• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 7,414 Views, 173 Comments

Deathstroke, Equestria's Terminator - UltimateGunner

Deathstroke is sent to Equestria, can he escape the colorful world he's trapped in?

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Chapter 5: New Contracts

The Watchtower, 4:00 PM, Past Time

Cyborg, Superman, Nightwing, and Flash were at the Zata Tubes. After much discussion earlier, they decided that they should send a small team of league members to where Deathstroke and the others have went. Cyborg and Flash were reconfiguring the Zata software to make it suitable for inter-dimensional transportation.

"When can it be set up?" Nightwing asks, looking at the alterations that have been currently made with the Zata Tube.

"We're not quite sure. We still need to find a way to generate enough power for inter-dimensional teleportation." Flash answers, who continues to click buttons at unimaginable speeds.

"Yeah, and besides, we still don't know where we're going. Before we follow those guys, we need to know if wherever we're headin' is even possible for us to survive at all. And something is preventing us from locking onto the world their in" Cyborg added. "Give us like, a few days or so."

"Okay Vick." Nightwing replies. "When it's set up, we'll send some guys to find the missing-"

"That won't be necessary." They all stop working and turn to the where the quote came from. In the distance stood a man wearing a black and gray costume, with a bat symbol on his chest."I have a different idea in mind."

"What do you mean Batman? Why can't we send a squad there?"

"I've been looking into this portal incident as well. The place you're trying to go to is the source of a magical energy signature that caused the portal."

"Really? Well what does that have to do with-"

"The magical energy interacted with energies from the Phantom Zone, which might have caused Zod's escape." Batman interrupted, with the information he unfolded. "And that's not all. The combined energies were far too powerful, and they dissipated around Earth, locking onto to nearby areas of people. If you try and follow, the same magical energy may indeed accidentally alter the inter-dimensional transport of one of the squad members." Cyborg and Nightwing looked at each other with concerned looks.

"Well that just opens up new questions." Cyborg replies, stopping what he's doing. "How we supposed to get there then?"

"You're an expert on inter-dimensional travel. If you can find a way to alter the energy outputs of the Zata Beam, then you may be able to teleport there without having your course altered." Superman flies over and tells him:

"Batman, the number of people that can travel is already limited by the amount of power we need, and changing the energies will limit them even more. Besides, how do you plan on their return?"

"Once the Zata Tube is reconfigured, Flash and Cyborg will do the same with the Cosmic treadmill."

"Alright, but who are you sending?"

"Nightwing and Cyborg."

"What!?" Nightwing slightly shouted. "Why us?"

"You two are the most qualified to capture the runaways without causing panic any inhabitants that may live there."

"Bats I think you got that first part wrong." Cyborg replies. "I don't think the two of us can deal with all those runaway villains."

"I know, that's why I brought this." Batman pulled out a data chip and handed it to Cyborg.

"What's this?" Cyborg asks.

"A copy of a list of weaknesses I made when dealing with formidable opponents. Use them to your advantage to take them down." Cyborg scanned the chip and uploaded it with his own files.

"I got it Bats. Anything else?"

"Like I said earlier, you'll finish reconfiguring the Zata Beam, then the Cosmic treadmill. Then you'll head off to follow them." Batman stated.

"Good." Nightwing spoke to the two of them. "Let's get our things ready. We have to prepared for anything."

The Brain, 1:00 AM, Present Time

"Zuch a strange land indeed." The Brain had finished analyzing most of the unknown landscape. He saw many fascinating structures, but it was the inhabitants that fascinated him even more. He saw many varieties of colorful ponies, which he assumed were ponies, during the nighttime. He stayed at a good height to avoid visibility.

"Zis is nothing but a little girl's imagination." he obviously wasn't amused that he was in a world of colorful ponies, due to his tone. He sees a nearby town in the distance, and says to himself:

"Let's make zings interesting, shall ve?" He jets above the quiet town, probably because many were sleeping. He then lowers into the vicinity. "But before ve do that, let's see if this place has some resources I can use."

Twilight's house, 1:20 AM

In her comfy bed, a purple unicorn was sound asleep. She was dreaming about her childhood, her mom, dad and her brother. She was mumbling and smiling inside her dream and real life.

