• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

  • ...

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End of the Hunt

—through the front windows of a burning apartment. They rolled through flaming furniture, spilling splinters and ash on either side of the charred black room. They ended with Rainbow Dash on top of Shell. The mare straddled him, teeth barred, and pummeled him twice in the face.

Shell took the brunt of both blows, spat up blood, and shot a pulse of mana through his pale horn. His telekinesis stopped Rainbow's hoof before she could deliver the third punch. "Hrauhhgkkt!" He flung her across the room.

Rainbow flipped, struck the far wall with all four hooves, and bucked against it. "Nnngh!" The wall gave way, and the resulting backdraft sent a plume of flame trailing after her as she shot back at the stallion.

Shell was just standing back up when—Wham!—Rainbow tackled him and both ponies went crashing through a kitchen wall—Smash!—and sailing out the back door and into another clearing. They rolled, wrestled, and ended with Shell tossing Belle off of him.

The pegasus athletically flipped, came down, and slid to a muddied stop several yards away, facing him. "I should have killed you back in Blue Nova!" she hollered against the lightning, lungs heaving.

"You did." Shell slowly, icily stood up. "And only through the ashes of my beloved daughter was I reborn to end you."

"She never loved you..." Rainbow shook her head, seething. "She gave her life because she was all that stood in the way of you destroying the Noble Jury, you butcher!"

"No, she loves me..." Shell paced evenly across from her. His voice echoed against the soft pitter patter of rain as a moist thundercloud drifted overhead. "Even now. She always has." His one eye narrowed through the wet stream. "It was you. Always you. A Xonan bastion I could never conquer. Manticores in the southern jungles. The alien darkness that consumes the good souls of Ledo, left and right. So many good sons and daughters... and I've done everything... everything to save them!" He hollered, his horn pulsing against the darkness. "And for what?!"

"You've slaughtered your last pony, Shell!" Rainbow said in an icy tone as she grinded her hooves against the muddied wastes. Raindrops curtained down the hard lines of her muzzle and collected along her dimly glowing pendant. "Foals, elders, and innocents. All dead. Well it all ends here! Tonight! No more chasing! No more! This is the end of it!"

"I couldn't agree more, monster..." He came to a shuffling stop, standing firmly as his eye lit up like a beacon. "It began in Aridstone, and now it ends in Aridstone."

Thunder rolled, sending a rippling wave to the sudden deluge. The rain carried a red-orange sheen, while the fires from the village smoldered in the distance, silhouetting the two ponies as they squared off for one final time. Somewhere, a ruby pendant pulsed, and a scarred stallion smirked.

Rainbow's face twitched. A millisecond later, she made the first move, throttling towards him on wet wings. "Haaaaaaugh!"

Shell held his breath and shot a pulse of mana into the mud. A chunk of earth rose like a shield in front of him.

Pow! Rainbow plowed through it with a spray of earthen rubble. Coming out the other end, she spotted Shell already leaping backwards, unholstering a mana pistol that he was aiming at her skull. Two bright streaks of manafire sliced their way through the rain.

All Rainbow had to do was twirl her body upwards. The lighting pendant occupied the spot where her head was, and it deflected both blasts. She skimmed through the rain and slammed a leg-joint across Shell's head.

"Unnngh!" Shell fell to his knees, clutching the sparkling, crooked end of his horn. He straightened the piece of Imre so that it sparked less, then spun around with his manapistol aimed high—

Rainbow was lunging back on a return flight. She dropkicked the manapistol out of the air, using the weight of her body to crunch it in half across the floor. The thing sparked as its manacore glowed, overloading. She gripped it in her teeth, spun, and tossed the dangerous object straight back at Shell.

The stallion looked up. In a blink, he saw several water droplets illuminated by the approaching core, reflecting his scarred face a hundred times. He held his breath and shot a pulse of mana forward, cocooning the broken pistol in vaporous energy. The heart of the gun finally exploded, sending a concussive blast slamming into his body.

He slid backwards, his hooves tracking deep trenches in the mud. When he came to a stop, he looked up, his nose bleeding profusely.

A flash of lightning revealed Rainbow's angelic wings as she dove in for a massive blow. Shell retaliated with a blast of telekinesis sailing straight towards her like a wall. The shifting water droplets telegraphed his magical projectiles, and Rainbow pulled up, twirling out of the way of the attacks.

