• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 2,626 Views, 45 Comments

Sick Week - CosmicAfro

Twilight Sparkle sneezes and an adventure begins!

  • ...


There wasn’t a word Twilight knew of that could accurately describe her sleep. It was a confounding mixture of irony and complacency. The medication had forced her into a deep sleep, but this “Nullam Constantium” disease had kept her awake in her dreams. Yet, even though her mind hadn’t properly rested, she felt rightly so. Perhaps the best way she could have described it was a flower blooming in late autumn. What’s worse was even though she was awake in her sleep, she couldn’t think. All she did was watch clouds roll by on a sky that rotated the day and night every thirty minutes or so. How she was sure of that last part eluded her too.

She rubbed her eyes, but found it to be more out of habit than her actually being tired. She took a quick observation of the room and discovered her bubble was the only dome remaining. Two nurses were sitting in chairs near the door, dutifully checking on her after every round of cards. According to the chip stacks, the nurse to her left had terrible luck in the evening and was down to his last bits. The nurse to her right kept wearing a cheesy grin, like his luck was so great he had no use for a poker face.

Twilight’s stomach growled at her and the two staff members raised their heads. They looked at her and then grinned again. The winning nurse, a unicorn, lifted a tiny microphone on her scrub. “Hello, Ms. Sparkle and good morning.” His voice wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but it was obvious he had ruined it somehow or another in the past. “How did you sleep? Can we get’ch- ahem, get you anything?”

“Some breakfast, if you wouldn’t mind.”

He nodded and his partner opened the door for him as he promptly left. Another nurse, a taller and slender mare that wore her mane in a bun, entered to take his place. Twilight was somewhat reminded of Ponyville’s very own Nurse Red Heart, she even had a similar cutie mark and shared a similar color scheme.

“Excuse me,” Twilight found herself asking, “but are you in any way related to Nurse Red Heart?”

She gave Twilight a blank stare before she realized she had been asked a question. “Oh, sorry I’m afraid I don’t know who that is.” She ended the question as if she had nothing else to say on the matter, so neither of them did.

It was a few minutes of stretching, yawning, and head shaking before the stallion returned with a wooden tray of variated food, delicately balanced on his back as he entered the dome. A bowl of cereal, an apple, a vine of grapes, a glass of orange juice, a blueberry muffin- it even made the letters GWS which she presumed was Get Well Soon- and two slices of haystrips. The nurse pressed a foot pedal at the bottom and raised the back of the bed slightly, propping up the princess properly. He pulled open two legs underneath the tray and rested it upright over Twilight. “Ms. Sparkle, I do need to request ya- ahem, you use your hooves to eat. Any magic usage during this time may accelerate the Nullam Constantium.”

“I understand,” she said along with her gurgling stomach.

The door opened once more and none other than Princess Celestia herself entered. All the staff members bowed and gave her some space. The stallion waited in the dome until Celestia walked to the farthest edge of the room away from Twilight. He exited quickly, noting to his fellow workers he was going to get sanitized. Once it was in the clear, Celestia walked over to the tunnel leading to her student’s bubble and stopped at the door. There she equipped an over-ear microphone and hummed softly into it.

“What are you doing?”

Celestia’s voice bounced through her ears pleasantly, like a mother humming to a child.“Making sure it was working properly. You wouldn’t have heard me if it wasn’t. How was your first night, Twilight?”

“Cloudy,” she stated flatly. She attempted to scoop up the muffin, but her hooves weren’t as well practiced. She managed to get most of it up, but she knew she looked like a young filly doing so. Twilight took a few bites into the food before speaking up again. “If I can ask, how did I get this disease anyways?”

Celestia tapped her chin and faint thumps echoed into the speaker. “Well, I’m afraid we don’t know the exact reasons; so far the pattern has shown to be catching it like one would a common cold. I wouldn’t worry about it too much, it’s more of a nuisance than anything else.”

As much as she disliked vague answers, it was likely the best one she was going to get. “Wait, Luna told me yesterday that whenever she sniveled, the moon turned red and plants died.” Celestia acted quickly and shielded the dome with a veil of her own magic, invisibly silencing Twilight’s thoughts from reaching the nurses. “Isn't that more than enough cause for concern?”

Celestia paused for a moment. She was partially glad the nurses couldn’t hear her speak, and even more so that they didn’t appear to have heard her. “Luna told you this?”

“When you were talking with Dr. Cooperation, she and I talked for a bit. While I’m thinking about it-” she stopped herself short. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t ask about private matters between you and a doctor.”

Celestia nodded her head. “Don’t worry, Twilight, the medication we’ve been developing will be more than enough to handle whatever the disease might throw at you. It is true that one of her symptoms has that unfortunate consequence, but I’m sure she told you of the midnight rainbow?”

