• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 7,503 Views, 677 Comments

Greene Fields under Red Lights - Europa

After an eternal moment of failure and fear, Elizabeth Greene awakens once more. But... where is she? She doesn't understand.

  • ...




Four days.

That was how long she'd been sick. Four days. She didn't know it at the time, of course. She'd been far too... busy. But, when she went up and asked Fluttershy she'd, said it had been four days. Four days of coughing, retching, of colors and forms twisting together into shapeless shapes, burning inside of her. The longest four days of her life, not counting the timeless prison of her Wayward Child because she really didn't know how long that was and it didn't matter in such a timeless place -

The longest four days of her life.

Elizabeth stood on the highest spire of Canterlot Castle, grimly looking at Equestria. Her wonderful wonderful wonderful eyes made out Cloudsdale, wreathed in red, but also in shimmering blue. Elizabeth winced, bringing a hand to her stomach.

She'd figured out how to make it not-hurt. How to make the burning hurting whatever-it-was stop burning hurting her so it never would ever again. Just pushing it out of her wasn't enough. What if they tried it again?! So she'd spent the four days focused almost entirely on herself, selfishly forgetting her children!

That made her feel so sad sad sad, especially when she saw the three equine nests that had forcibly expelled most of her children. Her Throwing Children, however, remained burrowed underground, so far untouched by the equines.

Thinking of her Throwing Children made her think of the six that had protected her when she was poisoned, whom she had sent to their deaths. Greene tried to tell herself it wasn't her fault, but it was. She was in too much pain and fear and so, she'd only had the presence of mind to give them one instruction: 'Kill them! Now!'

She had a lot of slack to pick up, and the day was young. With a fierce leap, Elizabeth fell to the ground and began her sprint. As she made her way across the country, however, she was anything but idle in her thoughts. First of all, she took inventory of the few new parts of cities she had, and had her children run a sweep through them to turn off any device that might have caught fire.

Elizabeth quickly ran through her children that were either in the open or in outright combat, and took notice of several closely clumped groups. She promptly spread them out; a unicorn female that no longer lived had taught her that lesson the hard way early on. There was one equine nest that she had had her eyes on for a while; she'd been ready to remove that thorn in her side when she'd fallen like an an an idiot into the trap.

Her Throwing Children had carved beneath it, using helpful hints from Fluttershy to make sure they didn't cut under any unstable points and collapse the city. They were in position, and the plan was simple. Her Throwing Children would punch holes in the streets and then sink back down, letting her Strong Children through. Then they'd erupt elsewhere and attack. She gave the mental orders - orders to her children, dire dire dire times indeed - and they Listened. The armies would, if not outright killed, be forced to leave Stalliongrad and any plans they had there. And with that done, she could finally, finally help the poor equines in that city.

But that would be later. She couldn't focus entirely on all her children's efforts; they were starting to become too numerous and while she was so smart ever ever ever so smart she had her limits and she was approaching them. Which was why she had her Thinking Children.

They could have free will to an extent, they would coordinate, they'd plan and be there for her children when she herself was spread too thin. Of course, Thinking Children was somewhat wrong wrong wrong; they only had the ability to think for themselves, they didn't always have to. Elizabeth wasn't cruel: when there was no more need for her to focus intently on each of her two and a half million children she'd let her Thinking Children not think again.

Elizabeth flicked her thoughts around, checking through her pegasus children - and one or two changeling children - just how bad things had gotten. The equine nests had taken her illness as as as opportunity to entrench. She'd have to break them before too long or she would lose!

But that was later later later. At the moment her sprint had brought her to her destination, Appleloosa. It was dry out there, a good good good thing. She didn't waste any time; a crystal field had been placed over the city to shield it, but it was out in the open. Elizabeth vaulted over a building, crystal-looking equines pointing at her and gasping as she sailed over to the generator in a single bound.

It wasn't much to look look look at. The pale blue crystal was the size of her head, perfectly cut into an octo... otcadro... octohed... eight triangle shape. It was held in a metal brace, nailed into the ground, and emitted a blinding blinding blinding glow that made her hiss and flicker with tendrils.

The equines around her were panicking as they saw her, rallying for soldiers and hiding in houses and none of that mattered as she grabbed the rock in her hands. She squeezed lightly, and it broke into shards with a screech, as if it were alive. The blue aura around the town fell and the equines turned not-crystal.