"Teddy, how's your tea?"

"I like my tea just just fine! Thanks Sparkles!" Shining Armor was holding the Teddy bear and held the tea to its mouth. "This tea party is just wonderful!" They were laughing and playing, their parents smiling at their enjoyment.

*Shuffle* The filly Twilight Sparkle stopped laughing and looked around.

*Whump Whump Whump!* "Shiny, what was that?" Twilight looked at Shining, only to see that he was no longer there. "Mom!? Dad!?" Her parents went missing too. Then suddenly, everything started to... disfigure. Her tea party, her house, even herself were swirling into what used to be happiness. Then it all started to disappear into nothing but darkness.

Twilight opened her eyes and saw her wooden ceiling. She quickly looked around, only to see her usual bedroom all neat and tidy, and Spike, who was snoring away in his small bed.

"Oh, just a dream. Thank goodness." She started to close her eyes again.

*Shuffle Shuffle*

*Whump Whump Whump!* She opened up her eyes as she heard the same sound in her dreams.

"Ughhhh, what's that sound.?" she said to herself as she groggily got up. She opened the door and exited the bedroom, and can't see anything due to the immense darkness. She reaches for the light switch.

*Click* As the room instantly brightens, Twilight rubs her eyes.

"Alright, what's-" She stops halfway as she sees the books laying on the floor, more dropping onto it. She recently organized her bookshelves, and now she had to redo them in the morning.

"HEY! Why did-" She stopped shouting and widened her eyes as she saw who was messing up her neat bookshelves. A tall black... jar with a scary face on the front seemed to be extending a claw to examine the books, throwing them on the floor as he reads the cover. It turned as Twilight shouted, who was now staring in awe.

"How fascinating. You horses are zentient." Twilight was awestruck as he saw it talk, but then she saw what was in the jar. A brain that was bigger than the brains of ponies was in a jar full of what seemed to be water. Wires were attached to it, and it seemed to glow slightly purple.

"Wha- I-" She could only stutter at her sight.

"Perhaps zis vill enlighten you." Whatever it was, it armed strange looking machinery that glowed brighter and brighter. Twilight could only get out two words as it happened.

"Uh Oh..."

Fluttershy's Cottage, 1:40 AM

Deathstroke was sleeping on the wall, his head against it and was asleep. He wasn't in a deep sleep though, not because of the hard wall but because he was used to staying up in the night.

"Friend. Hmmph." he mumbled during his half-sleep. He quietly planned in his head how he would deal with the residents in this town, especially the royal guard. He fed off a lot of information, which would help him deal with that. He also thought about the imperfection of this world, the weapons being created, bloody war waging. Well, it wasn't necessarily war, but it could very well be. He remembered the contract he signed back on Earth.

"Don't think I'll ever be able to fulfill that now." he thought to himself. "I probably never get my salary, now that I'm stuck in this 'Equestria land', and how I have to gain all their trust and sh-"

"AHHHHHHHHH!" His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a female pony screaming.

"Really!?" he says out loud as he gets up. "That's two days in a row!" He carefully peeks out the window, and sees some houses on fire in the distance, and many ponies were screaming, running and screaming for their lives. Deathstroke decided to see what all the fuss was about. As he carefully climbed outside, he humorously says to himself:

"Kids, that's why we don't use straw for rooftops."

Ponyville, The Brain's location

Buildings were on fire, ponies were panicking, chaos was unleashed. And the source of it was coming from him. The Brain. His multiple plasma cannons were causing destruction amongst the townspeople.

"You creatures are smaller and weaker zen I thought!" he shouted as he fired off more of his plasma beams. The container he was in wasn't really designed for combat, yet he was still unleashing destruction like someone like Black Adam. Twilight, escaped her house with Spike, the Brain set it in flames with his weapons. She watched in the distance how it was destroying her town.

"Twi! There ya are!" Looking behind her, she saw Applejack who was with Rarity.

"Rarity!" Spike was glad that she was fine." She wore a look of disgust on her face as she ignored Spike and saw the Brain.

"What in Celestia IS that vile creature!?"

