• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 23,463 Views, 639 Comments

Along Comes Twilight - Spacecowboy

An emotionally distant Celestia begins to reconnect with her ponies thanks to a young filly called Twilight Sparkle. (A Celestia adopts Twilight story)

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Chapter 1 - Enter the Twilight

"Can you believe those gryphons? Ten years of negotiations tanked in a matter of minutes!" An earth pony grumbled to a guard, both in the final process of setting up the last tent in the rapidly fading sunlight.

"Yeah, the princess is going to be pissed off. We all knew that Highmount was a pain in the flank, but to come to near hostilities for no cause? And then he claims that Equestria itself belongs to him? I'm just glad we're back home, I thought we were going to be attacked before we even got a chance to gather our things this morning." Another pony stated, wiping his brow with a hoof as the last of the camp was assembled.

A group of ponies were finishing setting up the last of their camp as the sun gave way to the moon, its light causing the fire to throw dancing shadows across the ground. The first of dinner was being passed out as everypony gathered together. Nopony heard the diving gryphons until it was too late.

Celestia sat in her study during the Day court's lunch recess, sipping at her tea. Her hoofmaid had just left the room, leaving her to enjoy the one hour of the day that was reserved solely for herself.

"Oh, Luna..." Celestia quietly muttered, her thoughts drifting once more to her sister. "It's been nine hundred eighty-seven years, seven months, and thirteen days since you forced my hoof to such drastic measures... I need to find the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, dear sister, so that you may be returned to me once more." Her eyes drifted towards the mural of the moon on the wall.

Celestia's tea lay forgotten as she continued to ponder on Luna's return. "I have just over twelve years left. There's been a few promising leads, but nothing definite yet. I'd hoped Cadance would be able to fulfill Magic's role, but it doesn't seem to be that way. Still, I'll need her for–" Celestia immediately quit speaking softly to herself as heavy thumps sounded out on her door, three hits in rapid succession.

Sighing, she undid the enchantment keeping it closed, causing the stallion at the door to rush inside. "What is it, Captain? I presume you have something important enough to be worth disturbing my only time alone all day?" Celestia fixed a hard gaze on the captain of her guard, who merely gave a quick salute in reply.

"I deeply apologize, Princess, but I just received word back on the Highmount Aerie diplomatic mission, and... it's bad." He levitated a slightly crumpled scroll that had been hastily rerolled over to Celestia, who took it with her own magic and unfurled it before reading.

Captain Shield,

At approximately twenty-one hundred last night, while on a regularly scheduled patrol of the Equestrian-Highmount border, we encountered a small force of Gryphons who had crossed onto Equestrian soil and were actively engaged with a small number of our citizens. It was later revealed that this was the group sent to handle the diplomatic affairs between Equestria and the Highmount Aerie.

When we arrived on scene, the gryphons had killed almost everypony in the camp. It appears they were attacked unaware during supper. The only survivor was a lone filly. After a quick assessment, she was teleported to Canterlot for immediate medical attention. It appears that she suffered numerous wounds from the gryphons torturing her and her mother.

The casualties from the ensuing action were the following: Of the pegasi on patrol, one sustained grievous injuries and is most likely grounded for good. Another four pegasi received minor lacerations. Of the attackers, twelve gryphons were killed and two captured, one of which is deemed to be in critical condition. All of the attacking gryphons have been confirmed to be those underneath Highmount Aerie, and this unprovoked attack on our diplomats and guards are paramount to a declaration of war on Equestria from Highmount.

Only one prisoner is expected to survive. He is currently on transit to Canterlot so that he may be made available for further questioning. Additionally, we have gathered all of the belongings and the remains and will be in Canterlot in two days’ time.

Sgt. Spitfire, 503rd Air Squadron Captain


A voice broke Celestia's rage as she stared at the offending document in her magic, the scroll going up in flames moments later. The air around her was warped from the heat forcing itself out from her body. The captain neared the doorway as the flowers in the room began to wither and die from the intense temperature.

Celestia forced her anger back under control, slightly embarrassed beneath the endless fountain of fury that was threatening to swallow her. "I apologize, Captain." she spoke, the rising anger clear in her tone. "Time and time again, I forgave his slights, preferring talks over bloodshed, even though they've stretched on for over ten years. But no one gets away with killing my little ponies!" Her voice boomed at the end, the walls themselves shaking.

"Your orders, Princess?" Shield quietly spoke, ready to carry out anything she asked, his own anger carefully kept under control beneath his steely exterior.

"Captain, I'm going for a walk. Announce that Day Court has been cancelled. Additionally, I want all of the intelligence reports on the Highmount Aerie gathered and ready to be presented first thing tomorrow morning. Have the Third Company mobilized and ready to go as well, just in case. One way or another, they will pay for their actions. Dismissed." The captain quickly vacated the room, the loud thud of the closing door heralding his departure. Celestia walked to the balcony, quickly taking flight to the open courtyard below.

Time flew as Celestia put one hoof in front of the other, her visage that of the indomitable Princess of the Sun and lone ruler of Equestria on, masking her true emotions. Never stopping, not even when directly addressed, she simply walked on as the anger slowly bled out through her hooves.

Sometime later, she came to a pause, noting a faint pull. Celestia looked around and saw the entrance to the castle’s hospital located directly in front of her and entered moments later. There was somepony powerful nearby, and it wasn't Cadance, which left Celestia curious.

"Ah, welcome, Princess Celestia! Is there anything I can do to help you today?" A unicorn walked up to Celestia, a small hat with a red cross centered on it atop her head.