"Hrnnngh! Guhhh!" Shell yelled, twisting and spinning as he flung pulse after pulse of magic Rainbow's way. The pegasus easily dodged each blast. She pulled up high into the sky, twirled around, and came down for a blazingly fast dive attack. Shell took a deep breath, aimed his horn at the ground, and lifted over a hundred tiny clumps of dirt. The air crackled as he hardened each piece of debris into knife-hard slivers of clay. With an animalistic shout, he flung all of the earthen daggers straight at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow gasped. Instead of fleeing, she courageously flew into the cloud of death. She curved her wings in opposite directions, spun her body, and spiraled through the sharp debris field. She dodged several of the chunks, but a good few met their mark, grazing her skin and slicing her in a dozen places. Nevertheless, her move startled Shell, and she came out the other wind with a massive headbutt to his throat.

He stumbled back, clutching his neck and gurgling for breath. Not a second later, Rainbow Dash was plowing into him, forcibly punching and pummeling his neck as she shoved the two of them through the rain and smoke and into the northwest face of Lerris' town hall.


Ash and flames vomited across the hazy interior as the two barreled through a splash of splinters and crashed through a partially burnt table. Charred bodies of Lerrington loomed on either side of them as they got up and galloped into each other. Shell got the upper hoof, clutching Rainbow's bleeding face in the crook of his upper arm.

Holding Rainbow in place, Shell aimed his horn across the burning room and shot a stream of mana into a pile of debris. The mound of rubble shook, and corpses rolled aside as he levitated a sharp metal crossbeam out from hiding. With a sharp whistle, he flung it towards the two of them like a javelin.

Rainbow's eyes reflected the incoming projectile. With deep concentration, she flicked her tail and wrapped the wet hairs around Shell's rear left leg. She tugged with all her might.

"Guhhh!" Shell fell, letting go of Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow stumbled, gasped, and backflipped just in time to avoid the metal beam. The thing embedded sharply into the wall behind her. When she came down, she perched on the end of it and took one breath.

Meanwhile, Shell stood back up. When he turned around—he received two savage hooves across the chin as Rainbow bicycle kicked off the beam. She flapped her wings, catching herself in a hover above Shell's body. By the time he had collapsed, she coiled her feathers at her side and dropped like a mortar shell, both rear hooves aimed at the sensitive nape of Shell's neck.

The stallion shot magic into the white cap of his horn, stopping Rainbow just a centimeter's sneeze from crushing his larynx. More blood trickled out of his nostrils and the spiderwebbing veins under his coat spread as he summoned the mother of all growls. Flaming bits of debris lifted up off the floor in a magical curtain around him.

Once Rainbow realized what was happening, it was too late to fly out of it. Her wings were locked in his levitation field.

"Haaaaaaaugh!" Shell fired an unbridled wave of telekinesis straight up. He not only shoved Rainbow Dash away from him, but he took out a massive chunk of the town hall's ceiling as well. Flames erupted across the savage hole he had made, blanketing his body with dust as he stood up, clutched his painfully strobing horn, and galloped desperately towards a shattered window. He dove out just as the building collapsed, sending a plume of smoke rising up against the tulmutous storm above.

With a grunt, he collapsed across the grass, writhing in pain. His muzzle tensed and untensed, and he heard the sizzle of raindrops evaporating as soon as they came into contact with his horn. With weary eyes, he looked up, panting.

In a flash of lightning, he saw Rainbow's limp body plummeting from his telekinetic launch. She fell like a limp blue piece of the sky, landing somewhere in a stream of burnt out apartment buildings whose flames had been reduced to smoldering columns by the rain.

Seething, Shell stood up. He straightened his horn once again, barely hissing from the painful burn it gave his forelimbs.

"Just a little bit more, beloved..." He gulped, limping forward on bloodied hooves. "We almost got her... she's almost dead..." He gritted his teeth, his voice wafting ahead of him in a whimper. "Then we can rest... we c-can finally rest with mother..."

Lightning cast his shadow in a dozen places as he reached the southwestern edge of the apartment buildings, and shuffled his way inside.

Belle was writhing, struggling. With Shell long gone—as well as his telekinetic field—the ropes binding her to the splintery wooden beam had become loose. It took a massive amount of wriggling, but the bruised and traumatized mare succeeded in slipping out from under the fibrous cords.

"Ooomph!" she fell hard to the ground, knees buckling. Her world turned foggy, and for a brief moment she heard nothing but the pounding of blood in her ears. Then everything became clear again, and Pilate's continued screams were the most voluminous of all. "Beloved..." She looked up, face streaming with tears. "Beloved!" She hobbled across the soil, tripping and sliding to a stop in the mud.

Her eyes refocused, spotting a filly curled up in a fetal position.