She wasted no time. Her Blessing surged within her and she bent over, red and white tendrils lashing at the ground furiously. She coughed, red mist coming out of her mouth, and then she threw her arms up and to the side, a nova of ruby fog of her Blessing washing out from her, engulfing the town in moments.

That done, she sprinted away. Through her mind's eye she could see her children fighting the equines and dying. A lot of places had changelings. She looked through them, jumping from scene to scene to see where she could help best... there! A group of equine soldiers, under a crystal field, had barricaded a street in Trottingham, and were dealing with her Throwing Children with pegasi and her Strong Children with a clever application of move-thought. Elizabeth adjusted course and told her children to back off; she was going to take care of it herself.

Her pounding feet tore up Equestrian soil as she bounded across the country, reaching the nest of Trottingham within minutes. The streets were still barricaded, and she could hear the equines conversing. All soldiers. None civilians. Anger blossomed in her, thinking about the soldiers.

"We might just hold this!"

"Look lively, everypony! Remain diligent! Pegasi, report!"

"Why did they just leave? Except..."

Then she was upon them, leaping up from a building and looking down at the street.

The earth ponies had formed a solid wall of bodies, with archers and unicorns behind them, roughly fifty-fifty. There were pegasi in flying in formation. There was one earth pony in particular with very elaborate armor. She'd save him for last.

At the apex of her leap, with pegasi shouting in alarm at her appearance, she tensed an organ at the base of her spine and moved the resulting tingles to her hands. She formed the energy into twin orbs of green electricity and flung them to the side, mentally directing each towards a given pegasus. Then she drew her fist back and let herself fall right into the middle of the ground equines.

But right before she could slam her fist into the ground a dark blue aura wrapped around her, suspending her just above an earth pony who hastily backed off, shouting 'Contact!' repeatedly. She blinked.

Elizabeth twisted around in the move-thought, watching as unicorns zapped her with beams that either tickled or did absolutely nothing to her, and as earth ponies and pegasi (Her orbs exploded, taking out five) shot her with arrows that bounced off her skin and suit. She soon spotted the unicorn soldier holding her, with a dark blue coat that matched the female's magic. Elizabeth growled and shoved her palms in her direction, the blast of air sending her and several others flying back, disrupting the magic and letting her fall to the ground.

Elizabeth Greene snarled and went about her business. She viciously mauled the unicorns, slamming them into each other and the ground. Once or twice more they tried to lift her, but even without leverage she was far from helpless, freeing herself with blasts of air or strikes of emerald lightning. They were her priority target, and though her unstoppable strength released blasts of force that knocked the other equines around, her red-tinted focus was on them.

Before too long there were no more unicorns, and she turned, a light cackle in her throat, to the pegasi. Not as dangerous as the earth ponies, not to her, but they could easily run away when they realized that was their only option. She had had had to take care of them right away.

The red around her sight - they were touching her how dare they touch her! - faded to gray, black and white tendrils lashing around her as Elizabeth's entire body, suit and all, turned numb. She lifted her head up, at the swarm of pegasi soldiers shooting her with useless, sharpened sticks, and roared.

The equines around her on ground level were blown back, the one in charge caught in the midst of some order or another IT WAS NOT IMPORTANT as the air in front of her compressed in a cone, a red flash of light behind her eyes replacing the gray. The crimson shockwave exploded out of her mouth with unstoppable force, force that had in the past, rent Similar machines to dust and brought her Wayward Child to his knees. The blast ended, and there were no more pegasi.

She turned her gaze to the earth ponies around her, striking with spiked horseshoes and blades and arrows. They felt like gentle taps, but roused her fury nonetheless because they had the nerve to lay their hooves on her! She tore through them just as easily as she had with the unicorns, armor ripping as easily as flesh, showering the area in blood and screams and she liked liked liked that because they deserved whatever happened because these equines were murdering her CHILDREN!

In less than a minute, there was only one equine left, the earth pony commander. Elizabeth could see that she'd broken both his front legs, so he couldn't run. Couldn't do anything except lie there, sword and shield just out of reach, helmet dented. He panted and tried to shimmy away, but one step and Elizabeth was on him, pinning the equine to his back, left hand around his throat.