She perked up slightly. “Right. She told me this was a chance of opportunity and I shouldn’t be afraid of it.”

Celestia warmly stated with a grin to match, “That’s the spirit. Don’t worry, since this is your first time, Luna and I will be here with you one hundred percent of the way in case something goes wrong. But knowing my faithful student has the magic of friendship on her side, I don’t see how it could.”

“Speaking of,” Twilight mumbled as she attempted to pluck the grapes off of the vine one by one. Just as she had managed to finish her crummy muffin, in both meanings of the word, she attempted to down the grapes. She wished she could use her magic, but it was the doctor’s orders.

“Would you like me to fetch you some silverware, Twilight?”

She held up a hoof, signaling she could handle it. Celestia watched with amusement as her student failed to realize that instead of plucking off the tiny fruits one by one as she did with her levitation, she could just hold up the vine and do so with her mouth. The thought just probably didn’t cross her mind. It would be a good lesson for her, even if a small one. I’m sure when she would realize it in a moment, they’d both laugh.

Her smile began to droop as Twilight continued to attack the food. If she became too frustrated with one, she’d smush it and move onto the next. It didn’t take long for Celestia to realize Twilight was having an issue coming to terms with the lesson. If a pony could snugly fit a hoof into a jug handle, why was Twilight having such a difficult issue picking up some measly grapes?

“Come on, just pop off the vine,” she pleaded to the tray. Even the nurses were beginning to worry. Celestia turned around and shook her head slowly, signaling them not to interfere. Reluctantly, they gave a bow and continued giving the recent princess nervous glares.

“Twilight, perhaps-”

“I’ve almost... got it.”

With a mighty ‘squirk’, the final grape smushed itself into the wooden tray. Twilight and everyone else in the room was speechless. She hadn’t managed but two grapes.

Just as Celestia was going to interfere, her protege ran a hoof to her forehead and began massaging her temples. “Twilight, are you feeling ok?”

“Yeah, I just have a minor headache. For some reason why, I just couldn’t stop going at it.”

Twilight’s horn flashed. Or, Celestia thought her horn flashed. It looked like it flashed, anyways, just a moment ago. Something must have been wrong with her student.

“Twilight, are you feeling ok?”

The hungry princess raised her head in confusion and slowly replied, “Yes?” She felt her horn tingle, but thought nothing of it. Twilight thought her mentor looked little “off” somehow. Her eyes would betray concern for one moment and then become neutral and she’d give her warm grin she always gave to her. But then she’d shake her head like she had forgotten something. Twilight felt her horn tingle once more.

“Twilight, are you feeling ok?”

A dull throbbing built up in Twilight’s skull as if someone was hitting her with a pillow from both sides. What was going on? Why couldn’t she just have eaten those grapes? Why didn’t she realize she was going about it the wrong way? She knew she wasn’t doing it right. She knew that. It was as if every time that tiny fruit came into her thoughts, she forgot how to do it. So she continued with the force method to no avail.

“Twilight, are you feeling ok?”

Amidst the head pain that was rapidly increasing, Twilight was able to deduce what was likely happening. Nullam Constantium was taking effect.


Apple bloom held the quill in her mouth as she stared at the blank paper labeled, “Cutie Mark ideas”. She sat in her chair and let her eyes wander across the desk, hoping the intricate wood carvings might inspire some sort of idea. The only thing inspired was a depressed moan. Her meeting for the Cutie Mark Crusaders wasn’t going to go well if she couldn’t jot down even one idea. The sun was going to come up soon, what might Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle think? They probably have at least one thought.

What haven’t they tried yet? The more she pondered the thought, the more she realized they’d done too much to count. She could never keep up with something like that. But she knew who could. She finally wrote on the page, “Ask Twilight how to make a good list.” Another groan escaped from her muzzle as she remembered her librarian friend was in Canterlot. She’d have to write her a letter from all of them.

She’d probably get a list about how to make a list.

With at least something down to discuss, she pushed herself back from the desk and walked to the window. The sunrise was about to begin and when she wasn’t sleeping in, she always came to the window to watch it. She enjoyed watching the shadows grow from the trees because sometimes they looked like ponies, and sometimes Cutie Marks. Her big sister once watched the sunrise with her and tried to tell a joke about how the trees looked in the morning. Something about how they must not be morning ponies because of their long faces.

Her eyes caught the site of the latest sapling they had planted to replace a tree that had recently withered. As the morning began and the grey sky turned to blue, Apple bloom took great care to notice the young tree was bending over and the leaves didn’t look quite right.

She had spent a lot of time planting that tree too, no way was she going to let it pass so easily.