"Kera..." Belle mewled. She crawled forward until her hoof grazed her shoulder. She gave the little pony a shake. "Kera, darling... look at me..." There was no response. She grunted and rolled the fily over. "Kera..."

The tattooed foal was shivering, hugging her legs as her eyes stared a thousand miles straight ahead. The wound in her neck was shallow, its blood having dried into crusty highlights that traced the etched patterns of her coat. Her green pupils reflected Belle's distraught face, but her muzzle refused to open.

"Kera... Oh Kera..." Belle shook, shuddered. Her ears twitched, and she looked up at the other beam. A pulse of light emanated from the writhing stallion strapped to the end of it. "Pilate! she hollered. With a panicked breath, she got up and galloped to the wooden beam. She jumped and leapt, grunting in futility, for she couldn't even reach his dangling legs. Finally, with a tense snarl, she threw her shoulder into the beam and shoved it by several degrees. When that wasn't enough, she spun about in the muddy puddles and bucked the stake with two heavy hooves. "Nnngh!"

At last, the beam fell over with the zebra's body slumping atop it. The rope gave way, and he rolled onto the ground, clutching his glowing runic plate as he sobbed in pain.

"Pilate! Pilate, stay still! Please, beloved!" Belle trotted until she was over him. She rolled him upright, then gasped.

The chunk of the sword was embedded into the mana choker around the stallion's neck. The core was pierced, and it was sending random sparks to and from the tortured zebra's plate.

"Pilate... you're... y-you're..."

"Nnnngh... Beloved..." He sputtered into the rain, his eyes glowing as tears evaporated from the sockets. "It hurts... it hurts so much..." He clutched his skull. "Like a m-million suns... exploding inside... inside..." He heaved and sobbed. "Make it stop... m-make it stop... please..."

Belle grimaced. "Pilate, this... this won't be..." She gulped. "There's only one way to stop the feedback, but it's going to..." She held a hoof over her muzzle, eyes tearing. "The shock to your neurological system. I don't know if you can..." She choked. "Oh beloved..."

"Please..." Pilate reached skyward with a trembling hoof, hyperventilating. "I'm so sorry, Belle. It's t-tearing me apart. Just... stop it..." He gritted his teeth to the breaking point. "Please make it stop..."

Belle took several deep breaths. She clenched her eyes shut. After several seconds, she calmly leaned down, nuzzled his face, and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Pilate," she whispered into his ear. "And I am never going to let you go." That said, her hooves grasped the shattered choker at his throat.

He merely whimpered, tensing in her grasp.

"This is going to hurt very... very badly, beloved," she murmured. "Know that I am with you. I am right here by your side, okay?"

He writhed and contorted, but nevertheless managed a tender nod.

She took one breath... two... three—"Nnnngh!" She pulled the choker apart. The think cracked, fractured, then flew apart with a burst of mana that singed the ends of her hooves. "Gaaugh!"

The runic plate across Pilate's head instantly lit up. His body arched back as he howled against the lightning and thunder. "Aaaaaaaaa-haaaaaaaaaugh!"

Belle plunged down, wrapping all her legs around him and bracing him in one place. She weathered every agonized tremble that ran through his tortured figure. As he yelled and bellowed into the night, she nuzzled her tear-stained face against his striped cheek, kissing him repeatedly and murmuring over and over again, "I know it hurts, darling. I know it hurts, but you're strong. You can pull through. I believe in you."

"Graaa-aaaaaaaugh!" Pilate pounded the ground with his hoof and pulled at his face muscles as the runes on his plate caught aflame, emptying their pent-up mana into the evaporating rain. He shook and shivered like a wailing infant into Belle's embrace for the duration of his implant's expelling energy. "Mrrnnnghhhhh-Sparkkkk! Hunnngh!"

"I'm right here, Pilate..." Belle sobbed, kissing his ear as she stroked his mane. "You're going to make it through this..." Through tear-stained eyes, she stared across the way at Kera's catatonic figure. "We're all... g-going to make it..." She gulped. "...through this..."

Imre's glowing shard cast a pale beam through the smoldering haze as Shell trotted icily through the dilapidated apartments. He turned his head left and right in mid-limp, sweeping the light back and forth as he stepped over charred furniture and mangled corpses.

His breath came out in vapors, punctuated by random patches of rainwater dribbling down through the punctured rooftops.

"It takes something thicker than blood to bring your cursed self to another kingdom." He gulped. "But now, thanks to my beloved Imre's spirit, I'm beginning to understand the monster..." The Prime Enforcer gritted his teeth, examining every shadow as marched his way through a crooked hole and entered a smoke-stained living room. "She speaks to me between each sob. Her truth is laced with the screams of the righteous and unrighteous alike. She tells me that you tried to instill hope in her lonely, exiled heart." He paused upon the edge of a bedroom, standing over two corpses frozen in an eternal embrace. "But what hope can a monster like you have?"