"D-Do your worst, monster, I'll - "

That was the time it took for Elizabeth to decide what she wanted from him. Her right hand reached out and pressed to the equine's forehead. There was a rush of wind in her ears, a spike of pain in her head, and a flash of sudden knowing.

She stepped back as the equine passed out, hands held to her head as the memories bounced around. With an 'ugh' the earth pony went limp.

A moment later, she'd resolved the memories in herself. She'd gotten little from her general drain - useful things I don't know - but there was still some. Such as who was guarding the crystal field here. Where it was. Elizabeth turned to sprint after it, but paused and looked back at the sole surviving equine, laying in a puddle of blood that wasn't his. She raised a foot and put it through his chest, then sprinted away, searching for the crystal.

She found it not long after, in an abandoned warehouse under heavy changeling guard. They gave her marginally more difficulty than the equines; their shapeshifting did nothing, but they had flight, magic, and strength. Like a swarm of weak alicorns that bled green. But even so, they couldn't hurt her, and she could more than hurt them, and then shatter the crystal and let her Blessing sweep through.

Elizabeth walked through the streets of Trottingham. They were surprisingly empty, but even so she could feel new Blessings moving away from the failed, misguided attempt the equines had made of warding off her gift. Soon enough those ones would understand, be happy, and she'd protect them. At the same time she felt the dormant Blessing in Fluttershy, who wanted for nothing in the vast nest of Canterlot and and and smaller nest of Ponyville.

The changeling queen had vanished, presumably to the Crystal Empire, but through her scouting children's eyes she could see many other things. A unicorn in Los Pegasus, helping equines run while shouting down her children about not being great or powerful, Celestia and Luna incinerating her children.

That made Greene sneer. It would be time to start giving them new targets. She walked out of the warehouse and placed a hand on its outside and pushed out from her. Her warmth emerged and went down, underneath the warehouse and carved it from its foundations. One hand still channeling the mesh, Elizabeth lifted. The red and white webbing lifted with her, and the warehouse rose into the air, weighing nothing at all. She dropped it on a nearby building.

Elizabeth continued the process, lifting several buildings over her head and placing them together with others, forming a large 'box' of them. At the same time she summoned ten of her Warm Children from the tunnels beneath the city in preparation, red and white tendrils trailing far from their backs as they eagerly munched on her love.

Once the buildings were together, she flung herself at the seams, using her webs to hold them together, turning the nine buildings into one, giant empty spaces around the street where they had been before. Once they were secure, and fastened to the ground, she went inside. It took hardly a minute to smash the walls down and hollow out the interior, and then a little bit longer to engulf the insides in her warmth.

That done, Elizabeth dropped to the ground and opened the warmth near the bottom, walking out and sealing it behind her with a thought. She pulled in the warmth from four of her Warm Children, and then went to cover the outside of the Home-in-progress with her red mesh, making empty cocoons that her children could use to become Strong Children or Warm Children or Thinking Children.

Once that was done, she pulled in the warmth from the remaining six of her Warm Children and dismissed them back to the tunnels, where it was safe. She took the warmth she had just pulled in, burning and heavy and good within within within her, and started coating the outside of her Home with it. The cocoons, the walls, everything. She turned the mesh from squishy, bending but not breaking, into unyielding armor. The light red tint of the building became dark maroon, even blackened in some places, encrusted around the cocoons. The mesh grew out, spilling over onto the street. She made a Home that could effortlessly resist attacks, one that it took the Similars their more powerful weapons to destroy.

Satisfied that she'd created something that would occupy the alicorn sisters, with her children already coming around it for the miasma of safety and family it gave off, Elizabeth sprinted away to repeat the process elsewhere.

She found a place where her children were in trouble, and had them back off. Then she went there, smashed the soldiers, the crystal field, then created and armored a Home. Greene was careful to always keep at least one of her children looking at the alicorn sisters; she had barely defeated Celestia even with the home field advantage, and was not keen to try her odds against both.

She flew through Manehattan, sealed the little town of Oaklamp with a ring of her Throwing Children and Blessed the equines. She plummeted through the sky and into the Blessed streets of Stalliongrad, eviscerating changelings with the horns she ripped off of others, countering barely-warm green fire with emerald shocks. Time passed and Celestia's sun - strange strange strange to belong to someone so so so strange - moved across the sky.

