywhere. It seemed Luna and Celestia was fighting now. The fight was getting louder and louder as i heard some glass breaking and pillars being destroyed which was shaking the throm room

"BE QUIET!" Cadence yelled in the royal voice. I was shocked by the fact is she also a ruler? The fighting stopped.

"I can hear something...its hear someone or something is in this room."

*Growl...* My stomach was hungry and let out a remark at a bad time. I inhaled and slowly looked around the throne to see if that heard that...Celestia's face and Luna's face was mere steps of the throne looking at me. I turned back.

"Crap!" I whispered i turned again standing in the open to get ready to dodge their incoming attack. I only saw the couple that was in the room they were human like... but their skin was different before i could analyze on what they look like they pointed at something behind me seeing their face was shocked.

"J-e-a-n~~~" My ears turned red as it gave a chill down my spine. Both of them whispered in my ear at the same time. They grip my shoulder so i couldn't run or get away.

*Gulp* They pressed on my shoulder to press me to the ground making me face plant on the ground. I could feel like they agree on teaming up on me.

'Nana equip the TR-11 suit' Nana was able to read my brain waves and my body to keep a check on me when i need medical attention.

My arm guard started to spread all over my body materializing my armor, Luna and Celestia took their hooves in shock on what was happening to me. It my own custom armor i design off a game called Sector 8 the ARM suit... my friends called me retro for playing with a console and controller that was outdated, i didn't care. I made it to run faster and jump higher. Con side it was my emergency suit. It could only last 10 minutes before turning off.

I rolled to my back and lifted back to my feet with a push-off the ground with my hands, my visor started up to show my mini map heath status and shields. I looked at Celestia and Luna as they looked at me more hungry for something.

"By the law what are you!?" I turn to the couple that was still in the room, one was a male looking at his red uniform and his medals. His skin color was white tan much like myself and his eyes where blue like his hair and part of his hair was lighter blue then the rest and had a horn... The female standing next to him was white her skin was like hardly in the sun, she was wearing a light pink dress that show her top part...big...her eyes was light pink and her hair was different colors like Celestia was streaks of pale gold dark violet with moderate rose color and also had a horn on her head...

"Whoa dude that was cool." Shinning boost, i turn to Celestia and Luna to noticed they were ready to attack me. But somethings was stopping them.

"WHY CAN'T I USE MAGIC ON YOU!" Luna yelled and i noticed her horn was glowing and so was Celestia...i think both of them was trying to catch me with magic...

'hahahacool magic doesn't work when I'm like this.'I said to myself. They started to run at me instead shooting bolts of magic. I quickly jumped back with incredible speed to the door soon to hit it spending some pain to me back. I turn to look there was a magic aura around it, it was a yellow aura and i could see it, it was unbreakable... I turn to my right to jump out the window. I noticed them putting auras around the windows making sure i can't escape...They stopped in the middle of the room starting to cast spells to lock in the room with them.

"Nana equip module MSK-SG200/D burst." It was a shotgun weighed 384 pounds and packed Canister shot–4 shells, the shell was a one feet and a half long and half a foot in width, it carried compressed plasma pellets . It single shot was enough to punch a though a space destroyers shields and punch a hole in its hulll at the same time. A huge shotgun that was size of a mini gun started to materialize it was the same length but was like rail gun for the barrel to the nuzzle, the handle bars as i held on my left hand the handle had the trigger under it with a safety guard. My suit was able to carry the weight and it felt like nothing. I saw everyone watching on what i was doing.

"HMPH" I said cocking the MSK it made a charged up noise. I turn my head towards the painting that was destroyed but blocked by a barrier. I turned my body running at the destroyed painting. Aiming I pulled the trigger



I pulled the trigger to see the weapon was to strong for the barrier, and made it shot debris everywhere in the room.

I kept running through the smoke and noticed the edge and jumped off to see the MSK shells landing away from any life I looked down at the castle grounds only seeing the guards below looking up. I was wrong when i said it was a 50 stories..maybe because i was falling so fast. I was floating for a bit and looked it was really far. I could see far vast green lands everywhere. I started to descend, quickly i de-materialized my MSK. I was going to fall outside the castle walls. I looked to see if there was a forest nearby or somewhere i could hide. I turned to my right to see a road leading to city and then a village and a forest right next to it...that's where i am going it was hard to see thanks to the glare but i knew it was going to take half an hour to get there.

I activated my after burners to slow my impact. It helped until i landed rolling in the grass down a hill to a stop, no one was around i wasn't by the gate where it lead into the castle. A beep popped up on my visor...it was Nana.

