• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 2,193 Views, 53 Comments

Pinkie Pie - The Wall - Critic

Pink Floyd The Wall with ponies ! , I won't lie, this is my first fic and the prologue is slow

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Comfortably Numb

Chapter 5: Comfortably Numb

Sugarcube Corner

Pinkie could not bear to hear the knocking any longer, yet she couldn't bring herself to do anything, but sit there, motionless. Her eyes were empty, her coat was a mess, her mane was nowhere to be found. There was no one home.

The door shredded into pieces under the powerful blow of the griffin. Gilda burst through the wooden barrier as if it was made of glass. She wasn't alone, with her came Spike, Mrs. Cake, Mr. Cake, Big Mac,Nurse Red-Hearth and Applejack. They all looked around the room, searching for the mare, until Spike pointed towards a chair in the end of the room. Nurse Red-Hearth was the first to run towards Pinkie, she got to her side and placed a hoof on her forehead

"Hello". Her voice echoed throughout Pinkie’s head.

"Is there anybody in there ?" This time the voice came from Spike, who proceeded to shake his hand in front of Pinkie’s face.

" Just nod if you can hear me" Nurse Red-Hearth spoke in a worried tone.

"Is there anyone at home ?" Spike mockingly stated.

"Come'on now, Ah hear you're feeling down" Applejack stood at the door, hesitant to approach the pink mare, who sat at the end of the room with her back turned.

"Well, I can easy your pain. Get you, on your hooves again" Said the nurse, pulling out a needle. Spike ,seeing the needle, became worried.

"Relax, I'll need some information first".She calmed the dragon. "Just the basic facts" She looked at Pinkie. "Can you show me where it hurts ?"

Inside her head Pinkie was a young filly once again, she walked through the rock farm, wondering around the borders of the property. Rocks spread throughout the horizon, thousands upon thousands of them. She could hear some vibration sound, like waves, in the distance. She ignored the noise.

At the room, Nurse Red-Hearth could see Pinkie's lips moving as if to form words, but nothing came out.

"What's that my dear ? Your lips move, but I can't hear what you're saying" Told the nurse.

Pinkamena stopped half-way through the fields, she looked down at the creature under her hooves. There looking back at her stood a small alligator. She picked him up with a hoof, the creature open its mouth and took a bite at her muzzle. It had no teeth, so it tickled the mare. Pinkie hugged the reptile and started crying. The alligator stared quizzically at the mare, Gummy, you know this is not how I am.

Pinkie made her way back home, she walked into the kitchen searching for some food for Gummy. Her mother, who was washing dishes, looked over at Pinkie. She could not believe what the young mare was carrying on her back, no child of hers would be the owner of an alligator. Pinkie had to run away from her house, once her mother began to scream at her, she had to save Gummy.

Pinkie quickly found a hiding place for her reptile friend, she placed him on the barn. Nothing would hurt him there. She coughed. Mother will kill me for being sick. Back on the room, her empty shell gave out a loud scream.

"O.K." Said Gilda calming herself down. "Just a little pinprick, what will that do ?"

"There'll be no more screams" Answered the nurse. "But she may feel a little sick"

"Can you stand up ?" Asked Big Mac, to the sitting mare.

"I do believe its working" Mr. Cake intervened.

"Good" Spike stated in relief while paying Mr. Cake for the property damage.

"That'll keep her going, through the show" Nurse Red-hearth was now somewhat relieved.

"Come on, it's time to go" Gilda was starting to lose her patience.

Back on her mind, Pinkie laid sick in bed. Doctor Muffin Tops analysed her, he looked back at her mother and gave her a disapproving nod. She let out a single tear, which ran down her face, and felt into Pinkie's bed. The doctor exited the room, followed by her mother. They conversed for a few more moments, before the doctor left the house. Pinkie knew that she had done it, her hooves felt like balloons, she felt numb, comfortably numb.

The next day, Pinkie woke up, she quickly left her bed in a mad dash towards the door. Pinkie passed her sisters, they gave her a curious glare. Pinkie ran as fast as her hooves could carry her, she did not care if somepony caught her off of bed. She had to feed Gummy, or else....I couldn't ever forgive myself if that happened to him.