With a stern nod, she raced out of her bedroom and galloped down the hallway, taking only a second to observe her mane in the bathroom which she pronounced, “eh.” Good enough for her. Down the steps and outside she went. She passed by her brother who said, “Mornin’, Apple bloom. Where yah off to?”

“I’m gunna check up on the tree we planted a few days ago, it don’t look too good,” she yelled over her shoulder.
It was about a thirty second gallop to the tree she sought; low and behold, it was looking sickly. It was about twice the height of Apple bloom and as wide, and the trunk was discolored. Its leaves and branches were drooping and the healthy green she expected was browning at the tips. The farmer’s hooves patted the ground and felt the firmness of the dirt. It felt too dry here, and it wasn’t helping the sapling was at the top of a tiny knoll. The surrounding apple trees must have been siphoning its water before it could get to it, not that they meant to.

Knowing exactly what to do, she raced to the barn where she scooped up her watering can. It was two sizes too big for her to carry with her mouth so she delegated the task to her back. She filled it up at the pump, half way so she wouldn’t hurt her spine like Applejack said, and then began to take it to the spot once more. She didn’t know why she was running; the tree wasn’t going anywhere, it had plenty of time, she just felt obligated to it as if a friend asked her for a drink.

In a matter of seconds with speeds so fast even Rainbow Dash might be impressed, though she’d save that thought from Scootaloo, she returned and proceeded to water the plant. She watched the leaves start to perk before her very eyes, perhaps it was thirstier than she thought. She’d have to keep a close eye on it. Even trees need help from time to time. In fact, if it wasn’t for ponies like her, a lot of these trees here in Sweet Apple Acres wouldn’t even be here.

Her eyes widened as she realized the importance of what she just thought. “I know what I have a talent in! Its-”


She blinked out the dizzying circles from her vision. She stared at the healthy sapling in front of her with the sun rising behind it. “How’d I get out here again? I hope I wasn’t sleepwalkin’.”

Her leg bumped against a metal object. “Oh? Oh, it’s the watering can. Big Mac must have forgot it here when he was waterin’ this tree. I’ll take it back for him.” Her stomach gurgled. “I better get some breakfast.”


It was another weekend at Rarity’s who reluctantly, but generously as always, let her sister stay at her house. Sweetie Belle had woken up earlier than usual for the Cutie Mark Crusader meeting they had planned and she was given the objective to come up with more activities to try. She was licking her teeth in front of the mirror, going over each tooth with deft precision to make sure all obstructions that might look unseemly were taken care of.

She hummed an undeveloped tune, singing whatever note came to mind. As her tongue rested on her front teeth, she caught sight of her comb. It was too far away to grab from where she was standing, but perhaps...

She returned to a more dignified position and faced the comb directly. She began to recall the steps that Rarity had given to her. Step one, a unicorn must have a clear mind free of distractions. You can’t shove a square peg into a round hole, you must let it flow naturally.

But what if the square peg is smaller than the round hole?

It’s those kinds of distractions that will stop you from using magic, Sweetie Belle dear. However, you’re not wrong.

She cleared her head of all distractions. She was calm. Simple thoughts. Only do what needs to be done.

Step two, you must establish a connection between the two objects. Imagine building a bridge with your mind and connect the two.

Comb. Sweetie Belle. Magic. Bridge. Got it. She could feel it, there was something there at the top of her horn, like she could feel the comb’s handle there. It felt slippery, as if coated with water. She kept an iron grip on it to the best of her abilities.

Step three, tell the bridge what you want it to do. You must think of every step as magic requires precise order.

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes. Grab. Lift.

The comb slips through.

Grab. Hold. Lift.

The comb is held steadily in her magic, but does not rise.

Grab. Hold. Lift. Up.

A pressure of an unknown source exerts itself on her horn.

Every magical reaction must have an equal and opposite reaction.

Grab. Hold. Lift. Up. Raise. Continue. Stop. Pull. Towards. Sweetie Belle! Mane. Twirl. Stop Twirling. Slide.

She was doing it! She was really doing it! She was magically combing her hair! She opened her eyes and watched giddily, which temporarily causes the comb to waiver, as she curled her mane without Rarity’s help.

“Sweetie Belle!?” Rarity said in surprise as she walked past the door. “Oh, you’ve done it!”

“I know! Isn’t it fantast-”


“Eek!” The comb dropped to the floor, landing far away from Sweetie Belle. She and Rarity found themselves hugging from the sudden explosion that boomed in the distance. “What was that!?”

Rarity did a double take and gently let go of her sister. “I don’t quite know. Whatever it was, I’m sure it was quite something.”She took a moment to open the window and observe the world, but there were no alarms and no anomalies to be seen or heard from. As she tentatively closed it, she observed her sister’s mane which appeared to only be half combed.

