• Published 17th Oct 2011
  • 1,600 Views, 14 Comments

Where the High Road Ends - immolation_of_senses

Princess Luna has arrived in Ponyville with a special mission for Twilight Sparkle and her friends; the destruction of a city of madness and

  • ...

Chapter 3: Our Own Devices

Where the High Road Ends
An MLP:FIM Fanfiction
By: Immolation_of_Senses

Chapter 3: Our Own Devices

Night had given way to day and the party of adventurers rose to find Luna awake and waiting for them. She quietly informed the sleepy mares that she would be leaving for a few days, saying there was something that required her investigation in the mountains to the North. When questioned however, she gave only vague summaries of her errand, sidestepping any real description. She had left them with the map, and instructions for where they ought to head next, so the troop carried on without her.

They had been walking for almost half of the day, and for the most part it had been a pleasant one. At the start, the entire group had been somewhat nervous at losing their guide; even with Luna’s explicit directions there was a sense of security that was missing. Rainbow Dash loudly voiced her concerns at the loss of the alicorn, though they were carefully worded to hide her worry.

“Why does she bother coming along in the first place if she’s just gonna ditch us all the time?”

Rainbow had been repeating variations of the sentiment all morning, and it was beginning to wear on Twilight’s nerves. The night before, After Luna regained enough strength to walk, the two had strolled along the edge of the city for a time, speaking little and enjoying the warm summer night before walking back to the hotel. As a result, however, Twilight was still asleep when Luna had taken her leave that morning. It stung her that Luna had not thought to so much as leave a note for her. She admitted though, that she did not know what the note would have said; other than what was told to her friends and subsequently relayed to her. Twilight shook the thoughts from her mind, set her jaw, and trotted stiffly to the front of the group where the pegasus’s words would not be so easily heard.

“Please Rainbow, we know you’re concerned, we all are, but she gave us a… sufficient reason for leaving and I don’t think she has any intention of making a habit of disappearing.” Rarity chided, showing the annoyance she felt at Rainbow Dash’s complaining, but also leaking her own concerns.

“Hey! I am not concerned! You all might be worried about wandering around without your security blanket, but I’m not. I just think it’s rude, that’s all.” Rainbow huffed and crossed her arms as she floated alongside the rest of her friends. Pinkie Pie giggled

“Oh Dashie, it’s going to be ok. I’m sure she’s not going to leave us again; she even promised remember? I mean, it wasn’t a Pinkie Pie swear, but I think that a royal promise is almost as good!” She laughed and trotted over to where Rainbow hovered. The pegasus sighed, unable to stand up to Pinkie’s unrelenting good cheer. She smiled at her energetic friend before landing beside her as they walked.

“Fine, since you guys want to gang up on me like this, she gets a pass this time, but if she does go wandering off again she’s gonna have me to deal with!”

Pinkie laughed again and affectionately pressed herself against the pegasus who, in turn, blushed and took once more to the air.

The mood was set and the group carried on happily for some time until, during a break in the general conversation Fluttershy nervously made her way forward to walk beside Twilight Sparkle. The unicorn smiled pleasantly as her friend drew level with her.

“Hi Fluttershy, what’s up?”

“Oh, well, it’s nothing really, it’s just that I wanted to tell you I’m sure Luna wanted to say goodbye to you. She likes spending time with you, she feels more comfortable around you than the rest of us, I can tell.” Fluttershy gave Twilight a small smile as she finished.

Twilight looked curiously at her friend, who blushed and drew herself back into her mane.
“That is, I mean, I think I can tell, maybe not. Anyway I’m sure she just didn’t want to wake you.” Fluttershy’s last sentence was nothing but a rushed whisper.

Twilight’s expression was a blank canvas, unable to keep up with the thoughts racing through her mind as she realized Fluttershy’s implications.

“Well, I am the only one who’s spent any real time with her. I’m sure that if you all got to know her a little better she’d love to be friends with all of you.” Twilight rushed to find an acceptable response to Fluttershy’s words. She knew her argument sounded a little naïve, but she needed something to stand on, no matter how flimsy.

“Well I, um, yes I’m sure she would Twilight…” The pegasus conceded, deciding it would be better not to press the issue any further, and changed the subject. “So, does the map say if we’re going to reach a town tonight? Not that I mind sleeping outside, I think it’s rather nice actually.”