Pinkie opened the barn, she found the pile of hay where she hid Gummy. She picked the alligator up, she was worried at first, he felt cold. Don't be silly Pinkie, reptiles are cold blooded creatures . He didn't move the slightest at her touch, Now, now, Pinkie let's not jump into conclusions. He's probably just sleepy, and hungry............and d-d-dead. She hugged him one last time, and cried, she cried like she had never cried before.

Big Mac carried Pinkie on his back, he carried her downstairs, and into the chariot. All of her friends who were present followed her into the chariot. Spike sat next to the pink mare, he saw the desire of life behind her eyes. The empty shell could feel her skin burn, melt, disfigure. The shell started to become a mixture of meat and clay, Pinkie, the real Pinkie ripped apart the impostor from within. Pinkie didn't want to live inside her head forever, she could not bear to watch herself become a worm. Pinkie, No Pinkamena was back, and she never felt better.


Sweet Apple Acres

Pinkamena arrived at her destination, to where it all of this nightmare started, the barn. The chariot's doors opened, everypony proceeded to make their way inside. After all, they had to prepare their leader to lead them through a revolution. And their leader was a mess at the moment, she had to look presentable at the very least. Must the show go on ? She questioned herself.

Inside, Gilda brought Pinkie her uniform. "Get ready, you must look your best while giving your speech"

Do I have to stand up, wild-eyed in the spot-light, what a nightmare, why don't I turn and run ? A scarred voice spoke in the back of her head. She ignored it.

Pinkamena took the uniform from the griffin. She made her way into the changing room. Everypony sat and waited for their leader to emerge from the room, they all felt worried. But all of the worry melted away once the magnificent image of their leader emerge in full uniform.

There must be some mistake, I didn't mean to let them take away my soul, am I too old is it too late ? Again the weak voice spoke, and again Pinkamena paid no attention to it. She could show no weakness, she had to be strong, now more than ever she had to prove her worth.

She called her entourage, there was a party they had to attend to, and the party wouldn't start until her arrival. The show must go on.



Pinkie arrived back at Sugarcube Corner, she was as ready as she ever would be. Her friends all wore the same uniform, even Gilda with a custom outfit. With a synchronize precision, they all made their way into the candy building. On their way, they were greeted by many other followers, all eager to hear their leader speak. Even young foals stood in full uniform in front of the building. Nothing could stop them now.

Once Pinkamena made her way outside the balcony, she looked down upon her followers. A sea of faces looked up, back at her. Hundreds upon hundreds of ponies stood in attention in front of the building. All fully uniformed, all cheering, all obedient. They looked ready to fight, ready to free themselves.

A band played outside, wow, they really out-did themselves on the execution, spotlights aimed at the pink mare. She stood proud for a moment, she saluted them all, she crossed her front hooves into an X. They all stumped their hooves in applause, then they all proceeded to salute her back.

"So ya thought ya might like to go to the show ? To feel the warmth and thrill of confusion ? Well I've got some bad news for you sunshine". She looked down at the members. " Pinkie isn't well, she stayed back at the hotel !"

" And they send us along as a surrogate band" She pointed at the band.

"And tonight we're going to find out where you members, really stand !!!' She shouted. Everypony cheered.

"Are there any Royal Guards in here tonight ?" The spot-lights searched high and low, stopping at certain ponies in uniform.

"Get'em up against the wall !!!" She commanded, those ponies caught in the spotlight soon ran away before any harm could be done.

"Now that one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me !" She pointed at a brown eath-stallion with an hourglass cutie mark.

"Get him up against the wall !" The stallion disappeared from view, some ponies thought they saw him jumping into a blue police box, but quickly dismissed the idea.

"That one looks like a zebra ! And that one is covered in jelly ! Who let this riff-raff into town !?"

"That one has zap-apple cider ! And that one has no cutie mark ! If I had my way I'd have you all banished to the moon !!!"

She ended her rant, saluted them once more, and left. Applause could be heard from miles away. They finally were ready.

"Pinkie! Pinkie ! Pinkie ! Pinkie ! Pinkie !" they shouted as she left. It was time.



Pinkamena gave the signal, her entourage made their way down the streets with her. Outside she looked at the mob, "You better make your face up in your favorite disguise ! With your button down lips and your roller blind eyes !". She thought she saw a rainbow maned pegasus somewhere, she quickly threw away that idea. She pointed towards their first target. "It is time, don't disappoint me now, go ! Run like hell !!!"

