• Published 19th May 2013
  • 1,453 Views, 37 Comments

Tidbits of Mast and Sail - Habanc

Ye 'Ole Collection of Ships

  • ...


Author's Note:

This a prompt written for the TwiLuna Prompt Tag Collab.

Down the darkening halls of Canterlot Palace, six silhouettes made their way over the marble floors. They laughed, they sang, and one lost its balance and tumbled into a set of armor, knocking it over.

"C'mon, RD, git up!" Applejack hollered.

"No. Nooo. No, I won't." RD crawled up against the wall and sat their, forelegs crossed. "You, you... You already beat me once tonight, but no more! I... I am not going to get up and let you start telling me around!" She belched, and then giggled at it.

Applejack closed in further. "Ah said git!" she hissed. "Jus' 'cuz we're here with Twilight don't mean wec'n make a mess!"

"So what?" Rainbow squinted at her. "It's... It's not like this place isn't full of, well, I'unno... servants and maids, right? It's not like nopony has evveeer knocked one of these down, right?"

The farmpony fumed. "Ah swear when we git back to our rooms I'mma tan yer hide–"

"She's coming!" Pinkie Pie cried out, as the other girls erupted into giggles and whispers.

"Who's comin'?" Applejack turned and asked.

"Twilight Sparkle!" A voice rang down the halls. With hooves clopping loudly on the tiles below, the Princess of the Night approached, in full regalia.

The pony in question headed out to meet her, as if the leader of their motley crew. Unlike the formal dignitary approaching, she had taken a much more relaxed route to her appearance. For instance, three shoes was so fresh and chic, and slanting one's crown gave off a bit of zest. To top it off, a bottle of hard liquor was swirling in her grip.

"What is this?" Luna demanded.

Twilight wobbled on her hooves and drew the bottle closer. She strained her eyes to read. "I... I think this is some sort of rum." She shrugged and giggled. "W– would you like any?"

"No. Twilight, I mean to ask why are you wandering through the halls like some sort of homeless drunkard?"

She swayed and rolled her eyes. "Because I'm drunk."

Pinkie Pie whooped in the background. "Yeah, girl! You tell her what's what!"

Luna stared her down and sized her up. For the seconds that passed, she kept her gaze fixated on the petty delinquent before her, unmoving.

"Humph. Very well," she spoke at last. "Come with me, Twilight. Alone." Without waiting for a response, she spun around and marched down the hall.

As Twilight followed her, she was trailed with a cacophony of snickers, whistles, and jeers. One voice loudly proclaimed, "Oh, Twilight's so getting in right now."

"Shut yer yap, RD!"


Luna led her into her own private chamber, closing the door behind Twilight. Floating her crown over to it's rightful stand, she mused, "You know, it isn't befitting of a leader to be weak before their own herd. Honestly, I have no clue–"

"Woah, is that a Brushie Brittany doll?!" Twilight charged over to an opened armoire, leaking out what lay inside. "I haven't seen one of these in, like, years!"

"No!" Luna yelped. With a flash of teleportation, she slammed the armoire doors shut. "Stay out!"

But it was too late. The vase had already fallen out of arm's reach. The clock had already ticked noon. Twilight already had the bright, fuschia doll in her grip, giggling contentedly. "I never had a clue you liked these," Twilight mumbled as she spun it around, evading Luna's every swipe.

"T– Twilight!" Luna stammered as her face flushed. "Put that down this instant!"

"But it's cuuute," Twilight protested.

"I said put that down!" Luna cried. Charging her horn, she plucked Twilight off the ground and started floating her over.

Twilight erupted with laugher. "Stop it, that– that tickles!" She fell on her back, flailing her limbs about. "Luna, Luna! Stop! I– I can't take this anymore!"

As she continued to be dragged, one kicked-out leg hit the armoire. Luna cried out, and her magic died. Twilight hit the ground with a thud.

Out spilled a dozen other, often rare and of the collectible variety, Brushie Brittany dolls.

As Twilight looked up, there were even more. High into the wardrobe, sitting in perfectly proportioned shelves, were dolls of all colors and editions. So surprised was she, that the original Brushie Brittany fell from her grasp.

After the initial shock passed, Luna swept the room with her telekinesis, grabbing every doll and slamming them shut behind the doors. She placed herself between Twilight and the armoire, guarding it from further threat.

Twilight could hold it in no longer. Laughter erupted from her stomach, tears coming from her eyes as she rolled on the ground. "I... I had no clue. Really! Honestly!"

"Let us be clear," Luna hissed, "you did not see anything."

Rising to her shaking hooves, Twilight wiped the tears from her eyes. "I don't know..."

"What? What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean, why... why should I have to do what you say? What do I get in return?"

Luna recoiled. "Are you attempting to blackmail me?"

Twilight giggled and swayed on her hooves. "No, of course not. It's just... You can't be the only one having all the fun. You and your dolls... heh."

Luna frowned. "Twilight, I'm afraid I don't understand. My–" she cast her eyes down and sighed, "–my Brushie Brittany dolls are merely for collection and admiration, not for playing as a foal would–"

"It's cute," Twilight blurted out. She leaned in close and jabbed a hoof into Luna's chest. "I never thought, y'know, the grand princess of the night and all would be brushing little dolls in her free time, but hey," Twilight shrugged, "I've certainly done worse."

Luna straightened up, getting right back in Twilight's face, trying her best block out the pervasive smell of alcohol. "Once again, I do not play–"

"But now that I think about it," Twilight gabbered on, shutting Luna off completely, "I think it's adorable. Y'know? Like, it's totally cute. Sooooo cute." She sighed and looked into Luna's eyes, head tilted and lips smirked. "Luna, why are you so cute?"

"P- Pardon?" Luna sputtered, face flushing.

"You heard me." Twilight closed in.

Luna's rump bumped up against the armoire. "I- I- I believe the alcohol has had some odd effects on you, Twilight. Would- would you like to sit down and, er, cool off?"

Twilight giggled, and ran a hoof along Luna's cheek. "You're the one who's heating up."

"I have no c– clue what you mean," Luna lied, her whole body on fire.

Twilight leaned in and nuzzled Luna's neck, earning a shiver from her. "C'mon, don't be coy. Relax. Just answer my question."

Luna sucked in a breath. Sweat was beginning to form along her hairline, and her heart was threatening to erupt from her ribcage. She looked around for an escape, somewhere, anywhere! Instead, however, she only found the expectant gaze of Twilight.

Luna gulped. "I– I don't know."

"Don't know what?"

"Why– why you find me cute."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Would you like me to tell you? Come on, I've seen the looks you give me... Wouldn't it be nice to know I return your little crush?"

Luna didn't reply, her eyes fixated on the pony before her. She chewed at her lip, but no words would come out no matter how hard she tried. Not like she knew what was the right thing to say, either.

Twilight sighed. "Or, I suppose I could just kiss you now and get it over with." She waited patiently for a reply that never came. "So, what will it be?"

Luna stared at the ground. She could feel Twilight's breathing tickling her chin, where in another moment she would relish the sensation. There wasn't much she could register at the moment, as this drunken alicorn had managed to see right through her, grab her heart, and tempt her with it. Oddly enough, that left little room for second-guessing and doubts.

In a voice unlike the regal brick wall she usually donned, she whispered, "Can I have both?"

Looking up sheepishly, she found a genuine smile over Twilight's lips. She leaned in close, nuzzling her chin. "As long as you don't shut yourself in soon after, like your little doll collection."

Luna closed her eyes and nudged forward. "Deal."