Twilight furrowed a moment, thinking as she drew out the map and examining the route they were on.
“It looks like if we keep up a good pace there’s a small settlement not too far away. I think we can reach it by nightfall.”
Fluttershy smiled and nodded as they continued on down the road.


It was dusk when they found the town. The settlement marked on the map was indeed there, but only as a ghostly reminder of what had been. Twilight thought for the first time that it was good the princess had left. The sight of the empty buildings, with their crumbling roofs and rotted beams would only serve to remind her of the time she had missed in Equestria.

After a quiet argument and a quick vote, it was decided that the ponies would spend the night in the shell of one of the buildings rather than make camp outside of town. They found a suitable building just off of the town square that looked to be in somewhat better repair than those surrounding it. As the quintet passed through the broken doorway they found what had likely been some sort of shop. There was a counter next to some stairs in the room they first entered and behind that, an empty storage room. A thick, even layer of dust covered every surface, giving all the colors in the room a dull grey tint. After a cursory look around the room, Rarity moved first, heading towards the staircase.

“Whoa there missy, just where do you think you’re going?” Applejack stepped between Rarity and her way to the upper floor.

“Upstairs of course, I expect that whoever owned this shop lived above it, so there are probably bedrooms up there.” Rarity huffed.

“Look, Ahm sure yer right about that, but this here’s a mighty old building and ah doubt the upstairs is safe. Especially for six full grown ponies to be traipsing around on.”

To illustrate her point Applejack put her weight on one of the lower steps, jumping back as it split underhoof.
“Oh, I see. Well then I take it you suggest that back room then?” Rarity waved a hoof behind the counter. Applejack nodded and started around the counter to the storeroom.

The room was larger than it looked from the front, with plenty of room to house the travelers. There were some blankets thrown down in one corner of the room.”

“Dibs!” Rainbow trotted forward to claim the sparse padding, pausing when her hooves made an empty thumping as she trod on the blanket. “Hey guys, I think it’s hollow under here, like another room or something.”

They spared little time in sweeping away the coverings to reveal what was unmistakably a trap door.

“Well, underground storage isn’t unheard of, even if it does seem a bit excessive with this much space already. Maybe we should check it out?” Twilight tentatively stepped towards the door. There was a moment when no one moved, none particularly eager to explore the hidden room.

“Oh all right, ah’ll go take a look.” Applejack stepped forward and took the iron door rung in her mouth. With a moment of effort, the old hinges squealed and gave way and the door fell open with a loud clatter. Without another word Applejack started down the stairs into the darkness of the basement room. A few seconds later, a call came from below.
“Well, ah don’t think there’s nothin’ down here, but can’t say for sure seeing as ah can’t see two hooves in front of my face.”

Twilight clapped a hoof to her forehead and stepped forward to follow her friend.
Once she had descended the old wooden stairs she found that the room had been dug into the ground and had no proper floor. Twilight supposed to herself that it was likely a later addition to the structure. She steadied herself and allowed her magic to flow into her horn, illuminating the room before them. What she saw drew a simultaneous gasp from both ponies. Lining the walls of the small earthen room were piles of decayed wooden cartons filled with clear glass bottles, in the far corner stood a series of tubes and rust eaten containers.

“What is this stuff?” Twilight lifted one of the bottles and brought it closer for inspection peering suspiciously through the thick layer of dust at the clear liquid within. “Is this just water in here?”

“No ma’am! This here’s a moonshiner’s set up if ah ever saw one, though from the looks of it ain’t nopony done any distillin’ in here for a good while.” Applejack pulled the stopper out of a bottle and gave the contents a cautious taste. “Wooo-eee! That’ll knock ya on yer flank! C’mon and give me a hand getting some of this stuff back upstairs, we’re gonna have fun tonight missy.” She grabbed hold of one of the larger bottles with her teeth and began walking back towards the stairs.

“Applejack, are you sure this stuff is safe? I mean it was just left here, everything else is gone.” Twilight had opened the top of the bottle she held and gave it a curious sniff. She let out an exclamation and jerked her head away from the bottle.

Applejack set her bottle down as Rarity’s voice drifted down to them from above.
“Applejack? Twilight? Is everything alright down there?”