It... somewhat disturbed her how easily she did it. How easy it was for her to go from loving mother to bloodthirsty engine of destruction. The equines and changelings deserved it, of course. They dared to harm her children, their own kin, while she still drew breath and they would pay with their lives for taking lives. Still, she couldn't help but wonder what Fluttershy would say if she saw her ripping apart crystal ponies and using their carcasses as projectiles. She wondered what Fluttershy would say, seeing her acting like... a monster.

She couldn't even blame it on the time she had spent in her Wayward Child's prison. Elizabeth could not blame it on the Similars and their Cold Dark Place that forced the Time for Waiting. She would have done that even in Hope, always done so to protect what was hers. It was needed, and it wasn't glorious but she took satisfaction in how easily they broke beneath her. Proof that they were broken without her Blessing, one way or another.

To her, there was no doubt about it; in a fight, Elizabeth Greene was a monster.

She didn't feel bad about it either. But she couldn't feel proud about it. Viciously defending her sons and daughters was one thing. Taking pleasure in the still-not-warm showers of blood and sound of screams and smell of fear was something else. Elizabeth wished she didn't feel that way. It would make Fluttershy so disappointed, and if Fluttershy was disappointed in something, someone, then they truly were doing something horribly horribly horribly wrong.

There was also the duality of her not crushing Equestria. She knew she could have. She knew she should have. Back on the Similar world, she had been limited by amounts of flesh, rationing out how many Throwing Children, Strong Children, and so on she could create. But her family's new way of feeding off love bypassed that. She could have transformed every last one of her children and obliterated the fiendish armies that opposed her and ended the war within a day or two but, but...

... if Elizabeth was honest with herself, her heart just wasn't in it.

She did not want to fight the equines. Against the Similars it had been easy; they did horrible things to her. But the equines? She did not want them to fight her. She wanted it to end, so that everything could be so much much much simpler. All the death was pointless! Each one that died on both sides was a child she would never care care care for ever. She wanted it to stop... she wanted to finally finally finally help Fluttershy.

She took a deep breath, and cracked her fingers with enough force to topple a building. No. She had to keep going. Greene had to keep being a monster and a mother until she'd seen it through. She'd come too far to stop. Failure for a third time was not an option. Each successive failure was worse than the last; she wouldn't survive this one.

Through her eyes she watched the alicorns fly, searching for her. She watched Shining Armor and that changeling captain fight side by side, outmaneuvering her children as they tried to break a crystal field. She directed and helped and spoke, and her children Listened. But as she was walking through a street in Stalliongrad, now totally under her control, she heard something.

The street in question was totally empty. She could feel newly Blessed equines hiding in their buildings, felt their dread and horror at realizing what had happened to them. That made her sad, but she knew that they'd soon understand it was the best thing to ever happen to them, especially once the painful transition was over. However this noise came from a closed-up house, doors and windows boarded over furiously.

She stepped towards the building, a quaint little thing with the sky-blue paint peeling off, and blinked. The world turned red, she turned white, but there was no yellow inside this building. Yet a noise had come from within. It was easy for Greene to conclude that someone in there hadn't been Blessed. She resolved to fix that.

Elizabeth took another step and raised her left hand. She gently pressed the fingertips to the blocked off door and pushed her warmth out of herself. It ensnared the boards, the door beneath, and even nearby parts of the wall, and then she pushed the warmth further in. Satisfied, she pulled it back, opening a plethora of invisibly small cracks. Once the last of her warmth was back inside of her, she took her hand off the wall.

A moment later there was a slight rumbling, and the section of the house she'd had ensnared collapsed into rubble, kicking up dust. Further inside, Elizabeth heard a scream and a whimper. At least two equines then.

"Shh, shh," she heard. "Quiet. It's alright." Elizabeth concluded that it was a female equine.

The inside of the house was decidedly simple. The roof was so low she almost hit her head. There were no stairs, so considering it was a two-story house the second story was for pegasi or the stairs were hidden. The initial room was a living room, with a couch and desks covered in pictures and knick knacks that Elizabeth cared not for. She ignored the egg-yellow paint, the pictures of a male, a female, and a young equine. She had people to Bless.