"I was merely passing by, Nurse. Tell me, how many ponies are currently being treated here?" Celestia inquired, the faint pull of magic lingering on the edge of her consciousness.

At her question, the nurse's expression dropped. "Just one at the moment, Princess. She was brought in last night, emergency teleport arrival. It took our doctors hours to stabilize the poor dear, and there's a good chance she'll have problems the rest of her life from this. She’s only five too, and orphaned now..." The nurse trailed off, tears flowing from her eyes.

It must be the filly from the attack last night. I wonder... "I would like to see her, if you would, nurse." Celestia quietly asked.

"Normally, I would say no. Obviously we can make an exception though, Princess. If you would follow me?" A short trot brought them to a partially opened door, the steady beep of a heart monitor reaching her ears, as well as a shallow, ragged breathing.

"I'll be at the receptionist's desk if you need anything, Princess." Celestia numbly waved a hoof in reply at the nurse, who quietly closed the door behind her.

"Oh my..." Celestia's composure dropped as she finally came into the presence of the magic that had been pulling on her. This filly was filled with raw magic, more than even Cadance possessed. Celestia muttered to herself, voicing her thoughts. "This amount of magic is impossible in a unicorn, but... Luna, I believe I've found the bearer of Magic."

Celestia closed her eyes and began to think. She has so much potential, but has no parental figures anymore. Do I do the same as I did with Cadance? I can provide the guidance necessary to ensure she becomes Magic's bearer. Not only will she be responsible for saving Luna, but she'll most likely end up accomplishing a lot. I've got to ensure she stays close at hoof, but what's the best way?

She continued to think on how to best steer this filly so that she could fully realize her potential. Even at such a young age, Celestia was certain beyond a doubt that this small unicorn would be, if not the most, one of the most important ponies of her generation. Already the beginnings of a timetable was forming within her mind, milestones to be achieved so that come Luna's return, the young filly would be ready to harness the power of the Elements of Harmony.

A small groan ripped Celestia from her thoughts as she opened her eyes and looked at the source. She couldn't help but let out a gasp at what she saw before her.

In light of the potential this young filly possessed, Celestia had forgotten to actually look at her. The nurse's words didn't do the extent of her injuries justice, as nearly the entire form of the filly was covered in swaths of bandages. Even her horn was covered, and it was painfully apparently that part of its tip was missing. There were areas on the bandages where a small amount of blood had come through, and her body was a small field of such red splotches. Even unconscious and on medication, the filly's face was contorted in pain.

Celestia sat down on a cushion next to the bedside and simply looked at the young unicorn. She took in the nearly still form of this young filly whose physical condition she hadn't even noticed until whimpers of pain had broken her thoughts. This brought to light a singular thought which caused Celestia to pause everything.

"Have I really become so distant?" She numbly questioned herself, the words barely a whisper. Unable to move her eyes, she continued to stare at the filly. Her thoughts refused to form, as memories flooded the forefront of her mind.

A knock at the door caused Celestia to jump, completely taken by surprise. There was a tugging in the back of her mind signaling that it was nearly time to lower the sun so the moon could make its way through the sky. But, it was just early afternoon, has that much time passed?

"I'm sorry, Princess, but it's getting late and I need to change her bandages. I don't think you'll want to be here, it's... not a pretty sight." The nurse from earlier quietly spoke, a tray of bandages and various other medical supplies balanced on her back.

"I understand, you have your job to do. Tell me," Celestia asked, motioning a hoof towards the filly, "what will become of her?"

The nurse looked puzzled for a few moments before giving her reply. "Well, it appears that the only family she has is an older brother who is currently in the guard’s entry school, but he's unable to support her and isn't old enough to legally be her guardian. I would suppose once she is well enough, an orphanage would take her in until she was adopted or came of age." She hesitated a moment, then asked a question of her own. "Why do you ask, Princess?"

It seems that I have become too distant with them, this may just be what I need... It only took a moment for Celestia to make a decision that would begin the first of many changes. "Although she will be here for some time, I'll have a room prepared for her. Here. In the castle, that is." She firmly spoke, causing the nurse's eyes to widen.

“Princess, you mean to raise her yourself?” The nurse asked, curiosity and shock mingling together.

"I do. I plan on making her a ward of the crown, she deserves as much given what she has been through." Celestia turned to the filly, hesitating a moment before gently kissing her forehead. "I shall see you tomorrow..." She trailed off, realizing that although she had spent the remainder of the evening at the young filly's bedside she had yet to learn her name. Her eyes settled on the open door, where large letters identified the occupant.

"Twilight Sparkle."

Author's Note:

And here's another idea that has been pinging around my head for some time. The mother/daughter relationship with Celestia and Twilight that so many see isn't really explored that frequently. Rather than taking a fluff approach, I wanted to take a slightly more serious one, showing a Celestia that had walled herself off from the repeated pain that loss had incurred. Make Twilight the one who begins to get her to open up, and you have a truly wonderful chance at a Slice of Life mother/daughter story.

Please note, Canon events. Unless otherwise specified in story, everything will stick as close as possible to canon events. To address this now, Twilight is approximately five at this point. Shining Armor is fifteen. He's in a prep school meant to help for entering the guards. He is also seeing Cadance at this point. Thus, he is not capable of being Twilight's legal guardian.

And for Twilight, as far as being a ward of the crown for the purposes of this story, it is essentially that the castle (Celestia and staff) are responsible for her upbringing, rather than putting her into an orphanage. It is not the official adoptive process. That'll come later.