“Everything’s fine, Twilight’s just a lightweight. We’ll be up in two shakes.” Applejack left the ponies above to wonder what she was talking about and turned to Twilight. “Look Twi, if I didn’t think this stuff was safe I wouldn’t be suggesting we drink it, you just gotta be careful not to overdo it, see? And as fer why it’s here when everything else is gone, I’d guess it’s because the shiner’s moved in after the town had already been deserted. Somethin’ probably happened to them, like they got arrested, so they couldn’t come and get their stash, alright?”

Applejack picked her bottle up again and headed up the stairs. Twilight followed her friend, carrying her own container aloft. She wondered absentmindedly about why it was applejack seemed to know so much about moonshining, but her questions were quieted by a voice in her head that asked if she really wanted to know.

When they emerged, the two found their friends in a crowded jumble at the top of the stairs, each trying their best to see into the gloom. Applejack appeared first, proudly presenting the bottle clutched between her teeth. Twilight followed, still apprehensive about the idea of consuming the contents of her bottle.

“Ooh, what’s that?” Pinkie Pie quickly gained the high ground, literally, climbing on top of her less excited friends to get a better look. Applejack smiled and set her jug on the ground, where it was quickly joined by Twilight’s.

“This here’s some good ole’ fashioned genuine moonshine, Looks like this was a den at some point. Not no more though.” She spoke the last words in response to some concerned looks cast about the group at her news.

“Now then, ah think that after all the walking and camping and such we’ve been doin’ we deserve a bit of a treat, don’t y’all?” Applejack gave the group a sly smirk.


“Alright, how ‘bout this, never have ah ever, kissed a mare what wasn’t family.” Applejack smirked across the circle as Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity all took drinks from their respective cups. The miniature celebration had lasted long into the night, eventually degenerating into a round table of drinking games and conversation. Rainbow gave Rarity a surprised look.

“I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing Rare.”

“Well some experimentation is to be expected of anypony, isn’t it?” The unicorn blushed and averted her eyes, gazing into her cup. “Besides, what about you Rainbow? I always thought you were more of a ‘straight shooter’ as it were.”

“I am! I mean, most of the time but—“ Her words were cut short by a sharp cry from outside the building.

“Would you keep it down y’idiot? You’re gon’ ruin the element of surprise!” There was a quiet thump and the first voice yelped again, then seemed to resign itself to quiet whimpering.

“That’s better. If you wake ‘em up, they’re likely to run ain’t they? Do you want to go chasin’ ponies to the moon and back tonight?”

Silence greeted the admonishment as the travelers listened. Twilight dimly realized that the voices were probably talking about her and her friends. After quickly dimming her horn, she indicated to Rarity to follow suit.

“Hey, you, you don’t think they’re talkin’ about us, do ya Twilight?” Rainbow Dash whispered in the darkness. Twilight opened her mouth to respond, but all that came out was a small grunt. Rainbow took the sound as confirmation and leapt to her hooves, only to wobble for a moment and slump back to the ground.

“Ok, new plan?” She groaned.

“Ah think that, given our collective state of inhebriashen, we’d do better tah try an’ make ourselves scarce, right Sugarcube?” Applejack looked to Twilight, who nodded.

“What say we just mosey on down to that cellar yonder, and keep ourselves real quite like?” The earth pony’s suggestion was met with general agreement and, one by one, the ponies stood and walked slowly to, and down the stairs to the cellar as the voices outside grew closer.

Once safely closed inside the shiner’s den with the blankets again pulled over the door, a quick head count revealed they were one pony short.

“Uh, guys, where’s Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash said as she finished counting for a second time.

“Aw, horsheapples! She fell ‘sleep, didn’t she?” Applejack cursed and turned back to the stairs. “Y’all just hold tight, ah’ll, ah’ll be back in a jiff.” With that, she set about going up the stairs.

She made it halfway up before the steps shuddered and broke. There was a resounding crash as one half of the stairs gave way and Applejack fell to the ground.

“Applejack!” Four Voices rang out in unison, their stealth forgotten as they rushed to help their friend. They found her lying on her side. By appearance she was fine, luckily, the stairs had not been made with and particularly heavy parts.
“Ahm… Ahm alright y’all, just a little bit surprised is all.” Applejack tried to stand, but when she put weight on her front hoof she cried out and fell again to the floor. “Ok, maybe ahm not so alright as I thought… Still, don’t think it’s broken, just sprained. Now what about Fluttershy?”