She walked through a doorway in the back right of the living room and entered what must've been a kitchen. The shelves were all closed. Dishes put away. Chairs pushed in. Doorways that perhaps lead to restrooms or bedrooms or whatever-not-important. All was as it should've been, except for the two cowering equines in the farthest corner from her. She slowly walked towards them.

They were both female. The larger one had her back against the corner, and had a pale purple coat and her secondary colors were dark blue. The mane and tail were both frayed and tangled, and from her angle Greene couldn't see her mark. The equine was shivering furiously, and the sharp scent of fear reached Elizabeth from across the kitchen.

The adult equine was holding her legs around... a child! A little green thing with a white-yellow swirl for secondary color. The pegasus child's eyes were closed and she'd buried her snout in the older equine's chest. Elizabeth's joy deflated when she realized her situation. They were afraid of her. That made her sad. These two weren't soldiers, she didn't want them them them to be afraid of her. She stopped her approach when the older equine spoke.

"N-No," she whispered hopelessly. "Please, please no."

Elizabeth had been passively releasing her Blessing. The two were already Blessed, but she wanted to help them before the transition began. She suppressed it within them.

The adult looked at her, red eyes wide and shimmering with tears. The child still shook shook shook. "Afraid, why?" she asked, her voice echoing powerfully within the confines of the house. Both equines flinched. "No need to be afraid," she said, creasing her brows.

"I - I don't want to be infected," she whimpered. "Please, please have mercy. S-She's just a filly please she's just a filly," she said, trailing off into light sobs.

Elizabeth bit her lip. The equine was terrified of her and her Blessing. Elizabeth didn't fully understand why they called being Blessed 'infected'. Probably the biased tales of the alicorn sisters. She pushed her warmth out of her feet and twisted it with her thoughts, pulling it up and forming a seat for her. Greene sat down in it. She looked at the child longingly. She wanted to hold her and protect her and whisper to her and make sure nothing would ever happen to the child child child precious child ever again. "Names?" she asked, trying to find a way to calm the equines down.

"C-C-Clay Slip, Clay Slip." The earth pony looked down at what must've been her daughter. "And she's, she's Spring Breeze. Please, please don't do it to us..."

"Spring Breeze," she said, trying out the child's name to see how it was she liked it. When she did, the little filly looked her way for a moment before closing her eyes even tighter and burying her snout in her mother's coat. There were specific chambers she had for her children children. Keep them safe safe safe. Keep them warm. "Why? Good thing, good thing."

"No, no it's not please it's not a good thing. Y-You won't fool me." Clay Slip closed her eyes. "Oh dear Celestia somepony help, somepony help..."

"Here to help," Elizabeth said. "Promise." She stood up and pulled her seat back into herself, Clay Slip looking at it in horror as it vanished. In her mind she could still see many things happening outside. The changeling queen had been spotted in the Crystal Empire, just as she'd suspected. Celestia and Luna were on the other side of Equestria.

Elizabeth took one step forward and put her hand out for Clay Slip, who let out an 'eep' and squeezed herself further into the corner. "No, no please, stay back! Stay back!"

She backed off. She had to go about this another way. "What think it does? What told?"

Once Greene had backed off, Clay Slip relaxed marginally and the scent of fear ebbed. "Please, please j-just stay back, stay back. S-Spare us please." Elizabeth opened her mouth to remark that that wasn't an answer to her question when she continued. "Or just her, please I beg of you, spare my daughter please I am begging you, Elizabeth."

She looked down sadly, her right hand fidgeting with the metal clasp of her waist-strap. "Cruel not to, cruel cruel cruel not to. Promise, not bad thing." She shook her head slowly, a strand of her hair falling in front of her left eye. "Why think bad?" Another crystal field in Manehattan fell, but the equines also created a new one in Baltimare. "Alicorns say?" she guessed. "Not bad, promise promise promise, Blessing good."

"Y-You won't trick me," Clay Slip whispered, hugging Spring Breeze close to her. "I know your plans. Y-You won't trick me, Elizabeth. Please, please spare her. Please..." she said, tears running down her face.

Greene's stomach twisted inside of her. She wasn't going to convince them with words. Only only only with actions. She bowed her head, so so so guilty at having terrified them. Then she stopped. No, she hadn't scared them. Celestia and Luna had, twisting what her Blessing did, making the equines think it monstrous instead of wondrous. She clenched her fists and relaxed, looking at Clay Slip and Spring Breeze. "Drink much," she rasped powerfully, before turning around. She left their house and let the Blessing inside of them do its work.