The mob dispersed into the village, some carried torches, others used lightning or magic. They all ran to different targets, they started to break and burn down anything in their paths. They started their revolution.

Canterlot Royal Palace

Twilight's substitute saluted the rest of the guards, they had all lined up in the courtyard. He inspected every single one of them, they had to show the protesters just who they were dealing with. They could not fail, or else other cities could soon follow the revolution.

"All of you are about to achieve the greatest job of your pitiful lives !". He walked back and forth through the ranks. "Just there in Ponyville the barbarians huddle, sheer terror gripping tight their hearths with icy hooves" He pointed towards Ponyville, which now had a few buildings on fire.

" The enemy outnumber us a party three to one, good odds for a guard" He gave a small laugh.

"Give thanks, men, to out queen Nightmare Moon ! To victory !!!" He yelled as he took to the skies, three hundred guards at his back. They flew like hell, as fast as their wings could carry them.

At their arrival, all they saw was pure chaos, ponies everywhere just running, screaming, fighting.



Pinkie was helping a group of ponies burn down the school, she could feel all the bad memories going away with the building, They cannot reach me now.The smoke flew high into the skies, leaving a black trail in a darken skies. Yet something felt wrong, she could feel a disturbance incoming. She looked back at the town center, then she saw it. An army of Royal Guards arriving, they quickly started to attack her followers. She wouldn't allow that to happen.

She had to keep them safe, she had to be their wall. Isolating them from danger, she commanded the members to regroup.

But, before anypony could act, a big bright flash of light appeared out of thin air right behind the guards. Once it became safe to look, Pinkamena saw what had caused the disturbance. There behind the guards stood Nightmare Moon herself, and she didn't look happy. With a thunderous voice, that shook the earth, she spoke.

"I've been waiting, to cut down the Everfree. I've been waiting, to clean up this city". She gave a malevolent laugh as lightning rained down from the darkened skies.

"I've been waiting, to weed out the weaklings. I've been waiting, to smash in their windows...and kick in their doors !". She easily took down a group of rebels who were foolish enough to try and attack the queen. She displayed her god-like powers proudly, she held nothing back.

Pinkamena saw the hope in many of her followers' eyes fade at the display of power. But she had worked far to hard to give up now. She picked up a bottle and threw it at the guards, the mob followed close behind. It was now a full on war. Guards and ponies collided in the town center, many guards started to take in prisoners. Chariots upon chariots became full as the guards arrested the mob.

Pinkamena couldn't stand and watch, she made her way to the balcony once more, in the hopes of encouraging her herd. She gave her speech once again, but this time there were less applause, less obedience, less hope.

She searched the battlefield for her friends, she could see a cyan pegasus,beaten in the head, being dragged to a prison chariot. She watched in terror as a dozen guards worked together to stop a rampaging red stallion. She could see a yellow pegasus trying to break free of her cage. She could see unicorn guards subduing a griffin, under their powerful magic. She watched as an orange mare and a baby dragon, both were cornered by a group of guards. Could it be ? Is there really no hop- that's when she saw the flash of purple light just outside the edge of the forest. The show wasn't over just yet.



Pinkie made her way down the building, and out into the streets. She stood in the town center, most of the protesters had been subdued by the guards. She searched for anyone who could help her in the middle of all the chaos. She needed to buy her friends some time.

"Hey you ! Out there in the cold, getting lonely getting old, can you feel me ?" She asked to nopony in particular.

"Hey you ! standing in the isles with itchy feet, and fadding smiles, can you feel me ?" She got no response

"Hey you ! dont help them to bury the live !" She told a Royal Guard who was dragging a mare into one of the prison chariots

"Don't give in without a fight !" She yelled at everypony, trying to regain hope.

Nightmare Moon notice her giving out orders, she knew now just who to blame.


Twilight and Rarity both arrived just outside of Ponyville, to their luck, most guards were too busy arresting ponies in the town center to even notice. Rarity couldn't believe that her revolution was happening, without her.

"Come on, we got to free the arrested ponies !" Twilight call out to her friends as she galloped to the nearest chariot.

"But they are magically locked, how do we open them?" Asked the white unicorn.

"With out magic, duh?" Twilight answer sarcastically while opening the cell on wheels. Rarity gave her a stare, before continuing on to the next chariot.