"Master you have 5 minutes left." Great...

I saw my min map update on where i went and showed I was indeed far from the gate. I started to sprint in full speed and gave it all i had. Soon i ZOOMED pass travelers on the road to the place i went to I had to make sure I didn't hit anything, thank god this suit was able to tell if anything was going to get in the way. I was going really fast before i knew it i was going through a city and passed right through as a dusk of wind followed behind.

"I might make it." I said as i was on a long strip where it was vast and green...i could look to the left and saw nothing but green and my right. I turned my head forward to see the village i was going to. I wasn't paying much attention to my timer...and speed....

"Four minutues Master." YES~! I yelled in the Com.

I had to slow down...crap...I was going to fast i had to use my jumping and sliding while using after burners to slow myself down. I started to slow down real fast but not fast enough. I was getting closer and closer... if i didn't slow down I'm going to crash into something or worst hit someone...

"COME ON, SLOW DOWN!" I took a small jump turned around and layed flat in the air with my hands out to grab the ground.

"AHHHH!" I yelled in my Com. As my shoulders jerked when i landed in the dirt, i think i dislocated my shoulders but didn't care at the moment and started to pull i started to pull the ground and putting my after burners in max output. I was dragging huge amounts of dirt leaving a small ditch my right arm gave out as my left was still pulling. I turn fast to see how far i was...i was already in the village. I started to panic. I pulled my body to stand soon as i did i lost balance and started to roll my body started to pull everywhere and flung myself into the air as i hit something...crap...

'Please don't it be someone...'

I was in the air and saw it was a rock. I was passing the town into the forest. I could see i was still going real fast. I regain my balance and overloaded my thrusters to slow my impact. I started to slow really fast and descended. I landed safety on the ground noticing i burnt my armor and now that need to repair also. It quickly de-materialized as i slump on my hands.

"GAHHH! I rolled over in pain as my shoulders where dislocated. I was on my back as i felt pain on my front. My wrist was bruised so as my fingers I noticed burn marks on my front and my arms, my hands, my knee and my back was burning, guessing from the max out put of the thrusters.

I lied there laughing at the fact i came running just to get away from two crazy girls that was hot...I started to think it was going to be a bad idea to have sex with people i don't know even if there that hot...some people say i was always a romantic but now i was just trying not to be raped...hahaha.

Seeing that I just wanted out it would be a good idea just to stay here in the forest for the month.

"Ouch, Nana can you-" I looked at my PDM I noticed my power was at 1% due to the fact i overloaded my thrusters. She wouldn't hear me, she was in back-up power and was now repairing everything again...

"Damn...just my luck." I said, backing up into a rock. I could move but i needed to rest. I started to close my eyes and try to take a small nap to regain some of my energy for what to come next which was going to hurt.

"Indeed it is your luck, seeing how you are in pain must suck." A female said. I tired to stand in shock and resulted in pain i lay back down and looked around.

"Don't worry yourself i can help you, but stay calm for what I'm going to do." A shadow blocked the sun light and i turned up to see only two glowing eyes.

"What are you going to do?" I said trying to move my arms. I hear noise to see what came into my view it was a pony!She was wearing a clock covering her body.

'Wait wait what are her name...argh...DAMN THIS PAIN.' She walked slowly and looked at my body.

"Don't move just yet close your eyes, ready yourself on what lies-" Before she continued she put her hoove on my shoulder and hand relocated back in place. I yelled in pain as i kept my eyes closed. My right arm was fixed and my left was next.

"ARGH!" She fixed my left arm and i slumped with my head down breathing hard.

"Here drink this." I heard she say while pouring something I open my eyes slowly as i saw it was water in a bottle. Before i could move she tip my head and started to pour it down my throat...it was good water. I quickly drank it and let out a satisfied grunt. I noticed her coat was like a Zebra...

"We must get you moving, your body needs fixing then more bruising." She said i was slowly getting up to see my shirt was burnt up and my pants still intact and shoes. 'Lucky' I said to myself.

"Wait...thank you." I said as i stood with burn marks on my chest. She turned and turned back and started to walk again.

"This is going to be one hella of a month." I said as i dragged my left arm following the Zebra pony. Seeing that maybe things won't be so bad...

Author's Note:

Okay HA! *Gets hit in the head* I've been out partying alot... and now i was able to finish this chapter and so again. I ask all those if you are reading this please leave a comment on my writing and help me out by speaking your mind and looking at the wrong and good and help me improve it. For i see my world but its hard to show someone else your world so i ask you as readers and writers to help me out here.

And thank you those who did leave a review for me and i hope this is a improvement. Take care and...