"Rarity, we can worry about that later! Raht now we 'ave to gather up the other Elements!" Applejack replies, as a building collapses onto the ground.

"But Applejack!" Twilight started. "Rainbow Dash is injured and the Elements of Harmony are in my house! Not to mention it's on fire!" Applejack looked at the ground in worry, then said:

"Have the weather teams clear the fires. I'll evacuate the anypony near that thing. Dunno what t'do about it though."

"Don't worry AJ, it'll turn out fine. Spike, go get Fluttershy and Pinkie."

"On it!" he replied to her with a salute. And with that, he and Applejack ran off.

"Rarity, go to the hospital and make sure the guards are okay."

"Yes darling. By the way what happened to your mane?" She looked at Twilight's messed up hair. She made a poker face in return.

"Just. Go." Rarity quickly left, leaving Twilight to get the weather team.

Deathstroke's location

He watched as havoc was unfolding in the town. It wasn't an uncommon sight to him, he has seen it before.

"I wonder what's causing all this..." He looked around more, then sees a plasma beam strike down a royal guard.

"That doesn't seem right in this place." He jumps to another building and recognizes the person who's the cause of all the commotion.

"Well well well," he says to himself. "Looks like I'm not the only one who warped here."

Back to The Brain

"Guards! Detain it!" Four guards were facing the Brain. "Give up! You're outnumbered!"

"Zat may be true." the Brain replied. "But you, are outmatched." Arming more cannons, he kills the four guards with four shots each, his cannons pointing directly at one each as they charge him. Some blood trickles from their bodies, their faces wearing no emotion.

He stopped firing and disarmed his cannons for a bit. He maniacally laughed to himself a little.

"Hahahaha, it von't take Zod to conquer zis world!" He shouted, looking at the corpses of the ponies he killed. Suddenly, someone jumped in front of him, his hand clutching the ground as he slid. The Brain recognized him as he stood up.

"Deathstroke." he said, not trying to threaten him. "I zee you've been pulled here too."

"Uh huh. By the way, I like the mess you made." he says sarcastically.

"Zat iz not important right now." the Brain replied "While you don't have any, superpowers, you are still Earth's greatest assassin. Our Secret Society could certainly use you."

"Secret Society?"

"Yes, other villains have been pulled here, you zee. Zey have formed their own Secret Society, me included. It is led by General Zod."

"General Zod?" Hearing that name made him curious. He thought about his offer for a few seconds, then replied:

"I worked for you before, Brain." he starts, the Brain still listening. "But I'm running on a different contract now, and your name's not on it." He was rather disappointed at this, but did not retaliate.

"Very well." he started, respecting his decision. "Please leave me to my work zen." He started to move to another area of the town, but then Deathstroke spoke up.

"Sorry, but I can't let you do that." The Brain stopped and rotated his mechanical chamber to face him.

"And vy is zat?"

"These ponies are the key to fulfilling my contract."

"You pity zem."

"No, I'm just retrieving my payment late." A few moments of silence passed, then the Brain spoke up.

"I suppose you know vere zis is going zen..."

"I always have." After a few seconds, they run in opposite directions and fire at each other with their guns.



Bullets and plasma beams were flying everywhere, laying waste to the buildings all around them.

"I'll enjoy hurting you."

"Don't act zo cocky."

Deathstroke took cover behind some rubble. The Brain had a force field equipped, so he couldn't shoot him directly. Running from cover, he fires his SMGs at him while running to some more cover. He was shot by one of his plasma beams, giving him a bruise. He felt a sting to his chest, but the bruise wasn't too bad, and he had taken punishment worse than this.

"You're getting annoying." he says to the Brain loudly.

"Zen allow me to finish zis." the Brain replied, arming more cannons, this time he armed his deadly plasma ray as well. "Prepare to be eliminated, Deathstroke." The ray glowed a bright red like his cannons. In a few seconds, a large beam was fired straight to where he was hiding. Deathstroke quickly jumped away, barely escaping the cover which was now vaporized. The beam was then quickly following him, he moved quick to avoid being vaporized by the beam. He ran in a circle around the Brain, jumping on top of buildings. As he jumps to the ground, he arms his hookshot and points it to him.