Silence—save for the pitter patter of rain against the skeletonous cross beams of the building around him.

Shell shuffled forward, creeping into the bedroom, his scarred face drifting past lopsided family portraits. "Yes... she's told me. My beloved speaks of a monster who fled her homeland because cowardice... from pain of loneliness and loss. So you've lost the friends who were closest to you?" He sneered, "You do not know loyalty until you've had to face the necessity of killing those you care for, in order to preserve that which even they believed in." He shuffled to a stop besides the ashes of a burnt mattress. "I've believed in every soul that I've had to snuff out, and I felt their lives being torn from me as I quickened their passage into the Spark's embrace. Now tell me, monster..." His eye narrowed. "...all the ponies that you have killed in your wicked flight—have any of them ever meant a thing to you? Have you cherished the victims of your existence as much as you've adored the friends that you were too slow... and too pathetic to protect?"

The room was dead still.


"Even now, you don't know your own daughter..."

Shell flinched. Panting, twitching, he spun all around, casting the beam in every direction.

"But you have a point, Shell. I have been a coward."

The stallion's ear twitched. He spun towards the source of the noise, but gasped.

He stared into a vanity's shattered mirror. In the glinting light from his horn, his reflection shimmered back at a dozen jagged angles. Barely two seconds later, something barreled through the weak wall on the other side, smashing through the mirror and gripping Shell's startled body by the neck.

"Until tonight," Rainbow leered into his face.

His horn sparked to encase her in telekinesis—

All she needed to do was tilt her neck up. The ruby pendant flashed into his one eye.

"Aaaaugh!" he flinched. Rainbow Dash spun around him and gripped him from behind. He bucked her in the chest and spun to punch her. Rainbow knocked his hoof away, hugged him close, and flapped her wings. In a majestic burst, the two soared straight up—


They tore through the rooftop and ascended madly into the storm, Imre's horn illuminating a cyclone of raindrops all around them. Shell jerked and struggled in Rainbow's grasp, but the bloodied pegasus held him tighter and tighter, pulling the two towards the dark clouds and their menacing lightning strobes. Only when the two were about to pierce the black mists did Rainbow Dash notice that Shell's magic field had dragged several chunks of the apartment roof along with them. The stallion grunted with concentration, flinging various lengths of wooden debris at her body as the two continued climbing altitude.

At last, they entered the swirling black mists. Between flashes of lightning, Rainbow spotted random projectiles sailing at her from Shell's debris field. She curved her wings, spinning the two of them through the tornadic maelstrom in hopes that he'd strike himself instead. She failed—however—to stop two lengths of timber from grazing her backside. She yelped, lightning illuminating the spray of blood from her flesh. Shell bellowed against the thunder, his white horn glowing like a midnight sun.

Rainbow flinched. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a thick wooden beam sailing up at them, at least four meters in length. With a grunt, she let go of him and flew off. She felt herself stalling in place as the Prime Enforcer's magic anchored her. The two twirled and wrestled in a bubble of coalescing rainwater, haloed on all sides by natural strobes of electricity. At last, the beam flew its way through the levitating battle. Instead of trying to dodge it, Rainbow thrusted herself forward, making contact with her hooves. The weight of the projectile displaced Shell's grasp of the pegasus, and she galloped down the length of it, dove forward, and came to a hovering stop behind the stallion.

Gripping the startled Enforcer from behind, she flapped her wings once and flew the two of them towards the levitating beam. Before he could throw her off, she gripped his scraggly mane from behind and slammed his skull repeatedly against the wooden board.

"Grghh...! Nnnngh...! Haaugh...!" Finally, after the fourth and final contact, Imre's horn snapped off with a burst of sparks.

"Aaaaaaugh!" Shell hollered into the storm. The telekinetic field exploded, throwing Rainbow Dash and every piece of debris in opposite directions.

Rainbow Dash twirled through the black mists. Her hooves came into contact with a chunk of Lerrington rooftop. She stared breathlessly ahead, and in the ruby glow of her pendant she spotted Shell's weighted body slinking away in the mist. A sharp object twirled towards her. Without thinking, she grabbed it, kicked off the wooden chunk beneath her, and glided towards her nemesis. With one swift motion, she stabbed the sharp weapon deep into his chest and kicked his body away.