Once outside, she leaped to the nearest rooftops and sprinted away. She left Stalliongrad and angled for Los Pegasus, arriving in mere minutes. The unicorn was still there, throwing smoke barriers and explosives to help help help other equines flee, holding back her children and hurting some of them! So far that one hadn't killed any, but she was doing great harm regardless. Elizabeth listened to her through her children.

"Watch in awe as the great and powerful Trixie gives you all the chance to flee for your lives!"

"Be amazed!"

The unicorn kept boastfully holding back her children with surprising skill, letting other equines flee to another crystal field. She herself moved to it as the old one was broken. Elizabeth snarled and reached Los Pegasus, tearing through the empty buildings and reaching the unicorn, her children backing off. The blue unicorn had her back to Elizabeth and stood on her hind legs, forelegs out in a show of power. "See how the infected back away before the great and powerful Trixie? Now go, flee!" she shouted at the small gathering of equines.

She approached her from behind, Greene's shadow falling over Trixie. The clothed unicorn landed on all fours and turned around to her, horn glowing, a self-satisfied smirk on her mouth. When the equine realized who she was, green lightning arcing between Greene's fingers, her magic went out and she gulped nervously.

Elizabeth did not find her so great or powerful.


She landed in Canterlot again, in the castle gardens. She walked through them carefully, under the silvery not-too-bright light of the moon. A wide variety of plants and flowers blossomed around her, some shrubs trimmed into elegant shapes, a large one into a maze that was really very easy to figure out.

There were statues, too. But only one statue she wanted.

After a productive day, she had returned to Canterlot to personally spend some time with her closest friend. Currently Fluttershy was sound asleep in one of the houses in Canterlot, two of her Strong Children guarding over her. Tomorrow she'd go to Ponyville to check in on her animals. It made Elizabeth sad she couldn't be with her when she did that - she liked to help - but there was too much for her to do. Crystal generators to break, equine soldiers to tear apart, Homes to make.

And now, a danger to secure.

She'd been sure to take care of the Elements of Harmony long ago. She doubted Fluttershy would ever use them against her, but there was no record of what happened if only only only one was used. Did they have any abilities on their own, and they just grew exponentially together? Or was it all or nothing? Elizabeth wasn't keen to find out, so she hid them. Each one was buried in a random place in Canterlot, encased by a splatter of her webbing so she could keep track of them in case she ever forgot where they were.

The Elements were no danger to her, not anymore. Now it was time to remove possibly the greatest danger she could think of.

She reached the statue and felt a lump rise in her throat. She didn't want to be there. She didn't want to be around him. Elizabeth had never met him but just the stories were enough enough enough. But she had to do this. She swallowed her fear - it stuck in her throat - and approached the tall, twisted statue, its face frozen in terror, horror, and failure. She stopped right before the statue of Discord and took a deep breath, steeling herself. Not far behind her, the child-that-was-once-Blueblood meandered along the patrol she had given him.

She gulped, and pressed her hand to the bottom of his lizard leg, pushing some of her warmth out -

'Well well, if it - '

"AH!" she shouted, leaping back. She landed low to the ground, flickering wildly with red and white. After a minute she composed herself and rose, stepping back to Discord. He hadn't changed a bit, save for the finger-sized mesh on his leg. That meant he could only talk to her. She took a deep breath and touched the mesh and began -

'Well how rude! I know I don't exactly have many options to keep myself groomed but I like to think I'm not that ugly.'

She shivered. "What want?" she asked him, spreading her tendrils further without moving her fingers. He can't hurt me, she kept repeating to herself. He can't hurt me he can't hurt me he can't hurt hurt hurt me.

'Well just to talk to the lady of the day! And week. Coming up on month, too.'

"Talk about what?" she asked, fully ensnaring his lizard leg and moving to his hooved leg.

'Well I gotta congratulate you of course! I mean, it's not everyday you see somep... err, what are you again?'

"Evolved, Elizabeth Greene," she rasped, done with his goat leg and starting on his tail.