The other ponies snapped back into the reality of their situation and began examining the collapsed stairs. Their thoughts were interrupted, however, by a sound from above them caused all of the ponies to freeze. The door had been opened, and the sound of a two sets of hoofs rang through the silence. They walked slowly, each step a hammer strike as they came into the back room where Fluttershy slept.

“Well, wouldya lookit that? Precious the way she’s just snoozin’ there. Tie her up an’ get her outside, I’ll look for the others.”

There was a shuffling sound and a small yelp as what Twilight assumed to be the pony who cried out earlier gagged and bound the pegasus. At the sound, Rainbow Dash again jumped to her feet, this time getting so far as to flap her wings a few times before they gave out and she fell back to earth with a soft thump that Twilight hoped couldn’t be heard above them. Twilight herself tried to summon some way to help her friend; attempting to levitate a board she stood on. Thinking maybe if she could just raise herself enough to get to the door she might be able to help. She closed her eyes and tried to focus, but it was so hard, her thoughts floated to and fro across the front of her mind, making even something so strenuous as lifting a pony an insurmountable feat. She panted and opened her eyes to see Rarity in a similar position. They exchanged a fearful look as the five of them waited in silent terror, unable to help their friend above.

There came another shuffling, Twilight assumed the second assailant had dragged Fluttershy out the door. The ponies huddled together underneath the door, flattening themselves against the wall in their attempt to hide. The seconds passed as days while they waited, listening closely to the steps of the intruder above as they searched the room.
Once or twice the steps came dangerously close to falling on the hollow space where they hid and betraying their location, but luckily they never came quite close enough. After a few minutes of searching, the voice called out again.

“Get yer sorry flank back in here and help me carry this stuff.”

A second set of hooves entered the room.

“Did you find any of them Rose?” The second voice spoke for the first time.

“No I didn’t find any of em’, don’t ya think they’d be here If I did? And I told you not to call me that, m’names Thorn and you best remember it.”

There was a whimper and the second voice said nothing more.

“By my guess, they heard us comin’ and ran off, leavin’ that yellow one behind. They left their packs though so help me get these things onto the cart and we’ll go searchin’ for the others.”

“Ro… Thorn, why don’t we jus’ let them go this time? Ah mean, we got the yella one, and all their stuff, we got what we need don’t we?”

A dull thump sounded from above, accompanied by a sharp yelp.

“Don’t you go tellin’ me nothin’ about what we need! Now pick this stuff up an get going!”

There was more scraping and some grunts of exertion as the two moved about collecting the equipment before leaving. When they were gone, the hiding ponies exhaled a collectively held breath.
“Well, what do we do now?” Twilight bit her lip as she fretted over their next move.

“Ah think the only thing to be done right now is to wait a bit and sober up. Then we go after them rascals and get our Fluttershy back.” Applejack’s tone was very matter of fact.

The rest of the group reluctantly agreed, Rainbow Dash made one more go at reaching the door but once more fell to the ground.

“I don’t think you’d do much good on your own anyway Dash, even if you could make it out.” Twilight sighed and thought that the only pony she knew who could have done anything had likely reached Canterlot by then.
The group huddled together and set into waiting. Despite their worry, sleep slowly took Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, leaving only Twilight and Applejack awake with their thoughts.


The sun shone through the cracks in the floorboards above them when Twilight and Applejack decided to wake the others. Once all of them had been roused it was a relatively simple, if time-consuming, task to exit the cellar. With Fluttershy gone, Rainbow Dash had to fly each of her friends out of the cellar one by one. When they were all standing above the ground again they set about planning.

“So, does anypony have any bright ideas about how we go find Fluttershy? They could be anywhere out there, and unless somepony knows how to track, it might take days to find their camp.” Rainbow Dash looked around the group.

“Well, whoever took her, they were looking for all of us. So I think it isn’t too unlikely that they’ll have an ambush set up along the road out of here. All we have to do is prepare ourselves and go along as if we were just going to leave.” Twilight didn’t sound exceedingly confident about her plan, but felt it was best to put it on the table.

“Well, yeah, that might work I guess, but what if you’re wrong? What if they expect us to try a sneakier way out since we know they’re here?” Rainbow countered.

“Well, if we go too far without any trouble then we could just turn around and start searching, right?” Twilight’s words were met with doubtful looks.

“Okay y’all, we don’t loose anything but time if we go with Twilight’s idea, and while time is important, just trying to find em’ straight out could take a lot longer.” She paused, thinking. “But I think that, before we go, we gotta work some things out. Who are these ponies? Bandits maybe, but if that’s true, why do they want us, and not just our stuff?”