“Somepony slept on one side of the pillow, I see.”

The filly looked in the mirror and giggled at her silly reflection. “I guess so.” She soon saw a familiar blue aura grab the comb and watched it weave effortlessly through her hair. “Thanks, Rarity. I know I’ll get it someday.”

“Your magic should be coming in any day now, I’m sure of it,” she said with utmost reassurance. “Every light must glow before it can shine. But I can tell one day you’ll be positively beaming.”

Sweetie Belle gave a sheepish and blush filled grin. A bird outside tweeted a happy tune, reminding them it was now early morning. “Oh my gosh, I’m going to be late!” She gave a quick goodbye and headed out the door.


Scootaloo’s alarm clock rang. She slapped the top of it and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Her head felt lighter than usual as she lifted herself out of the bed. Despite her active cognition, she couldn’t feel her legs walking across the cloud floor as she approached her dresser. To the side of it was a mirror just her height. Through the thin cracks of her eyes that refused to open completely, she noticed the top of her head wasn’t in the reflection. She must have been getting through a growth spurt she hadn’t noticed.

Her back was hurting too.

Her front legs reached the top drawer with ease, something she wasn’t accustomed to. She didn’t have to pull the stool to reach today. With an early morning smile, she lifted out the armbands she had bought yesterday with a rainbow pattern. She strapped one on each leg, giving it a loud snap against her fur every time to make sure it was on well. It certainly shot her eyes wide open, that was for sure.

She returned to her reflection.

“Oh my gosh!”

Her morning suddenly made sense! The light headedness, lack of feeling in her hooves, the mirror height; she was flying! Her wings were flapping soundlessly, a whole half foot above the cloud floor. And she wasn’t struggling, at all! Her wings must have finally grown in like the doctor predicted they would.

I’m sorry Scootaloo, your wings will take longer than the average pegasus to develop due to your premature birth. When they grow in however, I think you’ll find the results more than you could have asked for.

She couldn’t even feel them, it was effortless to her. She flew around in circles, giddy with excitement. She wondered if her hero shared her same setback. It would explain how Rainbow Dash was so awesome if she flew like this all the time. “Oh man! Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are going to flip when they see-”


Scootaloo picked herself up off the floor, pushing herself up with the help of her bed. Whatever that explosion was, it shook her out of her bed. Her alarm clock had fallen on the floor too. It wasn’t on either. She guessed the bang had knocked it off her nightstand and it happened to turn off.

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She tried to spread her wings, but winced and tucked them back in. Her left side had a dull pain running through it. She chalked it up to landing on the floor. Probably not a good idea to use the wings today just to be safe, she thought. She looked at her legs and cocked an eyebrow. “Huh, I thought I took these off last night. Oh well, saves me some time using the stand I guess.”


Twilight’s headache subsided, letting go of the pillow she had clamped into her mouth for the past half hour according to the clock. The sweat on her brow soon dissipated itself, leaving behind a cooled forehead and lifting a weight off her mind she desperately needed.

“Twilight, are...” Celestia blinked three times. “What... happened?” her eyes shrank to the size of pins when she discovered her student breathing heavily in short breaths. “Twilight!”

“I’m fine... now.”

Celestia looked over at the nursing staff. “Why didn’t you retrieve Dr. Cooperation at once? This could have been dangerous.”

They looked at each other before returning to meet their princess’ scolding glare. “We tried, but every time we did we saw this purple flash and we just... forgot.”

As much as Celestia hated to admit it, her hooves felt stiff, she hadn’t moved from the spot. “Twilight, do you know what happened?”

The young princess slowed her breathing and tried to gather her thoughts. “I felt my head throbbing and whenever it did, I could feel my horn tingle. But it kept tingling more and more each time like something was bubbling inside of it. It was scalding hot, dipped in what I can only think was lava. And then... boom. It all cleared.”

Celestia eyed the tip of her student’s horn and it was clear it had been burned sometime during the event. It was unconsciously allowing magic to pass through at a furious rate. She couldn’t imagine the pain she must have been in. Celestia wasn’t all too surprised. Her thoughts drew back to her own experiences with the disease. When she had the Nullam Constantium, her headaches caused heat waves that spread across the country, and Luna’s sky at night had every star moving in a small circle. It was sickening to be in either situation. Had the room really just been repeating itself for the last- she checked her clock- half hour? If Twilight’s magic did explode, she could only guess at what happened to her citizens.

“Nurse, she requires medical attention. Get Doctor Cooperation in here stat.” They both ran out of the infirmary. “Headaches were always the worst.”