"SHAK!" The spear stabs a part of the Brain's container, forcing him to shut down the beam. Deathstroke triggers the reel, swinging the Brain around and launching him into a building. He gets up with his jet system, seeing that Deathstroke spins his pistols around, taunting him with a small laugh.

"Zis iz not finished yet!" He rapidly fired off more beams at him, this time with a faster fire rate. Deathstroke took cover again, seeing sparks fly off the top of his cover.

"Now you're really getting annoying."

Applejack's barn, around the same time.

Granny Smith and Big Mac were downstairs, worried about Applejack, who was in town helping the ponies in whatever way she can.

"Ya think she'll be alright?" the old green pony asked.

"Yup." Big Mac simply replied. He wasn't much of a talker.

"Well I sure hope yer right Big Mac." Upstairs, a certain yellow filly wearing a bow on her apple colored mane was unaware of all the commotion as she slept in her bed. The Apples, which was what others called this family, decided not to traumatize her with the horrible news.






"Huh, whuh?" Applebloom groggily opened he eyes and turned to the window. Shuffling around her bed, she sees two familiar fillies smiling at her.

"Scootaloo, Sweetiebelle?" Applebloom was very confused. "Why you two up so late?"

"For more crusading of course!" Scootaloo replied.

"Uggghhhhh..." Applebloom moaned in response. What kind of crusading could we do at 2:00 AM in the mornin'? Sweetiebelle was the one to reply.

"Well, there's some commotion downtown about this jar on wheels wreaking havoc everywhere!"

"Yeah! It was like, shooting everywhere! Then this other... thing, or whatever, joins the shooting! They were like, pew pew pew! Bang Bang! And Kaboom!!!" Scootaloo added, with Applebloom widening her eyes.

"Huh, that there does sound mighty interstin', but what kinda cutie marks could we get from it?" Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle tapped their chins, thinking about it.

"Ummm, well, we could be Cutie Mark Crusader uhh matchmakers?"


"Oh wait I got it! Creature studiers!"

"Uh, those are called zoologists." Sweetiebelle replies, being the dictionary she was.

"Yeah!" Applebloom said enthusiastically. "Cutie Mark Crusader Zoologists!"

"C'mon crusaders! Let's get to it!" Scootaloo finished.

"Sure!" Applebloom agreed. "Just one thing though..."

"What's that?"

"How the hay did you even get up here?"

"Oh, uh well, it's a long story, eh heh heh..." Scootaloo answered, looking at the contraption they made: A large catapult made out of a a cart, some wooden boards, and a cow.

"Now that you mention it, we didn't think of a way to get back down..." Sweetiebelle added. "Oh well, I'm sure we'll be fine."

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS ZOOLOGISTS! GO!!!" They all shouted in unison as they dropped out of the window.

Twilight, 2:00 AM

Twilight Sparkle finished alerting the weather team and ran back to where the creature was.

"I hope it didn't cause too much damage..." she thought to herself. She ran past some more panicking ponies and got back to where it was last time. Looking far, she saw the creature fighting, what she could only describe was another creature. Nearby were destroyed buildings, and some guards whom were dead.

"What in Celestia's name!?"

"Twi!" She heard Applejack behind her. "I've evacuated as many residents as possible, how is- What in the hay?" She saw the two strange creatures battle it out with odd looking weapons.

"I hope the princesses know about this, we could really use their help right now."

"I couldn't agree more Twi." They continued to watch the battle in the distance.

Ponyville, Deathstroke's location, same time

"Vat's wrong Deathstroke? You're usually better zan zis!" The battle was still raging on, neither taking too much damage.

"I would've finished you already, but I'm trying to keep a low profile for now. The stuff I would've used to defeat you won't help me do that."

"But neither vill keeping zis battle at large!" He knew he was right, if the battle continued on, more guards would probably arrive, blowing his cover. He needed to finish it quick. Steadying himself, he armed his hookshot and ran to the side, catching the Brain off guard. He shot him with the spear, however, instead of throwing him, He reeled him in. Once he was pulled close enough, he whacked him with his fist as hard as he could, making a large dent in the Brain's capsule. He was in no shape to fight, the repairs were more important right now.