Rainbow Dash stood inside the cell next to the rest of the prisoners, she only recognized Fluttershy out of all others. Fluttershy was still trying to free herself, she bucked, she lock-picked, she tried everything she could.

"Hey Shy, what're you doing ?" Asked Rainbow surprised at the mare's action.

"Trying to free myself, what do you think ?" She spoke with an angry tone.

"Why ? It's hopeless don't you see ?" Rainbow looked down.

"Rainbow Dash, never talk speak of hopelessness, as long as you can still breath" The yellow pegasus tried to motivate her friend. It worked, Rainbow felt as if she had to break free immediately. With their combined effort, they broke through the magic barrier.


Applejack and spike where thrown into the same cell as Big Mac and Gilda. It took them little effort to break free.


"Hey you ! Out there on the road, always doing what you're told. Can you help me !?" Pinkamena asked one of the last members that was still free. Re decline the request.

"Hey you ! Out there beyond the wall, breaking bottles in the hall. Can you help me !?" No answer came.

"Its hopeless you foal !!!" Yelled Nightmare Moon.

"Hey you ! Don't tell me there's no hope at all !!!" She screamed right back at her.

"Together we stand ! Divided we fall !" As if on cue, there standing behind her in a semi-circle were her friends.

"What is this ?" She spoke in a mocking tone. "An insane earth pony, being followed by a group of the biggest excuse of life I have ever laid my eyes upon, what do you plan to do ?".She approached the group. "Make me die of laughter ?". She gave a mocking laugh.

"I am disappointed in you Twilight Sparkles" She glared daggers at the lavender traitor. "Not the fact that you turned against me, I mean, that was too obvious" She could feel the elements inside the bag. "But the fact that you thought you could defeat me !" She summoned a bolt of lighting to strike down the elements.

Noticing what Nightmare Moon was aiming at, Twilight quickly put up a barrier to protect herself, and her friends. She emptied the elements onto the floor, they were no longer orbs, instead they were now necklaces. Each necklace bared the mark of each one of them, except for Twilight, who got a tiara.

"Look girls, I don't have much time to explain, but you all need to put these on". She commanded them, placing a collar around each one of the mares.

"Now Twilight, whats the big deal about these ?" Asked Rainbow.

"Well, you see the elem--" A bolt of lightning broke through the barrier,and stroke the ground near her. This was no time to talk, it was time to act.

"Look, just trust me. We all have to be in harmony" She quickly said.

"Wat do ya mean' harmony ?"Applejack asked.

"Apologize to one another, we need to stick together !" Twilight was panicking as her barrier faded.

Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack, then to the pink mare, she sighed, it was going to be hard.

"Pinkie ? Look, I am sorry for cheating on you. It's just, well, you haven't been yourself lately. I felt really worried, but once you began experimenting more often, I just. I couldn't bare to see you like that !" Rainbow explained, with tears in her eyes.

"And I'm sorry for accepting into Rainbow's temptation" Spoke Applejack.

"And I for providing you with the means to feel better" Stated Fluttershy feeling shameful.

"And I'm sorry for leaving you in-charge with no instructions" Quickly said Rarity, as Twilight's barrier was shredded.

They would all stand at the mercy of Nightmare Moon if the elements didn't work.

"Oh girls, stop being silly fillies. I'm the one who should apologize for being gone for so long" She laughed childishly. Out of nowhere, Pinkie's mane grew back in a flash, as curly and fluffy as ever. She truly was representing her element, laughing in the face of danger.

"You foals, I shall banish you all to the Sun !" Nightmare Moon spoke annoyed.

"We will see who banishes who, Princess" Twilight spoke defiantly.

Nightmare Moon used all of her power to create a powerful beam of energy. She aimed the destructive magic right at the group of mares.

The Elements of Harmony used their powers to counter the beam. It was a stalemate, both rays met creating a large white ball of energy in the middle. On lookers had to cover their eyes at the sight.

When suddenly the ball of energy exploded, consuming both the elements, and Nightmare Moon in a huge white sphere.



Pinkie opened her eyes, she wasn't in Ponyville anymore, she sat by an infinite wall. It spread from one side of the horizon, to the next.

" STOP !!!"

"I wanna go home ! Take off this uniform, and leave the show ! And I'm waiting in this cell, because I have to know ! Have I been guilty all this time !!!?" Her words echoed throughout the void.

It was time for her trial.