'Not everyday some-evolved just goes and takes over Canterlot! That old bug almost did it, but you didn't even need an army! Gotta give you props for that - oh that tickles!' That was her finishing with his tail and slowly working her way up his torso. 'Though your taste in decoration could use some work. I mean, why keep things as they are now?'

"Castle not mine. Alicorns'. Not not not mine. Work on Canterlot but not artist." She thought of her Home, and she could feel Discord looking the mental image over.

'Pfft, not an artist is right! You need to mix it up more! Some polka dots there, stripes there... and what's with all the red? Throw in some blue! Or white! Or ultraviolet - hey what're you doing?' he asked as she ensnared both of his wings, continuing up.

She sneered. "Know about you," she rasped, the repeats of her voice drenching the area. "What did, what can do. Not again." She finished with his torso and began to engulf his eagle/griffon talon.

'Oh ho ho! Looks like somepony's been talking to you about little ol' me. Was it wittle Woona? Sunbutt? Hey hey, not the paw!'

"Doesn't matter who," she intoned, fighting down her fear. "Know what done. Twist. Won't twist me. Never never never. Prisons fail eventually never never never." She was halfway done with Discord's lion paw.

'I hardly see how that's your problem. I mean, I was stuck like this for ages! Cut a draconequus some slack. I kinda doubt you'll still be around when I get out if you get what I'm saying, hmm? Besides, this stuff is so boring. Would some brown and pink kill you?'

"Don't age, would be there." If she didn't fail in her mission a third time, at least. She started winding her tendrils up his neck. "Son twisted Cursed. Won't let you Curse me. No no no." They passed over his eyes.

'Aw darn, I can't see! Hey, come on now, Lizzy! Black is so boring. Cut a strife god some slack.' Over his horns. 'Oh, I see how it is. Creepy tentacles of doooooom to take down the big bad monster. What are you gonna do, use these to bore me to death?' Now that Discord was completely ensnared by her tendrils, she began to push them in. 'Ah ah, you don't want to do that!' he cautioned.

She stopped. "Why not not not?"

'Ha, repeats, cute. But if you're really so worried about me - cute again, by the way - then you don't want to break this statue. I mean, come on. I'm Discord, you know? God of disharmony and chaos and strife and all that jazz? You really think being in pieces hurts me? I pull myself back together all the time! It's really funny to see the little ponies scream when I lose my head.'

She considered that. "Break you, free you..." she whispered to herself. Her tendrils began to pull out of Discord.

'Well duh! Come on, you don't get phenomenal cosmic powers like THIS without being able to survive something as simple as getting sliced and diced.'

Elizabeth stopped pulling her tendrils out and thought for a moment. Then she scowled, fear burning away. So that was his game.

'I feel scowling. What's the matter, Greeny? Turn that frown upside down.'

"Liar," she said, pushing her tendrils back into Discord. "Power lets reform when broken."

'And ten bits to Queen State-The-Obvious! Hey, ow, that hurts you know!'

"Power lets reform. Don't have power now."

'W-Well of course I do!' he said hastily. Elizabeth smirked. There was more more more than a hint of fear in Discord's voice. Good. Let him be afraid! He deserved it for corrupting Fluttershy. 'I'm talking to you right now aren't I? Aren't I?!'

"Touching you lets. If had power, wouldn't be here."

'Are you really willing to take that risk?! If you're wrong - '

"If wrong, will escape eventually anyway. All to gain none to lose." She pushed them deeper.

'Whoa whoa whoa hey now! Easy with the tentacles of doom! Ow! Hang on let's be civil about this, Elizabeth! We can talk this out! We can talk this - !'

With a thought, Elizabeth pulled her warmth back to herself. Once Discord was free of tendrils she stepped back to admire her work. Discord was almost completely unchanged, but then an idle wind blew through the night. With a crack and rumble, the cracks she had placed in Discord's statue made themselves known, and he broke into two dozen pieces, sliding off each other and down the pedestal.

Greene watched the pieces that had once been a draconequus, daring them to reform. They didn't. But just to be sure, she took a deep breath. Her body went numb with pins and needles, tendrils angrily whipping around her as color drained from the world...

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed. Please do leave a comment. Even if it's just to say what you liked and not to point out an error, everything helps; knowing what works is as important as knowing what doesn't.

Thanks to devas for editing the chapter!

I do not own MLP or Prototype, Hasbro and Activision do so respectively.