Unfortunately, he wasn't finished yet. Deathstroke ran over to him and whacked him with his staff, damaging him some more. He finished it with his staff spin, hitting the Brain hard, who was now damaged but not severely. The Brain formulated a plan in his head to escape. He sees the building beside him, and in the distance he sees three fillies peek their heads from an alley lane.

"You've signed the wrong contract Deathstroke." he started, "And you vill regret it." He fired off his plasma ray into the building, which started to collapse on top of Deathstroke. He ran away before the building smashed itself onto the ground. He then saw that the Brain had disappeared.

"APPLEBLOOM!!!" Deathstroke turned to see that he jetted toward some panicking fillies that were trying to save a filly that was being held by the Brain's claw. He also sees two ponies somewhere else which he recognize, from what Fluttershy told him.

"Applejack and Twilight Sparkle." he determined in his head. "Looks like Applejack's sister is taking off with the Brain." He learned about the "Cutie Mark Crusaders" from Fluttershy as well.

"APPLEBLOOM!!! NOOOOO!!!" He hears the one called Applejack call out to her little sister as she flies away. Deathstroke quickly climbs onto a building and follows the Brain on the rooftops. Leaping from each roof, he waits until he gets a good range, then pulls out one pistol.

He takes a couple shots, only to miss as the Brain flies farther and farther away. He lowers his pistols in defeat, but not in disappoint.

"I might be able to get a contract out of this." He then sees Applejack and Twilight who were with the fillies named Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo stare at him in sadness, with the loss of Applebloom looming over them. All of them except Twilight start to cry, but Deathstroke only has one thought on his mind.

"Time to go. I've stayed out in the open for too long now." He heads back to Fluttershy's cottage through the rooftops. Meanwhile, the four ponies continue to grieve for Applebloom.

"Applejack, we're so sorry. We got careless with our crusadin' and, and..." Scootaloo couldn't finish, and Applejack continued sobbing. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie arrived, led by Spike, who asked:

"Applejack what happened?"

"Th-It took Applebloom!!!" Spike, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie gasped at this.

"Oh my goodness..." Fluttershy said out loud. Twilight put her hoof over Applejack's shoulder.

"Spike, write a letter to Princess Celestia. She needs-"

"That won't be necessary." Everyone looks to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna a few feet behind them in royal chariots.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight is the first to speak up at the presence of the two rulers. "How did you get the news about Ponyville so fast?"

"We didn't." Luna answers. "I felt a strange disturbance in your dream Twilight, so Tia and I decided to investigate. Speaking of which, what happened here?"

"Well, it's really complicated. To put it short, this strange creature that looked like a jar on wheels attacked Ponyville, then this creature standing on two legs wearing a strange mask started attacking the other creature." Twilight explained. Fluttershy slightly gasped hearing about the creature with a mask. Twilight continued explaining.

"The creature on two legs eventually won, but the other one distracted him and got away... with Applebloom." The princesses cover their mouths with their hooves hearing this. "I already alerted the weather team to clear out the fires around Ponyville."

"Excellent work my student. You should all head back to sleep. We will continue from here with the royal guards."

"But yer highness, what about Applebloom?" Applejack didn't want to go home and sleep right after her little sister was abducted. Celestia thought about it, then spoke.

"We'll try our best to find her, Applejack. Right now, you should head back to your family, and tell them." Applejack was about to protest, but only sighed in defeat.

"Alright, yer highness."

"Goodnight, my little ponies." And with that, they all headed off to their homes, leaving the two sisters and the royal guards that pulled the chariot.

"Sister, how will we capture these creatures, and whichever creature we find first, what will we do with it?" Celestia wore a stern look on her face, and replied:

"We will have the royal guard on high security for any creature that doesn't belong, and they will use whatever means necessary to capture it." She then looked up to Ponyville with her sister. The town was now in repair, fires were being put out, and the bodies of some royal guards were being carried away. "They have wrought destruction upon Equestria, and I will not stand for it."

Author's Note:

I hope I got The Brain's accent right, let me know in the comments if you like the storyline so far. Remember to read my blogs, and I shall see you later!