There was no yelp—not even a scream. A fiery branch of lightning stretched between them, and in that single flash Rainbow saw Shell falling, forelimbs spread, with the horn of Imre sunk deep into his sternum. Then darkness fell, along with Rainbow's body. She shook the moisture off her feathers and angled her wings out, diving below the murk and thunder. Coming out of the cloudbed, she stared with twitching eyes at the smoking remnants of Lerris.

Pilate's screams had given way to pained whimpers as he lay in Belle's embrace, quivering with the last throes of pain. His runic plate had finally burnt out, carrying the torture of the mana feedack along with it. Belle sat quietly with him, lovingly stroking his mane and tearstained face.

There was a crack of thunder—far louder than all the ones previous—and it forced Belle to look up from staring at Kera's trembling figure.

Her lips pursed as she saw a lone figure plummeting from the thunderclouds. She couldn't help but wince as it landed through the roof of a charred-black cafe in the center of the dead town. For a moment, her heart palpitated in horror, but then she saw Rainbow's body calmly descending upon the scene. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she leaned over to nuzzle Pilate close, sobbing.

"Grnng... hckkkt-glgllckkt..."

Shell spat blood, his broken body draped over a shattered table in the hollow of the cafe. His lower legs were bent at the wrong angles, and fragments of bone stuck savagely out the flesh of his right forelimb. Nevertheless, he summoned the strength to tilt his bruised face up. One he saw what was impaling his chest, his face began quivering. He jerked and heaved a shoulder until his one good limb grazed the edge of the pale horn. Instantly his eye teared up, and his face wrenched in a pathetic sob.

"Hnnngh—Graaaughhh!" He tilted his head up, howling mutely into the smokey haze of the room until his breath once again caught up with his anguish. "Haaaaaaaaaugh!" A deep inhale. "Imreeeee!" He clenched his teeth, blood oozing out one ear. "Grnnngh... your m-mother..." He hyperventilated. "I've failed... f-failed..."

Hooves crunched over broken glass.

Panting, he looked up to see Rainbow Dash standing before the shattered entrance of the cafe. He writhed, struggled, and ultimately slumped back against the rubble-strewn floor. His breath came in tortured wheezes.

Rainbow Dash stared coldly down at him. She looked left, looked right, then found a jagged chunk of wood—sharp as a stake. She grabbed it, slid it off the floor, and trotted on three limbs towards the Prime Enforcer. Finally, she stood by his side. After a few fuming breaths, she lifted the stake above his head.

He simply lay there, limp and battered.

Rainbow blinked. She exhaled, lowering the stake by her side. Slumping down, she sat above him, lungs rising and falling in a mirror to his pain.

The rain had slowed to an icy drizzle at this point, bathing the dead village in a cold sheet.

Shell's eyelid grew heavier and heavier. Nevertheless, after a full minute of gargling his own blood, he stole a glance of Rainbow.

She saw it, and finally the pegasus spoke. "She regretted all of things she did in the past, you know." Her brow furrowed. "The things you made her do? She had a conscience."

Shell sputtered, his lungs heaving painfully beneath the stabbing horn. "I... d-did not give it to her..."

Rainbow was silent.

"Snkkkt... I... have... f-faithfully served the will of the Queen... snkkkt—for years... decades..." Shell's chest heaved as his muzzle twisted to form the rewards. "My only reward? Grkkkt..." He limply brushed his one good hoof against the edge of Imre's horn. "This... is th-the first thing I c-can... grkkkt... feel..."

Rainbow gulped. "Loyalty can be a very cowardly thing," she murmured, her ruby eyes like daggers. "The hunter became the monster a long, long time ago."

"But you..." Shell's one eye teared. "You escaped..."

"No..." Rainbow shook her head. "I flew into it, Shell. The hunt began long before we ever crossed paths in Aridstone."

He panted and panted. A gurgling sound, and blood dribbled from his mouth as he hoarsely uttered, "All those deaths... all th-those ponies you cared so deeply for..." He wearily shook his battered head. "Gone... and yet... grkkkt... you're so... so... alive..."

"That's the thing you never got about death," she replied. "The more of it you deal with, the more you find yourself living. I'm telling you..." She shook her head. "It ain't easy..."

Shell's lips quivered. He finally dragged his hoof away from the horn and laid his head down against the ground. His breaths grew more and more ragged.

Rainbow Dash's jaw tightened, as did her grip of the wooden stake in her hooves. "It must royally suck... to not be able to feel remorse."

Icily, he tilted his head up and whispered back, "How unfortunate that you do."

"I know," Rainbow nodded. Then, fuming, she raised the sharp stake high over the stallion's head. "But not for this."

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