“Well… Isn’t it obvious?”

All heads turned to face Rarity.

“They’re slavers, that’s why they want us, that’s why they took Fluttershy first then our supplies, they were just a bonus.” After she had spoken there was an almost expectant silence, all eyes still on Rarity. “What? Just because I am a lady, that does not mean I am ignorant to some of the less… Pleasant, facets of this world.”

There was another short silence, then Pinkie Pie spoke.

“Well of course it doesn’t! We were just surprised that’s all!” She beamed at her friend and the rest of the group relaxed a bit.

“Alright, so we know there’s at least two of them, they probably don’t want any of us dead, and they could conceivably be anywhere within a few hours travel. I think that’s all we’re going to figure out by sitting around here, so lets get out there and rescue our friend!” Twilight stood resolute, eyes hard and focused she looked at her friends who all nodded in solemn agreement.

The makeshift battalion strode confidently towards the edge of town, leaving the store and it’s cellar behind. Once they passed the last of the abandoned buildings the ground began to rise on either side of the ponies, the trees populated the small hills growing more and more dense as they walked on. Doubt began to creep into Twilight’s mind. If she was right, and they did get ambushed, then they were willingly walking into a trap with no real plan and no combat experience between them. On the other hoof, if she was wrong then they were leaving Fluttershy at the mercy of her captors for even longer. Doubt turned to worry, turned to concern, turned to a panic that she could barely suppress as they walked down the road.

“Maybe we should like, make some noise, y’know, announce our location or something.” Rainbow dash suggested quietly.

A few uncertain glances were exchanged before they all nodded. Applejack spoke first, in an exaggerated voice that reminded Twilight of the few times she had heard Applejack try to tell a lie.

“Wow! It sure is a nice day out! Don’t you agree Rarity?”

The unicorn blinked a few times before responding in a similarly phony voice.

“Why, it is indeed Applejack, I do so hope the weather holds out a few more days!” She gave Applejack a nervous grin while Rainbow Dash brought a hoof to her face.

“Y’know what? Nevermind, you two sound completely ridiculous! I mean I wasn’t expecting world class act-- What the hey… Woah!” Her words were cut short as a rope wrapped itself around her midriff and snapped taught, dragging her off to the side of the road.

“Alright boys! Have at em’!” A voice rang out from the trees, Twilight quickly identified it as the lead voice from the night before as three, ragged earth ponies leaped from their cover and began advancing on the group. Twilight looked towards Rainbow Dash who was doing her best to fight the rope that was dragging her along. She dug her hind hooves into he dirt and clawed helplessly at the ground with her front.

“Rainbow, you have wings!” Twilight yelled in panicked exasperation. The pegasus stopped fighting for a moment and stared at the unicorn before the words fully registered.

“Oh, right.”

With that she was airborne, dragging a fourth pony out of the bush and into the air by his teeth. Twilight sighed and turned to face the encroaching danger.

The slavers paused and two groups stood glaring at each other, deciding their next move. The attackers had clearly not anticipating Rainbow Dash’s wing strength and were now looking at the four ponies before them with a new sense of apprehension. There was a yell, followed by a thump and a sickening crunch. Twilight glanced towards the sound to find Rainbow Dash hovering about forty hooves in the air above a pile of fur that had, until very recently been a pony.
Twilight steadied herself as her stomach threatened to betray its contents. She tried to push the image from her mind and faced the largest pony, who was clearly the leader. He was a good head taller than any of them, with a physique similar to Big Mac, but he was thinner, emaciated. She swore she could count his ribs through his wine red coat.

“Stupid foal shoulda let go when he had the chance” His words were cold and distant, as if the death of his compatriot were no more interesting than the morning weather report.

“Where’s Fluttershy?” Twilight put every ounce of her building shock, horror, and rage into those two words, somewhat comforted to see that they had an effect. The back two ponies weren’t made of the same bedrock as their leader, and already looked half ready to just give in before she spoke. At her words they flinched, throwing sad, scared looks to their fallen friend and each other before hanging their heads and stepping to the side. All of this occurred in the span of a few seconds, escapimg the attention of their boss, but not the five facing them.

“Oh, you’ll find out soon ‘nuff miss. Ah guarantee ya that.” The large pony lowered his head and stepped forward. Applejack was there in a flash, spinning around, she delivering a thunderous blow to his jaw with her hind legs. Twilight thought she wouldn’t be surprised if the entire bone had been reduced to dust.

The stallion fell back while blood spurted from his nose and mouth. Applejack cried out and fell to the ground, her injured leg taking its revenge for being forgotten. The two behind him rushed foreward and began tugging at him as he tried to lunge forward.

“Rose, it ain’t worth it! There’s five of them and Road, Road’s dead Rose! Lets just give em’ their friend back.” The pony who spoke stood to Rose’s side, a pale blue stallion with muddy orange hair. The one they called Rose lashed out, catching him in the nose.

“Ah thold yeuh mah nameth Thorn!” He growled before renewing his attack. Something in Twilight broke. This was the first time she’d witnessed real violence, and it was having an effect. Her legs shook and threatened to betray her, but she was determined not let anyone else be hurt. A rage built in her for the Charging Stallion. How could anyone watch their friend die and still want to cause pain?

In a burst of adrenaline-fueled panic she dashed forward, past Applejack, and stood to face the charging stallion. Her horn glowed fiercely with a pre-emptive charge and she braced for impact, but that impact never came.

She opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. Her friends’ faces were blank, the remaining slavers however, looked horrified. There was a trail of blood on the ground that led from the two terrified colts and covered half the distance between them and Twilight before it simply, ended.

“What… What did yew do with Rose?!” The blue stallion shouted in a quavering voice. Twilight stared at him, what had she done with him? She had only prepared for combat, she hadn’t actually done anything, had she? She looked to her friends worried faces and spoke.

“Did I cast a spell?”

Rarity’s expression shifted to extreme concern as she and the others nodded dumbly.

“It sure looked like it Sugarcube, ah knew you could do that transporter thing with yerself, figured maybe take somepony with you if you tried hard enough, but ah didn’t know you could just do it to other ponies.” Applejack’s voice was quiet and she spoke slowly.

“I, I didn’t know I could either… But, I didn’t want that. I didn’t even try to do anything!” She gave the two would-be attackers a pleading look as she spoke.

“Well anyway, back to finding Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash seized control of the situation and flew close to the two cowering ponies. “Where. Is. Our. Friend.”

Her every word carried the treat of death as she spoke, Twilight almost retched, and the raiders withered under their weight.

“Jus’ over the hill there, we got a shack she’s in there. We didn’t hurt her none I swear.” He pointed to the left of the path and in a second Rainbow Dash was gone looking for the missing pegasus. The blue stallion crawled forward, throwing himself at Twilights hooves.

“Please miss, we didn’t mean no harm, we was jus’ tryin’ to make a livin’. Yo’re getting’ your friend back, can’t you give us Rose back too?” His shaky voice dissolved into sobs. Twilight backed away, trying to think of what to do.
“I want to, I really do, but I don’t know how I did it in the first place, I didn’t even know I cast a spell!” She stammered, words running together in her panic as she continued to retreat.

“Twilight! Look out!”

Twilight looked to see who had spoken but as she did she stumbled and fell over something in the road. When she looked to see what it had been she was met by the vacant stare of that poor soul who hadn’t had the sense to let go of his rope as soon as he left the ground. At last it was too much for her, Twilight let out a small shriek and fell back to the ground in a dead faint.

Comments ( 10 )

Oh shi- :rainbowderp:

Moarplz :moustache:

Crisis imperiling Equestria? Check.
Mane Six and Luna questing for redemption? Check.
Drunk ponies? Check.
Twi-Luna Setup? Check.
Checklist Complete.

Still waiting for that 4th chapter mon ami :3
BTW chapter 3 could have used a little more drunken flirting xD drunk flirt is best flirt :3


Sorry about the delay. I'm working on it, but have been rather busy the past month. Hopefully I will be able to finish it in the next week or so.

Fantasy adventure. Cool.

Love it so far, keep up the good work, tracking. :raritystarry:

Is this not getting updated?

It's been forever since you updated this! When can we expect another chapter?

39120 I was about to come up with something clever but then I read this list and yeah pretty much approved. I love me some Luna Questing with the Mane six with a TwiLuna background.

Wait 2011, this was added to the TwiLuna group today. I am terrible late to reading this is the Author even still working on it seems a bit doubtful.

Wow, an ancient TwiLuna story, written just 5 days after Luna Eclipsed?
Too bad it's dead...

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